Am I selfish... should I just stay nannie?

Some of my grandkids call me “Nana” and some call me “grandma” and it’s all the same to me. I am their grandmother. Their other grandparents can be nana or grandma too… it doesn’t change a thing for me.

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My kids and my niece call my mother in law two different things. My kids call her Grammy and my niece calls her memaw. Both my dad and my father in law are called Papa. If you want to be Grandma Nannie to one be that.

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I’m Grammy, then there’s momo, grandma, etc. There’s no difference in the grandma name. It’s all love. Why be petty about a name. Your need to be called grandma could end up costing you more than a name.

I feel it’s not really a choice. Kids will call you what they want. I have grandma’s, I had a Nana and I had one I just called their name. This doesn’t make any of them any less my grandma, it’s just a nickname. One of my gmas didn’t like being called gma and tried to change it later. Didn’t work, she was always gma.

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I don’t think that it’s selfish but at the same time I wouldn’t have talk to a child about it. And that is probably what your son is mad about. You have to make a decision whether it is more important to be called a certain name or whether it’s more important to actually be able to be a part of their life. I don’t think you realize how easy it is these days for adult children to cut their parents out and have estrangement. It’s like an epidemic.

I will call your son and ask to take him out to dinner and have a heart to heart. And you need to eat crow big time or you may lose your grandchildren and your son. I am telling you this from what I know from experience. Not that I did this but how easy it seems to be for kids to cut Parents out

You both can be Grandma you both are but my kid’s call my mom Grandma my mil Grammy sometimes they call both Grandma but that was there choice

My mom is called something different by each grandkid. She’s Grandma, PawMaw, GeeMaw, MawMaw, and GiGi.

I never knew each side couldn’t both be called grandma. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
All my grandparents are grandma and grandpa from both my biological parents and step parent.

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Both of my grandmas (moms side & dads side) were always both Grandma. I don’t understand the trend that both HAVE to be called something different. My mom wanted to be Nonna and my mil wanted to be Abuela, but if they had wanted to be the same thing I wouldn’t have cared at all. At the end of the day, it’s not about the name; it’s about being a grandparent to your grandkids and being present in their lives.


My son has 3 sets of grandparents. He had grampy, grampy George, grandpa Joe. There was no reason you couldn’t be grandma to begin with.

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I had two Grammies. If I had to make it clear which one I was talking about I would say there name with it. Grammie Annabelle or grammie Evelyn.

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I had 3 grandmas as a kid. We just added their last name behind grandma

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I called both of my grandmothers “mamaw” lol :woman_shrugging:t2: I didn’t know once the term was taken that was it my kids call their grandparents mamaw and nannie but one prefers nannie over mamaw

My kids call their grammas- Grammy or mema and grandpas are Papa, bumpa or backa :woman_shrugging: I don’t think what kids call people should be pushed by anyone. That decision should be at the hands of the kiddos no one else.

I grew up with only calling all my grandparents Grandma and Grandpa with their last initial. Kids will call their grandparents what they like. My sister was adamant on my niece calling our father grandpa. While my kids call him Papa. Her daughter does the same. Dont be so hard on a name that is normally given.

Growing up my mum and dads mums were nan then where they lived so nan london one of them was. Then my greats nans were called big nan and again the same ended with where they lived so i had big nan ‘chelt’ ‘bolton’ & ‘scotland’.
We dont even call our grandads grandad. Ones bappy ones cabbage/dandad. And our great grandads were bamp then again by where they lived. Some were taught to us like bamp and big nan but cabbage and bappy is what us kids created when we were little learning to talk so the names stuck! X

You and your son need to get down on your knees and thank your God that this sort of nonsense is all you have to worry about :roll_eyes: You’re all alive, have each other and you are squabbling over this?! :woman_facepalming:t2:

This is not selfish. Your grandson is fine to do so. You can tell them to go to h.e. Double hockey sticks! Who in the heck has time to fight over a term?! There are bigger things going on in the world.

Omg seriously I can’t believe your son is arguing with you over being called grandma :woman_facepalming: its not a specific name every nanny, grandma, nanna in the world are called these names. This is so childish. Your son needs to grow up.

