Am I over bearing watching my kids like a hawk at the park? They are 4 and 6 years old. Today the park was busy and it was REALLY stressful trying to watch both of them. I am so paranoid that one of them will get taken. Especially how our world is today. But I just wondered do you guys just let your kids play and talk to your kids about safe people or do you try to watch them really close because it’s extremely difficult to try to watch two kids When they run different directions. I see other parents on their phones and not really watching their kids and when their kids need something they will come up to their parents but I just can’t do that
You’re doing amazing! I never understood why parents are glued to their phone while at a park. Shoooooo, I’m out there with my son playing with everything I want to have fun too. Sheesh
We live in a very small town, like doesn’t even have a stop light town. I have no qualms sitting on the sidelines watching my three girls play. I think it really depends on the area and the amount of kids vs adults there.
Times are different now than they used to be. You’re doing the right thing. Your kids are still young so you have time to find a more comfortable balance.
Keep watching closely. You are a great parent.
definitely in this day & age watch them!!
You watch them every second and every step. And if they end up separating from each other and you can only look one way obviously. They still need to be taught about strangers period. My daughter who will be 3 in may will smile at a stranger if they talk to her but she will cling on to me and not leave my side
You’re not paranoid. You’re being a really good parent!! my daughter is 9 and I am always watching her when we’re out somewhere. There’s way too many evil people in this world now days. We’re just trying to keep our children safe.
It was easier years ago than it is now. I watch my grandkids like a hawk. I dont let them out of my eyesight even to play outside
I always watch my kids, but I will say my 10 year old has been told that if anyone makes them feel uncomfortable in any type of way, run away from them. She knows of “stranger danger” and to run, kick, scream, fight, whatever … but I also never leave their sides, I’m always with them and play with them. What scares me most is someone trying to hurt me to get to them more than someone trying to approach them with me so close. Lots of moms can be an easy target. Scary world we live in. Stay safe everyone !!
I come from the Gen of milk carton kids. As we drank our milk in school. Some kid who went missing was plastered on the side. So yeah I get it!
You have to watch their every move nowadays!
You are not paranoid. They are still super young! I remember when mine were that young, it was so stressful going to the park by myself, and trying to keep an eye on them both.
I watch mine like a hawk if there’s a lot of people around and she’s 4, I’ll follow her everywhere she goes, when she goes down a slide I have her wait down there for me to get around to her. If there’s hardly anyone around I’ll sit down at the tables by the playground and watch her.
Your children safety is more important then anything else! I follow my children every step my eyes are never off them it can happen so fast!
Can never be too overbearing it’s your kids who cares what others think. I watch mine like a hawk too and idc!
I teach my kids a safe word. They can’t go with anybody without the safe word. AND I taught them to fight back. Scream “you’re not my dad/mom” it will get attention drawn to the kidnapper. Also basic martial arts start at age four. And is very helpful. And watch them give them Independence but let them play and watch them.
I’m a helicopter mom. I watch my kid like a hawk. We talk about safety all the time. And make sure she knows to be in the eye view. I move every time she gets out of eye view. Or we end up playing together.
It’s called a helicopter mom. I am one too… my angel is my life and she is 12 and I still watch like a hawk. This world isn’t what it used to be.
I’m the same. I’m the mom that will pick up the kid who feel down give him a hug and help him to his mom. I’m watching all the kids. Mine are 8,4,1 so we limit the park to like once a week and play outside at home where I don’t feel the need to go three ways at once. My oldest was just complaining that we don’t go to indoor playgrounds or Chuck E. Cheese things like that, and I explained that there is no way for me to keep track of all three of them and that we will go to places like that once his brother is a year or two older
I’m the same way. I saw this mom let her 3 or 4 yr old out of the car, and she sat in the car doing something on her phone. I was horrified for that kid. I’d rather be a little overbearing and know my kid is safe. I give her enough space to play, but she is in my sight at all times. I don’t want to take that risk. Her life is to valuable.
