Am I sheltering my daughters?

I’m not a parent but I would suggest that you read the reviews, watch trailers. Then make sure before they watch those kinds of movies that you have ’ The Talk’ with them and make sure they understand what could and will happen and what they can do to be safe. Because if they watch movies with sex scenes in them they may think that its what a relationship is all about, when there is so much more to a relationship. I would suggest a PG 13 movie first such as Twilight or The Fault in Our Stars and maybe the The Notebook. I hope it helps!

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I would continue to shield them as much as possible. Kids are exposed to so much today. It really is shameful. Children should be children

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I think you are right to be censoring your daughters watching, that’s the problem with today’s society allowing the kids to grow up too fast!!!

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You have to make this decision based on YOUR child as INDIVIDUALS. I will say tho that you need to be aware that anything you make taboo just makes it more of a curiosity for your children. So don’t make sex as bad thing but a mature adult thing with life long consequences. Talk to them individually. They probably have questions they don’t even know they have and the probably know a lot more then you think. Make sure what the know is accurate not part way accurate.

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Me has child grew up on hell raise, candy man, Freddie, Jason all the rest, I haven’t killed anyone or been carted off to physic ward, my kids what soft cartoon horror, e.g ghostbusters, cartoon about a haunted house, can’t remember name even, despicable me, is harsh in places, there be no noise, burbing, farting, moaning ,winning aw and grews mother always ignored him lol xxx

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so I am gonna say that there is a difference in preventing your kid from knowing things, and controlling what they surround themselfs with.


Speaking as a person who was severely sheltered,I would say its good to strike a balance.i got out in the world and went nuts bc I hadn’t experienced alot of led to a massive amount of bad desicions.long story short,just explain sex and nudity in an open honest way.she will appreciate it later and be more informed.

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My kids watch anything except porn itself, they are 16&12. They been watching for years, they watch what we watch. Never had any issues. But we are also a very open family and any question they have gets answered


My son is 3 so I don’t have motherly experience with this but my mom and dad would have us turn our heads when stuff like that came on until we got to about 12 dad was definitely less strict on this then mom was.

You are their Mother. You do what you feel is right, not what the world says is right. I wish I had been a little more strict with what I allowed my sons to watch at a younger age. But now we just do a lot of discussions about what is on the news and what they watch.

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I would not allow my daughter to see those types of movies, especially at that age.

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I didn’t watch those scenes until I was a teen…I am am the same way with my kids.

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I am from old school. So I was much older, and it was not on TV anyway.But in today’s society its everywhere, better you talk to them and let them know that you do not approve because of their age.If they have cell phones you are too late, its all over.

My brother and I were around those ages (we’re also 2 years apart) when our parents had “the talk” and a movie with some nudity would be a good way to start that conversation.

If I could do it over,I would restrict them as much as possible.Tv and internet puts too much too early into children’s heads.

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You should start talking to your children as early as kindergarten. I am speaking of the full conversation but information about their bodies, what’s acceptable and not. Trust me there are children that are well advanced in preK. I am in my 50s and still have issues watching sex movies. I don’t do porn and all of that. Sex life is GREAT but I choose not to watch others perform

Wait till they are teenagers. If the couple is laying bed that’s alright. You should wait until your girls ask about it themselves. Sex and the tv or movies will come soon enough.

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My daughters are 22 and 24 and I still wouldn’t let them watch it. They’d be mortified if I was in the room and they had something like that on. Awkward!

I wasnt allowed to until I was 10,
Honestly movies like that are boring to a child so why would it even be put on as a movie to watch with them. When my children become interested in more real movies then Im cool with boob shots and cuss words. We dont sexualize our bodies in the house and are very open about them and whats appropriate with others. I listen to music with cuss words already around my kids they know better than to repeat that it’s just music.

