Y’all can both be grandma
My Nanny was the best in the world! When my daughter had my grandson she said there is only one Nanny. Therefore, I became Nana. Works for me!
Your son is not talking to you over something this insignificant???
I was always grandma untill my great grandson was born. My daughter and I were both grandma. So to avoid confusion I became Gram and I’ve been Gram to everyone including my kids friends.
I don’t see this as an issue… My child has many “papas”, we just call them gigi’s papa, dad’s papa, big papa, etc
Because you want to be called grandma?? Unless theres some narcissistic mothering of yours, I don’t see the problem with calling you grandma. That’s so sad
Your son sounds like a real gentlemen my son has got 3 grandmas, a nanny, and a nan nan. It’s down to the grandparent what they want to be called. It’s not like kid is gonna confuse your faces now is it
I’m grandma Cindy, and we gave grandma Sue. Don’t get hung up on names. Always focus on the love in their eyes when they see you. We all bring something different to the table for our grandkids. . It takes a village.
When my grandson was just learning to talk, he couldn’t say grandma (which is what my kids refer to me as), so he shortened it to G-ma on his own. Now that he’s 3, he calls me grandma G-ma. I love it!
If your grandson likes the idea who cares what your son thinks. Now you have a name that is special just for you. My mom goes by meepy for my kiddos
My dad wanted to be called Grandpa so bad…my daughter called him Poppy instead. 4 grandkids later and he’s still Poppy. Kids do what they want
Growing up both of my parents parents were “Grandma and Grandpa” they just had their last name or nickname in it too. Grandma_______ and Grandpa________ . I don’t think it’s a bad thing, my son has it similar, two grandma’s two papas and a nana.
Your son is bring selfish Let them call you different names Grandson can still call you Nannie and the new baby can call you Grandma.
My mom gets called Nana by my girls and my niece. Now my 2 youngest of my 3 different grandmother on dad’s side she gets called grandma and there cousin calls her Nana. My older daughter called her grandma on her dad’s side Nana also.and when I was younger my great grandma we called grandma grape we couldn’t say great even my oldest called her great grandma grape.
Imagine the time when we grew all calling our grandparents JUST grandma and grandpa…that’s who they were, it’s simply just a name. I called my grandma kindt just that until 2015 when she said she wanted to be GeGe now, and I called her that until she passed in Dec 20th 2021. The fact he would stop talking to you because of it is sad.
My kids have grandma Cindy and grandma Debbie growing up I always had 3 grandmas and 3 grandpas but we added their names to the ends
Never called or have been called grandma- I’ve always been a Tia - called my grandmother Mema and the other Geema - Grandmother has always been reserved for our Great Grandmothers of our people.
This is so foolish. People really do get flustered over the dumbest crap.
I dont get why he isnt talking to you. I feel like theres more to that. But i also dont see why you cant be called whatever you want. You could have been Grandma “last name” or initial and same for the other one. My niece calls my mom “Maama” and my daughter calls her memaw
You aren’t the one being selfish.
I’m sorry but this is completely silly; my mom is “Gigi” to 2 of my nephews and my kids and she’s okay with it bc that’s why my nephew started calling her of his own will. Same nephews also call their moms mom “Gigi”. When he refers to his other Gigi to my mom its “Gigi Finley” (her last name). My oldest brothers kids call my mom “Grandma” bc that’s what they want to call her. Who cares if the other grandmother is “Grandma” too? It’s incredibly asinine.
Your son is childish to stop talking to you over such a thing too. Just let the kids call you what they want. You have grand babies to love on; stop worrying about what you’re called.
Good grief, I am called by different names by different grandkids and great grandkids. I am grandma, gram ,mammy, grammy or Buppy. All depends on which grandkid it is. They know who you are and your son is just being mean!!!
They way we have it is my mom is mamma, their dads mom is nanna their great grandmas were both called grandma so one of them were called grandma and the other was called grannie. It worked perfectly and they never got confused at all they loved it
Why can’t you all be grandma together?! I understand why your grandson would call you nannie still, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be called grandma by the others!!! I’m not even going to give my kids the chance to choose. I can share the title grandma with their other grandmas! I want to be grandma, like my mom! And then Nana, like my grandma when I become a great grandmother!
Why can’t you both be grandmom?
This has got to be one of the most trivial things Ive ever heard! My daughter called both sets of grandparents “mawmaw” and “pawpaw”… I just understand why people have to make this such a big deal.
I never thought ot mattered…
I called both my grandmas, memaw when I was a kid. I never even changed it up until I was 20 and they were both back in the same state. One grandma needed help being taken care of, and my other grandma helped me with her. To avoid confusion i started calling on Gma, cause she was like the cool lil G, and continued to call the other one memaw. Gma never cared and that’s what all of us to this day, 18 years later call her…
Geez… if your son stopped talking to you over that… he has some issues… life is way to short for that ignorance. I think kids decide what they want to call us, regardless of what we want. I think Grandma Nannie is the ideal compromise.
Them babies are going to call you what they want to call you and you can’t do anything about it
My grandchildren call me grandma although my grandson calls his other grandmother nana cause she wants to feel younger eventhough she is older than me. I always called my grandmother grandma it didn’t matter which one. I hope your son changes his mind cause talking to a parent isn’t a given life is too short to hold on to any hatred
My kids have a nana(my grandma), a (step) bama, a grama Chelle, a grama Nancy, and (great) grama Mary.
I am JoJo. As they get older sometimes they call me Grandma JoJo. One of the other grandmas is Honey. Whatever works.
Why cant you both be called Grandma
I wasn’t given choice son made me a Grammy oldest grandson introduced me to girlfriend while in his trens as grandma what I’m now proud Grammy of 9
No matter what they call you, you are still grandma…I’m a little confused because it’s normal for all the grandkids in my family to call both sets of grandparents grandma and grandpa…my grandbabies call me Noni and they call my mom Gigi…
I sure wouldn’t babysit for him if he can’t speak to me. Even if his wife were to call and ask explain to her why. He needs to grow up.
Losing your relationship with your kids and grandkids over being called “grandma” instead of “nannie” is not worth it. Think of it this way… your grandma was called “grammy” your whole life, then all of a sudden she wants you to call her something else… you’re not going to be able to just change what you call her, she is your grammy. That’s what your grandkids are being asked to do. You are their nannie… you can’t expect kids to change what they call you.
My mom has had several names over the years from her grandkids. She wanted to be grandma too and she is now BUT until grandma there was gammo, Mo, bobma etc. My oldest still calls her gammo but my younger 2 call her grandma now.
They will choose what they call you anyway.
I am Gigi and the other grandmothers are kk and Grandma Kim. It’s easier if everyone has a different name in my opinion. As long as I can see my grand babies they can call me anything they want
I don’t see why you both can’t be called Grandma
WTH, why can’t they both be grandma’s. In my family all the elder women are called grandma’s
In my opinion, you have every single right to ask for what you’d like.
Grandma Nannie is so sweet…
Shame on your son for acting this way.
All sets of grandparents to my boys where Grandma and Papa.
My Daughter has 2 grandma’s? What’s the difference to having one or anything like that? Like why not 2?
This is just stupid. Your literally starting a war over a name. A name.
My mom was grandma or nana… my dad was papa for the longest time… till they all got older… then it was grandpa… my older sister is a grandma and she didn’t want to be called grandma… so all her grand babies… 4 of them… call her Bubbie!! I of course call her booby!! Lol… but you are always grandma!! No matter what they call you!
I’m sorry it has come to your son not talking to you! That makes me really sad!!
A friend of our family… when her grand babies were little… she started calling her grammers… so all her grand babies still call her grammers!! Lol… it’s all in the love of those little ones!!
My older son called my mother patty. Would never call her grandma. My sons other grandma stated she was much to you to be a grandma and will never be called it. She is Nana. My grandma is grandma and my other grandma is Gigi to him. None of us told him what to say he just did. My mother was never bent out of shape by being called her name. Never once asked to be called something different, cried, fought over it. 21 yrs later. She is still patty to him.
My moms Grammy and my mil is grandma. My dad is PawPaw to my children and grandpa to my nephew. Start grandma with your newest grand baby and stay Nannie to the others who have always and currently called you that. I wouldn’t make them switch what they’ve known you as but would start a new custom with the newest babies if it bothers you that much.
My mom will call herself nona but I call her grandma to the kids they call her both but my kids have 2 mawmaws mawmaw this and mawmaw that and pawpaw this pawpaw that we have to use names cause our kids come from divorced families from us parents to grandparents are even divorced so I think the fight is ridiculous do what you want what they gonna do be like you know what you name is what you’ll be called kids usually come up with their own when they can’t say it anyways my cousin couldn’t say mawmaw he said mommom and it stuck and he’s in college now
My daughters kids call me Gaga and my sons daughter calls me grandma. My grandmothers were called gammie and nanny. As long as I get to see them I can get used to what they call me.
I let my MIL and My mom choose what they want to be called. I think your son is being over dramatic
Don’t take the name to seriously! Just enjoy being a Grandma!!! Also Granny Nannie sounds cute!!! We have a Granny Annie in our family.
I’m not understanding what your daughter in laws or son big deal with, I have four kids they have a lot of grandmas and grandpas dew to split families and Remarried, it not confusing for them. When some out in the same room they call them grandma bus, grandma (Name) or tap the one they want to talk to. Where dose it say only one parent can get the title grandma. Cause In the real world that is what you are no matter what they call you.
As long as my 12 grandchildren and greatgrandaughter love me i really don’t mind what they call me
I’ve never understood why women put so much thought in to this. We have Gandy, Granmommy, Gummy, K-Pa, PawPaw, Grandpa, Grandpa Jeep, Grandma Paula, Grandpa…The kids just call them what they call them🤷🏻♀️. Granny became Gandy because someone couldn’t say granny and it stuck, Granmommy became Gummy, Grandpa became K-Pa for the same reasons and they all stuck. The only one that wanted a certain name was my Gandy…she wanted to be called the formal term Grandmother so someone rebelled and tried to get someone to call her granny and she became Gandy to like 9 of us. Just let your grandchildren call you what they want ladies …
Y’all all sound ridiculous. Fighting over a name and not speaking to each other now etc? Just soak in whatever the kids call you and let it be
Would you rather be Nannie with a relationship or Grandma with no contact? In the words of a famous author “Don’t sweat the small stuff!”. Enjoy the time you spend with your family. Soak up the memories you make. I would give anything for my kids and grandchildren to get a few more days, months or even years with my mother and MIL, who both recently passed. Remember what’s important and trust me when I say that being called “Grandma” before my youngest was even was out of the house was hard, but ultimately it didn’t matter, because everyone was healthy and happy. 4 years latter, I’m Gammy and my husband is Gammpy (thank you to cute litte lisps) I couldn’t be happier.
I used to call my dads mom…. Grandma Helm or mamaw Helm and my moms mother … Grandma Duvall or mamaw Duvall. That was there last name. Didn’t really think to much about it. They did seem to care either. I don’t understand stand why people now days make such a big deal out of it. If I was just with one of them, sometimes I just called them grandma or mamaw. I think what ever the child is comfortable with as they grow. I don’t really call myself either.
I don’t know, my MIL was MawMaw to ALL of her grandkids, but my first called her MeMaw, and still does 12 years later, so does his younger brother. She is still their grandmother, mawmaw, and to them answers to MeMaw. My mother wanted to be called grandmother, but her first grandchild called her Grand Mugga (bc that’s how he said Grandmother.) eventually he started calling her just Mugga, and every single child since calls her that. One even called her Muggie Muggie. Sometimes ppl put more into the “name of the title” than the beauty of the actual title. You aren’t selfish, in fairness… from the beginning the child could had called y’all BOTH Grandma. You are both the same to the child OR even whatever the child started calling you on his own. I know a “Mimi” And a Mimmie” and all of the above thing it’s darling. I had a Nanny-Momma, Great Nanny, and to MawMaws” so, perhaps you, your son, daughter, and kids need to set down together and ask the child what they prefer to call you. To the child you are precious and grand and so are they, whatever will be meaningful and precious in its way. I personally LOVE the unique names kids choose. After all they are still so innocent and precious. Also, had a niece that called her passy her “nunah” it was still a passy, and was still precious that she named it something different. Good luck! Thankful you are a survivor
Your grown son is acting more immature than Your grandson at 9… MAYBE talk to your son and explain to him your desire to be called grandma Nannie.