Maybe you can go with a friend and each watch one. You can’t be too careful. You’re doing fantastic mama.
I am a helicopter mom always watching them.
Only time I pull my phone out at the park is take pictures of my kids. I just sit on the bench and keep an eye out, not just my kids either. I try to take note of which kid belong to which parent just in case they miss something.
I always kept a close eye on my kids when they were small. Followed them every direction they went. Thankfully I had 11.5 years between them… so I didn’t have the stress on watching two small ones at the same time.
I think it definitely depends on ages, each kid’s personality, frequency of park trips, location etc. If you live in tiny town where you know everyone and only couple other people at park, doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be so intense, but in middle of busy city, absolutely! I never agree with being glued to phone, unless you’re working on telephone call and wanted to spend business hours at park! That, I think is awesome! Figuring out both worlds is hard!!
I had one son and a nephew I helped raise, each were very, very different at the park. One I watched like a hawk and other never went further than 10 steps away But I agree with other Kelly~ I’m watching every kiddo around me, no matter where I am or what’s going on! I always have extra water and snacks on hand! It definitely takes a village, no matter how dedicated or rich you are, everyone needs help once in awhile!
But EVERY child needs to be taught AND reminded about safe spaces, adults, dangers and ways to react in different situations. They can handle it at any age. If they can have school shooting drills in kindergarten, you can definitely talk about stranger danger!
Best of luck to us all!
I have 3 and always watch them… even count them 1…2…3… ok…and repeat so I know everyone is always accounted for… ya never know when something could happen to you or your family… not only that but making sure they are playing nice with the other kids and being careful around the little ones…idk what I would do if something happened to my kids while I was on my phone…I would die!
I’m the same way there’s perverts that could be scouting out kids also human traffickers there is no such thing as being to careful or to overprotective in a public place when your not in your house I even worry about myself getting abducted too so I’m always aware of my surroundings I see someone walking my way or behind me I’m watching like a hawk that way if they try to pull crap I’m already aware. Keep doing a good job and do what make you comfortable it might be stressful but it’s better than being stressed and worried if they are alive somewhere if they get kidnapped
We live in a really small town our park is pretty empty all year round so my kids just play but I’m on a bench my oldest r 16 and 14 youngest is 6 so I really only have him to watch the other two roam the town with friends. When we visit bigger cities I’m always with them at least standing by play structure ( I don’t think I can climb )
I hover I am on that playground with them going down slides and climbing up towers lol I don’t trust how scary this world has become. So no I don’t think you’re overbearing, you’re protecting your children.
I’m always watching my daughter I can’t let her out of my sight. So you’re not being paranoid.
I let my daughter go. It’s her time to be independent and socialize. She’s an extreme social butterfly and will talk to everyone. Situations like that are our only “apart” time so it’s super important she has solo time and time to learn to function with new friends and people she will meet. If I hover over her then I have to chat and be social with other moms and I loathe that so I’m very happy to let her go and do her thing so I don’t have to do the thing
i tell my oldest 7 not speak to strangers, stay close by so i can see and tell me before going anywhere… but i do still watch her as much as i can, with multiple kids however you can only do so much with only 1 adult. I watch my youngest like a hawk and always check over to my eldest. Better to be safe than sorry x
Girl I’m the type to keep watching them in my back yard even tho we have a high gate and it’s all locked can never be to safe now of days
Nah not at all. With the happening now a days…I’m always watching my youngest and my oldest. She always have her head in the clouds and I tell her to keep watch of her surroundings
Someone could walk up and snatch one at ANY given time. You are NOT paranoid.
I don’t take mine without another person with me and I only have one to watch out for.
People grab kids out of shopping carts, a park is no different.
I watch my kids like a hawk, I also watch other peoples kids. I also have been a daycare teacher for ten years. I’m used to being on kids like a hawk lol you’re not being overbearing at all. I would definitely have a conversation about people and even kids because sadly, unsafe people use children. But i would still watch them
I actively watch the whole time too
I used to watch mine like a hawk too. Your anxiety will calm down the older they get.