12and over in my opinion. You want them to be mature enough to understand

they dont need to see nudity as entertainment, I never saw anything like that as a child, nudity and sex come naturally as they get older, they dont need to see it on screens and a 9 and 11 year old don’t need to know what’s going on in their parents


I agree with hearing and seeing but mine I would say not yet my 9yo done hardly want to watch many movies with adult stuff there been a few we just fast forward :woman_shrugging:t2: on the kissy scenes but like birth videos she’s already seen a birth so depending on what and how much ok if I let her watch it!

They are too young…keep them little as long as possible…ya hear of kids 9 yrs old getting pregnant…protect them at all costs!

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My thoughts are try to guard them as long as you can from the excesses of media. They’re going to get plenty of it from this age on and when they are not at home you probably won’t be able to keep them from seeing some of it and you can’t see them stopping the billboards and such so just do your best Love on them tell them that they are worthy of more than just being a sex object and you are doing your very best as a good mom.

There’s no such thing as sheltering a child too much , what the heck is wrong with people ! They are children and you should try to keep the innocent as long as you can. No need to rush. 9 and 11 are way to young for that. Maybe between 13-15.

It really depends on how mature your children are. My children range in age from 4 years old to 21 years old. My older children watch what they want but no porn or anything like that. My younger two don’t watch what they want but at some point they all will have questions. I guess it come down to maturity and if you are ready to answer questions.

I was about 10-11 when I used to sneak staying up to watch sex and the city and then me and the other girls always talked about it the next day.sadly at 11 in this day she probably already knows more than you think

Check the rating. PG-13 usually if there is nudity.
For me, my daughter will be at least in high school before she watches that in my house. It’s not sheltering, it’s being a good parent.
Think about how you viewed/view those scenes. Do you want your girl to have that same view or do you want her to be better than you?

I had boys, didn’t shelter strictly but “The Talk” is an age appropriate ongoing conversation. Knowledge is power!

I was 9 when I used to was late night tv channels and my family didn’t know what I used to watch. When I was 12 in 1st year the whole class in secondary school does do sex education and we had to watch a dvd about it all and watch a woman scream and then her baby was born. I know that Primary school are teaching children sex education each year so am sure your children already knows about it

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I still don’t approve of my children watching those kind of movies. And there 45 41 43

It has to do with the maturity of each child; did you discuss consent and their rights to privacy? I would say keep to media in which the relationships are mutually grounded and keep away from slang and provocative content until you can get a firm notion of how they feel about themselves as young women. Too much too soon might be harmful.

Don’t make your decisions based on what the world says. God has a plan for your children. Teach them right from wrong. Even though they see and hear a lot outside your home, you should always and press on them that your home is different. It should be a sanctuary… And different from the world

You’re the parent. It’s your job to shelter and protect them. Yea they may see and hear things elsewhere but you don’t have to take part in that too. You can teach them that just because they hyper sexualize, girls especially, in movies etc its not ok. Teach them to respect themselves. Our society is nothing but sex and that’s what they want. Girls think this is ok now and it makes it easier to take advantage of them. Teach them to respect themselves and they’ll spot something wrong sooner. Don’t follow Hollywood. They know what they’re doing and it’s not in our kids’ best interest.

I didn’t let my daughter until about 13 which allowed for some great conversations

Kids know more nowadays than we did growing up. Between school,computers,t.v. and friends they can teach us oldtimers about this new age. You might not want them watching movies like that but the way girls dress nowadays they are already partially seeing it. Going to the beach and seeing what there is of a bathing suit its like OMG

You should probably start having a talk about the changes they’ll be going through, at least with the 11 year old, cause it’s going to come very soon for her, you don’t want her all confused to everything going on. You need to prepare her for everything, especially how stupid boys will be, cause they are beyond stupid at that age. I say don’t fully shelter them from partial nudity though, at least on the part of a woman, because they have the same body parts, I don’t see that part as a big deal. I can almost guarantee now, with kids these days, your kids have probably seen, and know way more than you think thanks to other kids.

