Am I selfish for wanting a break?

If he had to be at his job 24/7/365 he’d lose his mind too.
Parenting is a “round the clock” gig, we know that. But the WORK of raising children and keeping house is exhausting and you deserve breaks and days off too. That’s not selfish, it’s realistic.


No mama, you’re DEFINITELY NOT being selfish. I have a 3, 12 and I’m currently 20 weeks with another and my 3 year old is obsessed with me. I honestly need a break too. Luckily my sister has 4 kids and the youngest is only a year older than her, and she only lives 10 minutes away, so I go there when I need a break to let them play together. Your husband should understand that you do a lot and he should be happy to help

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You shouldn’t need permission from anyone to have a drink! Or do anything. A marriage is a partnership. He may work outside the home but you work just as hard in it. You are entitled to a break too. He should acknowledge that.

Not selfish at all, if anything he is beinq selfish, my husband works alll the time and still helps when I need or he just wants to.

We all need a break every now and then. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. No one else is in our shoes.