They’re kids
I have no words……kids are full of questions
Petty isn’t the word id use. I’d use different choice words… but he is a child… or did seem to forget that just cause your child isn’t there. Explain to the friend that your son isn’t home and won’t be home until xyz. It’s not that hard. Or grow up and talk to the boys mother about it and see if y’all can come to some common ground.!?
Yeah that isn’t petty…it’s actually quite Karen of you to get annoyed by a kid asking where your son, his friend, is:roll_eyes: Be grateful he has a friend who wants to play and spend time with him! Most kids these days are so consumed by technology that they make no effort to even have friends so your son is very lucky to have a friend who makes an effort to see him and build that bond. It’s not that serious
Ya it annoys me too. Just like when their unable to come out the friends will go to the window
You answered your own question it’s petty. I get it it can get annoying but you’re grown
Who hurt you? why would you wanna act like that towards a child? Especially one who is friends with your child…
They are kids, my kids friends ask too. I think its not nice you thinking that about a curious kid who wants to know where his friend is. I personally do think your being petty x
You sound like a peach. Do you not want your son to have friends? Cuz it sounds like it lol
They kids , you are over reacting . Kids ask things. Kids will ask where their friends are. It’s normal your not petty for ignoring a child you the a$$h0le for ignoring a child
I genuinely don’t understand why it bothers you? Is there more to this? A kid wants to know where his mate is, that is not bizarre surely?
Say: ‘just out, thanks.’ Don’t need to give detail x
Kid behavior isn’t adult behavior.
Adult behavior isn’t kid behavior.
You can’t view what a kid does or says through the same lens you would view an adult saying or doing the same thing. -
Even with adults dynamics matter in situations like this.
If my husband’s best friend comes over and he’s not home and they ask where he is…it’s not the same as a random coworker.
They’re friends. My husband wouldn’t be upset if I told him. He would be upset if I blew his friend off.
That’s what kids do. Their not meani g to be nosey or rude. It’s just a kid thing.
Why is it not polite for him to ask if his friend can play with him? Also, ignoring him would be ignorant. Which one of you is the adult?
Lol wtf. He’s asking bc he likes him and likes to play w him. They’re friends. He just is a kid asking a genuine question
You’re being petty AF. At least your son has someone who wants to be friends with him.
Would you want someone else correcting your kids over their personal pet peeves? If not, don’t do it to these kids.
They’re kids , tell them he’s not home and send them on their way. Might want to look into some counseling or therapy if it irks your nerve that bad
Anyone else dying to know where this kid is going. Lil CIA agent
Ask yourself if you want someone being that rude to your kid when they ask where their friend is.
My kids are 5 and 9 and we live in a military neighborhood. Kids EVERYWHERE. There hasn’t been a day this summer where my son or daughters friends come to the door asking for them, and it’s more than just 1 or 2 times too. I just tell them they are either out somewhere and will be back at such n such a time so come back then or I’ll just have to tell them they are at [kids name] house or check the playground and off they go to find them. If you’re so annoyed by your child’s friend asking if he’s home, just put a note on your doorbell saying that he isn’t home right now.
You are being petty and no that is not bad manners
Damn you can’t just be like he’s not home buddy sorry he will be home Friday or something. ? Don’t be a asshole adult to kids especially the good ones that just wanna have friends and play
I’m sorry but are people really this miserable!? Like tf?
yup go ahead and be “that parent” so that no kids feel comfortable asking to hang out with your child……sounds really STUPID to let something like this take up time in your head
You’re being a jerk. Like chill tf out
You sound like an exhausting person looking for something to bitch and moan about.
Surely this is a joke. How pathetic can a mom be towards 2 kids being kids
If I knew this is how easily you get annoyed at a child, my child would not be allowed to go to your house. My goodness what is wrong with people these days. I often went between my mom and my grandparents. Kids would show up at my mom’s and she would yell at them. Kids would show up at my grandparents and they would tell them they hoped I’d be back soon and let them write me a message so when I did I’d see it. I don’t even want to be in this world anymore. Poor kids. Your son and his friends
Sounds like your a rude to the poor kids.
Your a bitch who need to learn manners
If you go all FBI on the kids, your son won’t have anyone to play with !
