Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

If someone asks my child to spend the night at their house so my child can spend time with theirs, and my child damages something on an accident at their home, should I be responsible for replacing what they damaged? (A computer in this situation). I feel like it wouldn’t be my responsibility because the adult should have been watching the kids in the first place and keeping valuable items away from small children. Plus, they wanted my child to stay all night, I never asked.


We’re they just using it and it broke or were they kind of messing around n it got broke? You should definitely offer to pay for half if they broke it messing around. If ur child is a terror, u should pay for all.


It depends on how it broke. If they purposely destroyed it, then you pay for it. If it was an accident offer to pay half.


Well that depends on your sense of responsibiliy and if your want to teach your child responsibility for his actions… My son once was with a group of kids and they all broke a bathroom sink. My son was taught to own up to what he did and to say the truth. He was the only one that admitted to what happen and yes we replaced the sink because we want my son to learn that what you break you fix and we were extremely proud that even with the fear of being punished he was right in telling the truth. It is irrelevant if they invited or they wanted.

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If you were at their house, and you broke something, wouldn’t you offer to pay for it?

Your kid, your responsibility no matter where they are.

But this all depends HOW the computer broke.


It would be the right thing to do

Yes is the answer and what if the tables had turned and their child broke yours?


What would you do if the tables were turned?


U have a type of mindset there…hmmmm clearly describes who you are…bout plus this an that an oh u didnt ask…smh yes you should buy it back,not bcuz i wanted ur child to stay over means its ok for anything to happen an you have no responsibilities daz ur pickney…ent if something happen to ur child at my place you will hold me responsible???

Yes, your kid broke it, at a minimum you should offer to pay something for it.


If the parent invited them to stay the night, at that point it’s that parent’s responsibility. If they didn’t want it broken then they shouldn’t have allowed the kids near it. That being said, it would be the polite thing to do to offer to pay for it. I personally have had kids break and destroy stuff while in my care and I would never ask the parents to pay for it… I was the only one responsible for what happened while they were in my care.

Your Honeowners Insurance will cover something your child damaged. I know since it happened to me. Insurance Co might give you a hard time at first. I kept at it and prevailed as my agent said his son burned down the neighbor’s shed and it was covered.

You are definitely responsible for replacing a computer if your child broke it. Whether you asked or not for them to stay. Whatever your child damages is your responsibility.

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Its polite to offer to help , I know I would if it was one of my children

Yes the right thing to do .

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Yes - if we are talking about a plate or glass, no obviously that’s insignificant and non consequential. However, talking about a costly item such as a laptop or anything of significant value, you should offer to at least partly pay for it.
Accidents happen but kids should be held responsible for their actions. It’s unfortunate and maybe they will decline your assistance but the intention should be to help. I would be talking to your child and getting a clear picture of what happened. I would also suggest having your child do some extra chores or something for them to earn part of the money to show their actions have consequences.
Teaching your kid respect for things at an early age will help in the long run, right now it’s small items but what happens if your child was to break a laptop in school or damage a car when they can drive?

The responsibility lies both with you and the other parent… you because your child broke it and theirs because they weren’t paying attention enough to prevent it from happening… I’d offer to pay half…

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The child was invited and you weren’t present , accidents happen , and no she is not responsible


Why asking when you clearly don’t want to be responsible for it.


I’d say no. If my child stays at someone’s house I’d be expecting the adult to actually be keeping an eye on the children. I for one wouldn’t expect another parent to pay for something damaged at my house my a kid. It’s my responsibility as an adult to make sure it is safe for the children to play in my house etc.

If it was something inexpensive then it wouldnt be a big deal. But expecting them to come up with that much money on the spot bc your child broke it is kinda shitty. I feel the right thing to do would be pay to replace it.

