Am I raising my kids wrong?

Kids are just cruel I’m telling you I was this way as a kid I understand but people like you more as you get older it does suck though

You are absolutely not doing anything wrong. You are giving your children a childhood that they will remember and look back upon and smile with good memories.


You’re not doing anything wrong, kids are just a**holes these days and aren’t taught how to be decent human beings and most spend their time on electronics so have no imagination unfortunately… it’s sad that you’re kids are being bullied, it’s definitely not them.


Sounds like you let your kids be kids


Let your kids express themselves. They should never be taught to dilute themselves for others or to fit in. Maybe others should learn to be more care free like them.


The question is why are those kids so comfortable to put your children down for being kids? The problem starts at home. But it isn’t starting in your home :upside_down_face:


Your doing fantastic!!! I love the sounds of your kids they sound like mine lol don’t worry what others are saying your doing great mama :two_hearts:


What your not doing right is questioning your parental skills lovely, just cause your kids aren’t what society expects them to be means that your parenting should be questioned, people who school you on what u should and shouldn’t do with your kids need to sit down and mind their business. I think what your kiddies are into is absolutely kicking not many kids these days have imagination or spunk so I think personally your winning at parenting…. Heck my 14 year old girl hides in her room in the dark and only comes out to be fed :joy::joy: swear she’s a bat :joy::joy::joy:

My youngest girls are 4 and 5 like what they like, 4 yr old loves Spider man and dolls lol. They love horror movies and playing scary games so I know they are freaks lol

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My son legit was Spider-Man for 4 years straight. He would scream bloody murder when I had to take his costume off to wash it. He went everywhere in that damn thing. Kids will be kids, you’re raising yours just right mama. Don’t question yourself. Shame on those other kids & that neighbor of yours.

Next time that neighbor say something smack that b****. He is 9, of course he is gonna be goofy

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Encourage them to be themselves and if that means one dresses up and one can be a little annoying so be it let them be true to themselves and tell you’re neighbor to suck it

Okay my 10 year old daughter has ADHD and is just like this. She’s goofy, hyper and sometimes I can tell she annoys people. But she is who is also kind, amazing and has a heart of gold. People tend to look past all that and just see the wild side of her. I would never change her for anyone. If anyone has a negative thing to say I’m the first to stick up for her. I’ve taught her to be herself and not let anyone’s words change her from being happy and just being herself. She has friends cause other kids in her class are also silly like her. She hangs out with those kids and I’m so thankful she has them. She is always thanking of others but can also be hateful at times without realizing it. Just keep loving him that’s your job and you are doing amazing.


Sounds just like my kids.

Your not doing anything wrong at all. Kids dont know how to play anymore. Do not try and take that from your kids.!!! I know its hard to see them struggle but your kids are individuals kids that create and think. Be proud of that and of them.

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No,You are not doing it wrong.
Don’t tell Your kid to be Someone they are not! Let them be Happy.
Those are the Same people who are bringing up kids who hide things from them
Not only let Them be Themselves,
You let them know they can come to You for EVERYTHING!!! With No Judgement.

Why be like everybody else.
They are not even happy with Themselves🤷🏾‍♀️

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You do you and your family don’t worry about what other people think as long as your kids are happy and healthy that’s all that matters. People now days are so worried about everybody elses kids and how they are being raised instead of worrying about their own kids. You’re doing good ignore the negativity

You aren’t doing a damn thing wrong. Bullies raising bullies is the problem. My daughter is autistic and this is exactly what happens anytime she attempts to interact with anyone other than family who knows her. It breaks my heart and hers.

Those kids parents are doing something wrong not you !!! Let your kids live

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I would ask his teacher about the name calling. That’s not ok. You are doing things right. But I would intervene on the bullying. Those are hurtful words (gay etc) and my HS where I teach would come down on that. Gay should not be used as a slur or an insult


You’re doing everything right Mama. Let your kids be kids and try not to let anyone tell you different. They’re your kids, raise them how you want

You’re doing a great job at letting them be who they are “kids”.

