Am I raising my kids wrong?

So my kids are 9, 8 and 7. My oldest is mature but he is the class clown. He is goofy, makes noises, constant joking and i have noticed he doesnt have that many friends and he is being called gay, weird etc. He is hurt by it and i can tell even if he says he doesnt care. A neighbor said i need to tell him not to be so annoying :frowning: i dont understand, i think he is just a regular 9 year old boy ( yes he has adhd) how do you handle this stuff?Next my youngest is into anime, loves to wear costumes (i keep their halloween costumes out all year for dress up) goes outside and is harry potter, batman, naruto etc.Some kids tease him as well in the neighborhood saying why are you dressed like that? Your so weird.This breaks my heart. Do kids not play like this anymore? Am i doing something wrong? What do i do?Please and thank you!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I raising my kids wrong? - Mamas Uncut

U are doing a great job


Lobe your children the way they are celebrate their differences and embrace their uniqueness


No kids are just mean! You’re doing a great job!


People are just jealous. Their mum isn’t as cool as you are. You’re doing a good job mumma push back


Teach them that it’s okay to be different and to love who they are


Sweetheart your doing amazing keeping there little minds active and using there imaginations is what forms great adults :clap:


There’s nothing wrong with your parenting. Seems like theirs something wrong with the way the other children are being parented. I’ve taught my son it’s not okay to bully other children and everybody is different, it doesn’t mean you treat them different.


my 11 year son is weird too and yep adhd and mild autism, I think it’s just boys. I put karate and it has helped alot. I have learned to embrace his weirdness lol and im teaching him to also. kids are mean, I told mine he is gonna have to have a tough skin, and try to ignore it. your doing great!

Your neighbor sounds off. Glad you allow your kids to be themselves. You are doing great. They will have to learn to be around other kids- and hopefully they find like minded kids to be kids with.


Your kids are fine. The other parents are just raising bullies.


I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one in the same boat. My oldest (son) sounds the same. He too has been called annoying, gay, loud, obnoxious, etc.

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I pulled my oldest (unique, goofy) child from public school
 We recently went to a park. The kids in his age group were there. Horrible little tweens. Screaming f*** and other words among littles. My son stated he didn’t want to be around those tweens. Your son really doesn’t need to fit in. Kids suck.

Kids are dicks. You’re either a bully or get bullied unfortunately. You’re doing fins just let them know not to let what others say get to them


No people are just jerks and end up raising little brats who think the same way they do. Let your kids be kids and everyone else can suck it.

You keep bringing them up to be whoever they want to be! Weird and quirky and wonderful! Fill them with so much confidence that no one can bring them down!


They sound like normal happy kids to me đŸ€·


You’re not doing anything wrong. Your kids are being kids. Don’t listen to anyone else.

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I see absolutely nothing wrong with how you’re parenting, next time your neighbor makes a comment about how “annoying your kid is” tell them to suck it. And with both kids, it’s perfectly alright to be different, I take pride in the fact that I’m different, because it makes me special, and if others can’t see it, that’s a them problem

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Your kiddos would get along with mone for sure. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ADHD too and fully embrace their and other’s quirkiness :slight_smile:

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I say let your kids be themselves. They will find their people. My daughter is 13 and into anime and I guess you could say she’s an emo goth kid. I let her be herself. My son who is now 19. Thanks for me letting him make his own decisions about who he is. Kids are mean. It’s a part of life.


Kids are mean. He will find his tribe but it does hurt. My son is 9 almost 10 and doesn’t have many friends either and gets teased.

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You’re awesome! other people just SUCK!

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Thats amazing my kids are the same way
 my 13 year old is a goof. My 9 year old outgrew toys and costumes young hes a video game or outside kinda kid. Kids are soo mean now days I can’t even believe it

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It’s okay to be different and be how you wanna be if your kid is having fun and liking what they are doing then that’s fine , you can’t let people make you try and change your children
I’m 21 and I love anime lol
Most adults do literally, we should be the ones embarrassed by that
But embrace what your children are into
At least they ain’t glued to technology like most kids these days
Feel proud of yourself you should be!

No mom you are doing a great job them kids are just aholes :pensive:

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Your kid has an imagination. I don’t think that many kids do anymore. Your a great mama for allowing your kids to have an imagination. As long as they are happy with themselves, confidence is golden. Instill confidence into them every chance you get. Kids can be so cruel. I’m so sorry that they are being bullied.