Yes !!! That’s exactly what’s missing , parents being responsible for their children !!! :thinking::sunglasses:


I always offer to pay if my son breaks something even at his grand parents house. Even if they had invited him. My son once got invited to his friends house, i foolishly sent him in a brand new white football top, he came back covered in make up from playing with his friends sister. The friends mum bought him a new one even though I told her 100 times it was my fault! I would definetly offer at least half

I can’t believe how some people have the nerve to ask questions like this, if my son brake something in someone else’s house I’ll pay without a doubt :woman_shrugging: parents needs to be responsible for their little blessings :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Nope they should of been watching your kid

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Depends on the situation


Yes!!! You are responsible for your child!

Yes, you are responsible. I have told my child no they could not go somewhere because the family had a lot of things that could get broken. So, instead I had the other child at my house

Any decent person would offer to take responsibility for their child’s actions. If both kids were involved in breaking it you should offer to pay at least half… This is why kids have no respect for anyone or anything; their parents don’t and they see that.


It would be common courtesy to do so. At least offer.

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I don’t have kids but if it was me I would offer to pay half.

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In my opinion no. They wanted your child there. Accidents happen. Especially if they weren’t being watched properly. They should have put their computer up knowing kids can get a little wild. If the tables were turned I wouldn’t ask for them to pay for anything. It was my responsibility to make sure my personal stuff would not get broken in the off chance the kids got Rowdy and rambunctious

How old are these children and how did they break a computer?


It all depends on exactly what happened. If their child was also involved and the children were messing around, then it would be half and half. If it was only your child, then you pay for it. The adults should have been watching but depending on the age of the child they maybe figured the kid old enough. And it also seems like maybe some extra parenting if the child is goofing off around a computer. That is something that shouldn’t be allowed as things can get broke.


Yes it’s the right thing to do especially with kids watching … DUH !

YES he is not 18 years old you are responsible! Be accountable

Not a popular opinion by the looks of it but something similar happened with my son.
My son when he was 2 or 3 years old was playing with his ‘uncle’, the ‘uncle’ was the one who started throwing the ball in my house. I told him not to throw the ball in my house but to roll instead… and the ‘uncle’ continued, ignoring me. Then when my son threw the ball back towards him it hit over his ‘uncle’s’ beer and the beer spilt on his ‘uncles’ laptop. Did I offer to pay? Did I f*ck! I was blatantly ignored and karma happened. In this instance, your child was not in your care, you were not present and therefore should not be held accountable for something you could not prevent. So no I would not offer to pay. And if the table’s were reversed and I had a child stay at mine and they broke a computer… Well that’s my own fault for not watching the child correctly. X

Reverse the situation :thinking:

When i was 5 years old i broke something at my friends my mom made me take my piggy bank money over to the parents .

Your kid broke it you’re responsible.


50/50. Do your part. Valuable lesson to be learned about accountability.

Yes ! Why would you not want to ?

Depends on the lesson you want to teach your child.

1-you replace the object your child broke and make the child responsible for breaking and object (chores to pay back or allowance taken) there fore teaching the child to be responsible for their own actions and more careful.

2- say accidents happen. To me is showing your child no responsibility or any owning up to their own actions.

Regardless of what the other parent was or wasn’t doing no matter where your child is you are responsible for them and their behaviours.

This could be a really good teaching moment.


I think it depends on the situation and the age of The child. Say your 5 year old broke a cup at the dinner table, would you offer to replace that? Say your 9 year old decided to play hokey in the house and bust the tv all to pieces playing. So there isn’t really a right or wrong response here. It’s just what you feel like is best. I personally would probably offer to replace it if the child is older then maybe 5-6? That age and younger I don’t think is old enough to understand the gravity of what they done and to know not to do it.


Ummm yeahhh. Why wouldn’t you? If the role was reversed wouldn’t you want your computer replaced by the parents. Wouldn’t you hold those parents responsible? Regardless your child broke something and you as the parent are responsible for replacing it

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Yes. They should know better than that.

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If any of my children stayed out at one of their friends and broke something, on accident or other…I’d offer to pay for it, or replace it.

i would need a lot more information. in the case of an accident, no you shouldn’t be responsible. but if you’re child was repeatedly asked to stop doing something or told not to do something then yeah i’d probably ask that you be responsible too at least for hald.