I think that’s a little young. Has either started their period? If not, their bodies (and minds) aren’t ready.

You have to judge the age and what are they learning from kids at school. You don’t want someone else’s child teaching your kids about sex.

When you as a parent decide…

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Shelter them let them be innocent for a while. They don’t need to learn to much to fast.

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You are not closed minded. You cant take fire to your boosom and not get burned. Excuse the spelling.

My boys r 16 and 24 and I don’t allow them but if we r watching something suggestive serial I get embarrassed an I look away…lol

I say about 12 but watch the movie or show with them. TV glorifies sex and makes it out to be something it’s not. Make sure they are aware about the more important aspects of relationships.

My child had her first sex talk before the age of one it’s normal talk about it talk about thier body talk about thier period.

Keep it normal

It’s less likely for them to be sexauly abused or molested

I wasnt allowed to see bare boonies until I was 12, but i could see naked women and my brother could see naked men because we had those parts but we couldnt see the other sex until our teens

Where is common sense? Why would you want to introduce your children to sexual material at such young ages? Where’s your common sense?

We have open discussions and don’t shelter much from our kids. I want them to be comfortable and come to me or their dad with questions, not other kids. We don’t let them watch stuff too sexual, however, breasts and butts aren’t big deals, just no rough sex scenes. Music, language, and violence we have never limited but they are aware they are not allowed to talk like that. Mine are 4, 7 and 10. They all have different knowledge levels of sex and we speak accordingly to their level of intelligence. I remember the friends of mine I had growing up that were more sheltered were the friends that were more sexual at younger ages and had more partners through our college years. To each their own on parenting styles, I shelter in different areas. Like which friends they are allowed to go over to, very picky on daycare, they can only stay the night at certain people’s homes, etc…there is no 1 right way to raise kids.

I dnt censor. That being said for sex scenes I cover their eyes ant inform them that when they are of age they can see. Mine are 2 & 5 & 9. But for nudity I dnt censor much especially when it comes to the chest.

Alot of 11 year olds are already having their period and developing…they WILL have questions and better answered by their parents than tv or peers

Not sheltering them at all. You’re protecting their childhood and their innocence as long as possible.

If they go to school they have been exposed!! Kids are way smart nowadays

11 and 9 is way too young. I never had that on my TV.

What they show on tv and real life is two different things what they show on tv now is just plain vulgar. Teaching them about sex should start young I believe but what’s on tv isn’t it

maybe talk to a therapist or pedi Dr. for about this, But they are your children & it is your decision, But I would say 9 yrs old, & even 11 yrs old to watch anything sexual in the matter is not appropriate. Yes your 11 yr old, needs to be told about her period & her getting breast & when she is about 13 yrs old, about not letting any boys talk her into having sex with them before she is ready. And as for the internet, you should be monitoring them in just what they are reading, whom they are writing to & everything. And the they shouldn’t be on FB

Nope did not happen in my house til they were late teens

I realise this is slightly different but I watched grease for the first time when I was 6.

My parents covered my eyes during make out scenes(not even sex or sexual language) when I was like 10. So I think that was a little much. But you know how mature your littles are and whether or not your ready to have some sort of open discussion with them about it

There is no point in time that ANY of us should fill our minds with the garbage on movies and TV. Looking around and seeing how screwed up everyone is should be evidence enough that morality is LACKING.

I think they should hear it from u if they have questions, not there friends.

Children should not watch movies like that

I was never allowed to watch sex on TV ever. In fact probably watching sex on TV has only be happening in the last ,35 /40 years. I really don’t believe this has been at all a benefit. Think about it.

Wow,no way at that age…that is pg 13 stuff.

How about Never. If you wouldn’t show it to Jesus then why your kids?

Mine didn’t at all. I don’t care for gratuitous sex. 11and 9 no.

Times have changed since you were growing up. Sex is more out in the open. You’ll have to judge what they see beforehand and be ready to answer questions honestly and forthrightly.

