I’m confused your “chance to be a grandma” you’ve been a grandma for 10 freaking years… I’d cut you out too if all you cared about was a title
I called my great grandmother momma and my grandmother mother. I was close in age to my youngest aunt and uncle. My younger cousins called her nana. My son is going to call my dad’s mom maw maw cause that’s what I called her. I asked her and she said I’ve been maw maw for 35 years I’m not changing now lol
Grandma Nannie is PERFECT! It’s about what you and your grandkids feel comfortable with.
I’m MeeMaw and I love it … I didn’t choose it my daughter did. I get it you may feel like grandma makes it perfect… but that’s not what makes you a grandma a name is just a name, it’s your love for them that counts … and I love mine so much and my name lol
forgive my grammar please
My kids have
Juju (my step mum)
Nanny goat(My mum) she owns land with pet goats and my brothers kids call her nanny
And my MIL was already Nana to her first born grandkids (didn’t want to confuse them with mine calling her something else and she was adamant she was nana).
Now I also have my Nana which we refer to as Nana. So far my eldest seem to be able to distinguish them all apart based on their respected partners ie grandad, pa, Pappa. My mum was adamant didn’t want to be granny and MIL was adamant she was nana.
We have came up with ways to distinguish who is who, so can’t see why you being Grandma Nannie is such a big deal
If you’d ask my mom what she be called she probably would’ve said “nana, grandma etc” but my oldest called her Gah since he could talk he’s 12 and it’s still Gah my youngest calls her Gah and my nephew calls her Gah… she absolutely LOVES it! It’s specifically unique to. I know it’s something you want desperately, but at the end of the day it’s not something you as the grandparent really get to choose it’s what the first grandchild chooses and you should wear whatever name that be with pride.
I wanted to be called nana bc my mom was already called Grandma…turns out my grandbaby named me Nanny and now I have 4 and that’s my name lol. Nothing better than hearing the sweetest little voices call me Nanny
Sounds like the son is an asshole
That’s a ridiculous reason not to talk to you
Uh both are grandma’s?? Idk what I’m missing I thought that is how it is?
That’s really weird for him to spin out like that. Theres nothing wrong with the kids calling you grandma or grandma nannie
Sounds like there’s way more to the story. Take whatever name your grandkids give you and just be grateful to be a part of their lives. My kids call all of their grandparents by different names.
My 2.5 yr old calls my mum granny and my mil narni (my sil kids call her narni so it stuck) but my mum use to get grandma when my nieces and nephews were younger, but now that they’re older they like to call her granny haha its cute
My grandkids call me Gammy
No judgement here. Only came to share our story. When one of my sisters had my parents’ first grandchild my mom wanted to be called grandma but that name was already claimed for the paternal grandmother, who already had other grandchildren. So my mom settled for Nana. My other little sister had her first baby in May. Both my mom and her baby’s paternal grandmother are called Nana
What you both can’t be called grandma?
I usually don’t comment on these posts but it really seems like the actual problem has been lost in translation here. You are already Nannie to this 9 year old child , and trying to justify you bringing this desire of yours up to this 9 year old child who Im sure loves you and has thought you loved him calling you Nannie as he knows you. That just seems like a selfish choice to me by definition, you should have instead, perhaps, just discussed possibly phasing in the name Grandma with your own children once the new baby comes if you are still 10 years later dying to be called this - and just let your grandson try to deal with that potential confusion …Perhaps that’s why your son is upset with you?
With that and anyone who thinks that a name change may not confuse a young child, it sure might. Our children called their grandfather pop pop as his daughter who had two children had cut him out of her life and they didn’t meet him until they were toddlers. We already had a pop so we all decided on pop pop for him. Fast forward to their grandfather getting to meet his other grandchildren and his daughter has them call him pop because they already had a pop pop. This was super confusing for our kids, still is and that’s the only issue I as mom had with that. He in this case was just desperate to appease his daughter and began calling himself pop so whatever I get that.