I had someone’s child stay the night a couple of weeks ago and they broke a porcelain trinket that was in my daughters Room now mind you I’ve had it since she was a baby bite I didn’t put it away so therefore I feel like I’m responsible for that because they’re just children and I knew they were going to be playing. It really just depends on the situation and how your child Got around the computer in the 1st place. If they were around and they chose to let them play with the computer then I believe they’re responsible for that not you because they took the risk of letting your child who may not be old enough or responsible enough… to have it. Now if they had a computer without permission then yes you are half responsible.

50/50. And perhaps since the parents can’t keep an eye on the kiddos at all times (which is somewhat normal depending on their age), sleepovers should be nixed for the time being.

Yes. Because it’s YOUR responsibility to teach YOUR kid to be careful & not damage other ppl’s property. Then take it out of your kid’s allowance to teach them responsibility

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We have full warranties on our electronic devices, so no I wouldn’t make a visiting child pay to fix it. If my child broke something at someone else’s home I’d fix it. I would hope the parents have insurance or warranties, but if not I would definitely pay whatever I needed to make it right.

This should be fifty/fifty. How do you know if it was broken before. Keep you child at home.

What??? Why is this even a question. Your son broke something. What does an adult watching have to do with anything. You need to offer to replace it and leave it up to them to take you up on it.

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Yes it is completely your responsibility. I replace things my kids break and if a child comes over to my house and starts breaking stuff and their parent does not pay to fix it guess whoes kid is no longer welcome to stay at my house. My boys used to have the laptop in thier room to watch dvds my sisters kids came over once and ripped all the keys off the keyboard and lost parts to stick some keys back on. She should have paid for the keyboard to be fixed but didn’t. One of the many reasons i can’t stand her.

Would you go to a store and he breaks something and you say to the store owner well it shouldn’t of been put there or you should of been watching my son. Teach your child not to break other peoples property. A computer is large. Not easily broken so unless someone threw his body into it I can’t see an accident here.

If your kid is old enough to sleep over at someone’s house, then they should be old enough for those parents to not have to watch them every second while they are there… if your kid can’t be careful and breaks something, then why wouldn’t you at least put some money towards it. I’d be pissed if I had your kid over and they broke my computer and then you tried to blame me because I “wasn’t watching them” tf… don’t send your kid over if he is careless or can’t behave. I’m also curious how they “accidentally” broke a computer?

That depends on the situation, if u left your son under the care of owner of the house then it’s her responsibility as she was looking after him, n if under your care then u responsible

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YES. I’d usually offer to help fix it, pay for it or at least pay half. I’d feel uneasy otherwise

You seriously have to ask that question!? Do you not know manners and etiquette!? YES you do!!:woman_facepalming:

It would be a no for me and that’s because when I have children in my house I’m responsible for them, furthermore how do you know that the item wasn’t already broken and they’re just blaming your kid. I would talk to my child first and explain to them that the truth is imperative about what actually happened and then go from there.

Yes! If your child broke it then you are responsible. It’s your child. Too many times parents dont take responsibility and some one else ends up paying for there mistakes. Of you had to ask you already know the answer.


That’s an expensive accident.

Your child broke it, be the same if you broke something of someone else’s or at a store, made to pay for it.

Yes or atleast offer to pay the excess on the insurance

How can u break a computer ?

Thats why I don’t do a sleepovers at my house or others houses too much nonsense these chilren now n days are out of control

Depends on the situation…

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Need more information before drawing a conclusion.

Children are not designed to sit still and be quiet :roll_eyes:. This could be the 1st time the child broke something at anothers home. I dont feel like there is enough information to blame the child 100%. If the computer is a laptop and was left on the table and the child spilled water and it burned it up, I would say the other parent is more at fault as children do spill and they shouldve known to move it before placing children at the table…


Yes, you are responsible for your childs actions. Accident or not, your child broke something. What are you teaching your child by trying to get out of being responsible ??


Depends how it got broken. Maybe both children are responsible. I would offer to cover half the costs.