In my experience the kids choose what they call their grandparents. My nana was “bumbum” for years because my brother couldn’t say nana. My mom wanted to be nana and my daughter has settled decidedly on “nan” while my son now calls everyone nana including me :woman_shrugging:t3:

Let your grandkids call you what they want!
I was the first grandkid and I picked what my grandparents were called. My son was the same, my parents are split and at the time he was born he still had great grandparents. It is easier for the kids to “name” the grandparents then they know who you are talking about.

We called our grandmas with their first name, so Grandma Judy and Grandma Elsie

grand kids kind of choose a name, for a while my oldest would call the grandmas mama and I was mommy. I wasn’t bent out of shape over it. And why was the child that came with the marriage not really considered your grandkid?

I don’t understand how he’s mad at you. That’s ridiculous. If you want to be called grandma, you be called grandma! Your grandkids seem okay with it so idk why he’s making a big deal. Sorry you’re going through this :pleading_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You can have 2 different nicknames with different children. My kids half brother call my ex’s dad Big Daddy. He wanted to be called Grandpa. My daughter decided as a baby he was Papa. That was it he was Papa which is what they would’ve called my dad if he were alive.

I’d never want to be called ‘grandma’ :sweat_smile: sounds old lmao

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That’s so weird my kids call all of there grandma’s grandma except my mom is Yama

My kids call all their grandparents grandma/grandpa fallowed by their first name. They do have a grandmother who perfers Nana, so that’s what they call her.

I grew up calling all grandparents mommom. I didn’t have different names for each one. My kid though call my dad poppy, step fil pop and both grand mother’s mom mom. My parents left it up to the first grandchild and it just stuck. My mil has always been mom mom to all the older grandkids but my step fil was Ted till my kids. I don’t feel it’s selfish but I also don’t think I would change what the older one calls you.

My granddaughter started calling me mima and I let her call me any loving name she picked !

My great nephew calls his grandmother peanut

My daughter calls my mom Gammy and my mil Grandma. She knows the difference :woman_shrugging:t3:

So, the genetics on both sides of my family gave me the ability to grow up with 9 grandma’s, both blood and step. They were ALL grandma. When we were all together, we called them Grandma (insert first or last name), but they were all grandma. Honestly, this whole thing reminds me of the fit my grandma threw when I had my daughter and she insisted on being called GiGi because she wanted to be special. :roll_eyes:

This is seriously an issue to not speaking to eachother? Your son needs to grow a set of balls…

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All of my kids called my mom (their grandma) Nan or Nannie. Now when I had my first grandson, I’m Nana. My grandson will let you know if someone calls us the wrong name.

Everyone has two grandma’s. I’m confused why the kid can’t have two grandmas?. My kids call my husband’s mom grandma (insert last name) and my mom Is grandma (insert last name). I did the same when I was a child. This is a very stupid reason for a fight

Not selfish! A little late to change what they call you tho

My MIL is Nonnie to part of grandkids Grandma to other. Use both :woman_shrugging:t2:

This is petty. Kids will call you whatever they feel like calling you. As many above have stated there is no reason you can’t have 2 being called grandma. Just add the first or last name. My mom is called grandy the first grandkid couldn’t say granny.

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I don’t see where you’re being selfish ? Your son really needs to grow up .

Why can’t you be Grandma, too? I’m so confused why this is such a big deal? My upbringing gave me 5 sets of Grandparents and they were all called Grandma/Grandpa.


I’m a grandmother. I’m called Gigi and I love it. My daughter in law suggested it, saying how much she liked it. Since I’m not a dummy, I agreed. She’s the love of my son’s life and an awesome mom. I’ll answer to whatever name she wants. It’s all about the love and relationship, not what I’m called. :heart:


I think your family should count there Blessings that your around to be their child’s grandparent,there are so many kids who don’t have any,and your a grown woman,you choose what you want your grandkids to call you,and hopefully your son will mature and realize that.

I just think picking your name doesn’t really work out. We called my dad Grandpa to my daughter since she was born but once she was able to talk she started calling him Hop. We have no idea why or where it came from but she’s 3 now and is still calling him that. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Why not.just add grandma to your last name and be called that

I mean I don’t see why it matters the kids aren’t calling you by your first name??? What difference does it make! Honestly to me this sounds so childish! You are a grandmother here’s an age old saying
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!

Your son sounds like an entitled douchebag

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Your son is acting like a spoiled child. Your daughters child is allowed to call you whatever they want. My kids call both of their grandmas “grandma”. That’s what THEY chose to do, even though the grandmas had nicknames picked out. So to distinguish when we’re talking about them we call them grandma lita and grandma nana. But it’s the kids choice ultimately. Your son needs to grow tf up.


What is happening here? Your son stopped speaking to you because his child decided (with you) grandma Nannie?! The idea that only one person can be called anything is crazy. Both grandmother’s for my kids were Nana, we would add their last names when needed to differentiate. When I was little I only had 1 grandparent but all my cousins had more they called my Nana “Nana Lovey” and their other just Nana. Nana Lovey came from her childhood nickname from my great grandfather. A grandkid just said it one day and it stuck. I hope this issue gets resolved for you.

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You are not selfish. I think Nannie is cute, but if you want to be called grandma then they should call you grandma. Everyone has two grandmas! Growing up, I had a “Grandma Pat” and “Grandma Nan” , which was their first names of course.

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Your kid needs to grow the hell up & learn what RESPECT means !!

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My daughter has 4 grandma’s and 3 great grandmas. They are Kokum, grandma pretty, grandma Michelle and Memaw. We didn’t choose any of their names except Kokum because she was already called that. My daughter picked their names. Let your son be mad. He will get over it.

My children have three sets of grandparents, who they are very close with. My mom and her husband, my dad and his wife and my in laws. I let my kids decide what they wanted to call them. My mom and her husband are grandma and awhwee, my in laws are grandma and pappy, and my dad and his wife are Grammy and pappy. Originally my dad and his wife were grandma and pappy as well but it got confusing to the kids so we switched it up. In my opinion, let the kids decide, it makes it more special that way!

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This is silly let them call u what they want

Both sets of parents are mom mom and pop pop to my kids they just use their last names when talking about them. Not sure what the big deal is

My first issue is you didn’t consider you dil’s children, grandchildren?
That would have been my big issue.
It seems petty to get hung up on what grandchildren are calling you, regardless of cancer or any other circumstances. It’s also vindictive to go behind your sons back like that. He may have overreacted, but I can see why he’s upset.


That’s ridiculous to not speak to you about what YOU want to be called.
My best friend is “Mimi” to her young nieces and nephews and “honey” to her actual two younger grand babies. Have them call you whatever YOU want.

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its only a name - and you are a Nanna. Cant be grandma to one and a nanna to another. They will all love you no matter what you are called. not worth causing trouble

I think this is a whole lot of drama for something SOOOO trivial. Grandchildren are a blessing. What they call you doesn’t change that.


Awwww I’m sorry. I know being called what you want is very important for grandparents. I’m not sure why but it is. I think your son should just let it be to make you happy. My grandmother prefers to be called nana by her great grandchildren. Not us grandchildren but only the greats. My daughter was once told by another family member not to call her that as it’s reserved for their little girls which is completely untrue. It literally broke my daughter’s heart that she couldn’t call her the name she wanted. I think as you’re the older generation you have earned the respect to be called your desired name. My mom is gay so my son just calls them grandma Ehlert and grandma Jamie. This came about because my daughter had a lot of family. My son calls his other grandmother babcia as she’s polish. But when I had both my children I asked each grandparents what they preferred to be called. Your son needs to grow up and learn to respect his elders. I’d smack him aside the head if he was my kid. Not even sorry

Growing up I had 2 grandmas and 2 grandpa’s. Why does it matter what your called as long as you get to see your grandkids?

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My sets of grandparents were both grandma and grandpa. Not sure what this whole thing is with different names. Grandma nannie sounds adorable!!

My opinion is the grandkids pick your name. Why change it now after all these years

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Be called whatever you want. BTW nothing wrong with more than one being called grandma. I called both my grandma’s grandma. You’re son is being unreasonable over something so trivial. So sorry he’s being a brat. Take care and congrats.

Theyre gonna end up calling you nannie anyway because it’s a lot easier for a baby to say than grandma.

Your son is being dramatic.

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Myself and my husband grew up with 2 gma and gpa and my kids called both our moms gma and our dads pop or poppy, your son is definitely over reacting

I think a nick name like papa, nana, nanni, is actually really special.