I follow my kids EVERYWHERE at the park. I don’t care how I look, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I don’t trust anyone these days
Definitely watch them like a hawk for sure!
I ordered be in a tiny town so I don’t watch to close, but I did I. The city I used to look be in. Also 4 is young and they do need to be watched more closely
I think it depends on the personalities of your kiddos. In general I think more parents need to be more involved in their kids play time at the park. I’ve had so many weird or uncomfortable situations and the other kids’ parents are nowhere to be found.
I would do exactly as you’re doing. Kids (and adults) go missing every second of the day.
I would see a therapist to help you deal with these irrational fears. It is totally normal & a therapist can help you learn to let your kids have the space they need.
Definitely watch them like a hawk. I remember years ago Oprah did a special, parents had talked to their children about never going with strangers and when they had a guy ask the kids to help him find his puppy or asked if they wanted to see one, 95 percent of the kids went with him.
It’s better to be overprotective then not watch and have something happen to them.
I really hate the stigma of moms who are protective of their kids. In todays day and age you can’t be too careful. Yes. You wanna allow them to go off and do things without needing to hold their hand the entire way, and yea you wanna raise your kids to be strong independent adults, but you can do that and also be weary of the public. It’s ok to be over protective.
I’m the same way. The world isn’t kind anymore. Watch them babies:heart:
I’ve always watched my kids. Ive gotten a lot of criticism for it. Parent how you feel is best. If you don’t watch your kids people will have a problem with that too. For some giving others a hard time, causing drama is entertaining to them. Ignore them.
I do have to admit that keeping track of 2 kids in a park is exhausting. We used to live near 2 parks. We didn’t go often because it was too exhausting.
You do what makes you feel comfortable. I always dressed mine in fluorescent colors when we went to the playground, so they would be easier to see.
I’m a helicopter mom, better safe than sorry
I usually leave my phone in my vehicle so I’m not distracted cuz I’m the same way n my youngest 2 r 6 n 9! Ur doing exactly what ur supposed to do!!!
I too am a hawk. Mine are 3 & 7 so I usually follow the younger one while lingering around the same area (or at least within eyesight) of my 7 year old. I get it. It’s stressful!
I usually put bright highlighter colors on so its easier to spot her and I walk around with her
I’m one of those mums that goes to the park and I’ll find a spot to sit and stay in and let’s my son have his freedom. We’ve always told him where his boundaries are and not to go any further and taught him stranger danger and to stop stand still and shout. Its a park full of parents and that will alert everyone there.
Dad is a different kettle of fish tho he helicopters around him watching his every move. Everyone is different my son is now 10 and I miss those days at the park x
I alwaysssss watch my kids.
I’m watching my kids AND yours, promise you that. You need to take that phone call real quick, I gotchu. You need to run to the restroom. Go ahead, I’ll keep my eye on yours, too. It takes a village. #NotOnMyWatch
You are doing what a parent should be doing,these parents who are talking on their phones not watching their child might regret it one day when their child gets hurt or taken,keep doing what you are fudging,you are doing a good job
I watch my 4 year old like everyone else around us is a bad person. I can’t help it. I hate that’s how it is now but she will not leave my sight. Even when her sister “has her” she gets distracted and looks away for even. Moment. So yea … I feel this
Mine are 8 10 and 15 and I am right on top of them at parks and anywhere. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye!
I still watch mine 9,7,6 although we are in a really small town in nz, it’s pretty safe here tbh it’s not really a country where kids are taken like very rarely I’m talking once in 10-20 years type thing but regardless I let them have their freedom but also know where they are at all times
I’m definitely a helicopter mom and not ashamed one bit! This world is crazy these days amd can’t truly trust anyone! Even my older boys 13 and 14 I watch them closely too but they kinda know better than to go to far but my Littles are 8 and 3 so I always keep them close and watch like a hawk.
I keep my eye on them too always 6,7&11 so it’s totally normal girl.
