Well she isn’t going to be able to be in daycare until January at the earliest because of the lack of availability… and that’s when I’m going to school….
I’m already mad cause ive had many conversations with him about my older daughter (6) who won’t go to sleep until I get home and make her. I get mad that he doesn’t enforce her going to sleep and he plays video games with the baby in his game room while my 6 year old just watches tv until I come home and make her go to bed. Also she has barely been doing homework this year because I have had a new baby that I’m adjusting to.
Am I wrong for being mad after talking this over with him again and again. Should I be doing something different? I feel like I’m always mad cause I’m always cleaning, cooking, running errands, or working, and he’s just smoking weed and gaming away….
Granted he pays all the bills and rent. Am I justified for my anger or just being extra ?