I’m sorry this is happening to you kids now a days suck and it hurts even more to see your own children being picked on I saw it today on my child and I’m just so hurt too idk what to do moving schools doesn’t help

Sounds to me like the other kids are being taught to be bullies .keep doing you and let your kids be themselves.

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Just let your kids be themselves and express themselves. Who cares what the other kids are saying. Kids are so mean and cruel these days it’s not even funny. More kids need to get off the internet tablets TVs YouTube etc etc etc and go outside and use their imagination and play and be creative.

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Sounds like people need to teach their kids to not be a holes.
You’re doing a great job with you kids


Let your kids be your kids and ignore then rest of the noise. They need your support and acceptance as they are. No adult should ever tell you to change your children.

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Your children sound amazing and have great imaginations don’t let other people break yours or their spirits for being different because what I have learned in my early adult life is that the “weird kids” are the best of friends as adults and make the greatest human beings :heart:


Your kids sounds like fun. Wish I could hang out with them.

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Let them be kids. The other kids need a lesson in how not to be bullies.

I am sure you are doing a good job raising them. I don’t think being different is a bad thing.
I am happy to be different. Kids are cruel these days

I don’t think your kids are weird, and you are not doing anything wrong. My child has always enjoyed dressing up in costumes and onesies. It’s no big deal
 let kids be kids

I had to talk to my son before the school year started. I explained how some kids might not be nice because he is different (he has long hair) and this is a new school for him. This year has definitely had its challenges. Kids can be brutal. You’re a great mom , letting your kids be themselves. And your kids sound awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Kids are just mean
 let your kids be who they want to be
 you can’t make everyone happy


You have raised confident kids who aren’t afraid to be themselves, who don’t cave in to social pressures. Some people have a problem with that. Follow your kids lead and ignore them.


Bitch slap your neighbor and bitch slap those neighborhood kids. Keep letting your kids enjoy their childhood and focus on raising them to be good people. Based on your story, we have enough shitty adults raising shitty kids.

I remind my kid as long as he likes himself that’s all that matters. Often when kids are mean they’re hurting. Don’t give then a reaction, they want that.

Mama let them be the weird kid don’t let them be the mean kid 
 they are perfect

Uh it’s the others kids parents who have something “wrong” with them, not your kids. I’d say they are just fine the way they are!

You need to find kids who like what he likes, it’s hard but activities help branch them out

It is a thing of beauty when kids are allowed to be themselves in all ways!
Hug your boy tell him you are always there for him and he’s being the best version of who is he as a 9yr old. The world is crappy enough to let bullies rule over one’s emotions.


You’re doing everything right! Let kids be kids :heart:

Let those babies play ,take time to play with them , ur doing fine momma


You are not doing anything wrong! You are the best mom!

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Your kids sound like brilliant creative spirits! Bravo! Let them be brave and be their own selves! Our sons were into Sci Fi, Transformers, Super Heroes, comic books while other kids around them were zombies! Now our sons are grown men and successful in their careers ~ one is a Public Relations Director and the other teaches AP Science and History. Never give up, never give in on your kids! Love and support them and the heck with those other kids who will “eat their dust”!!! Bless you and your family, hon! :love_letter::ok_hand::heartpulse::ok_hand::love_letter:


My 9 year old is the combination of both your boys. There is nothing wrong with them

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Your kids should never be someone they arnt 
 if he is told to be someone else now he will never be himself and will hurt him later on. I only had a couple of friends growing up because I was the same way but those people are still my friends to this day. Let him know that some people are just not very nice and one day will relise they were wrong

You’re doing nothing wrong. Most kids today are assholes because their parents are assholes! Teach your children to express themselves however they want and to not let what others say bother them.

The world needs all different sorts 2 keep it spinning. So many amazing people didn’t always fit the mold as others n went on 2 do great things. Every child is special in their own way n we as mothers can see that even when others can’t. B strong 4 your babies and keep encouraging them. Thomas Edison was homeschooled by his mom because the teacher defined him as mentally retarded n Edisons mom said no my baby is special and brilliant u just wait n see. N look at what that man accomplished. N I can only imagine how his classmates treated him, especially if his own teacher picked at him like that. U are doing what’s best 4 your children n b proud of them n show them how proud u r. Encourage them n bring them up when every1 around tries 2 rip them down. U GOT THIS MAMA!