Honestly, all three of us siblings have let our children just call their grand parents whatever they feel. My kids have a grandma Pat and a grandma Cathy when I speak of them… My son called my mom yoyo for the longest time though… :joy: Was too cute to correct!! Now we all miss hearing her called “yoyo”.

thats ridiculious i really cant believe i just read that

We called both sets the same name. In my opinion, grandma is a generic title vs something special.

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There is all kinds of names for grandma. Being called Nannie instead of grandma doesn’t take away from your position in the lives of your grandchildren.

My mom is called nana by my kids…because my grandma is grandma and has been for the last 31 years. Stopping calling her grandma would have been too hard. And calling my grandma and mom grandma would have gotten too confusing for them and us.
They somewhat call my mil grandma but it’s not natural to them…and when talking about her to us often say “daddy’s mom”

My kids love my grandma, mom, and mil. Having different names hasn’t taken anything away from the places these women have in their lives.

It’s something I would seriously think about before moving forward.
Does being called Nannie really take away from you being their grandmother? Really and truly? Does it make them love you less? Does it make you less involved with them?

Just because your sisters are called grandma doesn’t mean they’re better grandparents or that their grandchildren love them more than yours do.

Your grandchild calls you what they do out of love. What does it matter what the actual name is? You should melt every time you hear it! Asking your 9 year old grandson to change what he calls you is not i
Only stupid it’s just plain mean. Leave it alone and count your blessings!!

Idk. I did call both my grandmothers Nanny. :heart:

I’m so confused by this. Growing up both sets of my grandparents were grandma and grandpa. There wasn’t any I can’t be called grandma because the other one is called the same thing.
Now when my nephew came my mom’s first grandbaby, she wanted to be called Grammy. He called her nanna, and 20 years later she is still nanna. I think the grandkids decide what your name will be ultimately?

I had 2 Grandmas :woman_shrugging:t3:

I do think it’s kind of ridiculous. In our family, what ever the first grandchild calls you…as there are mispronounces…is what usually sticks. I ended up being MaMaw. I love it because HE chose it. What I think is more ridiculous though is that you didn’t consider your daughter in laws children your grandchildren.


I mean I get being stuck on what you wanted to be called I’m sure it was super excited to realize you were going to be a grandparent so you thought of oh what can the baby call me you got your heart stuck on something and that’s okay.

But whatever they call you they will love you the same.

I asked the grandparents what they would like to be called.
We have two grandmas, a Nana, and a Mema🤷‍♀️

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Your son needs to relax. It’s nothing that serious to stop speaking to you. I grew up calling both my parent’s parents “grandma”. Have not needed therapy because of it (maybe some other things lol) There is no crime in 2 grandmas being called grandma. There is also no crime in one child calling you “nanny” and another calling you “grandma”. My daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild. She asked me what I wanted to be called. I elected for Gigi cause I’m a grateful grandma and your son needs to stop his crap and grow up. It really isn’t that serious. Stay blessed doll and just enjoy those babies. Life is too short :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart::heart:

My mom wanted to be called “Grammy”
My oldest son, now 16, called her “Nana” & that’s what both my boys call her now

My son calls my mom nana and his other gma grandma …I don’t see the big deal anyways

My in-laws were “Grams & Grandad” for my nephew for 10 years while he was the only grandkid. When my 1st daughter was born & started talking, she called them “MomMom & DadDa”. :woman_shrugging:t2: My mom & dad got what they wanted - “Nana & PopPop”.

I like the compromise of Grandma Nannie - I don’t know why your son is having an issue with it?

I have 3 different sets of grand babies
They all call me different names
1- grandma
2- big mama
3- Gigi
They are from different families and so you can be called anything really
I even know a friend that when she started having grandkids she said she was to young to be called grandma so she had her grandkids call her Honey lol

My daughter called my mother Grunny and it stuck. When my son was talking and we were trying to teach him Pappy he could only say Pay. Grunny and Pay they remained. I am Mimi and fine with that!

Why can you both be grandma.

We have grandma Mary or glamma as she likes to call and grandma nutbag aka my husbands mom. My daughter calls her grandma and by her name lol.

She’s crazy and narcissistic so I refuse to acknowledge her when I don’t have to

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My dads parents were grandma and grandpa (last name). My moms parents were Nana and Papi. My mom is not Nana and Papa and my dad and his wife are now Grandma and grandpa last name. I am not that age to be a grandparent yet but I guess to me it won’t matter much.

I had 2 grandmothers and 2 grandfather. My mom’s side was grandmommie and granddaddy. My dad’s side was grandma and grandpa. My mom is Mamaw and my husband’s mom was grandma Doti she love that before she passed. My dad is papaw. My husband was grandpa O or grandpa Eric. My husband’s dad’s mom was grandma to grandkids to great great granddaughter. So now I’m a grandma but my daughter just had a baby 2 month old I decide to be Mimi because I’m the youngest grandma in the both side family. My husband is papa

Our daughter had her first child while my husband and I were in our early 40s. “Grandma” was absolutely the last name I wanted. Her husband’s mom wanted Grandma and was welcome to it. We became “Mama T” and “Big Daddy”. All 5 of our grandkids still call us that.

My mom taught the kids to call her and my step dad G-mom and G-Pop because she thought at 49 she was too young to be called grandma lol (she was 18 when she had me I am an older mom)

We call one set of grandparents “grandma & papa.” The other “Grammies & papa.” My kids call my mom “Ama.” My dad & his wife “papa & grandma Toni” & their dads parents “grandma & grandpa.” All over the place, but hopefully you get what you want!

My kiddos call their grandmas “Grandma Nessa and Grandma Donna”. It’s just easier as parents to stick our mothers names after Grandma, so when the kids are talking about one of their grandmas, we know which one.

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Your grandson had a great idea that obviously works for him and made his grandma happy. Your son is just being a jerk and needs to listen to his own son and get on board


It’s not really up to him he sounds like a man child, it was up to the grandparents what they wanted to be called… there’s more to worry about then just that.

All the grandparents in my family go by… grandma or mamaw… grandpa or papaw. We don’t use first names or last unless we’re trying to let someone know which grandparent we’re wanting to go so.

Both my sons grand mother’s are called nanny, they both wanted nanny/nanna but he calls them ninny he is two. Why can’t both be grandma?

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I don’t see the harm. One of my grandmothers decided to change her name to GiGi when I was in my 20s. I think it’s fine. Honestly I changed my other grandmother’s name around the time I was 11 or 12. I stopped calling her mamaw and started calling her mammie. She’s been that ever since. My kids have also changed many of their grandparent’s names. At the end of the day, if your grandson is ok calling you that, it’s all that matters.

My kids called my mother “Hi” for about 6 months when they were little, and then called her “Monkey” for another 6 months all because they couldn’t pronounce Grandma… and then my nephew called her “Wubby” for about a year or so…so they called her what they wanted. All the kids have called my dad “Poppy” until my youngest came along and decided she like “Papa” better.
Personally, I would think if they call you Nannie instead of grandma, you should be happy that 1. They have a unique name for you and 2. That they aren’t calling you something ridiculous like Hi or Monkey or Wubby :rofl:

Both of my sets of grandparents were grandma and grandpa. I did cake one of my grandmas memaw but only because I guess I said that before grandma. Maybe go with another language same word. Oma is grandma in German.

My daughter picked what she wanted to call my mom. We always referred to her as grandma, but when she was still too little to say grandma, she would say betta. No idea why, but at 7 almost 8yo, she still calls my mom betta, and my mom loves it. My dad is grandpa. Her father and I are not together and his parents chose to be called nan and papa. Nobody had any issues with that. When I was little, I had multiple grandmas. They all had the title grandma with their name added (i.e. Grandma Mimi, Grandma Oats, and Grandma Whitehouse), but when addressing them in person, it’s just grandma. I even called my great grandmas just grandma (Grandma Cotteral, Grandma Sugar). I was so blessed to have a very close relationship with my great grandma. I personally don’t think you’re being selfish at all. To me, it’s not a big deal what a grandparent is called as long as it’s something out of love and endearment. I do think your son went truly overboard and flipped when it was unnecessary. Is there anyway you can talk to him and ask him why it’s so important to him? Why does he feel it’s so wrong to call you grandma? Kids won’t get grandmas mixed up just because you both have the grandma title.