Your not doing anything wrong & neither are your babies. They are being kids & expressing themselves. & you aren’t wrong for allowing them. they aren’t werid. what’s werid is someone even saying that. kids aren’t kids anymore. & Parents are at fault for that not letting them play & have and imagination. Forcing them to grow up entirely too fast. Keep standing behind your kids & supporting them in expressing their selves. Your Doing a great job momma don’t let anyone tell you different. Smh , this is sad. What is the world coming too.

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Nope your doing everything right! Your kids sound awesome to me!!!

Kids are assholes today I let my daughter pick her clothes it’s not always matching but she’s a free spirit but she’s always ladylike if she wears a dress she must have tights or pants on under it.
Your doing fine. Let your kids live a little. Always gonna be a hater in life

You are doing everything right by allowing your children to use their imagination and be kids!

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Kids are cruel.
Let your kids be whoever they want and just support and love them. They will “come into their own”.

I believe you’re doing fine by allowing your children be creative and happy. Please, teach and encourage them to ignore the negativity and embrace their uniqueness. Walt Disney was told by teachers as a child that he didn’t have a good imagination and you see how that turned out. :man_shrugging:t3: May you and your children be strong and blessed.

You are not doing anything wrong mama !
Kids can be so mean sometimes.
Your kids sound like great kids …they sound like kids my kids would like to be friends with lol
Hang in there and keep on loving those kiddos right !


My daughter wears her Princess Anna, Tiana and Cruella costumes when she wants. She also wears tutus with funky hats, sunglasses and jean jackets. Your kids are happy and having fun. They’re being kids.

They are expressing them selves
And I don’t see why that’s an issue

The other kids are definitely being bullys


Many try to rush their children into growing up these days. There is nothing wrong or weird about innocently enjoying childhood :pleading_face:

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Screw your neighbor!

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Just let them own their weirdness! Yep I’m weird and you’re boring mate :sleeping: :roll_eyes: :unamused:


No you’re not doing anything wrong. And I feel so bad that your son’s are being treated this way. Some children can be so cruel. Usually because their parents aren’t very kind people. Teach your kids that it’s okay to be themselves, usually so called “weird” kids aren’t weird at all, and usually the most intelligent.


Just tell your kids to continue being themselves, you and they are doing nothing wrong. Others are insecure and mean, so let them go on with their miserable lives

My son is going through this too his a popular kid and he takes it hard when some one teases him! He wears his hair long and I’m going through bullying from the teacher saying his hair is disruptive and disrespectful and my son can be annoying they don’t say that exactly but he gets in trouble and the adults don’t want how they say it so it’s bullying let them be them I tell my 10 yr you don’t have to please anyone in this world if he told them they had they wouldnt be them! And it would be an even harder world for them to live in

Your kids are just being kids and themselves. People have become idiots. Especially after lockdown. So sad. Your kids sound happy and spontaneous, and that is what is important


Your neighborhood sounds obnoxious. I would try to remind your oldest that people watching him act silly and reacting are not helping him. He needs positive attention at school. My son is adhd and he went through this last year, its better this year. Your youngest sounds amazing. If you cant be HARRY POTTER or naruto then why even be a kid!!!

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You are doing everything right. You are letting them be kids and grow as kids. To many young one are forced to grow up to early. Love you kids and be happy. Don’t worry about what anyone else says.


I would’ve beat the breaks off my neighbor :person_shrugging: I’m a preschool teacher, the behavior you’re describing is completely normal. They only get to be young once.


You are not doing anything wrong; it’s the other children’s parents that are doing something wrong. I’m sure your boys know about kindness, empathy and acceptance, something obviously missing from these other kid’s lives.


