It’s your kid so it’s on you.
I think this post sounds really entitled.
If you can’t afford to pay, that’s one thing.
But you took a mama up on their offer for a sleep over. I highly doubt she WANTED the extra stress and extra cooking, extra kids to watch, extra cleanup, extra everything.
But we put ourselves through some extra so our kids can have some friends.
Just like I’m assuming you allowed your child to go to their house for the night.
I’m also assuming that you had a talk about being careful, follow rules, and being respectful.
If you have the money to help, then teach your child a lesson.
Yep its your responsibility!
I would say yes. If it is something like a glass or a dish no but something like a computer, yes you need to replace it. How do you accidentally break a computer.
It’s not your responsibility
Yes, you are responsible. No question
Yes, of course. Come on now!!
Yes if your child broke it .you are the parent
Simple answer…yes…don’t want your kid sleeping over…don’t let them…your child your responsibility…pay up!
Yes you should pay for it
Replace the computer.
Your kid ,your responsibility
Your child . . . Your responsibility.
Offer to split it maybe
Yes its your child so your responsibility
You should feel responsible. Its your kid.
I’d offer to pay ½. That’s fair.
Absolutely why would you think any different??
Your kid, your bill!
This is why I don’t do sleep overs.
Tell your kid like I tell mine, this doesn’t belong to you so treat it like it doesn’t belong to you.
Sorry it’s all on you
You should pay. If you invited someone to spend the night and they broke something expensive what would you do?
You both should pay half
My first question would be have you been asked to replace it?
Uhmm, yes? This page is full of entitled little girls.
Um yes your child is your responsibility till 18
At least offer to pay or share the expense
Wow…this person has balls.
You break it, you buy it.
If you even have to ask…
You are responsible. Your child
Your child your responsibility.
Is this a serious question
My daughter took brand new camera on school trip told her becareful with it and one of the parents chaparones dropped and broke it smh he said ill pay for it never asked him to altho i was pissed i never even got to use it bc it was that new but he never did but ig they should have been watching the kids smh and ya asking u to pay for it its bs
I’d share the cost but I wouldn’t be paying for anything 100%. Sue me
It somewhat depends on how old the child is and what the child was doing. If the child was 9 years old and roughhousing with his friend, especially if they had already been told to stop and they continued, then yes, I think you should offer to at least pay half. If you child is 5 or below and he accidentally damaged something, then I still think you should at least offer some sort of token payment but if a child is under 5, the parent really should have put everything that could be damaged up.
One of my daughters friends broke her iPad and I didn’t expect her mother to pay for it.
Broke it how? Did he break the screen? Did he infect it with a virus? There are many ways a computer can break. Was he breaking a rule while doing so? How old is the child? All these will determine my opinion anyway. I’ve had things broken by other children and never asked the other parents to pay for them. I feel like you do, it’s their responsibility to supervise the kids in their house. However there are extenuating circumstances that may change my mind.
Maybe I’m in the minority here but if you’re having a guest over and an accident happens then that’s part of the risk of having others in your home. Especially children. Accidents happen. I think offering to help pay for a replacement is poliet by not required.
Yes you should pay for it. I cant believe you even asked. Smh.
Yes it’s your responsibility… it’s your child… your responsibility
Yes. It’s your responsibility.
Yes. Your child, your responsibility.
Yeah u shld pay some
Yes you are responsible to replace it. Or maybe ask for half… my daughter at 3 broke my moms flat screen (2 days before black Friday but made me go out that day and replace it… $400 later) they had other tvs too… Unfortunately it is ur responsibility now thats shes older it would come out of her bank account
Personally it would depend on exactly how it was broken and the age of my child i’d say any child 4 even 5 and under doesn’t fully understand the value of these items there for they should be watched when using or kept up however the older the child is the more they understand right from wrong and damaging property but still kids will be kids and valuables should be kept out the way or accidents like this is bound to happen…goodluck
My children have an allowance. It would come out of their allowance but essentially, yes you are responsible. Your child needs to be taught to be respectful with all property
Also, how this question is worded leads me to believe your child did do it deliberately and you wont give specifics. So yes. Pay for it and dont let your child stay over without teaching them respect for other peoples stuff. Period. If they are too small to know better - chalk it up as a lesson learned that they cannot stay over anywhere until an age of where they should know better. Like if this was my 9 yr old for example, he obviously knows better. But if we are talking like a 3 yr old, there’s a big difference. A lot of the story is left out. Just do what the right thing to do is - it may not be the easiest or cheapest but we teach our kids consequences for all their actions including natural consequences like paying for damaged stuff.