Then there’s my mother who had apparently dreamed of being mom mom. But my mil was already mom mom to the cousins and she didn’t want to share the name so after about 9 Months of dramatics my mother decided on an acceptable substitute. I can still feel the resentment when she calls herself grandma but good grief it is not about you just take a look at these kids faces and the love they have for you calling you whatever they do. I’m not sure if selfish is the right word but really with all due respect nannie may be something you just need to accept for your poor grandsons sake who’s already here. Geesh
At the end of the day, you’re grandma with or without being called grandma. What if the child doesn’t want to call you either of those? Sometimes it’s easier to leave different options available.
Honestly with my grands it doesn’t matter. I was supposed to be Nana but Nana turned into Nini because my mom has been Mimi for 25 years and that is what my precious little ones decided on on their own. Which to me has far more meaning. It doesn’t matter what they call you as long as they know you love them.
My grads call me “Grama Julie” while the other grandmother is “Grama Ann”
Does it really matter of the MIL wants to be called grandmorher you are also the grandmother…i am afrikaans speaking my grandchildren calls me ouma and their english grandmother granny… and to my afrikaans grandchildren they call me and the other granny both ouma…im just ouma Fielies …other grans are ouma Jenny and ouma Annie and ouma Issie…
I just think this is so weird. Why can’t you both be grandma? But like, pretend your name is Rose. And her name is Sharon. You can be grandma Rose and she can be grandma Sharon. Or your last names? Idk
Why can’t you both be called grandma? I’m grateful that I have one grandchild and she insist that I am either mama or mammaw she does that because I have been raising her since she came in the world. She’s 3 right now
Don’t let a title change everything. As long as you are loved that is all you need
You can be calked both. No rules to it. And I think your son is being selfish not you
Seriously the world had other issues right now
What difference does it make? Enjoy your grandkids regardless. They usually mispronounce anyway. My Dad “papaw”, ended up being called “Papae”. My mom wanted to be “Nana”, and now she’s “NannyGoat”. And guess what, they don’t care!
my son will decide what to call each side honestly. grandma and grandpa originally was set for both sides but now he tries to say papa so whatever he wants will be it🤷🏻♀️ sounds like honestly you need to get over yourself
Oh my He’s he’s selfish one NOT you how immature is that !Just why over such a silly thing for your son to be so selfish and immature also !That’s just silly !I hope you can can get this worked out before the baby comes !Good luck Grandma/Nannie !Much love many prayers & you are NOT selfish I’m a grandmother to 16 beautiful Grandchildren and 5 are Greats !I wouldn’t change that for any amount of $ I love being a Grandma & a Great Grandma it’s what life’s all about
I always called any of my grandparents grandma or grandpa. That’s how it is with my kids too. I never saw a point for other little nicknames. Why can’t you both just be grandma?
We always let the kids decide… my mom is grandma and nini… because my son randomly called her nini when he was a baby and it stuck lol I say leave it up to the kids
My grand baby has me that we refer to as grandma and also has her 2 year grandmas that we refer to as Grandma Lisa and Grandma Tammy but we are all grandma in one way or another
Well, I mean… imagine how many different names kids have to remember. So, in ours, my kids and I have…
My grandmother… Granny to me, Gran Gran to my children and the other half of the grandchildren - Big Mama
My mother to my children are MiMi and their dad’s mother is Granny and her mother is Maw Maw… while their other great grandmother (from their dad’s father’s side) was Grandmama
Imagine how confused kids are until they reach teenager years trying to remember who is who when talking about memories.
Mine call me Nannie and I love it. They could call me anything as long as they love me.
Wow, if something like this causes huge rifts, y’all have bigger problems than what names to use. Try family and/or individual counseling to deal with and solve the power struggles in your family.
Most names come organically from what the kids say. Maya Angelou had another name but her brother always said, “She be MY-a sistah” and from then on she was “Maya.”
My family had Grandma Marge, Grandma Rose, and even Baby Rose for a few years. Grandpa Mickey was in heaven, and my son pronounced “Grandpa” as “Pampa” so he became “Papa” until the kids were older & could pronounce it correctly.
