I wanted to know if I’m overreacting or not. My kids & husband make comments a lot about dinner. My 11 year old will say she’s not craving that. My husband sometimes won’t even eat it. It really hurts my feelings. I try to make stuff I know they like. It feels like they think I’m just fixing whatever & don’t care if they want it. I come today & have the stuff for spaghetti. I recently started fixing it with meatballs instead of ground beef to mix it up. Well apparently my husband & daughter don’t like the meatballs in it. I came home & my daughter said daddy doesn’t like the meatballs. So when my husband came in the kitchen I asked if he liked meatballs & he got upset my daughter snitched on him. He said he told me before he doesn’t like them & why can’t I just buy beef. I told him I was sorry I forgot he said that. He was already fixing himself & my daughter a sandwich so I put the food up & said well since you’re fixing food anyways I don’t have to cook. He said I don’t know why you fix stuff nobody likes (also have a 20 year old stepson that rarely complains & my 15 year old doesn’t always eat so I don’t know if they like them or not) I walked away. He didn’t know why I was so upset. It wasn’t just the meatballs it’s comments all the time about dinner. Last week I planned on subs & he said we have had a lot of sandwiches lately but then orders cheeseburgers for everyone. I try to fix things that aren’t weird or nobody likes. Am I overthinking this? I’m tempted to just not cook anymore. Also I have a lot of health problems & most people that have the limitations I have rarely cook so it upsets me I take my time & energy to go grocery shopping, cook & clean up. Thanks for letting me vent.
You don’t have to put up with that. I sure wouldn’t. Make yourself dinner, let them fend for themselves. When and if they ask why, tell them exactly why.
They’re old enough to make themselves dinner and if they can’t appreciate your efforts it sounds like a whole lotta their problem now.
My mom used to tell us if we didn’t like it do without, she wasn’t cooking anything else
Do you ask their opinion in what they want to eat that week? I always include my families opinion so I know what to buy and cook for them. If they eat they eat, if they don’t they have leftovers for tomorrow. If they are included then they shouldn’t complain. If they complain, then stop cooking for them. It’s really that simple. Your husband and daughter sound spoiled and picky, so your husband can also choose to just cook for the two of them. This is an easy fix.
If my husband or children said that to me they’d be cooking their own stuff I’d be cooking only for me. You’re not a short order cook (that’s what my mama said if I didn’t like what she cooked) and if they don’t like it they don’t eat. I can’t tell you how many dinners I sat through because I didn’t like what she cooked. They are lucky they are allowed to eat a dang sandwich. I sat at the table with cold cold food staring at it until bed time.
I would only cook for myself. They are so unappreciative and seems like they are spoiled. Let them cook for themselves. If my husband did this, he would be making dinner himself. I’m sorry about your health. I hope things get better for you
That’s what I did. Stopped cooking. Everyone has an opinion on what they don’t want to eat but wanted to leave it on me to decided what I was gonna make and then they wouldn’t eat. Fine. Figure it out.
Tell them that if they don’t like the food, they can go shopping themselves and buy food they will eat. You are not running a restaurant. My 13 year old daughter is super picky about her food so if we make something she doesn’t like, she is more than welcome to dig in the freezer or pantry and find her own food (usually cheese pizza, chicken nuggets or ramen noodles).
You are better than I am. I would just let everyone fend for themselves if they want to just complain!
I wouldn’t cook for them anymore. They are all old enough to make their own meals if they are so unhappy.
Yep! I stopped cooking a while back for everyone and the complaining stopped. I sat down with the kids and we would meal plan together (aged 8, 9 and 12 at the time) for up to 2 weeks. I also added a night of “fend for yourself” which not only did they love, but it gave me a night off. That was usually a night where we didn’t have any plans, and I made sure there were things easy enough to make in the freezer/fridge. When we are done meal planning, it all goes on the big calendar so everyone can see. I also add nights where the kids take turns helping suppers don’t always have to be stressful!
I make my list and shop on Sundays, usually.
I ask what everyone is wanting and go from there.
I also post the weeks menu on the fridge, for two reasons; #1 because i hate being asked 5 times a day “whats for dinner” and #2 is so everyone can see whats for dinner, and if they dont like it, they can make something else.
