Am I over reacting about what my mother-in-law said to me?

You and your husband need to sit down and talk about what the best move for YOUR FAMILY is, I get he probably wants to hear his mom and what she has to say but at the end of the day she has no concrete say in what you do or where you move your family, buy your dream home life short


You can tell her that wasn’t very nice thing to say about your grandparents

Its your life & your business. Cut her off, she has no right to tell you how to live. I would move far away from her. Trouble maker for sure!

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How does she know about the baby in bed with you, (none of her business) and why does your husband put her on speakerphone knowing she says stupid stuff that upsets you? He needs to be more protective of your feelings, and you need to distance yourself from her.


There are people in this world who are both practical and blunt and don’t think about how what they are saying will affect others until it’s pointed out to them. You said his mother was on speaker. Was she aware that you were also on the call?

From a practical side, if you are going to inherit a large sum of money at some point, the argument could be made that waiting to purchase is a good move, as you could pay cash and avoid rising interest rates. Here they have already gone up 2.5% since the beginning of the year. You could always buy what you want and then pay it off with any money that you may or may not inherit at some point in the future.

Of course, there is every possibility that your grandparents will live a long lives, so it makes sense to live your life for your family today and make choices that work for your family today.

That said, the only way your MIL would know that you stand to inherit money from your grandparents would be if YOU or your husband told them. So if you brought this issue to light at some point, you can’t really blame your MIL for weighing in with her opinion on it now.

Wishing both of your grandparents a long happy and healthy life with you and your family.


You shouldn’t sleep with your infant. It can kill them. Use a bassinet next to your bed.


She needs to stay in her lane. She should have no opinion about your grandparents or child, unless asked. But the audacity…

Tell your husband he needs to start shutting down any conversations he has with her about how you raise your kids and your grandparents


Just say to her nicely you’d prefer to buy a home with your money not dead people’s money. Just say it in passing not even like it matters. Don’t hang around long enough for a response. Anything about the baby just reply it’s so wonderful how far we’ve advanced in knowing better ways to be more bonded to our babies. And then walk away.


Sounds like your husband is doing a lot of talking behind your back to his mother. I would start there.


It’s wild to me she even knows your grandparents might leave you an inheritance. Sounds like this woman is someone you should stop sharing personal information with. She obviously has no manners.


I would’ve been like " Or, we can wait for your ass to die and use your money instead "
But I’m blunt, ill toss shit bk real fast.

You’ve got to speak up to her and ask her who the hell she thinks she is. Because sure as hell your husband won’t. That is absolutely horrible to say to someone about your grandparents. But I like the comment someone else wrote. You should’ve asked her how much you’ll get when she passes. I’m sure she wouldn’t like that. But if you don’t put her in her place she’ll always treat you like this.


I had that MIL for 25 years. I’m sure she was perfectly lovely to everyone else, but she made my life a living hell. If you want your marriage to work, you need to straighten your spine and tell that old biddy off. I regret spending years “being nice”. You need to set boundaries.


Cut her off. And if he don’t like it then bye to him too. That comment she made maybe he agrees with it and won’t tell you. I definitely wouldn’t give them shit when your grandparents go. They are like your parents.

Do what you want for you and your family and for your kids…you haven’t got to listen and take her advise…why are you even worried that she thinks she has say over yours and partners say…put your foot down and make a stand other wise you be always walked over.

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I could not have asked for a better mother in law.:heart:

I would have told her she could die and give us her money then if she feels that way


Not overreacting and it is none of her business do what you want she will get over it

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You absolutely should of questioned her when she said it, in my opinion it’ll be difficult to bring up after the fact, that was probably something you needed to nip in the but when it happened with the type of lady she seems to be, so yeah I agree with just separation between you two, as much as you can get and I’d make that clear with your husband, it’s super not okay that he’s not supporting your feelings in that matter, that’s so insane that someone would make a comment like that to you and that your husband doesn’t even see an issue in it let alone wants to claim your over reacting instead of just understanding, I’m so sorry hun :two_hearts::two_hearts:

First of all who puts a baby in their own room for the first 12 months… and it’s never a good idea for a baby to share your bed it’s dangerous… and yes she out of line for saying stuff about your grandparents and your moving it’s up to you and your partner where u buy a house and when you move… if you want to take a step back or break from her then do so just get hubby to drop of children or to take children to see them if you don’t want to go for the time being…


That grandparent comment made my jaw drop. Woooooow


“I would of Said or why you guys Die and Leave us money” that’s Basically how I took it just want for your parent figures to die so you can get their money thats Rude and Ignorant I don’t like confrontation either But I would have went off rather Husband liked it or not! Thats a very Heartless thing to say

I’d make the comment next time they’re on the phone together “we could always just wait til your mom dies and just use the money from that to pay for _______”

Bet they’ll both change their tune


Young one, do not keep your feelings inside. If you don’t speak up - your baby is going to feel it. Besides - you and your feelings Matter. If you don’t put your foot down- it can/will continue and possibly get worse. Your life, your husband, your relationship, your decision( actually your husband and you on the last two) -


Your not over reacting what you should do is tell her that this is your family and your decision to sell and buy new home definitely has nothing to do with her and where your baby sleeps is none of her business


She sure tf isn’t wrong about the bed thing. As for the house thing, still not wrong. Of course you’d like to have them around vs the other, doesn’t change the outcome tho. You must’ve said something about money after they pass for her to even bring it up. That’s on you. Take that up with the mirror


Your not over reacting. First and foremost an inheritance is a gift for you, it has nothing to do with your husband. Your in laws know to much about your private life and finances, time to stop sharing. What was said was very insensitive and rude. I’d talk to your mother in law and tell her how you feel before it takes up to much of your head space

Her opinion, your life your decision don’t make it more than it needs to be


How dare she assume you will inherit from your grandparents! Grandparents might choose to leave anything they have to animal welfare society! Tell MIL and husband that adding you will have to wait for her to die and leave you and husband everything she has! Bitty bitchy woman!

I have parents like this. I always just ignore it and do what I want and what is right for my family.

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Don’t get my started on inlaws. :roll_eyes:

I wish I stood up for myself yrs before. But as far as I’m concerned now. If they can’t treat me with respect they can eff off…


I think she’s trying to be well meaning and good intentional.
Discussing your grandparents passing is a reality :woman_shrugging: but nothing wrong with you saying that you’re not making plans for that any time soon, that you want them here for a very long time. If she won’t drop it, I think it’s ok to say that you and your husband do not make plans when she will be dead either. Maybe her perspective will change.
As far as her repeating herself, she does that because she isn’t getting the response from you that she wants. You need to just change the subject or allow for awkward silences and be ok with that.

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Try getting up n walking out of the room when she starts in. Or maybe tell her she’s rude asf to get a life. Sounds like u married a Mommas boy-eeww that’s a tough one fr! I would tell her that you’d appreciate her treating u n your family with some RESPECT!! Either way u need to stand up to her, she continues on n on bcuz she’s a BULLY n u never say anything. In the long run she may respect u more 4 standing up to her❤

You have cause to be upset but since you’re not a confrontational person it magnifies the situation. Plus it doesn’t help that your husband doesn’t share your feelings so it compounds the issue. There are different reasons why pelee repeat things and it’s not always personal, either way acknowledge the comment and reply that is not what you’re going to do, etc. Example, I understand how you feel about kids in the bed and I’ve heard you repeatedly state that, but that’s not what I’m doing with my kids. Great that it worked for you and your kids, we’re not the same type of parent but thanks for your input. The comment about the grandparents would’ve made me petty though and I probably would’ve said something to the effect of “and when you die we’ll have more money too.” LoL. But honestly you could equally say, I’m sure you see my grandparents passing as a financial opportunity to wait for, but we’re trying to establish a life on our own merit, whatever inheritance does or doesn’t come of not a factor and that’s not how we want to live or life.

Just do whatever is best for yourselves not the 'in-laws, our-laws, cousins, aunts or uncles.