The names are irrelevant. The love between y’all is what’s important.
Why can’t you both be grandma? My kids have 2grans. It doesn’t cause any harm, confusion or fights. Xx
How are you selfish? You talked this over with your grandson and this was his solution. And obviously you feel that as long as he’s happy too that’s ok. What the hell is wrong with your son?
My kids chose what they called their grandparents. My parents are Papa & Grammy and my in-laws are Grandma and Grandpa. When I was growing up, both of my grandmothers I called Grandma. They both had the same first name, so it was Grandma (last name) and grandma (last name) and it was never a big deal.
I live in Scotland and we call our grandparents grannie and Granda and just add their surname ,
My kids call my side granny (my surname) their dads side granny(his surname )
Nana was our great great granny . Or we would call them by their first name so granny ( forename) .
Maybe your just making to big of a deal out of it. Be happy your not called by just your name. I don’t think you should get to decide what they call you, let the kids pick.
Like always as soon as one says anything They stop talking to you , I have 4 children ,7 grandchildren an 9 greatGRANDCHILDREN AN ONLY see 1 grandaughter an her family , Because i spoke up an my husban d has ben gone 26 years Havent spoken to any of thenm for over 6 years I SUPPOSE 1 OUT OF 22 not bad …Take Care …
To my kids my mum and my Nan and mil are all Nan/nanny. The only time they call them something slightly different is if they’re telling them apart and then it’s doggie nanny (as she has a dog) bungalow nanny - (lives in a bungalow) and great nanny
This is silly. You can have more than one name. My mom is Grandma to my brother’s kids, MoMo to my stepkids (they’re older), and Mamaw to my son. Like you, my mom had a name she always wanted to be called. Mamaw is what she called her grandmother and that is her name of choice. She just finally got her chance with my son.
I honestly do think you’re being selfish. But you’re most certainly allowed to feel your own feelings
I’m sorry For your mom but the fact that you mentioned your mother and having breast cancer gives me the impression that you played that as a pity card to your son wanting your grandson to call you a completely different name after almost an entire decade.
Do I think you should stay nannie? No. Your grandson had a great idea to call you grandma nannie. If you truly only slowly mentioned it to your grandson and your son blew it out of proportion over that then there are unresolved issues there that should be talked about.
Also to be honest, I think nannie is much cuter than grandma. Grandma sounds too generic.
My son calls my mom Gugie, my sister’s daughter calls my mom Grandma. They decided what they called her.
My mom wanted to be nana instead my kids decided they was going to call nanny, my dad wanted pepaw instead my kids decided to call him papaw, and both of my parents don’t care they actually embrace it. My living grandfather wanted to be called grandpa but again my children decided to call him the same thing I call him which is pawpaw well they actually call him pawpaw Hill because they also call my father in law pawpaw who actually wanted papa, my living grandmother wanted to be called grandma but again my children decided to call her the same thing I call her which is mawmaw again they actually call her mawmaw Hill because they call my husband’s stepmother mawmaw as well. As for my husband’s mom she wanted nanny or gma but my kids decided to call her meme. Know something all these people have in common? They all wanted to be called something other than what my children ended up calling them and none of them care that my kids ended up calling them something else because my kids found a title that best suited them and they all love their titles including the ones that share the same name titles because regardless my kids love them and they love my kids and my kids mean more to them then their name tilte. It doesn’t matter what title your grandchild gives you or if you share the same name title as another grandparent, what should matter is the love and joy the child brings you. But also a parent you and your grandson sat down and discussed it so why your son is so ticked is beyond because a child’s happiness with their grandmother is more important, like I said their can be same name titles for grandparents heck growing up I called all of my grandfather’s pawpaw even my great grandpa he was also pawpaw. They didn’t mind me calling them all the same thing they still loved me and my parents didn’t mind because I was happy and at least I knew and they knew which pawpaw I was talking about. Your son should chill it’s not that big of deal. Your grandson should call whatever is easier for him.