Also, with that many people in your house, you shouldn’t be the only one shopping/cooking/cleaning.
Make them do their part!
I cook Monday-Wednesday, Thursday is “free for all”
Or “clean out the fridge of leftovers”…
Friday is pizza night, and hubby cooks on Sat and Sunday.
Assign a night for each one of them to prepare dinner. If they don’t cook no one eats. I have to brag on my husband. He’s 86 years old and has never complained about anything I’ve cook and always thanks me. He is so good to me.
I would literally stop cooking for them. I would make myself what I want and they can fend for themselves. It seems like they’re doing that anyway. You can’t possibly know what someone will be “craving” ahead of time and they can’t expect you to cook everyone what they are “craving “
To quote the Stones…You can’t always get what you want! Your family needs a crash course in this for sure. Everyone can take a night and share cooking duties, I bet every single person will make something they like that another family member might not be as fond of… it’s life, they can get over it or learn to fend for themselves
Your family snacks too much and needs to go for an hour walk before meals! Not kidding! It’s how I cured my spectrum disordered son from being so picky. They’re just not hungry. I don’t know that I would cook for them more than one week out of the month because it’s time they took a turn at the stove!
I’m not well and my partner has been doing a lot of the cooking, if I said something like that, it would be a yelling match. He has done a full day at work and still went home to cook. Get hubby and your daughter to go shopping for something they can cook and eat. Takes stress off you then.
My family grumbled about dinner for awhile and I let it go. It started up again so simple solution. I didn’t cook for a week and told them to fend for themselves if they think they can do better. Let’s just say by day 3 they were very hungry and asking for my cooking again. lol
Assign each of them a day or two in the weekly menu to decide what is for dinner. They can make the list of items they need and cook the meal for everyone. Takes the stress and pressure off you.
Go on strike lol in our house it’s get what your given now after cooking 3/4 different meals a time something different for everyone and it not being appreciated. I went on strike for 3 days now they eat what they’re given
I understand cooking every day is no fun. Maybe try something like a meal plan on the fridge so they know what to expect. Leave one surprise day where everyone putting a meal they want in a cup and you draw one. That’s the special dish for the week. I’d also give hubby a cook day so he can have whatever he likes
I cook what I like because I’m breaking my back to provide food and if they don’t like it they can feed themselves, on that note, I do try to plate food before I combine stuff so there’s more likely to be something everyone can eat.
Ultimately, they’re all more than capable of cooking and/or communicating and I would take full advantage. Maybe you all rotate cooking dinner, you’ll get a break, they can make stuff they like, and it’s just a good life skill to have so A+ parenting!
You’re not overreacting THEY are!
So ungrateful! I’d be telling them to cook their own meals or if you want to make it work get the whole family involved. Do some tiktok dinner trends like the Big Mac Tacos or Homemade Sushi or Crockpot Meals etc orrrr just tell them to starve you’re a mom/wife not a maid!
You could have taken the meatballs and mashed them up and it would have been like having ground beef in the spaghetti. They sound ungrateful. I would not be cooking for any of them. The 20 year old and the 15 year old are old enough to know how to cook. I hate cooking, my 13 year old daughter loves it. If I’m not in the mood or am busy with my 3 kids under 2 she will volunteer to cook. She’s a great cook. (I of course help her) My husband is not a picky eater and will eat whatever I make, I’m usually the one who doesn’t eat dinner cause I’m picky and they are not. I wouldn’t let it hurt your feelings, you just do for you and let your husband figure it out for them. You could also ask them what they would like to eat every day and make it.
What if you made a list of food options and let them choose each meal for the week?
Bless your dear heart ! They have a jewel in you ! I also have a lot of health issues that are serious and I don’t cook hardly ever ! They simply have no idea how lucky they are ! Stop cooking and see what they do ! Don’t cater to their every whim ! You sound like a wonderful wife and mama ! I’d pay you to make spaghetti and meatballs for me and my hubby !
Ask them what they want? My family doesn’t complain though so I’m sure that’ll be hard to deal with. I always text our family chat and ask if anyone has ideas on supper. They usually tell me what they want.
When my husband was living 9 times out of 10 I just gave him a couple choices. If he wanted something that I didn’t like I just had cereal or something. No big deal
I’ll let you in on a little secret. That man can cook for himself
Cook for yourself and your husband can figure out dinner since he wants to nit pick. That’s not fair to you at all
Do you include them when deciding on the weekly menu? Are you making the same dishes over & over.
How about a family meeting where they all provide ideas for meals they’d like and you rotate those. That’s what I do with my kids
sorry you are going though this, I would try something different to see what helps. First i would communicate how you feel and feel unappreciated. Let them know that together you guys could make it work. For example write down meals on a piece of paper before shopping and ask your husband what he thinks of it and your daughter, and I tell them you will make it during the week so they know. Write meals for the entire week or two depending on how often you shop. I would come into an agreement on what would everyone like best. Maybe make your favorite meal one day and daddies the other and daughter on another. Let them know you are trying your best to make something everyone will eat but there will be days it wont be everyone’s favorite. I make my little one eat a small portion of foods she does not like because I tell her its hard work to cook and her favorite meals wont always be available if she goes to guest houses or restaurants and-she can get something else from the pantry or freezer after. I only make her have a small portion because shes a picky eater and dont want to force her to eat all of something she does not like, I wont give them something they think is disgusting but something that is not there favorite they should be eating. Hope this helps
They sound ungrateful. I’m sorry you are dealing with that. Sounds like dad should fend for himself and cook for your 11 year old also.
Wow. Talk about ungrateful
I would be hurt too. You either have a very nice talk with them about growing up or you wont cook anymore
I find it so disrespectful for you to put your all into cooking and for them to just diss it all.
Tell them they can have a turn at cooking to give you a night or two off. Maybe they would like their own cooking better.
If you don’t want to let them fend for themselves, try having everyone write their favorite meals on a popsicle stick. Put them words side down in a clean food can. Whatever you pull that morning is what everyone is eating that night
Tell him it’s his turn to do the shopping and cooking for a while and watch how his attitude will change once he does
Yeahhhhhh I’d stop cooking. Either eat what you expect me to make or do it yourself.
We also do “fend for yourself” nights at least once a week in our house, gives me a break and sometimes we don’t want the same thing
I’d take a week or two off cooking… they can fix dinner for everyone as they’re so fussy!
It sounds like you are doing a lot of deciding for them without involving them in the process, discussing your plans with them or asking for input. There are lots of ways that could work from planning out a week’s worth of meals in advance (with their help and input of course), having a chat the morning or night before for that days meals, or having a list of meals you can choose from that they won’t complain about. Or simply discussing "okay this is what we have in and this is what I can make out of those things, option a or option b) and let them choose
Sounds like they can take over dinner since they have so many opinions. They can shop, meal plan, cook AND clean up. I think they just bought themselves a new hobby! Good for them!
Cook for you. That’s so lame. My husband says everything I make is good, even if it’s terrible. And he also says I look cut every day (I don’t. Lol) My kids might not always like what I make, but nobody would be unappreciative, ESPECIALLY not an adult. So rude
Just stop cooking lol. Don’t do it, they’re obviously ungrateful. Meal prep for yourself when they’re not home, and your husband can cook for the children then. He’s obviously ungrateful and they all are taking you for granted, which is pretty common with kids, but your husband is reinforcing the kids bad behavior. He should be on your side, not gossiping to your kids about how he doesn’t like the food you cook.
Sounds like he doesn’t appreciate what your doing and also maybe passing that on to your daughter. You should feel appreciated by your family!! Even if he didn’t like the meatballs he shouldn’t of verbalized it to your daughter, then get annoyed when she spilled the beans.
Ask for dinner ideas at the start of the week. There’s 6 of us, I do ALL the cooking. Sometimes they dont eat and I try to not make things they don’t like but with thay many opinions it’s hard. Can’t please everyone. I’m not a picky eater so I usually eat whatever, but some like this and others don’t. Sometimes they either eat it or they can make their own food. It’s that simple. I take ideas now so it seems everybody gets something they love but that’s all I can do.
You’re absolutely not overreacting… In the beginning of our marriage my husband told me that I have a meal “rotation “… I didn’t cook for a year. 
I very rarely cook anymore. Everyone is too picky and doesn’t like the same stuff.