Bch what? How is it impolite to ask? My lord you sound so miserable, your poor kid!!
Omg your wierd . Get over it lol. All he wants to do is hang out.
For one yes you are petty as fuck. 2) between the ages of 4-6(why stage) 8-10(asking questions to better understand things) kids are FULL of questions it’s part of their mental development. Kids are naturally inquisitive. We are all human and we all have things that kids do that we may find annoying or strange but there’s no sense in making a status about it lol. Kids also read energy a lot better than most adults so I’m sure he’s felt your irritation or at least felt unwanted at some point around you. The right thing to do would be apologizing to him for an wrong or misunderstood body language/ energy / facial expressions etc and set a boundary in place for questions, teach him & help guide him instead of judging & gossiping about him.
You’re overreacting times 20…. They’re 9&10. What do you expect them to do if they come over and their best friends not home? “Yeah do you know where …. Is?”
They’re asking politely it seems. I genuinely don’t understand how a ten second conversation with 2 boys is “irking” you. Sounds like he really likes your son, or might even be his only friend. Ever consider that??? And yet you’re ignoring his question for no reason.
Is this person serious!!! Omg the kids are 9 and 10 sure just push the kids away and say none of your business, take away a childs curiosity lmao this is by far the dumbest question I’ve ever seen posted here. Lol
An innocent child asks an innocent question. Let him remain innocent
i wish my child had a neighborhood friend knocking at our door every day wanting to play with him.
my daughter has high functioning autism. it’s very hard for others to tell. she does the same thing often but it’s to reassure herself of where who is and part of their repetitive behaviors when they get stressed and overwhelmed. many children like my daughter and your sons friend don’t have good friends themselves because many kids mirror their parents behavior and friendships end quite quickly.
at least your son has a loyal friend which many dont.
Be patient and proud. Obviously your child is a good friend to that child.
He’ll never forget his childhood friends mom was mean… don’t be like that. “Hey buddy, he’s out doing an errand. He’ll be back later on!” is just sooo easy. Do better.
Be grateful that your son has a friend
Take a chill pill. You act like they are stalking him, they just like your son and want to know where he is and then maybe gauge when he will be back. Sounds like you have a pretty cool son and should be proud instead of aggravated. Little kids are curious and that’s ok.
His friend may be neuro divergent like a few of the children around here, & needs things explained thoroughly, in detail, for him to be able to comprehend♥️
These are 10 year old kids - give them a proper response with the respect you’d hope any other adult would extend to your kids!
xxxx isn’t home now but he will be back tomorrow, I’ll let him know you came by.
Xxxxx can’t play until tomorrow afternoon - or tomorrow supper time.
Show them love! Some kids don’t have it at home.
You should be honoured your kids have friends. Some people go a life time without them.
Yes, yes your petty. Smh
Maybe he is asking because they might be playing at a neighbors house and might want to knock on that door. You could just avoid that question and tell him when he can come back. Don’t be negative, they are just little kids.
I wouldn’t let my child come to your house, ever if I knew that was how you felt about a simple question from a 9 year old that just wants his friend!
You’re right, it is petty.
Don’t be offended. They enjoy playing with each other. My son and neighbor friend are also 9 and 10. My son was at baseball practice and the friend came over and wanted to know where he was at and I told him he was at practice to come back tomorrow. They are not trying to be rude. If you don’t want to tell him where he is then politely Dodge the question and offer another time for him to come over while your son will be there.
If that annoys you, you are gonna have a long road ahead of you being a parent! Good luck
What a weird thing to be mad at a literal child over. They play everyday their probably best friends. Just like you want to know what your best friends are doing, they do too. Good grief
How sad!! He is the smart one being so inquisitive …and you are the immature one with an issue! Kids better ask questions, so they will know who the sneaky ones are!
Lighten up, they’re just kids. Be happy that he has friends and he probably won’t have any if his mom becomes overbearing
Just say he’s out and an approximate time the kid can come back over to play. You don’t have to get specific lol
In the words of my child: “Chill down, dude!”
It’s a simple as saying “No bud he’s not home right now.”