I don’t understand why he’s angry kids can have multiple granny’s
I don’t understand why having a title is such a big deal. My mum seems to care what my kids call her too (prefers Nanna over grandma)… I find it very strange that people care about this
I always called my grandma … grandma nannie I don’t understand why he’s mad he’s lucky to have you ( lost my mom to cancer) I’m so happy you are doing well … life is to short you go with what you want !
My parents are Mom Mom and Pop Pop to all their grandkids, but I don’t see what the big deal is? If the child came up with the new name, why is your son freaking out?
Think about it, your grandkids gave you your own nickname they came up with! That’s more special
Growing up I had Nanny and Grandad N and Nanny and Grandad L we never used first names and always called them both Nanny and Grandad, my kids have then grown up calling my Mum and Dad Nanny and Grandad, and my Grandparents Great-Nanny and Great Grandad although they drop the Great quite often, I believe they call my ex’s parents same. Although if there trying to establish which Nanny or Grandad my Mum is Hairy Nanny as has more hair than Grandad, my Dad is Bald Grandad, then there’s Great Grandad, Great angel Nanny, Great Angel Grandad, Great Angel Great Hairy Nanny and my ex’s Mum is Great Angel Nanny and her partner is Grandad Pete,
I plan on being nana or ma once mine are older and have kids although that could change and it will be up to the baby’s xxx
My mom
And my man’s mom
And my step mom
They are all called grandma
No step no Nannie all grandmas
So you guys are fighting over what to call you? That’s dumb. Grandma’s are all grandma’s or grandma name just because I was adopted and need grandma verification, same thing with the grandpa’s, well one grandpa specifically goes by papa.
Rebecca Rooster the comments you always wanted granny but got Nana instead hahah
Call yourself whatever you want! It’s okay to have two grandmas!!!
I wish my mom wanted my kids to call her grammy. She wanted ammie which my nephews turned to ah-nie. So now my kids call her auntie. She gets frustrated when she actually sees them which is almost never but she has started correcting them to grammy. Your son should be grateful for just having you apart of his kids life.
My husband mom and my mom is both grandma and when both grandmas is around at the same time and one kid wants a certain grandma at that time it’s grandma and what ever her last name is
Request you’re called what you want ! My nephews have 2 nannies. Nanny sarah and nanny joy. My girls had 2 grandads, gd Alan and gd Ade. It’s only when talking about the other that they’d say the names, when in their company it was just nanny or grandad
Over that?? I told my mom she could be called whatever she wants. Settled on Nana….
Selfish though? Why?
All my female grandparents are Nana. I just differentiated between them by their first name/surname. My kids female grandparents are also all Nana
This is too bad! I think everyone is being a bit selfish. Your grandson has a great idea! I grew up with several “grammies.” We just always called them grammy and their last name. My father’s mother was Grammy “B” and my mother’s mother was Grammy “N”. There were several older woman in the neighborhood who were not blood relatives but treated us like their own grandchildren and we called them Grammie “R”, Grammy “S” and so on. No one ever objected or complained and everyone knew exactly whom we were talking about. When my own mother finally became a grandmother after many years the tradition continued - she was Grammy Bean and all of my nieces’ friends called her that as well. Even adults called her that and she loved it. She preferred it in fact to anything else. There is absolutely no reason that two grandmothers cannot both be called Grandma. The kids know which is which and who is who. It does not mean that one is loved more than the other - so get over it! Kids often come up with their own special name - usually by accident or mispronounciation - and it sticks. If your son is mad he will get over it. I think everyone needs to grow up and listen to the kids. Your grandson has the right idea and is much wiser than any of you “mature adults.”
My grandsons call me G’Ma.
