Am I in the wrong?

Go to a womens shelter and get the help you need. Tell your friend you need help. It’s not a good time for a relationship. He a good man just not right at this time.


Dude, why did you even move in?! Leave the poor guy so he can find someone to accept them both, :100: percent of the time!


He’s pushing you for too much. He is not a good guy. Please get out. Go to a women’s shelter. Get help. This is abusive whether you see it or not.


Therapy and you need to be single and not date men with kids.
Sadly, you can’t make him understand. He hasn’t lost a child like that. Him pushing you into having one isn’t healthy for any of you.


You don’t need a relationship right. Heal yourself first

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You do not need to be in a relationship right now. It’s not fair to him. You are using him. Do what you have to do but leave him and his daughter out of it.


Sounds like u just needed a place to stay, leave him so he can find someone that will love him and his daughter.


I hope you’re getting help.

If your depressed over losing your child then you should be happy to be around his daughter! Trust me it’s not easy being a step parent but it will be okay ! But you need to get your mental health better first ! And stop being selfish !!!


I am truly sorry for all you are suffering and have complete empathy for you as I have battled mental health problems for many years but , if your boyfriend can’t or won’t see your sickness like would he act differently if it was a physical sickness something tells me he wouldn’t and I understand that of course he loves his daughter and wants to have her around him as much as he can while she is still a little girl but You matter too ! You have your rights and if he can’t or won’t understand them then, maybe it’s time for a break be it short or longer you need time to heal yourself and if you don’t make your mental health a priority then, you will continue to suffer and not be happy even with a dream man . You have to like and love yourself before you can even think of loving anyone else except for your dog . Dogs aren’t called our best friends for no reason and you can love your dog unconditionally and your dog will always love you unconditionally which is why I can’t stand anyone who hurts animals good luck :wink:

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You need to move out get your own space,


Check yourself into a mental health facility for 10 days. There, you can give your mind and spirit a rest. You don’t have to worry about anything, but getting yourself back. It really does help


Go to a doctor, ask for help, they will get you setup with a counselor and get you on some medication that will help you. Don’t try to do this alone.


You need to get help with grieving your loss. You got into a relationship way too soon after being in a toxic one and then losing your baby. I hope you can find the help you need and peace in your heart.


You need your own place n get into counseling n hun please allow yourself to grieve hugs


It will be very hard to heal while in a relationship. I understand your state of mind and circumstances that got you to this point, but you should end the relationship and be on your own. But BE ON YOUR OWN. Some people never heal because they have to always have someone in their bed. You are in the wrong, only because you shouldn’t be in this relationship and while he’s ready for a full life, you still can’t get yourself together mentally. Prayers of healing to you and good luck.

Animal Shelters often have temporary housing for pets that are wanted if you talk to the people in charge of them they can foster your dog out for a couple months for you to get help. Don’t sign over rights to it just be like listen I need xyz and need this one not to be out on the streets. Then check into the hospital and heal then go back get the pup back and new housing. He may or may not be a good guy but if you are struggling this much it is only going to be toxic to you and them for you to skip helping yourself. So just bite the bullet and get the help you need then after that see where things are with him if you still feel like you want to be with him. Don’t ask him just tell him you are doing this and simply state it’s for everyone’s best interest because you don’t want to be a problem or toxic so you are getting help. Then just do it go get the help. If he is worth while he will stick around while you get help if not well good riddance you don’t need more toxic or trauma anyways. Hope this helps and good luck. Hugs. :people_hugging:


First of all, millions of women have miscarriages and as with myself, it helped me to think about all the other women who’ve lost babies to kind of get out of myself instead of dwelling on it. You said you weren’t ready for children yet anyway so you’re kind of being a diva. You said yourself. “I’m a very selfish person”. I think you are a narcissist, and you should get some counseling.


This man pressured you into a relationship and sounds like he’s trying to pressure you into children. You CANNOT do things to please others. You end up losing yourself that way.

If I were you, I would make an exit plan and get away from the whole situation before you get in to deep to get out.

You need to focus on you and your mental health. You have to be whole yourself before you can give to someone else.


U r a henderance 2 him n his daughter. This isn’t a attack but it’s the truth. That’s his daughter. Either take them as a bundle or don’t take them at all.


For your own sanity get your own place and medical help to sort things out. You will be much happier


Maybe find a Christian base healing home or program. Some places you can get in free and stay there through your healing process.


You can message me any time if you need to vent or just need a friend.

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Dont listen to the comments of what you should feel. Believe in yourself and your needs. You are very young. Dont be pressured into another baby until YOU want one. Leave him if he doesnt respect who you are & what you’re going thru.


You seem to be over analyzing. Which is normal after a toxic relationship and the loss of your baby. The thing is it’s a complicated world and you seem to have a stable relationship with your boyfriend. As an adult I would suggest love what you have including his daughter as love in itself is a salve for your loss.


First of all, focus on you. Go to a therapist that can evaluate you. Get on birth control. You are not ready to be pregnant.


First off you just lost your child. You are entitled to grieve that loss, do not let anyone tell you different.

Second off for being depressed and grieving I understand the need to not want to be another child and from what I’m reading that is not the only reason.

The thing people are not reading correctly is that your shielding a child from unnecessary arguments and your unhealthy mental state and that is something to be said most would not do because they or their partners selfishness.

And I think you are doing what you think is best for the child and I agree, a child shouldn’t watch adults fight each other like that.

My advice find a housing or long term foster for your dog and get the help you need, check yourself into a facility if that is what you need to do out go to a therapist. You need to heal mentally and emotionally. I hope you get the care you need and I hope it all works out.

Postpartum depression is a real thing, it can turn horrid and you deserve to heal.


Have you had any counselling at all? You need some ASAP, esp seeing as you are in a precarious position

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Find a support group for your loss. Baptist or Forsyth mat have them. Try the health department to see if they have any.

Move out and find another place. You need space to heal and he needs to focus on his daughter.


First you need to get ahold of the anxiety I lost my baby girl when I was about the same age first child except she was 6 months and I was in the same position I was a full time college student dad was no where to be found I had no family …. I was their first three months I was basically use less to myself or anyone else and to top it off I never wanted kids all tell you things my little girl taught my how to love children :clap:t2::pray:t2: I never had a live for kids until I had her :sweat: I found god that’s what saved my life it says only the pure in heart will see the face of god this gave me piece that one day I would see her again… and she was in a much better place then me I did go threw a lot of PTSD and anxiety for sure I learned a few tricks look up grounding this saved my life more then once you have to try it second hit in relaxed position you eyes back wards towards the ceiling and slowing and roll your head backwards still looking up and back this will reset your brain and neurons :ok_hand:t2::clap:t2::pray:t2: I promise it works for the depression your gonna have to push yourself and allow others to push and love you slowly but you can hide forever the pain will only last longer …:warning: try to do single things one day at a time and do showers make your bed every day !! Sounds stupid but it really makes a difference change into clean clothes everyday doesn’t have to be jeans just clean :ok_hand:t2: your not alone !! Not of use are !! And this pain and fear will pass I promise!! Ps you should talk to doctor about post baby blues weather baby was full term or not your body just took a giant drop in hormones!!! And this will cause serious issues I had baby blues with all my children after my daughter horrible horrible partly because I lost my first child and second the hormones man they are pretty evil and crazy you can have intrusive thought all kinds of stuff try the grounding trick it’s seriously saved my life I now have three healthy crazy happy babies and I’m 32 and happy as can be finished my degree worked for five years in the ER and now I am a stay at home mom life is crazy and you can’t plan it out I promise just take it step by step and let god do the rest lastly get of the birth control this will make your post baby blues way worse go get papraguard !!! It’s a hormones free implant !! This will help alot

Go to a therapist and get some counseling. Please don’t bring another child into this world until you do so. You still have a lot of healing to do first. At least you recognize that you are still healing. Many prayers for you.

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Leave, first and foremost. No relationship for now… especially with someone with a child.

Sounds like you need some space. Maybe get a place of your own and see him casually?

3 months and y’all live together and he’s begging for a child?! Run for the freaking hills as fast as possible.