Am I in the wrong?

Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 2 years. We live together. Around March of this year, I found out he created a tinder account when we were fighting and he was using it. He only had the account for 2 days before I confronted him but he was actively swiping on other women. At first, he lied and lied and lied. Denied everything. He came up with every excuse in the book. Finally, he fessed up but told me he made it cause I made him mad and he didn’t plan on actually using it. He was just doing it out of spite, he claims.. Well, even though I was completely heartbroken, I continued with the relationship. He begged for another chance and swore it would never happen again. Fast word to now, we have been doing well. Every area of our relationship has been good. Up until yesterday that is. He made a Twitter account this month and the only content he is following is sex workers!! All naked women promoting their only fans and posting nudity on their Twitter as well. I’m so disgusted and sad. Same thing as the tinder story, he denied everything! Even though it was right in front of his face. He finally admitted to it but never apologized. He dismissed my feelings by saying I was overreacting and making a big deal over nothing. He said he was just looking and said at least he wasn’t buying the content. Like really? When we got up today, he acted like nothing even happened. I am going crazy. Is there ever a chance of this working out? Or is this only the beginning of him being a cheater and liar?? Would I be stupid to stay?

Cheating is something I don’t think anyone should deal with. It’s broken trust, I feel like if they loved you & knew you were the one they wouldn’t cheat… they wouldn’t chance it. The fact that he’s done it once & still did it another time just a different app is ridiculous. He knows how it made you feel the first time, men act stupid but they know. I would leave.