In answer to your question, yes you are overreacting. Some people genuinely care about strangers and nothing he said was out of line.
Sounds like he was concerned
Nothing else
You’re searching for reasons to be offended
Wow…you sound like a Karen lol
I swear, people literally seek out a reason to be offended. Can’t even compliment someone for the job someone’s doing because you may get bashed on social media as a creep when all you did was mean well. I’m sure the old guy didn’t mean it the way you took it, lady. Grow up!
To answer your question - yes, you are overreacting.
I think you are overthinking things. He may of just been a nice man asking after the wellbeing of you and your new baby. Not all men are creeps.
What an idiot you were not forced into anything you volunteered the information
Wow. And here is what cancel culture gets you.
That is one way to get the formula people! My sister had a hard time with her first, but her second was a breeze. Ignore the other guys, just do the best you can.
I think it’s so sweet when older people say I’m doing a good job breastfeeding! I was feeding my second and an elderly couple stopped, had to of noticed I was feeding, I don’t recall who but someone petted his head and said he looked adorable and that I was doing such an awesome job.
Overthinking it.
He probably asked out of concern because he’s either heard about it or has grandkids. Then when you said fine, he praised you for your choice.
There is nothing wrong with that.
Sounds like he was being kind.
You’re over reacting. So bad, trying to make out he’s a creepy old man. & HE AIN’T.
But the thing is. BFeeding is the most valuable way to raise a Child. And he was genuinely concerned because of the shortage… So you volunteered out of you’re own mouth you bFeed. So he’s praising you for it… Because it’s the healthier easier cheaper safter option…
Nothing wrong with formula it’s just super hard to get ahold of ATM…
Mine was raised on formula. Because there was a situation… … …
But BFeeding. Is the way to go. If you can. STOP OVER REACTING OVER SIMPLE COMPLEMENTS.
Get you’re MENTAL HEALTH in check. NOT EVERYONE IS a perv.
Um. It was a simple question by an elderly community member. What on earth is the issue here. Why go out of your way to dig for a reason to be offended
take the compliment.
I don’t see how you were “tricked”? Without a formula shortage he wouldn’t have asked the question to begin with, so to me it just seems a natural question during this time? So not creepy imo. If you had said you were formula feeding he would have given you sympathy by the sounds of it
You are a few french fries short of a happy meal
nothing backhanded about it.
Or setting the lady up to be sex snatched
Feel like ur bein super defensive and totally overreactin… everyone knows breast feeding is generally best for the baby… not sure why ur offended… he could have been tryin to help you out with knowing someone who has formula or maybe he has formula from his grandkids or sumtin and wanted to lend a helping hand…
This post is proof that people will be offended by and overreact about literally anything & everything.
I bet you’re fun at parties.
That man wasn’t trying to give you anything more then conversation. Calm down lady.
That’s not what a backhanded compliment is.
You were not tricked into anything.
Yes, you are looking for something to be offended by and then overreacting to it.
This a joke right?! My god lady.
I feel like this is overreacting.
Yes, definitely thinking way too much into it. I get asked all the time about the formula shortage and if it impacts my baby because it’s a huge problem right now. I breastfeed but I never take it as them “tricking” me into talking about it. Which is a weird way to view that anyways.
You have to remember back in those days the majority if not all moms breastfed their children. I don’t think he meant anything by it
Ya , but did you remember to put yo milky inflated boobie away? A glance at a bare titty can just be super distracting for the males. Just saying.
I think your hormones are super out of whack…I think every single member reading this post won’t be able to understand where your coming from.
He was likely delighted to see a new born and had some recent knowledge he felt he could spark a conversation you’d likely be intrigued by and want to participate in.
Sounds super harmless to me.
I feel he didn’t mean any thing by what He said
As an over thinker I can say, this is what over thinking looks like.
A good tell to see if you’re over thinking, is if you didn’t feel offended or off in the moment, then it was probably benign.
Overreacting for sure. Might be diff if he actually said something offensive. U offered the info about b.f…he just praised you for it
Do you have to worry about pedophiles today, absolutely. Worrying about a minor approval from someone that old, lol.
Well how does it feel knowing our government is responsible for our children’s formula shortage ?
Over thinking it to the max. Your hormones are still off thats probably causing these feelings, he was being kind to you. Simple as that
You’re a mess. Seriously
I doubt he was being creepy. Sounds like he was concerned and probably would just like to engage in a conversation.