It’s normal. I don’t even enjoy taking my kids to the park anymore because it gives me anxiety and makes me paranoid. If I can’t see them I start freaking out on the inside. Unfortunately that’s the America we live in today. It’s extremely sad.
I also take care of my children that way, especially in the park where there are strange people, many people call me paranoid but I prefer that to something bad happening to them.
can never be too careful… like you said, this world is crazy…
Never too careful at that age
Choose a smaller playground that’s fenced all around.
The one I take my grandson to has only one way in/out.
And the adults all sit next to it. Kids get to play more freely and adults get to talk. Win/win
I have my eyes on my kids at all times
My husband and I BOTH stay within 15 feet of ours.
We have 4!
All it takes is one second and a fast runner, and they are gone.
I mean it’s normal to watch your children at the park. But, I just want to say that kidnappings haven’t risen since I was a child and violent crime has decreased nearly by half. “Times are different” is accurate, just for the better and I wish more people understood that instead of thinking so negatively about the world.
My kids are 17,16,14, and 5. I still watch ALL of them when we go somewhere. I don’t trust anybody in this world today. People are crazy. You’re not paranoid, you’re a mom you’ll never stop watching.
When we go to the park (i have a 7,6, and 2 year old) I put trackers on my older kids and ask them to stay where I can see them. I talk to my kids about the dangers of the world on a level they can understand without instilling too much fear and they seem to get it. They know it’s not safe to wonder off. They know that if anyone ask them to come see something to say no. They know if someone does try to take them to kick, scream, run away and to find a mom with kids or a worker (if we’re at a store) I would talk to your kids about the world and the dangers of it on a kid friendly level. Don’t freak them out but let them know that there are dangerous things out there. All we can do is the best we can
If you for some reason cannot keep an eye because of too many kids. Before play look for all exits to the park to scope them out. Tell kids a meeting place. A safe word to yell incase they need you and your not in view. Their are ways to teach your kids a safety plan. Also teach then the no no spots on men and women where to kick and hit first that will give them enough time to run for help.
I watch my kids but I focus on bigger kids,teens,taller kids, and adults that are in the playground. No you should be paranoid. !
No, it’s your job as a mother to watch them and protect them at best as you can. You don’t need to ask social media.
When there are a lot of people at the park I’m watching like a hawk as well … too many crazies out there using women and other children to lure kids away from their mothers .
I do talk with my kids all the time about strangers amd safe people. My kids are 13, 11, and 4…BUT no matter where we are my eyes are glued to them because I TRUST NO ONE!!!
I’ll be watching my kids like a hawk. And yours. You cannot trust people. The world is a scary, scary place! Not paranoid at all.
I won’t take my 2 grandchildren to the park by myself for this very reason!
get a location tag on each child and dress them in bright alike colors. you wear that color too so they can see you!! the location tag is to find them when not in your sight. you could even play a game of hide and seek at home and see how the tags work!!
Odd question. Yes watch the heck out of your kids.
Right on! …… I heard about a grandfather who stood right outside a campground bathroom while his young grandson went in to do his business. When it seemed to be taking too long the grandfather went inside, and found his grandson had been sexually violated and physically injured. When my boys were young I took them into the ladies room with me.
Not only do I watch them like a hawk, I stand next to everything they’re on. Idc what anyone says, child abduction is real and it can happen anywhere.
I watch them very close and if I feel overwhelmed my husband watches one kid and I watch the other. we don’t take eyes off them for a second and they’re very aware of the dangers of strangers. It’s a sick world out there and human trafficking is at an all time high. not my baby. nope. not happening.
I literally leave my phone in my pocket or car because I do not take my eyes off my kids ever I got 4. Took my kids to the park a few weeks ago and there was a lady there with her 3 kids she not once looked away from her phone her littlest one was maybe 2/3 and kept running out the gate I had to leave I was having anxiety bad because she wouldn’t watch her kids
Just because a mom is taking a few quiet minutes doesn’t mean she’s not also watching her kids. I work from my phone so park time is useful for this. I’m still watching them and this is a great time for them to work on their social skills on their own. Without me telling them how to play. It’s good for their imagination. Now before everyone jumps down my throat I’m talking about not super busy parks. I go to the one by my house cuz there is maybe three other kids that go there and I know the parents.
