Am I overbearing for watching my kids so closely at the park?

Watch your kids. Stay in eye range. There are sick people out here

Yes watch them carefully, but kids being kids do stupid things like wandering off and don’t see the dangers. One of my daughters particularly was always disappearing when I was paying at tills in shops. There are times when kids will do that. From being very little, as early as they could understand it, I talked to my girls about bad people pretending to be nice. We made up stories and had games where I would pretend to be a baddie being nice and they all ended up with the children shouting “No” and running away. We had designated safe places and safe people in town when we were shopping, so if they lost sight of me I knew that they would go to Lynn in the cake shop or Ann in the paper shop and be safe. We also had a password that the children chose themselves. If anyone, not necessarily a stranger, spoke to them or claimed Mummy sent them and they didn’t know the password they had to scream loudly and run away. They knew Mummies with children and police officers were safe to go to for help. Watch them, but also give your kids the tools to help themselves.

Nope you’re not!!! Keep watching those babies, never take your eyes off them for a second, you’re doing a fantastic job

It just means your a great mom♥️

I would rather watch them too much then live with a lifetime of regrets.

not at all! they’re super young.

I think a lot of this depends on the size and busyness of the park. There are a few parks near me I don’t go to because they’re too big that you could sneeze and lose your child, too busy, the play structure so tall you can’t see your child at all times or being more than one way out of the fenced in area making it easier for your child to get away. I prefer the smaller parks that only have one exit out of the fence and that I can see my child anywhere from one park bench without having to follow them around.

Absolutely not overbearing. Children can be kidnapped so fast and easily. It’s terrifying.

Hawk mommma and no regrets. It only takes a second to snatch a kid . I’m good.

When I take mine I’m not on my phone, I’m not looking away hell I don’t even talk to other parents

You should educate your kids about strangers , let you know when they got to the bathroom or leave the park area. I always told them if they can’t see me, I can’t see them so better for them to stay in mommy line of sight. 20 ft away to far and a stranger could still them before mommy can get there. When is it good to yell for help. Going to another area of the park depends on the size of park vs how many people are there, get them to wait until everyone ready to move to another area. Try to buddy up to another parents of your kids friends so you can all go together at the park two pair of eyes are better then one. You can always ask a friend to go with you to make it easier.