No ma’am your not doing it wrong it’s the other parents of the bullies who are doing it wrong. I love that you let your kids express themselves! My mother would never :sleepy:

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You are doing a great job!!! You love your babies and support them. Let them live their lives and teach them that the opinions of others do not matter


You are being a great mom! You are letting them be them! It’s so sad that kids can be so mean. Your kids sound great! Keep encouraging them to be kind even in a harsh world.


Not at all mama let them express themselves kids can be so cruel

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In my opinion you’re not doing anything wrong you’re raising your children and helping them be who they are not who someone thinks they should be if I were you what I would work on is making sure that you build your children’s confidence and self esteem so that stuff bounces off of them rather than stabs them directly in the heart kids are cruel they just are so you got to be vigilant in making sure that your children have confidence and good self esteem and a sounding board in you when they need to vent I say let your kids be who they are, why would you want them to be anyone else?


There are many mean kids. Best thing you can do is homeschool them and find them a few decent friends and let them be themselves.

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You’re not doing anything wrong. The other parents are by raising bullies. Your children are being themselves and there is nothing wrong with who they are!


Those kids sound like great kids and they will be appreciated by the right people.Goodluck to you and your family :heart:


Your doing it right hun. My son has ADHD and people often try to tell me how my son is the issue in a lot of situations. That’s normally when I come unglued… they are children learning how to cope with the world in only a way they really understands and if they take issue with it then it’s their problem. There is NOTHING wrong with my son or yours! Yes I correct him on his manners and publically correct aspects but the rest isn’t my problem. He fidgets… oh well! He gets overly excited and going 100mph… hes excited so oh well! He’s to loud… that’s a kid for you so oh well! Everyone in your child’s life has to learn how to cope with him or is better off not in it… as for the bullying it’s sad to say but it’s gotten pettier these days. My son gets bullied because his writing is so bad. It got to a point he didn’t even wanna go to school. A friend of mines daughter is going through it now because “she hasn’t had her period yet”… like how is that something to even bully over. All I can say is we can’t save them from everything and that’s one of those things. Kids can be seriously cruel .


My 12 year old wears a Naruto headband daily since Halloween. He doesn’t have many friends, but he’s happy. He’s also one of the funniest, quick witted person I know. Love your kids for who they are, and make sure they know it. You can steer them and of course try to protect them from being picked on, but it won’t change who they are. I would not my son to change.


My son is 14 years old now but he dressed up since he was walking ur not doing anything wrong but if I was u I will be telling my neighbor to stop being so fucking annoying 1 thing u don’t do is allow someone else to disrespect your child like that because I would’ve spit in their face that’s just me ur a good mom f*** them 

You aren’t doing anything wrong. Why should we all be the same? Life would be so absolutely boring.

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Here’s my son. Hes "super weird.
". kids are mean. He tells them if they can’t be nice they’re not his friends and moves on with his life. He’s a boy says he’s a boy acts like a boy whatever idc but loves to paint his nails has long hair and dresses up. Naruto and sonic are his favorite. Don’t tell your kids to be any different then they are.


I guess those other kids have crappy parents for not letting them be children it’s important for kids to have pretend play!


Nah something wrong with the other kids.


Kids are mean, like brutal mean. ADHD is hard to handle. Challenge him intellectually, he’s having a hard time focusing. Neither of them are any of those vile names. Have I mentioned how mean children are!? If they wanna run around and be “goofy” so be it. The other kids are just jealous they can’t be. Hugs

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Weird is good normal is overrated. The world will try to water down your uniqueness. Let them know it’s okay to be unapologetically themselves, not everyone will like or understand it but that’s okay. Who wants to be just like everyone else anyway. Your children will grow up to be the ones who are open minded & compassionate. Show them that even if ppl make them feel bad for being different, they can always be comfortable in their skin with you, & come to you. You’re doing nothing wrong mamma

It’s the others that don’t raise their own children right. Not you!


Don’t you dare teach that boy to dim his light for others. You teach him that he is NEVER too much for the right people, because that’s the truth. No matter who you are in this world you will find people that will love you unfiltered.