Dearly, your posts are not dearly. They are obviously made up . Stupid is as stupid does. 1990s PG. compared to 2019? It’s surreal.

Maybe 12 and over. But they are old enough to lean about sex education.

keep your child’s innocence as long as possible

Well there are rating guides for that sort of thing lol but as for me I’m going the way my mother did it. R rated violence is ok because I’m not afraid my children will go out and hack people to bits but R rated sex is a no because they WILL go out and try to recreate those scenes.

18yrs when they were out of the house :man_shrugging:t4:

well they are way to young right now i think 13 is about the right time kids grow up to fast as itis so dont rush

Your kids already know more than you realize. Tell them about their sexually, that is age appropriate. Knowledge is power and the best way for kids to protect themselves from unwanted sexual advances and your daughter will understand the consequences of making decisions involving sexual relationships with a teenage boy friend. So, be honest with her as to why you don’t want her exposed to those movies I knew a lot at 11, I had an older brother who "educated"me as to how guys think.

Do it the right old fashioned way, get them family planning books, kids magazines, dont corrupt their minds so young.

Mom sheltered too much. Too the point when my period started I didn’t know what was happening. Like she didn’t even let me take sex ed.

Don’t be that mom. As soon as puberty hit and she was STILL doing it I went behind her back and watched whatever I wanted.

Watch with them and don’t make it awkward. If they ask explain its part of love and relationships.

Uhhhhh…seeing as those kinds of scenes are only in PG-13 and R rated movies I don’t see how it could be sheltering to not let your 9 and 11 year old watch it. Quite honestly, I think letting children that young watch stuff like that should be child abuse. Would you let someone come into your house and do those things infront of your child? If the answer is no, they don’t need to be watching it on a screen either. Anyone who makes you think that’s “too sheltering” better get right with Jesus because that’s just ridiculous!!


Oh trust me, they’ll see it long before you want them too!

Let your babies be babies for as long as you can!!!

She is 30 and I still don’t allow it.

You sound like a rare and really good mom. If you bring children up by being a good teacher of self-respect for their own and others’ bodies they won’t go far wrong. The GREATEST mistake is to tell them ‘everything’ on the flimsy excuse that they’ll hear it from kids at school. That way you are making it okay for them to believe that what they’re being told at school is acceptable because YOU told them first! God bless you. Bringing children up in this vile world is a nightmare.

About 18 sounds good to me.

They grow up fast enough.

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High schoolers with parental supervision.

Too young. Shelter them.

I never made a big deal about it. We all watched whatever and they didn’t even realized it. Later on I would tell them cover your eyes… lol and they would… they are men and women now and are decent human beings. I was a young mom so I guess that is why there was no rules on what they watched with me.

I have a 16 year old daughter and I don’t allow her to watch anything sexual. Yes she has taken sex ed but i still dont approve.

Too young yet! Your doing what ur heart feels go with that u won’t be wrong…

I do not even watch those type of shows

Teach them right from wrong and pray!

Definitely too young. :tired_face::tired_face:

my parents never did. I left home at 18 and was never allowed to see these things.

Depends on the context.

My parents never censored me and I sorted it out myself. If i didnt want to see I didnt look

U r right in sheltering them at that age. Way to young. But I am old school! Teach them what is right and wrong behavior so when someone tries something on them they will know its wrong and tell you about it!

We have stopped letting our kids be kids. We can’t even listen to the radio without ads for erectile dysfunction​:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging: my kiddo will be 10 soon. We have talked about periods, being gay and sex among other things. Thats alot different than seeing it in your face. She knows she can ask me about anything and I will answer in an age appropriate way. Just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t mean you have to.

Protect your girls. Nothing but garbage on tv n cable.

11 and 9 is too young…

Keep them innocent for as long as possible. They’ll have plenty of time to be adults later on

My daughters always have seen breast I nursed but my sons honestly adulthood.

When they leave home. :laughing: