Am I in the wrong

So it’s sort of a long story, it all started a few weeks ago, my neighbours (and so called friends) children started playing with my children, the fence in the back garden is nearly non existent so we just let them play together in both gardens, after a few days of playing together my children we being naughty so I called them in for the night (the rule being when the opposite houses children go in the others return to their garden) that night they didn’t, instead they proceed to kick and pound my back door demanding I send my children back out, we live at my father’s being his carer it made sense, my dad opened to door said they wouldn’t be back out and told them to go home to their own garden. 10 minutes later they are still in our garden we ignore it because they are just children then the same boy who was kicking and banging our door went into a pile of wood which we told then all to stay away from and picked up a 6ft fence stake and started swinging it around barely missing his sisters head, my partner went and took it off of him and demanded he leave the garden now, the boy and his sister then started shouting “oh f*** off” at him putting their fingers up chucking rocks at our windows so I messaged their mum to let her know what they were doing. She then proceeded to have a go at me over messenger calling my parter all sorts of foul names because her son swears but her daughter doesn’t so we are lying to cause problems, my partner swears blind the daughter was swearing to. We try to move past it and give the children another chance. All is well for about a week, one night we light a bonfire to get rid of some garden rubbish, branches from trees and what not, the next day the ashes are hot, I inform all children to stay away or they might burn themselves, but the same boy from next door doest listen, he decides to push my babies plastic push along toy into the ashes to see what happens and then chucks the toy on fire at the back of my shed, only when the fire is getting out of hand does the other children think to inform me, it takes 6 large buckets of water to put the fire out, my partner is annoyed when he finds out and tells me to tell then that child who doesn’t listen isn’t allowed in on days after we have a fire as it’s obviously something he shouldn’t be around, I calmly tell her and again my partner is all the names under the sun singling out her 1 child all the time, the next day once the ashes are cooled the children are playing again this time my partners children are here too, they come running in crying over this kid deliberately hurting them my partner still annoyed about the fire the previous day goes out and tells the boy he is no longer welcome in our garden the others are but if he can’t listen and won’t play nice we can’t let him in. I’m trying to be the bigger person and argue that our children can be just as bad. By this time the boy has gone crying to his mum and again I get a mouthful about how horrible we are. I give the boy 1 last chance and my partner says he’s staying out of it because the boy has had too many chances, the day after I’m watching out the window and the boy is purposely pushing my son over and laughing at him when he’s crying, I shout out and tell him to leave my son alone, so he runs up the garden to where he thinks I can’t see him and pushes my 3 year old daughter flying she’s in tears, I again shout out saying hurt any of my children again and I’ll tell your mum, he lies to my face saying no she tripped even though I had just watched it happen. For a few days they all get along again until yesterday the boy was purposely kicking a hard basketball towards a glass summer house in my garden, I nicely ask him not to because if it breaks they won’t be allowed in my garden again as it’ll be covered in glass. He seems to stop. I wander off doing jobs and in the house feeding the baby, a few hours later I go up the garden with the baby to play, my daughter comes down the slide and as she does she narrowly misses a piece of glass sticking out of the ground at the bottom of it, I pick it up thinking that’s strange and go to get rid of it, I come back to find my baby holding an even larger piece of glass, I look behind her to see the side of the greenhouse has been smashed in with bricks (bricks that again the children have been told not to touch) I ask my children what happened they both say its the neighbours boy, I calmly explain the situation to my neighbour and tell her children won’t be welcome for a long while as there is glass everywhere. I say I didn’t see what happened but this is what my children said, she asks him and he blames it all on my son with a grin on his face (which I know for a fact wasn’t true even if my son was involved (which I’m not saying he didn’t help i told him off as if he did without verification that he did) as if my son was doing it alone the same boy would come and tell me as he does every time my sons doing something wrong he finds it funny getting others in trouble) his mum asks him for 20 minutes before he grins and says yeah I did it so what. She forces him to say sorry (which he refuses to do many times) then says she’ll put a fence up. Go by 10 more minutes and she shout my name, I go to see what’s up and she starts screaming and shouting at me, apparently her partner messaged my partner explaining what happened and my partner replied with I’ll put a fence up when I get home thats the end of it. She’s swearing at me calling me all sorts of names, telling me to keep my partner out of it when I didn’t even bring him into it, I ask her to stop screaming at me and swearing at me in front of my children, I repeatedly tell her I haven’t done anything wrong and ask her to leave me alone, she continues verbally attacking me swearing shouting the lot, I suffer with manic depression and anxiety going out in my garden is a big enough step without having to deal with this, I start getting upset and crying while repeating I didn’t do anything leave me alone and the I scream it getting really really worked up, to which her friend starts having a go at me for being bloody dramatic. My neighbour shouting at me is supposedly my friend, she knows I have depression and anxiety and that I don’t leave the house and then they bully me for not being able to cope with being verbally attacked in front of my children in my own garden when he child is the one who has caused all the problems. I never shouted at her, I didn’t get angry when I could have finding my 11month old holding sharp glass, or seeing my daughter miss the sharp bit sticking up at the bottom of the slide which had been chucked about and could have cut her open, I calmly told them to try and prevent further problems and then she attacks me. I go inside crying and hide in my room, she continues messaging me abuse blaming it all on my partner because he’s a **** even though I can’t see how he’s in the wrong and I wasn’t the one who bought him into it anyway, her blaming him if we fall out bla bla bla. To which I reply no you’re he reason I’m not your friend anymore the way you just verbally attacked me in the garden was wrong and that’s why we will fall out its nothing to do with him and them block her. Her partner messages me stating we have been friends for years and I shouldn’t let a piece of glass or my partner make us fall out, again I reply that’s not why we’ve fallen out the way she just verbally attacked me is. They argue that their child has mild adhd and its not his fault, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid he knew exactly what he was doing and was laughing the entire time his mum screamed at me. They are all having a go saying I’m in the wrong but I can’t see how, he’s had his chances, how can I let him.back in after he’s done this and they’ve had a go at me instead of him, he’ll just do it again. My anxiety is now making it so I dont want to go in the garden with my children or to the school out of fear she will attack me again. My partner says that we will be friends again in a week but I don’t think I want that, what friend treats you like this? Please I need advise, I’m very depressed and I just don’t know what to do, I don’t want to lock my children in the house but I don’t feel comfortable taking them outside anymore.