Depends how old is the child is. If old enough to understand it is valuable and he shouldn’t be touching then you have to replace
If still young to understand then I thibk they should have been supervised by an adult. And it is carelessness on their part.
Honestly, I don’t have enough information in this brief, kind of cryptic, description. How old is the child? What happened to the laptop? What was he doing that caused the accident? Was the other child involved as well and equally or partially responsible? Where was the adult who was supposed to be supervising?
Here’s MY opinion… probably not the popular one… but whatever
If I invite a child to my home and they’re under my supervision and the damage was not intentional it’s on me. I’m responsible to be supervising the child. Accidents happen. That’s life. The other parent isn’t there to say whether they want their child to be responsible for something or not. If I’m allowing it, I’m also taking responsibility for that.
On the flip side, I’d probably offer to replace the damaged item at someone else’s house just for the sake of the child’s friendship.
It’s your child’s responsibility and also yours, by extension as the parent. Maybe work out something with the other kid’s parents for half if it was truly an accident.
Yes tf you are. Whether it was an accident or not if your child is responsible for breaking something it’s your job to replace it or reimburse the parents
Morally, yes. Legally, no. When they asked for your child to spend the night they agreed to supervise. If they were not providing adequate supervision it is their responsibility.
I’d get the story 1st was your child playing with it by themselves or was it multiple children playing on one device that broke. Either way I would offer something but I would definitely not replace it unless my child’s used it incorrectly without permission
I mean, think about it the other way round and question whether you’d happily buy another computer if your kids friend broke yours or would you expect the parents to foot the bill?
I’d be mortified and would pay to replace or fix whatever my child did and they’d be in trouble.
If a child was over and something was broken because the child did something purposefully to cause damage or was clearly breaking a known rule, then yes. Otherwise, no I wouldn’t expect the other parent to replace anything. Things happen, accidents happen.
It is the adults responsibility to watch what they get up to but also the parents responsibility to ensure they don’t touch other peoples property without asking if at another persons house.
Sounds like you’ve made your decision and are looking for people to agree with it.
Yes, you are responsible and with manners you’d have offered to instead of seeking approval of your obvious shitty decision not to
No if it was done on purpose then yes he or you should fix or pay for it. You are right it is the responsibility of the adult in that house to be watching said children. If they allowed them to use the computer then its on them. They are the ones that allowed it and felt that it was safe enough for them to use it. They were wrong and im sure that your child was not the only one involved so no its their problem. There is no age limit on spending the night somewhere! If you have a 3 yt old with little 3 yr old friends and they want to have a sleep over then if both parents allow it and agree then so be it. My kids have been having sleep overs since they were 2 and if the kids i have at my house break something then that’s my fault for letting them play with it and or not watching them appropriately
In any case u should replace it ethically, next time if u think ur son is not trained do not send him to other ppl’s house for staying , m sure he had never broken things at ur place y did he do it in other person’s place, it was ur son’s duty not to touch the valuables rather the person invited him responsible for watching kids all the time.
When we have kids over, we always put our computer and tablets and breakable stuff away. There’s always going to be accidents.
I mean did he throw a ball in the house or did he trip over something and run into it? Those are two different kinds of accidents. I’d find out exactly what happened and personally if it happened to me, I wouldn’t ask someone to replace it. But I would offer to help pay for Atleast part of it if the accident was the kind like throwing a ball in the house Or something like that. Definitely not if he tripped or something along those lines.
If you are a decent person, then yeah you should replace what your child broke. At least offer some kind of solution to help.