Please be careful judging other parents who are not directly beside their children. Your anxiety doesn’t mean that other parent doesn’t have it either. Sometime we have emails or other things that need to be sent. Doesn’t mean they’re not watching their kids. We are all doing the best we can with what we got.
You aren’t paranoid. We all see how society is today. You just never know who is next to you.
With the way the world is now you need to helicopter a little bit. People will just snatch kids during a busy day, it’s happened idk how many times. I’m even cautious at the store, or loading the kids in/out of the car.
No not at all ! You can never be complacent!
Not paranoid , I took my eyes off my son for a few minutes to walk the dog and when I turned around another little boy was spraying water out of his mouth at my son, parents were no where to be found
nope you have to watch like a hawk theses days
My son is 10 and very very high functioning Asperger’s (it’s Sheldon-Big Bang Theory, meets Dr Shaun Murphy-Good Doctor meets Rainman). He is very smart with any equation or problem or project you put in front of him. But he wants to be friends with everyone-to a point, so he says hi to anybody he sees and strikes up a conversation which wouldnt be so bad but he has no sense of fear or stranger danger to a point. If he says hi and they say hi then they must want to talk, he says hi and they say nothing they are a scary person and she’s away from them. But it also makes him impressionable. He doesn’t get the value of time or money but everything else he gets. He has sensory issues so he likes pain and would jump off the roof if I would let him because he isn’t afraid it will hurt, he looks Forward to that. So yes I’m on him constantly. He at 10 yrs old has broken 3 fingers, dislocated his elbow, fractured his femur right above his knee cap, sprained an ankle and had 8 concussions. I try to let him go he is a boy and whatever but I really remind him of his head traumas and he responds "but not major concussions mom rolls eyes but the next one could be even worse due to the repeated trauma. And I was assaulted by someone who wasn’t a stranger at 16, then married later and he beat the tar out of me more time then I can count so I’m always watching people in general but its heightened with him
That’s why I don’t even like going by myself with my kiddos. I’ll get a group of moms and other kiddos together and we all go. That way there’s always multiple sets of eyes on the kids at all times. You really can’t be too careful these days.
Eyes on kids always!! too many weirdos out there.
I agree with you. I don’t trust anyone. They could easily be taken and sex trafficked when we are in a crowded place I have locking leashes for them. Mine are 4 and 1.
I look more for suspect adults around the park my kids know not to go with other people
Nope not just being protective the world ain’t like it use to be.
This story is what always haunts me when I go to parks. If you’re not watching your kids then someone else is.
No, you’re not because I’ll tell you this. My kids are 8 and 4 and I still don’t care if I go to a park, I’ll pull up they know ahead of time, I’ll tell them if it’s too busy baby we can’t go. Cause it’s too hard to watch you and there’s nasty people in this world that take kids. I tell them all the time, I don’t care. I want them to know about the dangers. I want them to be aware cause I’m not always gonna be around for whatever reason. Especially if he goes to the park under someone else’s care. Let’s just say or some happens. And there’s an adult on the school ground. Just in any way shape or form. No I don’t do anything I don’t like and I haven’t for about two and a half years.
Would I tell everyone is if they asked me to go somewhere and I say no, it’s too much, I don’t want to deal with that and they’re like. Oh, it’s okay, blah blah blah blah, I’ll always say I do not have to do things. I did not feel comfortable doing. I do not have to do things that make me anxious. I do not have to do anything. That is going to put me in a situation. No I don’t want to do it. I stand up for myself and what I need as a mom. I want to enjoy the park too. . But I don’t want to enjoy it being stressed out. Over 4 kids wearing the same T-shirt. And what if I’d been watching the wrong kid? The whole time and mine’s gone nope , i’m done. Lol