I don’t think so. The child was under their care. If sometimes could was at my home and something happens that’s on me

I would have to get more information.
How old is this child?
This child was asked over by the house though .
Really it is up to you.
I would offer to pay half and in the future keep your child home until he/she knows about behaving and treatment of people’s property.


Are you asking if its morally or legally your responsibility? Huge difference.

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Um yea? You would make the other child responsible if it had happen to you at your home

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I would say no. I agree with you the adults should have been watching the child

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I believe you should be responsible, what you allow your child to do at your home , is what your child will do at someone else’s home. So teaching a child to not destroy, play with or get into are your home will and reminding them of their taught manners should be priority.


Absolutely your child broke it you should fix it. At absolute very minimum at least 50% of the cost of fixing ir replacing it. I personally would pay the entire cost its only fair if my child broke something

Yes your child broke it you should fix it . Thats just what we do we are responsible for our children which ever way you want to cut it. … you didn’t ask them to stay but you allowed them to stay … they didn’t ask for their things to be broken …
And who’s to say they weren’t watching them … if my child breaks something at someone’s home I fix it period its the right thing to do

Yeah, you’re responsible. Maybe think it over more carefully next time you agree to let them stay over somewhere. Also have a serious talk with your child.


Yes absolutely you should replace it!

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If it were at my house I would be mad, but I wouldn’t ask you to pay for it. Because I should’ve known that was a possibility when I let them on the computer because kids break stuff. I would just add it to the never ending list of things that kids have broken. Lol.

How certain are you that he was the one who broke the computer? Did the adults see him do it or is it just their child’s word over yours? I’m just asking because children will blame someone else real quick so they don’t get in trouble. :woman_shrugging:t2: But if he did break it (even though it was an accident) I’d definitely agree you’d need to replace it.


I need more information. Hopefully they aren’t setting your child up.


Yeah NO…this is an issue at my house too. Only people know that my kids are destructive…i tell people all the time. If ya dont want it ruined pick it the f up…if ya wake up and its destroyed not my problem, should of listened to me. Im not paying shit

I remember once asking my friend if I could remove a small glass table ornament thing that he was attracted to and kept going to he was 1 and as half she said no all my children have grown up with it it be fine, nec minute its broken cause I didnt get to him quick enough then she told me i had to replace it well that was the end of that friendship no way I.m paying 300 bucks for an orderment I asked if I could put out of reach . And kids have come to my house and broken things never charged the parents as they were in my care

The answer is no. They requested your child stay there. In that case THEY took on ALL parental responsibilities for the duration of the childs time in their home. I have never been so petty as to expect my kids friends parents to replace ANYTHING they broke while in my home (and believe me I’ve seen it all). If you aren’t responsible enough to watch children and handle their mistakes while they are in your home (weather they are accidents or the kid is an asshole) then do not allow other children in your home. It’s not rocket science.

Teach your child some responsibility!!! Even if it’s an accident you still need to pay for it!!!


I would offer half.No more.They did not do their job.

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Yes. How you going to let your kid break thousand dollar equipment and not pay for it? That’s bullcrap.

You are responsible for your child. Regardless of the details. YOU are responsible.


Ok first of all accidents happen… there should be no blame on who should have been watching them… things happen and sometimes you can control everything. Or no where kids are at all times.

Was the kid in a room he shouldn’t have been in?

How old is ur son?

Maybe offer half the money but let ur son do chores around the house to make money or lawn mowing or some chores to make money to repay them. Or put up 1/2.

I don’t think I can comment unless I know the full situation of what happened it could go either way


I would need video of that

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You’re the parent. You are responsible for your child’s actions. Teach them how to not touch things that don’t belong to them.
Yes you should pay for it.


Yes if he broke something then yes it’s your responsibility to replace it.


You absolutely should replace it. Whether or not they were watching. You should replace it or at least offer.


Yes! Absolutely! 100%


They should’ve been watching that child, I wouldn’t feel obligated to replace it
The child was in their care


Yes you are 100% responsible!