Your kids are being who they are. They’re being themselves and that’s what all kids should be doing. They’re not being mean they’re being good kids and having fun. You’re doing a great job mama


Your doing a great job !!!
My kids also used to wear costumes all year !!
Teach them, who cares what others think as long as you are a good person who does right !!
Not everyone will like you, don’t let that dim your light !!


Just let them be them, you are doing great. If the other kids cant be nice they need to go home.

Kids can be huge dicks! You’re doing NOTHING wrong :heart:

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Bring your kids to cons in your area they can meet other weird people! I love con’s! I named my kids from animes and TV shows lol.
Kids and people are mean and rude they will find their own group. Don’t give up.

My 7yr old loves to dress up in costumes! Constantly. The fact that your worrying if you are a good mom or not says it all for me. Don’t be so hard on yourself girl! Tell your kids that kids are mean sometimes, and that it says more about them than it says about your kids. Tell them that even if it hurts a little (which is normal) not to let what others say get to them. To always just be themselves. Also
please tell your neighbor to kick rocks!!! Ugh. Hang in there, Mama! Prayers and :heart:

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They sound like amazing, imaginative kiddos!
Sounds like you have a bunch if bullies in your neighborhood! Let them play, you’re doing an amazing job letting them be them!:heart:

Kids are Aholes. Tell him as long as he is happy and kind to everyone he will find the nice group of friends that are worthy of his friendship. My daughter has gone thru this since 1st grade and she is now in 5th. She has learned to know who the real kids are and who are the fake superficial kids. Hugs to your kiddos

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Kids are growing too fast. Teach them not to care what others think.

My son is 8 and wears his costumes all year long too

Mama I feel you. My daughter is almost 13, ADHD/anxiety/depression, into anime and plays with barbies still- kids are so mean to her. It hurts me so bad. I try to teach her not to care but, it’s so hard.

Your kids sound wonderful. Kids can be assholes sometimes. Good job

You aren’t. Let them be who they are.
We’ve gotten ros of the stigma of weird in our home. My youngest likes being weird. Lol
So, get a counselor. For all of you. They’ll have tools to help them and help you, help them. :black_heart:
Being different is frowned upon when we’re young.
As for the ADHD, it can be too much for some ppl. That’s ok. Not everybody is for everybody. He should tone it down in school. Him having adhd isn’t an excuse to be disrespectful in class.

No, you are not raising your kids wrong! The one with ADHD is going to be annoying to others simply because he’s at a completely different speed than those around him. They can not (nor do we) keep up with their pace. Instead of annoying, the correct word is actually “fast” like a Ferrari because kids with ADHD are super fast and they have bicycle breaks. To help them with stronger breaks requires a dedicated support team of parents, teachers, doctor, and sometimes medication. As part of my son’s support team, I will not only read your comment but also my response to him. The best response to your other child is confidence building in addition to comments such as, “it’s sad to see some kiddos have to grow up too fast and no longer enjoy dress up like you do. Your imagination is like a superpower and I am so happy to see my son enjoying such a powerful talent playing pretend the way you do.” Don’t lose your confidence because they’ll start to question theirs and you’re in the path of raising healthy, smart, and exceptional children the way you’re parenting now.

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Something is wrong with them kids not yours. They need to learn that no matter what they should be themselves and not mold themselves into what others want or think is cool. Telling your kids to not be who they are or want to be could be detrimental to their mental health. Let them be and tell the other kids to kick rocks

Keep encouraging him to be himself and not care what others think :white_heart:

Wow that’s horrible I’ve got a 5 year old he loves to wear his Halloween costumes year round. They bring kids that’s what’s wrong with the world parents letting their kids act grown up to early these daysâ€ŠïżŒ

You’re doing fine. Tell them they need to teach their kids not to be mean ass bullies.

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They sound just fine and stop listening to them and your neighbors.

Even the best parents are still learning how to parent
 I think you’re doing a fine job, keep their imaginations growing
 further more I’d definitely tell the neighbor to mind his kids business and leave yours alone!