Just don’t cook for a while…when they ask why then tell them! Say most Nights I’m wasting my time and you all don’t like it and all complain anyway, you also end up fixing yourselves something after ive made the efforts so what’s the point, tell them your not wasting anymore time that you could be using to do something else!! Put your feet up mama and take a break! Make a stand!! Oh and make sure they all do the clean u0 after themselves to
They need to be speaking up before you go shopping to say what they might want to eat that week. They are also old enough to help cook and clean up after dinner. I’d feed them ramen or something else cheap every single night until they start learning how to start saying what they want.
If ur daughter is old enough have her cook .I’d have her ask ur husband what he wants .Sounds like they stick together.
We as a family think of meals for a week. My husband isn’t a fan of chicken & rice, but me n my mom love it. So I that dinner night he eats a sandwich. I suggest sitting down as a family and planning weekly meals. Make a dinner menu for each night. If they don’t want that then tell them fine. Your done. Cook for you.
Ask them what they want I pick one kid and ask this or this they choose they eat next day different kid different choices hubs gets to choose a day also. Also tell them if there not going to eat what u make u won’t be buying the other stuff at all meals only they will eat the meals then left overs for snacks (only suggest this with big kids littles don’t get it).
My husband never complains, if my son does, I tell him (8 years old) he doesn’t have a right to complain unless he comes up with suggestions or ideas. The 2 year old always wants snacks and not food but the rule is no snacks unless you eat dinner.
just recently started on Hello Fresh and it has solved so many problems. My picky husband loves it all so far. no shopping, I’m saving money, and keeping sane at the same time
my cooking is so mid and my husband eats and tells me it was good. cook for yourself love. they’re all old enough to fend for themselves anyway
I just wouldn’t make dinner anymore, I’m a petty bitch tho.
Or id have everyone pick a meal a day…
I’m also that person, I ask everyone what they feel like before I grocery shop. Ya eat it or ya don’t.
I understand some of these comments are saying include your families opinions on the weekly meals but I’m gonna say it seems some of your family members need to be more thankful of the food that’s prepared for them and be reminded not all are as fortunate to have food on the table every day!!
Of there gonna complain about everything u cook I’d stop cooking and stop grocery shopping until otherwise then they will I think be hungry enough to eat what u cook or they can fen for self. I get it here that I’m about to not cook.i end up cooking and throw away. But if there is snacks here omg they eat it up and don’t eat dinner.
Let them fend for themselves. Put a board up and have them put down things they like. When they match up on something then cook it. I wouldn’t care. I’m not cooking for people who aren’t going to eat. Fix it themselves or do without. Fix what you want and they can do the same and clean up the mess. They wouldn’t have to tell me that but once and they would be feeding themselves.
Stop cooking for them, they are ungrateful. Everyone can make their own dinner and clean it up too.
I’m blessed my husband eats whatever I fix, but I know that he doesn’t like asparagus, so we just don’t have that.
That would definitely mess with me mentally…I wouldn’t be able to handle it!..im so sorry your going through that. I hope your family learns to appreciate you more
My hubby is a picky eating, he hates spicy food or anything tasty, just plain bland food but he expects me to just cook what he likes never mind what I or our daughter might like, so I just gave up and he gets his own most of the time, every now and again I cook something nice for him (what he likes anyway) but usually we just do our own
Let them prepare their own for a while and than they may learn to appreciate a meal when you do cook it. Also get them to tell you one meal they would like cooked the following week , do a menu with the family. Also they are all old enough it sounds they could each take turns cooking a meal a week. Meals don’t have to be complicated so they can make the meal they like most.
Do a menu . Everyone gets to pick a dinner one day a week . I always ask what everyone wants to eat we recently started they pick what they want on there day and we plan it monthly !!
Have a family meeting. Ask for suggestions. This is typical for families. Your husband should be more supportive. Or you could assign them nights to fix dinner. Including hubby. We served dinner and any one who didn’t like it could fix a pbj.
I wouldn’t make a damn thing. They’re old enough to make their own dinner anyway. I’d put my apron up and not subject myself to that bs.
