Am I Overreacting About My Boyfriend Making a TikTok With Another Girl?

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"Need to know if I over reacted sorry if this is long. So was seeing this guy back in September of last year. Within a month he broke it off because he was still in love with his ex. Well we started hanging out again January of this year. Things been going ok, he has said he has his ex blocked on his phone not sure about Facebook or tik tok (have seen her comment on some his tik toks). Well this morning I seen a new tik tok he posted and there was a women’s hand in it. (Had painted fingernails). So I asked if he planned on dropping out of my life again. As I had seen his tik tok and the women’s hand in it. And that I was scared he was gonna leave again. He admitted to her being there to drop off meds for the dog and presents for the dogs birthday. I was scared because he talked to her once last time then I didn’t hear from again for months. He said just because he talks to her doesn’t mean he wants her. Then he said he couldn’t believe I asked that all over a tik tok. He is supposed to come over later. But I feel that response is a red flag."

RELATED: Stay-At-Home Mom’s Boyfriend Asks What She Does All Day, She Decides To Film An Entire Day On TikTok


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Totally a red flag. You’re definitely the rebound and it sounds like he hasn’t worked out his detachment from her, especially if he claimed she was blocked in his phone contacts… how else are they communicating?? Sounds like an eff boy, move on before he really burns you."

"Girl drop his behind this time. Nobody got time for mess"

"The dogs birthday? Lol come on… know your worth and get far away from him as possible"

"My advice would be to listen to your intuition."

"Past behaviour is usually indicative of future behaviour. Be careful and trust your gut"

"Yeah that’s gonna be a big no from me."

"So you are back with a guy who has made it clear you are his second choice….?"

"Tell him to take a hike and don’t bother coming back she can have him honestly don’t be 2nd best to no one know your value and your worth"

"If you cannot trust, you shouldn’t be in the relationship."

"Girl, you’re the other woman in his life rn. It’s obvious. Leave, you can find better."

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