Why can’t there be 2 grandmas? But also why does it affect you so much to be called that? Me and my sisters call our gramdma ‘Granny E’ my children call my mam ‘nanny’ and call their dad mam and dad ‘nana mary and grandad micky’ they came up with their names for them and none of them mind
My son calls my mom Ouma (grandma in my language) and my husband’s mom Ma cause she said she don’t want to be called ouma
I called both of my grandparents’ Grandma and Grandpa I just said their last name like my dad’s parents were Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds and my mom’s was Grandma and Grandpa Allen
My oldest came up with the name they used for my mom and dad. My mom wanted to be called Grams and I did try that. My dad didn’t really have a preference. So when I would take her and later my son to see my parents I would tell their dad “I’m going to my mom’s for awhile.” I guess my daughter misheard it and started calling her “Mom-Mom” and my dad Pawpaw. My mom loved that name even more because the kids did it on their own. That started around the time my daughter was just a little over a year old. It lasted till my kids were 3&4 years old then my mom died.
Let them kids call you what ever they want too. You’re being silly and ridiculous
if I was one of your kids I’d get my kids to call you big momma out of spite of you said some dumbass $hit like this to me and mine
Both our Mums are called Grandma to our kids
I am a nana to my grandchildren also a little nana to my great grandchildren child
People over complicate things and this is evidence of it
I’m so confused? Growing up I called all of my grandma’s, grandma. I had 2 on my mom’s side and 2 on my dad’s plus a step grandma. If I needed to be specific about one of them, I used their last name when referring to them like grandma Myers or great grandma Bowers.
Can you be Grammy or gramma? This is dumb in my opinion. I don’t see what the big deal is
Hold up it’s not normal to have 2 grandma’s? I did growing up… My kids have nona, mommom, Mimi, and my mom’s mom is grandma.
Both my grandmother’s were called grandma and their first name
Both my kids grandmother’s wanted to be granny so when they where together kids would say granny V, and granny T, there second names first letter it worked they new who was who ,but u should be called what u want it’s u that has to listen to them calling you at end of day hope your son comes round
I wanted to be called Nanny, but I knew my sons mother In law was already called that as she already had grandchildren. When my son asked what I wanted to be called I said Nanny really but as I didn’t wanna be Nanny Liz (or something similar) I opted for Grandma. But never once did they tell me what I was gonna be called. I think your son is being unreasonable to expect you to be told what you’ll be called, if he has strong opinions on it then a proper discussion should have been had so you could have come to a compromise.
Growing up I had
Granny and Poppa Ed (great grandma and her husband I grew up with)
Nanny (my mom’s mom) and she had a long term boyfriend we just called by his name
My grandpa( my mom’s dad) we called papaw his wife Mrs. And her name
My great grandpa(my Papaw’s dad) was pop and his wife Ms. her name
Now my kids called my great grandma granny
My nanny died before my oldest daughter could call her anything and before my younger ones were born
My mom refuses to be called nanny as she said it belongs to her mom so she goes by Gandma my step dad goes by papaw or Abuelo
My papaw goes by papaw and his wife is still Mrs. Her name and when my pop was alive my oldest called him pop also and his wife Ms. her name. I believe in letting the kids choose what they want to call you as my kids get older they will call everyone something differ they call my husband’s grandparents Abuela and Abuelo and my husband’s dad and his wife Abuela and Abuelo and they don’t know my husband’s mom I don’t see it as a big deal
I think the real question here is why is he so offended by it, it’s a very hostile reaction to have over a simple conversation with your grandson and him coming up with a great solution, if your grandson was happy for it why is your son so against it? That is what I’d be trying to get too. Ultimately kids name the people in their life out of love and respect, your grandson suggested a name that gave you both.Your son however was way out of line
This is one of the most pointless posts ever. My mom made a big deal about what her name was going to be to my kids and honestly your wasting time stressing over something ridiculous. Your a grandma she’s a grandma I don’t get it. I get your son being frustrated (I wouldn’t say your being selfish but ridiculous definitely)
Your son needs to look in the mirror with the selfish thing. It’s a nickname for your parent’s parents. It’s not like you’re forcing anything or that its anything big anyway. Your only grandchild (not sure if the step grandkids with your son’s ex are in your life) and hes on board. So. What else is there to worry about? You’re not trying to take anything from anyone, simply asking to be allowed one simple, small pleasure that you’ve always dreamed of
Your son doesn’t have a right to go off on you and plus your grandson has come up with the perfect solution so you don’t lose out on being grandma and he doesn’t miss out on calling you nannie which he has called you for 9 years you are a grown woman and your son is being a pint sized brat knock him down and a peg and remind him that you are his mum and won’t be spoken to like your a naughty school girl he has no right to go off about something so trivial as what you get called by your next grandchild
How sad in your heart your everything as a grandma but to keep peace just be nanny I’m a nanny and I lov it I even became nanny to there friends an so on
I dont care what my grandkids call me as long as I see them. They call us both granny…im granny trina the other is granny Jose if were all together or the kids want to make it clear who they are talking about .
Your grandkids and if you want to be called grandma then add your first name behind it to not cause confusion. He’s being irrational and his woman may be behind it too bc you know how that goes with couples especially one that’s dead set on having it their way. He’ll come around boys always need their momma especially when their SO is being kinda crazy no worries
just be patient.
He’s overreacting … Personally I think it’s cute u care as much as you do … grandma Nannie sounds cute
Each of my siblings and I have our own children. Each child has come up with their own “names” for their grandparents. 1 is Nani, the other is Granny. My mil (rest her peaceful soul) was Grandma for my children. The other children call each person their own things. I mean my name is Tanya. However, at home I am called Babe or MA. At work I am call Boss Lady, or Miss. There are very few people who actually call me Tanya…
Does it really matter? You’ll be blessed with grand babies and your whinging about what they’ll call you. Need to look at the bigger picture love
WTF can’t you both be Grandma? People are strange. I called both my grandmothers Nanna and they didn’t give a rats rectum lol.
Well both my girls and when my son starts speaking call both my mum and my husbands mum gran, it’s completely up to you want you want to be called. No one can make that choice for you. You are NOT selfish and I hope you get this sorted.
My kids don’t even call my mom grandma… my mom doesn’t like being called grandma.
I have 5 siblings and we all call my mom “mommy” and all my kids call my mom “mommy” but they know she’s grandma.
Some of my kids call me mommy and some call me “nani” -nickname for Natalie because when I had my first child, I was living at my moms house and everyone called me by my first name; so my first child started calling me Nani and had all my other kids get used to calling me that too. But they call their dads mom grandma…
But your son shouldn’t stop talking to you cuz of a name you want to be called… there’s more to this
Different children can call the same person a different thing. Being the youngest grandchild at the time, I called my paternal grandmother Ninaw. The older cousins called her granny or grandma. On the other side, Mawmaw, and the older ones changed it because she liked it.
If it’s good between you and the kid, it shouldn’t matter to any one else.
I don’t understand. Why can’t you both be a grandma?
Your son is being beyond dramatic. But you are a bit as well. It’s a nickname.
Your son is acting more like a child than your grandson is. Smh. It’s a name. If your grandson don’t care then oh well. Be called grandma nanny.
I always heard/said the grandkids choose the grandparent name anyway.
In my family the kids decide the name of grandma. My sisters kids call my mom grandma but my son call her memaw cause thats what he could say when he was young. We also have Nene, mamaw and grannie. They all mean grandma in their own way.
I respectfully asked both Grandmother’s what they would like to be called.
Ummm what happened to the kids choosing what they call their grandparents. Honestly the grandparents I was least close to I called grandma and grandpa and the ones I was closer to was pappy and Yea Yea (yay yay) I came up with that as a toddler for some reason and it stuck and she was the closest one to me. My kids call my mom J-maw bc her name starts with J and their fathers mom is grammy.
Ypur son sounds like a lunatic. That’s nothing to stop speaking over. Either that… or there’s more to the story. Best wishes
My grandparents are grandma/grandpa and then their first name so
Both my kids grandparents hated being called grandma makes them feel older then they are. They both get called nanny with no issues at all