Am I Overthinking This Comment?

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"I’m currently talking to a man whos mom made a comment that made me a bit uncomfortable. He told me he showed her a picture of me, Im hispanic, w tan skin dark brown hair & eyes- he has fair skin dirty blonde hair & blue eyes. Well once she saw me she made a comment along the lines of “im not gonna get my little blue eyed grandkids” im not sure if im looking into it too much but i felt kind of offended by that. Like in a way she’s disappointed that i dont fit the “idea” of the person she had in mind for her son. He also didnt see anything wrong w the comment, he was confused on how i would feel a bit uncomfortable about that."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I’d be offended by this"

"I would also get offended if I was in your shoes , she wasnt thinking of how you would feel before that came out of her mouth . Im sure she truly didn’t mean anything by it, but would also upset me and she should be cautious of how she says things ! But keep your head up mama , youre not in the relationship to impress mama."

"Yeah thats pretty ignorant of her. I would not appreciate the comment either. For the record, I am Hispanic and have a light brown, blue eyed baby that looks like dad and not me so she’s just wrong anyways. It happens."

"She definitely meant something by it. Sometimes other races don’t understand indirect racist quotes the way minorities do. Go off how he treats you but explain to him why the comment hurt."

"And so it begins…it won’t be the last time."

"I would ignore the comment. It’s you and his relationship…not hers. I wouldn’t give a shit about her “idea” of what she wanted for her son… as long as he treats you good and you guys are happy. If this is the only comment that’s said I would just ignore it. If she continues with comments like this then I’d address it with him again."

"I would definitely be offended. I made the mistake of looking passed things like that with my former in laws. Him not defending you or even seeing the problem would also be a red flag for me."

"That was offensive and insensitive and very immature of her grown ass to say that and if your man thinks it was ok then dam hes probably just like his Mama"

"I’d be offended. And since he didn’t say anything about it to her, he has to think along the same lines."

"I think it was rude and honestly it comes off a bit racist if you ask me."

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