It depends… how old was the child? Did the parents give him permission to use this computer? If he’s old enough to know he shouldn’t have did what he has done then yes you should replace it. Some people don’t teach their children to not touch other people’s property. I’m not sure if that was the case or not but that’s my opinion.
Imagine if someone else’s kid broke your tv, table, whatever… youd want the parents to replace it as well
The right thing to do is to offer to replace it. They may decline but at least offer.
Depends on the age. Like if 2 8 year olds were playing in the living room and one smashed the TV that kids parents WILL be buying a new one i promise you that. You should be able to leave kids after a certain age to play alone while you’re in the other room. But if they were under 7 then it’s the parents fault for not watching. Just my opinion
This is why I won’t normally let my child sleep over someone else’s house without me, my hubby or a trusted relative. Kids get rowdy and we already experienced having to pay for Oakley sunglasses that got scratched because he accidentally ran into a display case full of those things.
We’d offer to help have the iten fixed or replaced. Then have my kid grounded nearly for life. If we have kids over though, we already expect some horse play ia gonna happen so all valuables gave to be kept away from them in a bid to prevent accidents. And a responsible adult has to watch over them at all times. That way, if anything gets broken well it’s our fault for not anticipating it.
Out of common Courtesy, I would replace the damaged item. Still my child and apparently they didn’t show that they had any home training while at friends house
If you don’t show some responsibility…how will your child be expected to?
Of course you should make good.
Nowhere here does it say that the kids were on the computer for one. They could have been playing in the room that the computer is in and it knocked over or a cup got hit and something spilled on it. This does not mean that the other parents were not watching the kids, hell they could have very well been playing with them for all we know. There is not a lot of facts here to judge what happened. But to answer your question if your child broke something you should replace it. It doesn’t matter if they asked your kid to go over there to visit and sleep over. That is irrelevant.
How would you react if roles were reversed?
Just be a good person! At least offer to replace or assist with half of the replacement.
Hell no. Should have put that away or managed to supervise better.
Its really if u have some morals about your self
This why I hardly let my kids go or let other kids come here. It’s just the principal of the matter, yes u are responsible, and my kid would work off the money to replace it. What type of friend are u teaching him to be?
200$ gift card for best buy
Need more info to say yes or no. Like how did the accident happen?
Your child your responsibility. It’s no difference if they broke something in the store, you’d still be responsible for it.
I think it depends on the situation honestly and the full story behind it. Personally I would most likely replace it because my child broke it if that’s what actually happened.
No should not pay and that person should be ashamed for that
Judge judy would say “your kid, your responsibility.”
It’s your kid, your responsibility.
Yes. Your child broke something that isn’t theirs.
Split the cost you each pay half
Your child, your responsibility.
A computer!!! Replace it!!!
Definitely your responsibility.
I would absolutely replace it
I think it depends on the exact situation. Is your kid a defiant destructive shit? I’ve seen plenty of those
However, if the child was a shit why would they request he stay over? Hmmm
Hell yes you need to replace it. My son spent 120 of his birthday money to buy himself an electronic scooter,the next day the neighbors little shit of a kid messed it up. I told him he had to pay my kid back. He said no so he won’t ever be coming to my house again nor will my child ever play with him again. Him and his momma know it! And if he does,I will jump his ass straight up.
You literally sound foul
If someone invited your child to their house then they should have made sure to put up breakable items or important items/documents. Their kids may be use to the rules at their house but yours are not. It is their responsibility to make sure those things are put up. It’s their responsibility. By all means let you know what happened but accidents happen. Put your shit up lol
Unfortunately, yes girl. You are still responsible
Yes you are responsible
Umm yeah. Your kid your problem.
Yes!!! You are responsible! WTH
What about insurance
You are responsible!!
Why don’t people take responsibility for their shitty kids anymore? If my car hit your car I would have to pay for damages to your car. This person invited your kid over to have fun not to wreck their shit.
First talk to your child and make sure they are the responsible party, you don’t want to pay for something that someone else broke and yes people would try that shit. If they did break it at least go half on the cost, same make and model, dont let them try to get a more expensive model on your dime