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I always tell my little one normal is boring. Who wants to be boring? :woman_shrugging:t4:You’re doing great mama don’t even question it. We love supportive mamas in here. :sparkles:

You are doing nothing wrong. You are letting your kids be themselves!

Embrace their uniqueness. There is nothing better than a parent that stands behind you no matter how different, awkward or annoying you are.:heart: you are doing just fine mama. Love those babies and be a soft place for them to land when the world is cruel.

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My youngest is 12. He loves anime. I’ve bought him cloaks from Amazon he’s worn it to the mall. But we’ve seen older kids dress up as well when we’ve gone to the mall. He’s goofy and constantly makes jokes just like your son. He can be loud at times, and I try to get him to tone it down at times. But he is who he is and it’s his personality. Luckily so far he hasn’t let things get to him. I’m nervous for next year when he goes to middle school as it will be an all boys school. His teacher has this special chair in class, everyone is taking turns sitting in it for the day and he got to sit in it all day Thursday. She also put a white sheet of paper with a picture of the student that gets to sit in the chair and all the kids signed it and what they thought of him. So many said he was funny, a good friend and like how he likes to make people laugh. But kids can definitely be mean.

No kids are mean and bullies and those kids are not people they want to be friends with anyway. But always remind them it gets better and sometimes they find their packs along the line even outside of school. My brother didn’t feel like himself until he went to college. But this bullying shit kids do is out of control

You’re doing everything right if your kids are happy, healthy, loved, and supported. Try to find activities that will create some relationships with likeminded kids.
It’s 2022 and so many of us are so emotionally aware and that is reflected in our kids. However, the same is true for the kids of those who aren’t.

Sounds like ur doing great! Letting your kids be kids :heart: We need more of that in our world! And I teach my kids that mean kids most likely have mean parents at home. They don’t see their own value so they won’t see yours either. But what they think and say doesn’t matter and never will.

Sometimes kids say mean things because they don’t have what yours have. Maybe take the costumes outside and those kids can be invited to dress up too and have a costume black party of sorts with some games, music, picnic/snacks?

Imagination in children is a wonderful thing and you’re a great momma!

A lot of kids don’t have imaginations anymore and it’s sad.

The kids who are bullying/being mean are the ones being raised wrong! Nothing wrong with encouraging them to be themselves and stick out in such a cookie cutter world we live in.

Kids are assholes, encourage them to be themselves.

I think your doing a great job. Maybe talk to his teachers & get their take on it since they see his interaction with his classmates. There is a difference between being funny & annoying. His teachers would be able to clear that up through their observation.

You did NOTHING wrong and neither did your kids. Kids, and even adults in this generation are just mean. What your kids do by using their imagination and being regular kids is much better than being inside 24/7 playing on an electronic.

Teach him coping skills of saying he is getting in touch with his inner artistic side, because one day he wants to be an actor.

Nothing is wrong with you or your kids. It’s the other ones


Kids treat my son the same way. They are just awesome boys and other are jealous

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My son is 12 he’s not into girls yet, he games all the time. He still dresses up in costumes. He has one best friend and they are alike in all of that. As for getting made fun of, sometimes yes. Kids are just mean. I’m raising kind hearted kids in a cruel world and it sounds like you are too momma. Let them be who they are. The world will find anything and everything to judge by. :heart:


My kids are the same
 we homeschool, so ya, typical weirdos. Those other kids are mean, insecure, and jealous.
You’re doing great!!! Allowing kids to be kids!

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your kids aren’t doing anything wrong. their kids are.

You are not doing anything wrong. Some other parents need teach their children how to not to be a jerk. Do your best to build their self confidence and not let what other people think bother them. I know this is easier said than done.

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Sounds normal to me, I’d also stop speaking to the neighbor, what they are saying is completely unacceptable.

You don’t do anything Mama, You let your kids be themselves. Not every Parent or kid is going to accept the way your kids are, doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong. Embrace their uniqueness :purple_heart:

Keep doing a wonderful job and encourage them to be themselves
 reinforced the absolute positivity of individualism and loving the skin your in

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 you seem like a great mom and your kids are having fun dressing up and being who they are. People suck. All those people talking crap are bullies have no child hood and have a stick up their butt. Your kids are awesome and so are yo🙂

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of it. You’re kids are just that, kids!! Let them have their imagination. All too soon it will be gone.