That’s the way we grew up as kids, and if kid wasn’t there, we talked to the parents, usually got a snack or something and on our way to where the kid was
He isn’t asking bc he is nosy or trying to be rude, he’s a 9 or 10 yr old that wants to know where his friend his bc he wants to play with him!! If he is by another friends house all you got to say is that! “ he’s not home, he is at one of his friends houses, maybe come back tomorrow!” That’s it.
Don’t be that person. We have enough people who aren’t always kind to children in this world. Figure out whatever you need to figure out in your head so that you aren’t one of them. He’s a child who just wants to play with his friend and that doesn’t hurt you in the least.
Seems like your boy has some friends who enjoy his company,
Everyone jumped in to roast, but I absolutely get it. I am a private person and it annoys the hell out of me if someone asks me my whereabouts. It’s like a trigger or something inside (idk what from though) and I try so hard for it not to be, but it’s there, and I get it. lol. I find myself doing the same when questions are asked about my children or grandchildren.
Maybe your son is at after school detention or doing his community service or someplace you prefer others not to know? You could respond by saying “he is at an appointment” or “he is out with (whoever drove him)” or “he is in town for a couple hours” or even “he will be back in a few hours”. Just because your answer may not be specifically responsive, respond with whatever info you are willing to give him. He probably does not want to know exactly where he is, more like when he will be back I would imagine. If you could mask your issue with him asking, so as to not alienate your child’s friend, maybe you could add some commentary to help him. “Oh I am sure you don’t mean to ask a prying question, I know you have better manners than that. He should be able to play tomorrow, so stop back by then okay?” He is just a boy. Imagine your son asking these types of questions and some _________ problem with it hurt his feelings.
Id be over the moon kids were asking where mine is. Can’t get my kid to make friends or play out. She’s going through a tough time and having a friend would truly help her, I’d do anything for someone to call on her x
They just wanna know where their friend is… kids are curious and not all kids are fortunate to have a safe place at home never know playing with your child may be the only time the child gets to escape from their home or even just escape from boredom
Yes, you are being petty for being annoyed at the kid. They are ten years old of course they are going to be curious as to where their friend is if he isn’t home and what’s wrong with asking where someone is? I am still wrapped up with the how it’s not polite. The other side of this story that comes out in the way you tell it is that I am catching a slight hint of introverted social queues from you which makes you feel uneasy that someone might actually care where their friend is because you personally would never feel comfortable asking where someone was and that’s perfectly okay; however, you can’t project that onto young kids. I’d feel bad if my kids friends couldn’t ask me where my kids were. You’ll be alright.
He’s a kid and is just wondering where this friend is? Just say your child isn’t here and leave it at that lol.
Kids ask questions.
Yeah, petty, very petty!!!
I don’t think the kid is meaning to be intrusive , he probably just can’t articulate himself well. What he may actually be wanting to know is more along the lines of “when will he be back so I can play with him?”
Like, is he coming back today, tomorrow, in a week?
Before it’s dark, after dinner, or after bed time ?
I could be wrong and maybe he’s just nosey and literally wants to know where he is but even if so I think that’s pretty harmless . If you don’t want to give details you could say something like “he’s with family but he will be back tomorrow after lunch. Want me to tell him to come knock when he gets home?”
Or “he is at an appointment. He will be back in about an hour. I’ll ask if he wants to play when he gets here”
This is exactly the kind of mentality that’ll isolate your son from making any new friends. Stop. They’re literally children.
Yes you are being petty…very much so.
It bothers you so much you had to post about it, so yeah, that’s weird also…
Kids ask questions and seems like he is asking so he can come back when your child is home. People just get meaner and less welcoming, and your part of that problem…
Spreading kindness is a lesson that keeps on giving…you may need it one day when you can’t stop asking where your son is…
YTA- it’s rude for a child to ask a question but not rude for you to “just ignore it” omg- please get a grip.
That’s totally normal for a kid to ask.
It’s a little weird that it bothers you enough to post about it.
It’s not like your kid is on some top secret mission and you can’t speak about it.
How hard is it to answer a simple kid question?
You have got to be joking? They are kids not mind readers. How would he know your child isn’t home.
Man, this world is so messed up now I’d rather have 20 kids come to my house at any given time. At least I know where my kids are. Safe and sound. 