It’s Your title to wear as you please and what is your daughter opinion of what Her kids should call you?? It’s not your son’s place to Judge You!
I am grandma, Nannie Margina, and ma’am Mal
Depends which grandkids are talking to me
That’s a complete and totally ridiculous overreaction. He’s an adult BRAT.
I think you’ve been Nannie for almost 10 years and it’s very selfish to want to change it just because you get a new grand baby
Good grief! Apparently, you raised a brat.
My mom didn’t know what she would be called but my son named her Mamaw and that stuck. I have a niece that’s 13 months older and she never named her
I don’t see what’s wrong at all with her request and the kid is totally cool with it. Her son is overreacting. Why isn’t anyone focusing on that??? His reaction is absolutely over the top.
Anne the voice of common sense got it in one
If that’s what the KIDS call you. That’s what you are. You’re still grandma even if that’s not the exact word they use.
My kids can’t talk a whole lot yet but both my mom and mil are referred to as grandma until they’re old enough to call them whatever they choose. I don’t understand why you can’t both be called grandma though.
I don’t understand why you both can’t be called grandma if that’s what you both are…
let the kids decide what to call you. They might come up with something and it melts your heart when they say it. My daughter has two Nana Judy’s. My grandmother was always nana . My ex mother in law is nana Judy.
My name has changed so many times over that past 28 years. They grow up and call you Gramma eventually. Good luck to you!!
I don’t care what they call me just so they keep coming around and keep loving me
Your son is the one that is selfish!! Just because his son calls you one thing don’t mean your other grandchild can’t call you something else!! I’m grandpa to some and to some I’m grandpa with my first name. So let your son be a brat and you enjoy your grandbabies!!
I wouldn’t say your being selfish, I definitely think your son is overreacting if your 9year old found a good happy medium, his choice of grandma Nannie is how my kids do it as well to know which grandma or grandpa they are talking about when they we little is was one thing is was more of what’s easier for them to say so grandpa was usually papa then moved to papa Steve now its grandpa Steve or grandma cookies when I was little we did the same thing we usually said grandma or grandpa and then whatever their last name was unless they preferred their first name be used instead of last name but then it identified who it was
Personally I don’t see the big deal. My boy is too young to decide yet but we call both nans, nab lol. If he grows up wanting to use grandma or grab then so be it
It’s just a game. Why can’t there be 2 grandmas? I’m kids have 2 grandmas and 2 papas.
A name is a name. The grandkids will love the grandmother and just accept the name - be it Nana, Nanny, Grandma or even just your real name!!!
I think adults tend to overthink these kinds of things……
I just don’t understand why you chose to go with Nannie in the first place if you always wanted grandma? Why does it matter so much that the other grandparent wanted to be called grandma as well, and now for some reason you can’t be a grandma too? I’ve only ever had grandma’s growing up, it’s a shared title and doesn’t take away you’re special connection with your grand babies. One grandma isn’t better then the other if that’s what you’re afraid of? I feel like there is more to this story as it seems pretty silly that your son would react to you now being grandma Nannie in such a weird way and stop talking to you over something so harmless. Best wishes, I hope you are all able to work it out.
My kids call all grandparents either grandma or grandpa doesn’t give anyone a special name. That just seems like to much to keep up with who is nana,grandma, papa grandpa.
I don’t understand… my kids have 3 grandmas… they are all called grandma, why is it such a big deal to have more than one person called grandma?
Your son sounds like a jackass!
Tell those babies they can call you whatever they want!
My mom is Noni. My dad is Bop Bop. He was supposed to be Pop Pop, but the first born grandchildren (twins) couldn’t say Pop Pop. He became Bop Bop and six grandkids after he’s still Bop Bop.
On the other side, my oldest two have their nanny (their dads mom) and nanny (their dads grandmother). Both are nanny and no one ever argued about it. When referring to them, it’s Nanny insert name.
But you don’t have to be a Nanny or a Grandma. There are a million other, unique things you can be called.
I call my grandmother Mommaw.
It’s just a name, what’s the big deal…
I’d be mad to. For 10 years you’ve been known as something now you want to change it and instead of approaching the topic when the child was a baby you went to the child and not your child. I think itd be confusing to change your name now to them.
Nannie is a perfect name for grandma my grandkids call me Fry??? Who knows where they got that but I’m ok with it
Yes we did and our sister had her grandkids call her Nana and their other grandma is Nona - Others are Grannie, Grams. I felt sorry for my foster son’s real grandma that didn’t want to be called Grandma - she had them call her Honey - so those kids call me Grandma Lynn - love the honor
Grandma…Grammy…Nannie…Nana…Gigi (my name sake)…It doesn’t matter as long as they Love you.
I grew up calling every grandma grandma and my daughter now calls them granny nana grandma all the Papas are Papa so and so Papa so and so etc… I didn’t think it mattered! So sorry but I love Nannie!
I don’t understand why they both couldn’t be called grandma
All of my adult children call their grandparents different names and it was never an issue. We have: Poppop & Gran, Poppop Rich & Crazy Grandmom (she used to play a game with them and she would put her hair in a crazy style and chase them and tell them she was going to cook them in the oven ) DDPP (Donald Duck Poppop because he used to talk like Donald Duck to them ) and Grandmom Wendy and then there was their Great Grandpop who was Little Poppop. No one got upset or anything ever! They all loved it!
I let my dad pick whatever name he wanted! My relationship with my Nonna is so important and special and honestly when it came to my dad picking a name I wanted him to be happy with whatever he chose…… he chose Chiefy
My kids have 2 grandmas - when they speak to them they call them grandma but when we refer to them we’ll say “oh we are going to Grandma Kathy’s house” or “Gma Jean is coming over” so they know who we are referring to…. I think your son is making a mountain out of a mole hill here.
You’ll find out whatever endearment you’re granted with will be so very special!!! I was first in line so I had my pick and the babies kinda decided for me…and Grammy has fit me well for 12 years now!!! They ‘Know’ I’m their Grandma!!!
My grandkids will decide what they call me. My son called my mom Meema and it stuck! We all love it. My niece named my mil Gammie and we all love that too because it is special.
I have never gotten why people wanting to call each grandparent by different names I mean why can’t all the grandma’s be called grandma my grandbabies call me grandma call their dads mom grandma and my mother in law grandma they arent confused lol and being called Nannie I wouldn’t like that at all
You are a Grandma no matter your title.
Explain to your son why it is important to you (reasons) as you explained here. And apologize for the misunderstanding that it’s not your first priority and you aren’t trying to overstep on their
feelings or choices/decisions. Then you’ll need to let it go and accept whatever the adults choose to call you and label you to their children.
Shouldn’t it be up the the child. I mean my granddaughter has called me Grammy, Mimi and grandma…and any name she calls me I come running lol
Your Son is a spoiled man child and needs to grow up! Once you’re gone, he’s going to feel like a fool for wasting precious time with his Mother! Shame on him.
Wow he’s over reacting the kids know the difference mine do we have 2 nannies and they sually know who where talking about be abuse we use more indicators then just nanny also my mom is big nanny and his mom is little nanny and my friends kids call her mom nanny with the purple hair and his mom nanny with the white car … long story longer kids Wil l call you whatever they want and it all works out
WOW just WOW. be happy you are a grandmother, no matter what your grandkids call you, you still are their grandmother no matter what
My sister is Nonie because that is what my first called her. She got stuck with it.
However, why in the world is he saying that is selfish. My children have 3 grandma’s and they are all Called the same most times. Same with my dad’s. All papa
He will get over it, let him pout and ignore him! He will come around.