Am I spending too much?

Does he want you to grocery shop at the dollar store or some shit? lol Food is not cheap!

Just be careful it doesnā€™t turn into financial abuse


Tell go for it if he can do better and prepared to take over the fortnightly bulk cook. Laugh and tell him to knock himself out.


I pay the bills and but he shops and pays for the food if we donā€™t have enough then we go without somethings mostly heā€™s a good with shopping and saving on food

Give it to him then once he sees it and the responsibility of it all he will hand the responsibility back over to u. Hope he donā€™t stop giving u spending :dollar: for yourself.


Thank the gods my husband deals with all the bills.
And food cost has gone up, so that is what he is seeing. So if he is that worried about get most of your food items from the Dollar Tree. 100, can feed four adults.

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Iā€™d be happy for my hubby to take over the money and grocery shopping. I spend a lot of time laying awake at night worrying about money. Iā€™d happily hand the worries over.


He might b a sugar daddy to someone else


You still need to have access to the money in case something happens to him where he canā€™t do all the nessecary things.


Make a spread sheet and let him. Set him up to succeed not fail. My husband does all the bills. It just works. But you spend almost $300 in gas in two weeks? What are you driving a semi?


My husband said that once too. I said ok.
That last 1 week let him give it a shot.
But he does so groceries every Sunday because he is the smarter shopper there.
Mine forgot to pay cable and thatā€™s when he handed it back.
But I wasnā€™t insulted I was happy to have it off my plate

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A man can buy a weeks worth of lunches for 20 dollars.

Men are cheap and efficient.
So a man hearing you spent 200 dollars on groceries for lunches will put a grown man into cardio arrest.


Lolā€¦ maybe you sbeak back up reserve money in case he fā€™s it all up. Lolā€¦ Good luck! Let him try!


I find the person who doesnā€™t take care of the household expenses usually doesnā€™t realize. And groceries are expensive now a days!! But if youā€™re not the one doing the shopping youā€™d have no clue. Iā€™d say let him try and heā€™ll learn. Spend a day or two without electricity and water. Haha, seems like a good learn experience for him :joy:


Went thru the same thing. After 2 weeks, my hubby realized how hard it was an finally agreed to stop complaining and help me. Now, he takes care of certain bills an I do the rest like grocery shop.

Let him. Make a list and let him take care of the bills and grocery shopping. Sometimes people donā€™t realize until they are in that situation.

Start with having him take over shopping for more than a week and go from there. Also, make sure you still have access to money

Tell him I just went out and spend that amount and I didnā€™t even get meat yet!!! Life is expensive. I wish him luck. My hubby quieted down once I started bitchung about the costs of stuff too. He knows the prices of some shit he doesnā€™t question me on the rest. 10 years Iā€™ve done our finances and bills. I ask him on big purchase other then that Iā€™m the shopper until he grows a vagina or proves that heā€™s better at it

I gladly let my wife handle the bills. I know I donā€™t want too and she a great job. Long story short donā€™t mess up a good thing. If itā€™s working leave it alone that simple Jennifer Hinkle-Rickmar

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My husband loves that I take care of all of the bills because it is less for him to stress about with his long work hoursā€¦ $218 is a great price for 14 days worth of meals. If he feels he can do better just let him try because Iā€™m sure he will turn it back over to you


Iā€™d love an update on the grocery bill! $218 for 2 weeks?! I guess if itā€™s just the two of you, that sounds reasonable. I spend close to $300 weekly on groceries for a family of 5.


$218 for 2 weeks? Thatā€™s amazingā€¦let him try. No way is he going to beat that lol. I think I spend at least $700 a week. I have no idea how you do it but awesome job

SAHM means you have kidsā€¦how many kids? Because $218.39 for 2 weeks plus his lunches is incredibly cheap especially with food prices. If I came home only spending that much he would freak that I forgot something. Which I would have bc that would not be enough.


Oh hell no!!! Thatā€™s how abusive and controlling relationships start!!! They want to control all of the finances then BAMā€¦ Like you saidā€¦ they will leave you screwed!! If youā€™re a SAHMā€¦ that also means you have kid(s)! Donā€™t do it!!! My fiancĆØ and I split paying the bills and we shop together! Except for gifts or surprises for each otherā€¦ we always talk about purchases and both of us know how much money we all have left. We have separate accounts, but neither of us have an issue showing the other our run-downs. My ex-husbandā€¦ pulled that shit!! We had a joint account and when he decided to up and leave for my brotherā€™s ex-wife, he took EVERY LAST PENNY out of the account and left me with absolutely NOTHING for rent, bills, or to get anything for our children! Never again!!

Sounds like he feels prepared to meal prep as well?! Assuming you make meals based on deals at the store, then this should also be his job? Or do you get to make him a list and sit back and watch when he comes home shocked from the store at pricesā€¦ Groceries are unreal. Ohh and wait till he has to go to the store after workā€¦ I dont think men understand how much detail and planning SAHM do. It will be a fun eye opening experience for him. Enjoy, :sunglasses:


Let him, both parties should no how to pay and do the expenses and what there is in expenses. Even if one is the main person who dose them, you both should know how to do them.


Wow. I wish thatā€™s all I spent. I spend more than that in one week on groceries and thatā€™s only for three people in the home. I usually spend around $240 on groceries alone in one week.


My husband told me he doesnā€™t know what heā€™ll do if I hit the bucket, because he doesnā€™t know how to pay any bills.
When it comes to food, we both go grocery shopping together. To make it easier for us. To be sure he doesnā€™t get alot of junk, same with me.

Makes it easier.

Make sure that you get an allowance too. When mine took over the bills, he assumed I didnā€™t need anything or money.


Friend, ā€¦let him try

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If this happensā€¦PLEASE give us an update!!


I found that when I said 'groceries ā€™ he didnā€™t realize that also included dishsoap, laundry soap, tampons, diapers and wipes. Also shampoo and body wash. Men are simple. He thinks you are spending $200 on food.


Why donā€™t you sit down together as a team and go through everything together? You want to make a comment about him not knowing what bills you payā€¦ how would he if youā€™re the one who always takes care of it?


No your not. That fine for 1 week if its supposed to last you until the 4th week.
Let him take over for a week. Bahahaha. Make him Ć  list
I like to get my milk and bananas at Kwikstar. I Shop aldis, walmart and fareway sometimes.
I dont even think he will even get enough for meals to last a week but sure let him try it.

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Curious to see the outcome of this!


Yes give it all to him. He will find out how expensive everything is these days. Enjoy your break :slightly_smiling_face:

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You know, my dad tried this on my mom once and they ended up in bankruptcy court lmao


Sounds like a disaster!

200 on food every TWO weeks?! Sis can you teach me how to grocery shop :weary: I spent that yesterday and donā€™t even have enough for the week and I fackin forgot diapers :joy:


as a man I know he could do it, but also as a man I know Iā€™d forget something

Better stop at a restaurant and eat before going home from work

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Give him what he wants when your power shuts off. Take yourself and your children to a hotel for a few days let him figure it out

Take him with you to the store, rude awakening on the cost of things.

Tell him to go for it. Sit back and in a month you will be back doing it all. :grin:


Yeah, my husband thought I spent too much money on groceries, too :roll_eyes: Iā€™ve got two toddlers and was spending around $250 a week for groceries plus diapers, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc. So my husband decided to do the shopping himself one week. He spent almost $400 and didnā€™t even get enough stuff to last the week :joy::joy::woman_facepalming: Needless to say, that was the last time he did the shoppingā€¦ and also the last time he complained about how much I spend :upside_down_face:


Weā€™re a family of 4 I spend about that for groceries. My big question is where do you live that your gas and electric are so incredibly high.

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Damn these bills are low! My groceries in CA for a family of 4 is 375$ every two weeks. Our electricity is 380$ phone is 240$ I mean I know CA is more expensive but dang! We need to move lol

I want to know what kind of cars you guys have to pay that much in gas :astonished::flushed:ā€¦

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Girl!! Take that break!! :joy::joy: it wonā€™t last!! So enjoy not doing nothing for awhile. And I need to know your secret on groceries!! I have 6 in my household and I spend a whole lot more than you do :roll_eyes:

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:rofl: has he not
Been to grocery store lately ? Heā€™s in for a shock!


Show him the receipts for everything. Stop buying the snacks he like. The cost of chips and that are crazy.


Am I the only one who immediately thought that heā€™s using that as an excuse to be controlling? Maybe itā€™s just my past experience but every time a man has tried to do this with me the relationship turned bad instantly. I would never allow this to happen again. Personally if we both work then we both do everything, if only 1 works the other takes care of the house and bills.


Well with the price of food going up Its gonna get worse. I spend 250-300 a week on groceries . If my husband went and shopped he would most likely save a bunch of money but we wouldnā€™t have much in here :rofl:

Let him do it,see how he likes it

Want to save 50 on electric??? Disconnect the washer and dryer.


Does he not realize the cost of living has gone up? You are doing great being able to budget meals with that price. Thatā€™s one area I need to work on. Gas prices are going up, and if you have a family vehicle, it adds up quickly. Couldnā€™t believe how much weā€™ve been spending on gas

He does realize thanks to Brandon that EVERYTHING is going up. We spend between 250-300 for groceries a week. Not to mention the 300 light bill. Our water is actually the lowest bill at usually 40 bucks a month

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Thereā€™s no way in hell that Iā€™d give a man money to take care of my bills. Iā€™ve had them steal my money before and me and my kids ended up doing without. You do for you and your family. He should be giving you the money to help stay on top of things.

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Just agree and give him a chance to do this. Be positive and donā€™t try to foresee negative results. In the meantime plan for other things to do with your extra time. There is nothing wrong with wanting to take over the bill and so forth. Itā€™s best to learn by going through the motions. He is capable and itā€™s not okay to knock men down by assuming they are dumb. Not only is this childish and disrespectful but it also shows how little they are valued by many of the women here. Thatā€™s embarrassing to see. We give men too little credit and should give them the respect we ask for.


I would sit down with him and explain the bills. Then with groceries look at the grocery ads and meal plan like normal. Have him make up the meals for the week and grocery shop. Groceries have gone up. He will see. I think he needs to know the finances just in case something happens.

When my grandpa died my grandma struggled as he did all the finances.


No just keep paying the bills. But have your husband go buy the food with you.

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No wayā€¦

I would set out a budget in black & white just like you have here.

Show him all the bills, the grocery receipts & your meal plans, gas receipts, ect.

Tell him if heā€™s concerned about the costs that he needs to figure out ways to cut those costs, such as not driving as much, keep electric use to a minimum, cut back on eating out, ect.

I have no problem showing my husband the expenses and receipts, but I am in charge of paying bills & buying groceries because my experience helps us save way more than he ever could.


nope donā€™t agree to thisā€¦he doesnā€™t get to come in and exclude you from participating in household decisions. Maybe he needs to help with grocery shopping.


I just had this conversation yesterday evening with my husband. Things are different and I am not a sahm. This man thinks I am insane when We discuss bills.

He pays some and I pay some. Which is fine I donā€™t mind but I also am financially in charge of our 3 children and groceries. He has no clue what it cost to raise these children and thinks itā€™s a joke when I explain to him what groceries cost. I am absolutely a Money savvy person. He still donā€™t get it. Plus I think one thing is that it can fluctuate week to week and month to month. Just like now the holidays are coming up and because that is part of financially supporting the children I am responsible for Christmas. He donā€™t get it and it has caused many issues. Just maybe if you let him take over he will actually realizeā€¦

I wouldnā€™t recommend it :woman_shrugging:

He may do it with you. And do groceries with you a couple of months

Thatā€™s a great grocery bill. We spend about around $110 a week. I want to spend how you spend (every two weeks) and learn to meal prep

Nah break it down for him. Sit down make a budget together that you can agree on. Pull up the online store for groceries to show him what everything is running. My dad always did that to my mom but reality is he has no idea how much work it is to keep track of. Things cost more now

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If he wants to try let him. It might be a bumpy road because heā€™s not going to realize how much groceries have gone up but at least let him try. I started making my husband come with me every week to go grocery shopping and he finally stopped complaining when I would spend $250 to $300 for a family of six. (Two of those family members are over 18 and only eat one meal at home).

I spend roughly $200 every 2 weeks on groceries, and thatā€™s for a family of two. (Me and my son.) I donā€™t know how many people sheā€™s feeding, but that is not bad for groceries. As for the lights? Ouch, I know thatā€™s not yā€™allā€™s fault but holy :poop:. Iā€™m happy my bill stays under or around $100. Everything else seems normal, let him take over for a month and tel him to figure it out without your help (you donā€™t get help from him) and just make sure you still have access to the accounts just in case he does forget to pay a certain bill that you can go in and make sure itā€™s actually paid

:thinking: over exaggerating?? Means lieing so most likely not :woman_shrugging:t2: but over reacting ?? No Iā€™d be 100% concerned of not having the must haves like electric , water, ECT. Why not make a compromise and go over everything in detail this coming month and see what he thinks! If he thinks groceries can be cheaper or bills could be ask him to explain and say Iā€™d like us to both be in the loop and work on this as a team. Knowing whatā€™s going on and bills is pretty essential to running a house hold and should be a team effort.

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Thatā€™s not a full budget. What about car payments, insurance, kids activities, cell, items outside of groceries, eating out, etc. I think that you need to draw up a full budget with every single cent that you spend on average per month and then sit down and have a serious conversation between the two of you. It sounds more like he doesnā€™t know whatā€™s going on and is concerned rather than that you may be spending too much. And as a sidenote, grocery costs are through the roof right now because of the pandemic and supply chain issues.

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Iā€™d sit with him one month and pay bills with him and also take him grocery shopping. That way he can see for himself


No ! I let mine do it . He didnā€™t pay the bills on time . Late Charges . But he had money in the bank :bank: :confused:

If he dont realize what Billā€™s you pay and how much groceries are . He doesnā€™t realize you are not wasting money. If heā€™s able to sit with you and do them together he might get it. If he dont grocery shop with you he wont see how expensive things are.

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Nothing you do sounds unreasonable.

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I spend about $150-200 depending on what we need a week in groceries. In the past I would be able to get away with about $100, so the day he started complaining about me spending too much and not to be getting to many extras, I took him with me. We went together, I had my meal plan for the week and my list. We ended up spending more that day because my husband thought grabbing snacks for $2 wouldnā€™t even add up that much. He now no longer complains. I do my best to use all the coupons I find, I try to shop sales , thatā€™s just what it is right now.


I have a family of 4 and we spend almost $300 per week on groceries so you are doing good on the groceries lol especially with all these prices going up from inflation. Does he not know thatā€™s going on right now?


Hahaha he will give it all back to you in no timeā€¦I say after first week he goes food shopping


The cost of food right now is crazy! I think you do a good job! Good luck!


Usually itā€™s better to leave well enough alone. Why does he want to take things over ?

Just do it together so everyone knows what is what


I mean. I spend over that probably each week on groceries. He hasnā€™t done it so he donā€™t know. Make.a list of everything and due dates. Make sure u include every little cost. Like toilet paper n household stuff. Gas money. Everything u can think of. Write it all down. Maybe if he sees it all he will shut up.

Turn it all over, Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t last long. When I first met my husband he was the type to always carry loads of money in his pocket but didnā€™t pay his bills on time. He paid his bills when he received disconnect notices. I was like noooooo thatā€™s not how it goes. Over the years he has wanted to be in charge of the bills and money a few different times(control thing) so I let him. I cut up my debit card and he was in charge of everything, bills,groceries, gas in my car, anything the kids needed etc. Trust me that didnā€™t last long. At this point and for quite a few years now all bills come out automatically every month and he does go get groceries quite often(I donā€™t care to go).

What about cable gas money for cars ā€¦be careful for mine wanted to do it cause he had side habits and thought he could do better to have extra money for him ask to see that things are getting paid still stay on top tread lightly

Go ahead and let him take over and watch him fail miserably. Lol.

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He has no idea what things cost. Let him go with you to the grocery store, see how you use coupons and see in person what things cost when you are planning meals for a family and lunches for him. He will be shocked. Your spending habits are very restrained.

This happened to me too, I let my husband take over. It was a weight off my shoulders and he learned really quick how hard it was.


He not aware of the inflation going on?
Tell him to take it over. & you make the lists of the things you NEED at the grocery store, but make him go. Make him do all the work. He will give it back to you in no time.

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Family of 4. Umm 250-300$ a week in groceries. And I thought that was good I need you to teach me your ways

Write everything out for him to see, take him shopping with you but give him the list and get him to add it all together as you shop. He will see everything is very expensive due to the inflation.

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I would break it down for him and show him. $220 for food every 2 weeks is not bad. Does he really want to put that extra work and time on himself? I donā€™t think he realizes what is going on.

Honesty, I would invite him to sit with you when you pay bills and go with you to grocery shop/order groceries. Then he can tell you where heā€™d do things differently. But! I think he would end up seeing that youā€™re doing it just fine and even well IMHO.

No you are not exaggerating 218 sounds just fine for groceries. We spend way more than that because there is five of us.


Yea, I had a guy do that once. He kept all the money, then after a couple months left with the side chick. Maybe you should do it together.

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I feed a family of 6 off of $250 for 2 weeks worth of groceries so your grocery bill is on point in my POV. Everything else youā€™ve listed bill wise is almost exactly what we pay as well. I donā€™t see any issues but if he thinks he can do better tell him to do a trial run for a month, write down all your bills and let him make all your grocery lists and see how it goes :woman_shrugging:t3: he may see that he spends more than you and end up apologizing after he sees how quickly things add up!

Most men have no clue what all bills there is, how much or when theyā€™re due. They have no clue what to buy for groceries let alone what is spent. Okay, so make a proposal that yaā€™ll do it together so he can see. Get a calender or note pad and write down all the bills, how much and when theyā€™re due. Let him see. Go grocery shopping together. Sit down about the bills together. Team that mess up if he thinks he can do better.

Itā€™s a control issue, stop it now before it gets worse!!!


With grocery prices the way they are right now, Iā€™m spending $350 for 2 weeks worth for our family of 5. So I donā€™t think you are doing badly at all. You should take him with you to the grocery store next time you go. He is clueless.


I wish my Billā€™s looked like yours lol yā€™all are doing

I laughed out loud at this. Literally, just tell him to do one round of grocery shopping and he will change his tune.