Do not let that habit start, not now not ever, and especially not over some grumpy ass neighbor.

My son would love him! He’s only 7 but he’s similar. He has adhd as well. He hasn’t been bullied, but I couldn’t see it happening in the future.

I have the same issue with mine same age 9 mine is a BIG BOY tell and chubby so that adds to it… But I tell him to ignore them all. But it does break my heart. They are so innocent and most kid out there are savages lol


Kids should own their weirdness… Id certainly rather be known as weird than “normal”… or rather be gay than a nasty human… you are the one doing the right thing with your kids, you’re letting them be themselves and express!


My kid does the same and he is perfect to me!

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I always tell my kids not to worry what others think of you. If what you are doing isn’t hurting you or anyone else, then go for it! It takes time but the more you tell them that the more they will come to that sense. You embracing your own self will also model to them that it’s ok to be themselves! :heart:

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I always tell my kids not to worry what others think of you. If what you are doing isn’t hurting you or anyone else, then go for it! It takes time but the more you tell them that the more they will come to that sense. You embracing your own self will also model to them that it’s ok to be themselves! :heart:

No, just more asshole kids then when we were young

My kid loves what he loves baseball while that is a “normal” thing to love his best friends don’t necessarily love baseball
They are more sport oriented but have little quirks
Mine has a stutter one flaps and another is super shy one has super long hair one has a mullet
I make sure to let my son know no matter what the character of the person is all that matters

Tell your neighbor Karen to shut her mouth because she is annoying!


Don’t let anybody dull your babies shine. It is 100% okay to be different… be proud that your babies are doing what they enjoy and not following the masses…


Your boys sound creative and imaginative, you’re doing great! Just continue to help be their strength and their safe space


YOUR kids aren’t the issue….
And sadly most kids don’t seem to play like this anymore. You know actually play, using their imagination,etc. Unfortunately,
since they’re growing up being raised by/on devices, they seem to think in person playing is lame, or weird. Kids trying to grow up way too fast. Creativity and character are being lost.
Therefore many kids who just want to be kids, far to often experience this type of ridicule and bullying. :rage:

We have dealt with this too, we have witnessed it, we are sick of it….

PS- what’s the deal with kids these days making assumptions that if a child is different, plays differently, has different interests than todays norm, they are called gay…
They use this term so often and out of context, as a slam. :angry:

Keep letting your kids be themselves. Don’t let this world and mean kids make them grow up too fast, or turn into people they are not. Try to teach them to love themself regardless of what other say about them. Teach them not to allow others opinions of them become their own. Empower your children. Teach them it’s not only okay, but good to be unique/different, not a clone of everyone else.

Good Luck to you and your children. Strength and good vibes to your perfectly “weird” kids from me and mine.


Sounds like your kids know what they like. And you should encourage them to continue to be who they are… they will find friends who like them for who they are. I was the weird goth kid growing up and now I’m married to the weird anime kid :joy:


Girl it’s all good :blush:

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You’re doing zero wrong if your children are happy. Keep them away from the complainers and bullies though. Just because you don’t know what they’re saying or doing in your absence. Otherwise, kids seem happy and “normal” by description in post. Keep being a good momma. Keep that chin up.

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Some Kids are A$$ holes it’s the parents that allowed there kids to bully and never stop it… :pensive:

I guess all my kids are weird at that age then too but I absolutely loved it their imagination was amazing

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That is totally okay for kids to do!! I love it when they use their imagination. My 8 yr old son use to wear a spider man costume every single day after school for a whole year two years ago!! Let him be and play… tell him to brush it off and keep playing with his head up… if they can’t be nice to him then they aren’t the friend for him.


Be his protector and tell them off!!

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You not raising them wrong! What is needed is a follow up with counseling in order not to allow comments at school and friends to affect them . Bullying is something very serious. Don’t let it affect them. Got keep a close eye on it

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There’s nothing wrong with your babies. They’re both being real kids. Please embrace that. We need kids like them for kids like mine who are both the same.


