Am I selfish... should I just stay nannie?

Can she be grandma sue for example
And you be grandma, then your 1st name?

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Some of my grandchildren call me Nana and some call me grandma. Doesn’t matter to me what they call me, I just feel blessed to be called anything at all.


My grandkids when they were little called me Blue grandma and my mom their great grandma was pink grandma. ( the names can after I had bought some blue outfit for my granddaughter and my mom had bought her pink) my granddaughter somehow came up with this at the time… now my great grand kids if they need to differentiate will either call me grandma or blue grandma it stuck lol


Um why can’t both be called grandma??


My 2 granddaughters started off calling me nana( we were nana & papa) on their own they started calling me grandma, but they also call me Grammy & gram, I really don’t care what they call me as long as they are happy.

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Gosh if that’s his biggest worry then he’s living a pretty easy life! Why can’t 2 grandparents be called grandma? I also don’t understand the whole naming situation, why does it matter what you’re called?


what’s in a name? I didn’t mind being called in so many names. I don’t get hurt nor offended. Nana, has a classic sound to it and Nanna too…Nannie or Nana and Nannie with my Nickname added to it sound cool. Gramma…Grandma okay too but the others can have it for all I care. Lola is also very cool (Philippine term for grandmother). I called my maternal grandmother Bae (my ever dearest Grannie) and even called her Nanay (mother in Filipino term). I never addressed my own mother ‘Nanay’, dunno why. Was always Mama or Ma. I dearly called my paternal grandmother Ima…she would always be Ima to me…my only Ima just like my Bae :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::hugs:. I don’t even mind being addressed as Mrs Brown if the kids like using that term but little ones call me Liza or Eliza and see if I would even acknowledge them. I was taught in my childhood to address the elderly Mr and Mrs (no Ms at that time) why I found some of my younger relatives so rude with older generation calling them in their first names. You have to have that permission to do that. I belong to the old school and they can get stuff, I say :joy::rofl: #NoOffense Aussies. I found some of your ways weird sometimes :smiley:

Your son is majorly overreacting


Let your grandkids call you what they want. It’s just a name to go by. I wanted my mom to go by Mama Lou with my girls, but they call her LouLou instead. She loves it and even though I wanted the Mama part for her, I think it’s adorable. You’re still a grandma even if you’re called by something else.

My Mum wanted to be Granny - like her mother, but kids changed it into Nonnie form one child and, then Noina from another. She loved having them having their own special name for her. I don’t mind - so long as I know what they are calling me.

I’ve never understood the many names for grandma unless it’s a cultural thing. All of my grandparents were called the same GRANDMA and GRANDPA


My oldest granddaughter calls us all Mimi, that’s a family name on her moms side and I’m ok with it. My youngest son just had a baby and he always says, “ here granny.” I’m just thankful I have grandkids!

Shame on your son My daughters didn’t want to be called Grandma or Granny so my youngest is Sweetie and Pappa to her grand kids and my oldest is Nana and Gpap doesn’t matter as long as they want to be around you and call you

I’m grandma and if both of us happen to be present at the same time they use our last name behind grandma. It is ok to have more than one grandma

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Most of time, the childs’ choice of moniker sticks. Your son should not have a problem with what his child is calling you, as long as its’ respectful.

My daughter calls my mom Grandma or Grandma Burrell (grandma Burrell if she is around my grandma), my step mom Grandma Kathy, and my grandma (her great grandma) she calls grandma or grandma Williams (if she’s with my mom). My cousin’s sons calls my aunt Grandma and my grandma meema (another way to say grandma)

We had a little issue but with our dads. My husband’s dad wanted to be poppa but so did my dad; both of them called theirs pop or poppa too. But my dad settled for grandad - he didn’t wanna cause a fuss. And honestly, he suits it so much, my youngest has nicknamed him “granhea” our mum’s were no issues they are Nana and Omi and again my littlest calls my mum Nan (he’s 3).

Who cares what they call you! As long as you know what your called and the parents know so they know who the kid is referring too. My dad’s mum was always nana but my cousins called her Granny and now as adults we call her Gran :rofl: changes over time too.

Kids have two parents, typically 4 grandparents. Its normal to have two grandmothers. I had a granny (my dads mom), and two memeres (moms mom and her stepmom). What’s the big deal?

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All mine call me Nana and I love it.

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Your son is odd to say the least !

:person_facepalming:I am Mimi to half of my grandbabies and my youngest daughter’s three kids call me nanny because her step daughter’s nickname was Mimi.

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As long as your grandkids get to spend time with you it shouldn’t matter pick a name and stick to it or create your own There’s tons of them out there I took Native Cherokee and Irish which I’m 1/2 on both sides and came up with my individual name that means grandmother in both languages be creative come up with one of a kind

Why can’t both sides be grandma ? I had 3 Nannas growing up , what’s the big deal .how selfish and trivial you all are. If no one can act like grown up let the kids call you whatever they want. Its not the name, it’s the love


My kids call my mom MyMy , and their dad’s mom is MeMe, they use all kinds of names grams, grammy, but I can’t remember ever hearing them call any of them Grandma and my grandma their Great Grandma they called her GG now she has 40 something great grandkids and they all called her something different GG their shortened version or Great Grandma, some called her Grammy 2 lol

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It’s definitely not worth not speaking over

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I think you’re all weird. You and your son.
I don’t care what my grandchildren call me. I’m just happy that they do call me and that I’m part of their lives.


I have 5 Grandbabies 4 Granddaughters all call me “Gigi” & My 1 & Only Grandson calls me several different Names " Gigi, Mimi, Mama, Ma & Whatever comes up & out"…& I Love every Name & they can call Whatever & As Long As They call Me!!!..
Your Son is making it a Problem Not You…It’s not bothering the Grandson…So Why Is He Acting Crazy?

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My grandkids were taught to call me grandma, but if they called me some other variation, so be it. I don’t think it’s a super huge deal, but your son sounds like a nut job unless there’s more to this than what you’re saying.

Fact is they’ll call whatever the others call you since they’re not your first grand baby, my FIL wanted to be called grandfather but our first called him pa & and my MIL - MA.

I have always been called Grammy and the other grandmother is Meme. I would just be happy you get to see your grandchildren and whatever name they call you is who you are to them.

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That’s not being selfish you can have more than one grandma he’s selfish for not allowing his son to call you grandma. I been a grandma since I was 19 (I married older) but they call me nana and the younger ones call me grandma

My cousin and sister have called all our grandparent grandma and grandpa with their names after it…. Grandma and grandpa is just a title like mom and dad the kid really only needs love provided to them the name doesn’t matter


I’m a Gigi. It doesn’t matter what they call you just hug them and love them

The grandkids will decide what to call you.I was Mamaw for many years.Then my granddaughter at ten or so asked to call me Grandma 'her reason was she never had one with that name.'I was ok with it as she was happy.'You will always be in their heart as long as you treat them as good as you can.Spending time and loving them for them

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grandma, nannie, mema, whatever… is it really worth losing a good relationship with your kid and grandkid over it? Why does it matter so much what they call you? lets the kids pick what the are comfortable with and be happy you have grandbabbies to love on

My kids call my mum nanna bf and my mother in law Nanna Pam. Why can’t you both be grandma ?

I am just happy when they call.

My oldest (12) has always called my Mom, Nana, but my now (3) year old has decided she wants to call her Grandma some days, Nana some days, and she just threw in GiGi today. Let them call you whatever you want. I’m not sure why your son has a huge problem with it.

I keep seeing this (non)issue popping up lately. Neither my mother or MIL got to choose what to be called… our son chose. They’re both Memaw because that’s what he could pronounce first.

You earned that privilege, if you want to be called grandma stick with it. Actually, you can be called both. Who cares. If the one that wants to call you nanny, let him. The other one can call you grandma. It’s not a set rule.

How about grandma (your name and grandma who ever. Grams. Just start calling yourself grandma and the little will come up with a cute name for YOU.

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My mom is Nanna to my nephew Nanny to my daughter and my niece used to call her something else. I could honestly care less what my unborn baby decides to call her and I’m sure she couldnt care either. This is my rainbow baby. I’ve lost two already and I’m sure my mom would be happy just to hear her cry after I give birth.

Several of my friends kids call me Sam Sam so wen my son told me that I wad going to be a grandma I told them that I’ll be gam gam. My soon to be ex husband’s 2 sons with his gf even call me Sam Sam…

We always did Grandma, followed by the name. So I was Grandma Doris. Unfortunately, my co-grandma is gone now. Miss the ladyalways!

I called both of my grandparents the same thing. It didn’t confuse me or my siblings.

… why is this an issue… at all🤦‍♀️
Mine said Me-Moo. I’m Me-Moo​:face_with_raised_eyebrow::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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For a while when I was real little I had " fat grandma" and “old grandma” and called them that. Kids will call you whatever they want to

I have 9 grandchildren, 13 great grands and at least 200 other people who call me Gram

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Why can’t one kid call you nannie and the other one call you grandma :woman_shrugging: and tell your son to grow up

I don’t understand that “there is already a grandma or nana” thing at all. I grew up with 3 grandmas and 3 grandpas. Grandma “last names” or grandma “first names” type thing and my son does the same. There can be more than one that’s ridiculous.
My son has 2 papas, 2 Grammies and a great grammie as he calls them.
It is hard once a kid is attached to a name. My nieces and nephews started calling my dad papa and I was like what?! Why?! We never had papas! I was 11 then and it was just not the normal for me but I got use to it and more comfortable with it.
Also everyone refers to my grandma as nana instead of great grandma and I just can’t lol and my son refuses too, not every grandchild has to use the same name for a grandparent either.

I have 3 grandkids ages 8 5 &5 they call me Mae Mae ( I wanted to be called gammie) anyway my fourth grandchild is 2 and she calls me nana so let them call you what they want just love them either way

What nonsense? Who said only one grandmother can be called grandma? You should have stated what you preferred to be called from the jump. Why is your son making it such a big deal?

My mum wanted to be nana to my 2 and I was gonna let her as she was Gran to my sister’s kids and my daughters dad’s mum was Gran to his nieces and nephews so was gonna stay Gran
But my daughter Calle her Gigi Lanny and it stuck till then it was granny Lanny and that stuck so now my 2 call her granny lanny and they are 8&4 and she loves it now
And says she would feel weird if she was nana :rofl::speak_no_evil:
Does it really matter tbh x

I’m confused why is this an issue my daughte has my parents her dad’s parents and my husband’s parents and she just says “mawmaw debbie” “mawmaw betty” ect she adds a name to it like why can’t they do that?

I don’t see why it’s need to be different?? I had my granny and my granny scott the only reason my kids have a nana and a gran is because I’m scottish and most of us in my area use gran my partners mum was already nana to her other grandchildren with it being more popular in England where she lives