Your being very over dramatic- some people do really care
You’re weird for making it weird!
I don’t think he meant to be creepy. Maybe he has grandkids that are struggling
people should just mind their own damn business
I guess this is why people text and no longer communicate verbally, they are afraid of saying the wrong thing.
If you have to ask, you probably are!!!
U shouldn’t give information to anyone unless u kno them personally, Jus-say’n
Some people just look for a conversation.
I overthink a lot and this sounds like that. He may not have meant any harm about it. Most of the elderly are like that.
No it’s not his business how you feed your child but I honestly don’t think he meant anything sinister about it.
I’d be quite happy at the fact he even mentioned about formula as some would scream bf at women and judge hard with formula. I know as I can not bf at all.
You’re still going through major hormone changes so a lot will easily tick or upset you. Please keep this in mind as it can take months for your hormones to settle back down. Don’t take everything people say to heart as it’s not always the case. Just move on from it don’t dwell on it.
It wasnt creepy. It was his honest opinion.
Breastfeeding is better.
But not always an option.
I think you’re being a little over dramatic. He’s from a different era… he was probably just concerned and wondering how you were doing with it if your baby did use formula. Pretty sure most likely he wasn’t being a perv… he’s too old to be playing those games. Most older men have no filter so they will just say what’s on their mind…
You are blowing this out of proportion
Loving the comments putting down a woman one week after giving birth.
You are over reacting and clearly being petty.
I breastfed both of my children. I was proud of it. I got asked all the time by the older generation and when I responded breastfed, they seemed to have more respect. UNFORTUNATELY… The elders look at formula feeding as lazy. I know that sometimes it’s not a choice, I know that sometimes formula is the only way. We have to feed our babies any way we can. There are some perverted people out there, but, I wouldn’t let that bother you.
As is, the formula shortage has weighed heavy on my mind. I have even thought about relacting & donating to organizations to help.
Believe you’re over thinking this.
Your feeding to much into it! I’m sure it was a normal question since that’s all you hear and see on the news! Don’t overthink it!
Someone clueless. I think it was not meant to harm just due to the current situation .
I don’t think he meant anything mean or offensive by it
I doubt he was trying to be offensive. Also I’m sure at his age he’s known plenty of women who weren’t able to BF so maybe he was just being nice in saying that he was happy for you to be able to provide for your baby that way.
Definitely over thinking it….
This seems like virtue signaling.
I had 4 kids breast fead them all my youngest who is now 15 not quite as long as the others due to scream it at the top of my lungs to whomever asked.dont let others make feedings weird.and kudos to you for not having to struggle with formula
I formula fed all my kids, and with my 10 month old we’re definitely feeling the shortage. I pride myself on my resting bitch face and being pretty unapproachable, especially since covid, but since this shortage I’ve been stopped by tons of strangers when I have my son with me asking if we’re being affected. I feel like it’s a topic that people are seeing frequently in the media, but people without young children are trying to get a feel for the repercussions from actual people. And not a single person has asked if I’m BF- just if we’re feeling the effects. Just my opinion.
Yeah but YOU ALONE CONTROL WHAT INFORMATION YOU GIVE IF ANY if someone has gotten cringy with me while I’m with my kids in public, I’ve literally told ppl to shove off and do not care what they think of me (since I don’t know them and owe them nothing.) I suppose having a 6’1” body (aka my ex husband) helped, but I can be mean on my own. I make myself unapproachable. Know what your boundaries are.
Yeah, he gave you pats on the back for not giving into formula like a lot of moms do. Like the ones who have no breasts, adoptive, foster, kinshipcare, fathers, or on medication
Honestly, I hated being judged for doing formula for one baby, that I was crap for that, . and bbreastfeeding the second one and I was righteous. No. I was feeding my babies. They both turned into adults. Crazy
Maybe overthinking/overstressing it a bit much. We have the tendency to sometimes dwell on certain situations and make them way worse off than the actual situation/etc. First of all just breathe, soak in and up as much as you possibly can of your gorgeous newborn. Time flies by far too fast to be stressed and or worried about what some stranger said at the store the other day. He could’ve simply been curious or just making small talk…
Why are some of y’all so rude??? Smh at some of these comments.
It’s ok, hon. Keep in mind that many older people still believe that breast is best" instead of “fed is best.” I don’t think he was being a creep. I nursed all of mine, but I still wouldn’t have taken it wrong
He questioned you out of concern and complimented to be nice. Try not to be so sensitive!
