Am I overreacting?

Sit down and maybe figuring out what everyone enjoys . Do a weekly planning thing and you guys agree

On our house you eat whats put in front of you or you don’t eat. Period

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Maybe you can ask everyone to pick a dinner and make a menu for the week.

Ask them to cook some of the meals.

Stop cooking for them and let them fend for themselves!

Cook for yourself since they don’t appreciate it. Let them find food on their own and cook their own meals since they want to be ungrateful.

Make dinner for yourself this week and tell them to fend for themselves . See if they change their attitudes

Take mom night off make your 11 year old cook.

Id be making no dinner for quite a bit :woman_shrugging:

stop cooking for them , cook for only yourself

I feel your pain oh to well!

I wouldn’t be making them food if they complained.

Don’t cook anymore. Problem solved!!

If they don’t like the dinners you make why can’t he cook?:woman_shrugging:t4: your his wife and her mom not their personal chef.

They are being rude and ungrateful. Seriously, stop cooking.

Get them to set the menu.

The slaves were freed many years ago, and you are not an indentured servant. Post a note that the cook is taking an extended leave of absence from cooking and until the leave time is up each member of the family is responsible for their own meals. Then don’t give in until they have learned just how valuable you are. You be the judge but be sure the lesson is learned.

Ewwww his little games with your daughter are repulsive…just saying.
Who the Frick does he think he is? I can’t even with this.

Pass that torch… let “them” cook!

If they don’t like it they can cook for themselves.

Your husband is a grown man.

If he doesn’t like what you cook, he can get off his butt and cook something for himself. Your daughter can grab something else from the fridge if she doesn’t like what is being cooked. She’s not a baby anymore and is capable of grabbing something from the fridge or out of a cupboard or making a sandwich.

Bet that would change their tune real quick and if it doesn’t, at least you aren’t cooking meals for ungrateful people.

I’m a single parent to 3 teens. I’ll cook for my kids, but they’ve been told if they don’t like what I’m cooking, they can grab something else out of the fridge or cupboard.

They know how to make sandwiches, heat up a can of something or microwave something from the freezer.

Sweetie it’s time to pull you big girls panties up and tell them
If they don’t want to eat what you make
They can have a sandwich or a find their own dinner

My kids tried this. I made them in charge of deciding what we were eating for a week. They had requirements like it can’t be pizza every day, every meal had to have veggies. My 11yo took off with it & now she’s my meal planner. My 10yo wouldn’t do it. I told him if he won’t be part of the solution he can’t complain. If he doesn’t eat what is given he can either eat left overs or nothing.

I stopped cooking yrs ago. They can help their self

Let him do the cooking from now on.

Go on strike and let them fend for themselves.

Nah let them fend for themselves.

“This is not a restaurant and your mother does not work here”

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Do you ask them what they want? Do you know what they like and don’t like? I ask my husband and son what they want. Some nights everyone just fends for themselves.


Go on strike. Let them fend for themselves.

Yes, overreacting.
Sensory issues with food is a huge things. Stop taking it personally

Rude comments for those not cooking, but you could try and meal plan a week at a time. Let each person choose a dinner for the week (if it’s in the budget) and healthy enough. That will be 5 meals a week and 2 could be left over days or a free for all on weekends.

Why does it hurt your feelings. People are entitled to want what they want, doesn’t mean you need to cook it.

Sounds like my dinners ,I get pissed so I just cook when your hungry you will eat if not oh! Well.then cook yourself

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Oh it sounds like they need to be cooking for themselves. Problem solved. :woman_shrugging:t4:

He sounds like an @$$.
Tell him he can cook but he better BE SURE to only ccok what you want and how you want it! Budget, healthiness or other family member preferences be damned!

Tell them they are welcome to cook if they can do better!

Go on strike and let dad take over or fend for themselves

Look honey…fix dinner, fix yourself a plate. Pop in ear pods, and walk away. You can’t please everyone! They all need to start cooking!

Then by all means someone else can cook. Ungrateful at its finest.

If this was an issue in my house they would learn to fend for themselves real quick. I’m thankful that it isn’t. 5yr old who eats majority of what I make, and a military man who I swear sometimes doesn’t even taste it but always clears his plate. Stay strong mama. Start cooking for just yourself and take care of your health. Either they’ll fend for themselves or they’ll stop complaining and eat what’s made. “Get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” lol :joy:


Oh my I personally don’t think you’re over reacting. Stop cooking and let them do it. Are they not only being rude but very disrespectful. If they ask what’s for dinner just reply with, I don’t know what are you making?

Nope, nope, nope!. They should be greatful no matter what you are cooking. I am basically the “husband” in my relationship, because I dont cook. And trust me, whatever he cooks when he gets home the girls and I appreciate it no matter what. We both work 40 plus hours a week, and he cooks and I do the dishes. But I always make sure to tell him how WE appreciate dinner, ( even though I might not crave what he’s making).

Call a family meeting…explain how them complaining and not eating makes you feel……assign each of them a night to plan a meal and cook….(with your supervision depending on the age) and tell them to eat what is presented with nothing but compliments….no negative,hurtful comments! They will all learn kitchen skills and also see what it takes to put a meal together every night! I have planned my meals every Sunday for about 40 years-right down to the sides and desserts…. I check a calendar and see what nights a crockpot or instapot would work best, etc. Best of luck to you-keep us informed!

So this is unpopular opinion probably, but my husband and kids are the same so I make a menu of everything I can possibly make for dinner and let them choose. I was sick of food remarks too

I understand why you’re frustrated and upset over it. I do also completely understand the perspective of all the other comments. However, why not try to sit down with your family like every Sunday night or something and plan a menu of meals for the week and explain how their comments about your cooking make you feel?

I think they should be in charge of making dinner for everyone multiple times through the week.
They should learn to eat what they are served or cook for everyone.
I’m so sorry. You are a wonderful person trying to care for them. I’m sure your meals are delicious.

You are NOT overreacting. You have TRIED. Your husband is emotionally unavailable.

I have 8 boys. Get sooo tired of cooking and the complaining. I just ignore it anymore. The ones that complain,sometimes I ask what they want and make that to see if they will then eat it. Plus it helps save me on an idea. Otherwise there is cereal if you don’t like dinner. I don’t even usually eat dinner after the exhaustion of it all.

I ask for input from my husband and kids when making the grocery list for dinners. It helps cut down on the complaining. My husband and I rotate cooking nights too, cook together, and have the kids help us cook as well. When the kids help and have to put the work into making the food, they seem to appreciate the time and effort a little more.

Meal plan with your family! Not everyone is going to like what you feel like cooking so sit everyone down and ask them to suggests meals you can make they all will agree to. Don’t come @ me guys, I have to deal with this in a household where there is 8 of us. 6 of them children 1years-11years! :weary:

they’re capable of being picky and rude they’re capable of making their own food. Problem solved! Better yet since they are unappreciative of you send them to Walmart themselves and have them get ingredients that you want too stop catering to them and rest if they ask u to cook heat up a tv dinner or something :woman_shrugging: dinners been served!! :laughing:

My husband rarely eats dinner but when he does he eats whatever I cook. But my kids went through a similar faze where they complained about everything I cooked (all things they eat). Three days of me telling them I don’t know find you something and fix it cured them of acting that way. They are younger though so may take more time with older kids. But I wasn’t awarding disrespect and complaining with hot food no one was going to touch.

Sounds pretty ungrateful. Id take a break from it or prepare enough for just you and whoever does want some. Everyone else can prepare their own food fr

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Young one, put up a planner - tell them to pick a day and put what they want , how they want it. After it’s all filled out - tell them to break it down to what’s needed for their meals( have them make a list) . Then take them to the grocery store and have them get what’s on their list- if they forget something on this trip - the meal either gets made without or they have to get it . When their “planned” meal comes up in schedule make each help prepare, cook and clean up. This teaches many lessons, young one. Accountability, responsibility, understanding and plus you get bonding time. A “family meal” is always prepared better when a “family” takes part in it. These are ways forgotten or lost in time. Trust and believe, young one, old ways sometimes have a “special magic.” Getting angry and upset only hurts you. Families have problems- but if families were to take time - the family will figure it out. :v:t4::sunflower::feather:

Why aren’t husband or kids cooking too??

It seems like your daughter is copying your husband’s behavior. I would talk to the adult (husband) about how to communicate when he doesn’t like something. There could be a different approach. And honestly I’d just go on strike and only cook for the ones that appreciate it.

Each person in your family should plan & cook & clean up once a week. Maybe when they experience the work that goes into meal prep they will be less whiny. I think your family is much too harsh.:rage:

I’d get the family to help do a meal plan. The ages of your kids and step kids and your husband being an adult can all contribute. If the 11 year old needs help that’s fine but even an 11 year old can make hot dogs and Mac and cheese with vegetables on the side.

Start it off with there has to be something from all four food groups for each meal.

Give each person a paper that they get to list their favourite meals.

Compile the lists and talk together see if there’s ways to make the meals healthy, affordable and somewhat easy to make.

Then while sitting together with your calendar, everyone can get at least one night a week. And they can choose one of the items from the list.

I suggest trying it a week or two in advance if not a month.

Have everyone make a list of groceries they will need for their night, and then make sure the food is in the house and then everyone gets a turn to be the cook and everyone shares the labour.

You can even try to make it a game with numbered recipes and drawing the numbers from a bucket. And then everyone can have 1 veto, if anyone vetos a meal that night they get to choose another meal and then the veto’s meal goes back in the bucket.

If he can make a sandwich he can make a meal!! Your stepson seems to be the only great full one. I would stop cooking. See how good they got it

Let him cook. You buy what he wants to make and allow him to cook. Leave that part up to him. And if you want something different make it just for you.

I know it’s frustrating maybe ask them for some meal choices they would like

I feel the same way usually when I cook they don’t eat so why fix it. So don’t, have them get what they want and you do what you want. I wouldn’t and I don’t put up with it.

I’m in the same boat…ish…I just try my best and if they don’t like it…THEN STAAAAAAAAARRRRVVVEEE!!! :person_shrugging:

Don’t cook for them mama!! And those that are complaining tune them up big time! No holds barred! When the time is right calmly explain that you do the cooking etc because you love and care for them but if they are not grateful everyone is to do there own cooking…go put your feet up and let them complain that they are hungry ha! 

I usually ask my family a dinner each person would like for the week then I try to work in their dinner request then do things that everyone will be happy with on the other days. But if I felt they were unappreciative then it would be a fend for yourself type deal lol. Maybe you should cook one week then your husband the next. Take turns. I bet he will change his tune pretty quickly.

If you criticize the food you don’t eat. That was the rule when mine were growing up.

Just ask them what they want and if they don’t tell u specifically what they what/like u aren’t cooking them anything

Assign them each a night to cook, and also assign your husband the task of making sure they get the groceries and clean up when done. Go take a nap instead!:heart:

Cook for you and if they ask what’s for dinner I say whatever u fix yourself

Your husband daughter are being rude. Don’t cook for them if they are going to be ungrateful. Your husband can make his and his daughters food then.

Tell them to start making their own food and only cook for yourself

Stop cooking and see if they want you to start cooking again and appreciate what you do

Stop doing everything you do. Give it a week, and I bet it will change.

I would sit everyone down & plan out meals for the week.

Make him go grocery shopping and cook!

He’d be the one in charge of dinner from here on out

Is the daughter yours together? Maybe a power control thing. My Granddaughter does this to mess with Stepmom to get Dad’s attention.

Nope I would definitely be cooking for myself and the rest would feed themselves! I wouldn’t be treated like that! Ungrateful asses would eat air before I would cook for them again!

Well if they have complained that much let them go to the grocery and shop for the food then come back and cook it I bet if your husband has to do that he would stop complaining so much. Ur if I was you I wouldn’t cook for a while and see how much they xo.ain then tell them when they get hungry there’s good in the fridge see how they appreciate that. And maybe after a while they will apply what you cook and do for them.

Seems your family is ok with disrespecting you. I’m sure that isn’t limited to meal choices.

Stop catering to either of them. Let them eat bologna. Cook for yourself.

Your hubby is an inconsiderate buffoon.

How ungrateful. I would stop cooking.

Are you a SAHM? If not, switch the cooking and cleaning duties. Your kids are old enough to help. Make a chore chart and delegate the cooking to the complainers.