Uh… this is a normal kid thing
We had one a little older walking to the house quite often to play video games. It irked me cuz he would eat all my kids snacks without asking and hide some for later. I know some may say “maybe he didn’t have enough food” but I messaged his mom and she said he isn’t supposed to have candy and cokes all the time which was all he wanted. Anyway I said he can’t come unless he messages my son first to make sure he’s even home, then he can ask me and we go from there. He backed off after a while.
Yes, it is petty. They are just 9 and 10 years old. Children are always asking questions. They also have brains; asking where your son is allows them to weigh how much time he’ll be away.
They don’t come to your house because they have nothing else to do. They value your son’s friendship that much.
Yes,you are petty. Just tell them when he’ll be back. That’s what they’re really asking.
You are frustrated on something/someone in your life and obviously projecting in this poor kid. The only attitude needs fixing here is yours.
Just answer the kid or it will be more questions… Gone with Mom at Grandmas… playing at another kids house .
This is why I don’t let my kids go to other children’s houses. You never know what an adult thinks about them.
Our house had 4 kids growing up in it. We were neiborhood central where all were welcome. Relax and enjoy the kids. My Mom made sure there were always cookies if my brothers didn’t get them first.
I’m going to say this only once ,as we all tell our kids this, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY!!!
Very petty. He just wants to go find him if he’s nearby. Or know if they’ll be around soon.
We have my sons friends ask the same when he’s not here and I’m honest let them know hes at such and suchs house so then they can call on them and gives them the opportunity to all play together . We have a pretty good neighbordhood of kids if they’re not all at mine they’re at the others lol never too far away! & Never any trouble .
“I’m sorry he isn’t home today, I can have him come over when he gets home”
Or if you and your sons father are divorced or never lived together and your son is with dad or family for an extended period of time…
“I’m sorry he isn’t home today, he will be back on …(whatever day)… he can play then.”
They are kids. Just answer as direct as possible without being rude.
As a mother, I feel your completely over reacting. Kids are kids and they want to have fun and play with the neighborhood kids. That’s awesome and a life long friendship for some. My kids would absolutely love to be in a neighborhood setting with lots of kids. (We live in Michigan, in the middle of the woods.) Be glad your son has someone to play with and kids who enjoy his company. And if it bothers you so much a small child has questions, I think possibly you should talk to someone and get through whatever is going on inside you.
You may be frustrated now but one day you will see it as a blessing.
Oh wow you sound like you’re a fun gal let kids be kids
No you’re not petty… you’re just a jerk put a note on your door so that poor kid doesn’t get chewed out for caring about your kid.
You’re gonna end up being an old grumpy Karen that all the kids dislike one day, if you don’t straighten up your attitude
I’m trying to figure out what ifs annoying about that. If he comes over almost daily then that is his routine so he would naturally question where he is. Same as if you did something almost daily if it changed you would probably question it.
You never know if he feels safer at your home then his own. Plus what if he has little to no friends and found a friend in your son. I’d be happy for my son or child to have a friend to play with daily and try to not let it get under your skin but ask yourself why are you getting so upset and worked up over this?
Beyond petty…. How is it not polite to ask where his friend is? He just wants to play……
Girl they’re kids they’re curious chill out
I’m the house everyone comes to , my door is being knocked on all day long . Wen my kids ain’t home . All I say they ain’t here they be back later on . But don’t get mad over that’s wow you are something else
I was one of those kid. I didn’t have nobody to talk to. To play with. A girl next to us was the only one who learned sign language so she could talk to me and play with me. There might be something going on at his house. I did that because I’m only one who’s deaf in the family and only my mama and sisters knew sign language but they’re always either busy or at work. My mama was always sick. So just be patient with this sweet boy who just wants to play with someone.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with’s actually adorable .
I love it I got kids knocking on my door all the time . Where is julianna lol
Yes super petty. Kids ask questions. That particular question is not offensive or something that is inappropriate. Why does it bother you so much?
It’s crazy that a child wants to know where his friend is they are children they ask questions. You can just say when he will be back they are probably asking to know when will he be back like is it a quick trip to store or staying at grandma’s or something