Our family got the app- Anylist and we plan meals and grocery shopping around it. You can share grocery list, import recipes, update meal plan calendar and put tons of other lists on it. Some of our nights are hectic, but my 14 year old will cook sometimes as well. Get them involved as much as possible with the planning, cooking AND cleaning! They NEED to know how much goes into it EVERY meal. My family is more understanding since they are helping plan, make the lists and clean up!
So all of you sit down together and think of meal ideas and write an ingredients list or take turns cooking or do it all together so you guys can learn together and make it taste good. I wouldn’t be too upset about it because people have their preferences… if they just sit on their butts and don’t help though that’s a different story 
Time for each of them to cook a night for everyone. If they have to do the work and cleaning they will appreciate it more when the dont.
You’re not overreacting. They’d starve at my house. Big hugs to you!!
Let it go. BUT ASAP…sit down together, and draft a tentative two week meal plan, that all can agree on! This way you’ll have a visual on patterns…Like 'having alot of sandwiches lately". Come up with ideas on fixing foods differently. Make a list of deal or no deal meals, bc no wasting! To some degree, allow flexibility…because come Friday, one or some–may no longer think a particular meal sounds good. Like me…I have to be “in the mood” for this or that. So have back up/plan B for every day. So say you all agree to do meatloaf on Thursday. Thursday comes along, but nobody wants that. Sorry, but meat already thawed, plan B is either sloppy Joes or hamburgers. No? Then they can make themself PB&J.
Same! Now I try not to care as much and just make what I feel like eating.
Have everyone write dinners they like on paper then fold them up and put them in a hat. On Sunday pick your menu for the week. If someone doesn’t like something on the menu then it’s on them to figure something else out
I would let them know that on Sundays it’s a cook yourself day. And have a meeting and decide on a meal plan for the week. We have a large family and that’s what we do
Stop cooking. The more you do for men, the more they expect. If someone doesn’t appreciate what I do or refuses to eat what I make, I stop. I have to be treated well. I require it.
Stop cooking for them they obviously the can fend for themselves make yourself dinner and not them. They’ll get the picture eventually
I’d tell my husband to start making dinner lmao. That’s rude in my opinion. You don’t have to like things but you don’t have to be an asshole about it either.
Solution- make your own dinner everyone. I’m gonna go watch tv and eat what I made for myself
I’d cook for myself and dad could worry about feeding the rest if that’s how they’re going to be!!!
Nope. Cooking for 1. Stop doing for them and they will see. Rude especially from your husband. I wouldn’t stand for it at all. Let them know you are no longer cooking for them.
I fix dinner and if they don’t eat what I fix they can go without, by thati don’t mean fix something else , Iean go without . It’s the only option
Let each of them plan dinner and even fix it. Don’t let them by with that stuff. They need to be more understanding of what it takes to put A dinner on the table. Let them clean up afterwards. The most important lesson to teach them is team work.
Omg spoilt brat of a man child you have their… I’d spit in his food next time. No need to be rude and nitpick like he is. One meal at meal times unless medical/sensory issues. If man child doesn’t like it let him sort himself and daughters food out. He is an adult his job too not just yours.
Try asking them what they want and cook that and if they still complain then you will know it’s them and not your cooking
I’d have stopped cooking on the first Maybe the second complaint, and said eat whatever you want you know where the kitchen is.
I would definitely stop cooking for everyone else.
Why don’t you all sit down together and do a menu for the week . Less stress for you and if you make something from the menu and they decide they don’t want then they get their own that night .
Make what you want. They will either eat it or not
I would not cook. Let them fend for themselves for a while.
Everyone is old enough to cook, how about each person takes a turn at picking and cooking meals for the family? That also includes clean up.
Quit cooking. Your kids and husband are old enough to make themselves food. If they’re going to be that ungrateful about what you cook, they can just do it themselves.
Stop cooking they all can find what they like !!! Apparently
Get a list of things the family likes to eat and make those things. If they still complain then wait till dinner time and ask what there cooking
Great teaching moment for your husband to show your daughter how to cook
Just stop cooking for them. If they want to be rude and fussy leave him in charge of dinner.
Dad is charge of meals now.
Let them plan the meals for a week, and walk away, they are very disrespectful
I just make dinner for yourself and let the others fend for themselves…
Mom on strike…that would be me lol In all seriousness, let him take over for a bit and see if his attitude changes.