Am I Overreacting About What Happened With My Son's Teacher?

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"I need some advice on what to do in this situation. I have a seven year old little boy who is going to summer school this year. When I went in for meet the teacher day his teacher seemed pretty rude toward me. I asked if he could bring his own water bottle and she looked at me like I’m crazy and said okay in a long rude way. Today I go in to drop him off and all the other students are sitting four to a table but my son has a single desk in the front beside the teachers desk. I do kind of understand because my son needs a little more help and needs to be redirected often. I just don’t want him to think he is being treated different because of his learning disabilities. When I left he had his head down and it was clear he thought he was in trouble. I told his teacher he isn’t happy about that desk and she shrugged her shoulders and said okay like to bad pretty much. I called back to the school and talked to her and she said she had a talk to him about why he is sitting there and she said it is a taller desk because he is taller and that he will have plenty of time with the other students through out the day. I completely understand that but I can take myself back to be a seven year old and I would feel out of place and like they are treated me different for some reason. I don’t know I just need some advice. I honestly can’t keep talking with the teacher either because if she’s not treating him different now I believe she will."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Nope. Fuc* that. Completely unnecessary, especially when it’s just summer school"

"See if he can get in with another teacher. Not a good situation."

"Even if he needs extra help, he could still be sitting in the group setting. Just in the closest group to the front so he don’t feel out of place. Talk to principal about this."

"Get your son an IEP or 504 if he doesn’t already have one. Met with the principal, & inform them that after you address the situation in that office that the teacher will then be addressed. Teaching is an art & clearly this teacher is lacking."

"Me personally I would get my son switched from his class to another"

"My 7yo told his teacher he’s easily distracted and she put him at a single desk next to hers and she gives him a cushion to use to help him focus. I don’t feel like it’s always a punishment sometimes it really helps benefit a child"

"Express your concerns to the teacher via email. (Paper trail) especially if you can word it in a way that states you have already had a conversation with her. (Per our last conversation (s)….) That way it is documented. Be very specific on what you feel the issues are and what you hope the corrections will be. Make sure you cc or bcc her supervisor."

"Please take this to her principal. I work with sped kids, not once this is ok! She may have good intentions, though this is exclusion not inclusion!"

"My daughter was having trouble with her teacher as well from and we fixed the problem by removing my daughter from class to a different one . Maybe you can do the same"

"I tried to write how this may be ok but that argument was weak af. I can’t think of any reason why she needed to do this. If he were actually in trouble then fine, but go put your foot down. If she won’t listen then talk with the principal. Go all the way up to the school board and superintendent if you have to. She seems like a real peach and idk why someone that sour teaches little kids. Go to college with that attitude"

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