You are describing my 10 year old. Kids in our apt complex are SO MEAN. They call him faggot, fag, gay, dumb etc. He loves to joke, he is the joker if the family. He loves telling jokes, riddles, knock knock jokes. He loves dress up, he loves to play pirates outside. Sometimes he takes all his GI-joes and goes play outside and makes his own compound. Kids make fun of him as.they walk by. Those KIDS ARE HIS OWN AGE!!? I also ask myself don’t kids play like that. Our son talks too much,.he cant stay still . He has ADHD a.d I believe this makes him very unique. I don’t see this as a bad thing! . Our son is such a good boy :heart:

I tell my son… let them baby. One day those ignorant kids will be working for you :heart:you be respectful, kind and don’t respond the same ugly way they do. Because you are very smart and Kind.

The kids calling them weird are probably the type of kids sitting on the couch all day on an video game, IPad or computer doing absolutely nothing with their imagination.


You’re doing nothing wrong and neither are they! People will have something to say no matter what! Let your kids be themselves

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If your kids are happy… you’re doing everything right!


You aren’t doing A THING wrong here, you are letting your kids be their authentic selves. Well done to you :smiling_face::ok_hand:t3:


Screw the other kids let your kids be themselves hahaha my partner at 31 still watches anime and dresses up as Disney princesses for the girls lol

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Nothing wrong with weird when he becomes like everyone else that’s when I would worry.

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Kids are kids. Do not let them grow up too fast encourage them doing stuff like that! I ruined my childhood by maturing too fast. Im still a kid by heart though :black_heart:

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Your kids are fine. And I know this will cause hate but kids are jerks these days. Your kids are being kids like we used to be. But these days kids are hateful.


Kids are just mean. You’re not doing anything wrong

You’re raising leaders.
They are able to identify what they like and what makes them happy and that’s fantastic!!
Those other kids are followers, trends and friends will change with time.


I agree with the general consensus. You’re not doing anything wrong. Your kids actually have an imagination and don’t depend on electronics to entertain themselves. They’re being real kids. As far as the oldest one goes, I would advise him to control his sense of humor in school. Not to get in trouble. But as for at home, you love his sense of humor and his individuality. That you want him to be himself. Try to keep the bullies away from your home. As for the little one, try to protect him from the bullying and ridicule of others. Tell him they just don’t have any imagination. They have to have electronics to have fun. When their batteries go down, they’re bored, but he can keep on playing because he doesn’t need batteries! I don’t know how your middle child plays, but keep an eye on that one too. Don’t let that one’s life be spoiled by bullies. Good luck.

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You’re not doing anything wrong. It seems to me that you’re allowing, and encouraging them to be themselves. Lots of kids wear costumes and play dress up, but most parents don’t allow it outside. I’m not really sure why. It probably has more to do with how they think their children might be looked at. Again, you are allowing them to be their authentic selves. It’s refreshing to see a parent encourage that. We need to stop putting so much pressure on our children to be “normal” or fit in, and just let them be. As long as they’re not hurting themselves or anyone else, than others should not care what your children are doing, or what they are wearing. Also, your neighbor sounds pretty annoying.


Lmfao my 7 year old has a dress up closet with bat man , bumblebee from transformers venom and spiderman , I cant tell you how many times hes playing outside dressed as a hero , sounds like bullies , your kids sound completely normal to me lool


Letting your kids use their imagination is parenting completely correct. Adhd is probably why he is the class clown. As someone with adhd, an adhd partner and child, we are weird and annoying and that’s ok :woman_shrugging:t2:


So what’s the problem exactly? People being haters? Guess it’s a good time to teach kids that some people just suck and the world won’t change but shouldn’t stop them from doing what they like to do.

Your letting your children be who they are . Absolutely nothing wrong with that. :heart:


Your kids are being kids. Tell that neighbor to shove it.