You’re overreacting it doesn’t sound like he was being creepy for all you know, if you had answered “well we are struggling” he may have given you money not to make you feel bad but to help with the situation calm down
If he was that old your probably lucky he didjt ask you if you were married before you had said baby lol …
Wow😵💫 that’s over reaching bring it back girl🤦🏻♀️ let it go not worth another minute in your head
Seriously? I think someone was just being friendly here .
Woah. And I thought I didn’t let shit roll off my back. This is trivial and weird. You should be celebrating your ability to BF and accept the compliment on doing so by a man of an older generation.
You are over thinking it let it go he’s an old man
You are overthinking it. He wasnt being creepy. He was just being friendly having a conversation who knows might be his only convo for the day.
he asked about formula, she said no, and he complimented her on BF. I agree, it wasn’t a baited comment. He tried to appease whatever it was she felt was necessary for her baby. Not creepy at all. Just a gentleman supporting her choice and engaging in convo. This seems far stretched to think he tried to do anything Ill. While it’s not his business it was simply small talk from a simpler non intimidating generation.o see no harm and feel this is being over thought. My opinion
sound the man was concerned about the child he made no pervited remarks and you should not be ashamed that you bf your child
Now you’re making a big deal out of nothing.
Or really just a normal question about something that is currently. You are the one who seems weird in this situation.
Definitely over reacting
Thank you I wanted to breastfeed so bad but was unfortunately not able to
If a woman had asked the same question would this have been posted ??? Poor men can’t win
I think your the problem to be honest!
I mean, unless he was having a play with himself while you explained that you breast fed or was asking specific questions about your boobs, there’s nothing creepy about it……
Your way over reacting he could be asking because the formula shortage for moms in generally scary, he’s not praising you for doing the “right thing” he’s saying good on you for not having to stress like some moms… imo
I really doubt he was interested in what you do with your breasts and more asking your opinion on what seems to be a large issue these days with babies and formula. You’re overreacting. Had you said you formula feed he probably would’ve also sided with your opinion and agreed the shortage is troubling.
I can’t believe the rude comments on this
I mean yeah maybe she did overreact or overthink the situation. But NOBODY can take away her feelings and how she felt at the moment. Nobody on here saw the guy so we have no idea what he looks like or his facial expressions or reactions during the conversation. So how about y’all get over yourself and stop judging people for their feelings. 
you’re not centre of attention although you may feel like you are you most definitely not, some people ask out of curiosity then there’s people like you who have to be a Karen and over react. I don’t think he could of cared less about what you do with your breasts I think he was more just being nice and asking. Stop over reacting.
He was possibly just lonely and trying to start a conversation with a “safe person”. Older people do that and not all of them have the stranger danger self preservation mode.
Is it possible your feeling a bit on edge with a newborn? If you felt comfortable at the time talking to him, you shouldn’t worry about it now. It will keep bothering you if you let it. Let it go.
Now, if the same person comes up and wants to talk to you about breastfeeding again, then worry and avoid conversation
This is what you’re worried about? Women take note: When men tell you you overreact over ridiculous things this is what we’re talking about.
i wish there was an eye roll button for this The dude was probs just making conversation,my gawd!
Yes you are overreacting Karen
You was “tricked” into talking about your breasts? The nerve of that old perv. Who do you think you are, trying to drag that guy through the mud? He was being nice. #tittymilkpetty
Overreacting is an understatement for your lady. He’s just an old man trying to make conversation. Maybe he knew somewhere that had formula and was going to tell you.
But also WTF are you doing out an about with a one week old.
Definitely overreacting
Definitely over reacting! Poor guy was probably just being friendly and just wondering! Is this the new norm? This world is such a sad place to live in… Nobody can be friendly anymore?
He might have just been been being nice. A nice old guy just making conversation.
He’s probably just curious how you are doing as a mother with a baby with formula shortage. What would he do with that info really?
Doesn’t sound like he was interested in what you do at all he was just making conversation.
You was asked a question that a woman could have asked you seeing as there’s a shortage of milk atm his grandkids could be struggling with that issue doesn’t mean he tricked you into anything it was a simple question with a simple answer so with that one how about you just enjoy the rest of your day
OMG The drama. Lighten up
1st off you didn’t have to be so detailed, a simple “she’s doing fine” would have been fine. You chose to open up more than you needed to.
2nd He’s from the generation that shows care and concern. He meant nothing by it. Maybe he has a grandchild that is struggling because they need formula.