Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

Absolutely not too young. I believe knowing body parts ks essential in this day and age and shouldn’t be anything embarrassing or even sexualized. My girls used to laugh at the word penis lol but I tell you what… id rather they have the giggles then not be able to communicate to me if someone showed them one or something worse. Knowledge is power

They are just body part and they should know the proper name for the parts and kids 5 and 8 get into trouble for calling their parts anything other than penis and vagina because it’s somebody decides to touch them the only thing that holds up in court is penis and vagina not flour or pee pee or any of these cute words these dumb people want to bring up for their kids all you’re doing is teaching them not the right words so when somebody says hey my uncle touched my flower you’re looking stupid because they don’t know they’re nobody’s understanding what they’re talking about it’s perfectly fine for children to know the proper name of their anatomy I literally freak out on people that try to correct my kids

My son is 17 months. We call his penis a penis(he’s been talking it out of his diaper recently :roll_eyes:). He’s also recently discovered that his boobs and mom’s boobs are different and I’ve called them the proper term to him. I believe calling them the correct name can help if, god forbid, someone were to touch them. They’ll be able to tell me exactly what is happening and with what part is being touched. Teaching your children the proper name is responsible

Teach kids to be unashamed of their bodies and tech them the right terminology. Doing a great job!

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There is nothing wrong in it… teach them early… I felt it was too young to tell my 6 yr old where baby comes from and he said mommy stop lie to me cuz I know… asked him where he said ur vagina… apparently he went to ask Google to see if I was telling the truth…
Let him say it… just explain to him when to say it…

Welcome to mother Hood or should I say embarrassment ya whole life hood lol


I don’t see an issue with correct names or with names for their private parts. I think it’s up to each parent to determine how they want to raise their child. There’s way too much judgment in this post.

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certain words can be said and used in other words that don’t sound as bad but yes he doesn’t need to be using that word. other words to be using .

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No it’s not. This is what keeps your child from becoming a victim. Predator look for children who do not know how to explain what is happening to them. Keep up the good work with YOUR child. It is never to early to properly teach and protect your baby.


They need to know the proper terminology for bad instances, your kid comes home from daycare and says “someone touched my cookie” that just isn’t going to hold up in court. They need to know the names of their private places. My son (he’s 3) knows him and his daddy have weenies, and girls don’t have those. That mommy and sister have vaginas. He can’t say that word very clear yet but he knows.


I feel it’s a great thing to teach kids the actual names for their anatomy. I’ve always answered my daughters questions I just use age appropriate answers & give her the information she’s asked for without going overboard. This way she feels her questions are answered & if she has more questions then we can talk more about whatever it is she curious about.


Yes! Teach them their correct terms so if there is a medical issue with them down there they can tell you. That and if a child is being molested or sexually assaulted they can use proper terms to tell you. You’re doing a great job, I tell my three year old that males have penises because she’s become curious herself when I change her brothers or her dad has to go potty. You just remind them that boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Just remind him that everyone has them and that private parts are normal. He’ll move on from the topic unless he has questions. Always answer honestly, kids deserve to know and understand how their bodies work


Saying vagina is the same as saying elbow to a kid that age. It isn’t sexual.

My three year old walks around telling anyone who listens that she is a girl and has a vagina and her brothers are boys and have a penis.

Children learn early it is the best time for teaching them. They are inquisitive which needs to be answered in the right form this allows them to be able to trust to get right answers from their parents. Also they’re like little sponges they soak up things you don’t even know they’re paying attention to. So good luck and God bless you.


Honestly it’s best for them to know the true terms for these parts.


Your the parent. Not facebook. You decide what you teach your kids and when… personally I am a realist parent. If they ask teach them now. Teach them they are private and teach them that its never okay for anyone but mommy daddy whoever…to touch them there to help clean them but thats it. Teaching early is NOT a bad thing.


I have a 3 year old daughter and I use the correct terminology. It’s a vagina, let’s call it that!

My girls have always known the proper terminology for sexual organs. This is mainly for safety reasons. If anything were to happen to them, there would not be any misconceptions about what they experienced. I just let them know that there is a time and place to say those words. Explaining situations where it’s not appropriate verses situations where it is completely appropriate.


All kids need to know the names or their “private parts.” If someone violates them, they will be able to explain with real words.


I dont think hes to young at all. It’s very important for kids to know the correct term.

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No body parts are not shameful and nothing wrong with him knowing them

We’re not living in the 1800’s. Our children are far more advanced and a strong will to learn. Children also should know the proper place and time for things like this. It stuns the older ones.

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Using correct terms for the anatomy is actually safe for your child then using a nickname for it. It teaches your child proper names, and god forbid if someone touches them they can use the correct terms to tell someone and get their point across faster. Good for you. I teach my children the proper names for their body parts.


Good for you !! I teach my kids the same

I don’t get why a boy can know the word “penis” but “vagina” is like a curse word. They are both just body parts.

Imo it’s a good thing to teach your children the proper terms for their genitals. Penis and vagina are not bad words. If he’s In the bathroom and asking questions about your body there is no sense in lying to him because people think it’s “too young”. Its better to be honest with him now and normalize it instead of growing up and then thinking it’s nasty and shameful.

If they are old enough to ask then they are old enough for the truth


Back up the bus he’s too young to know period


But many people, including an awful lot of women, say vagina when they are referring to the vulva.

Its a word of a body part. Just like if they hurt their arm or foot. My 1.5 year old knows vagina and penis. Body autonomy is one of the most important things you can teach your child

Its a body part. Just like toe and forehead. All body parts. All need to be known as the right term of body part.


My kids all knew the words penis and vagina by 3yo for sure. They are parts of the body, not some big secret, in our house

Nothing to be furious about. It is natural for kids to be curious because that is how they learn and explore. Knowing these words is not a bad thing in fact good for you momma.


YOUR DOING FINE. kids need to learn. Earlier the better. Boys should learn about cycles . so if a girl in his class starts . he can be the boy to help. Not the one to make fun


My son is not even 2 and says penis. Every diaper change he grabs and yells penis! :joy::joy:…they NEED to know the correct terms of their bodies as young as possible…having Pet names for private areas is so dangerous…and my 9year old has 2 older sisters and me so talking openly about periods is 110% normal for us so that my daughters feel comfortable and able to talk about it openly cause it’s natural…makes my husband a little uncomfortable at times but he totally understands why we talk to openly :joy::woman_shrugging:

I mean, it’s a little impressive if you ask me! lol. I wouldn’t want my child going around saying it, but the fact that he’s learned anatomically correct words for body parts is still impressive. I’d be embarrassed if he was running around saying “pu**y” though. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Teaching kids the correct names is very important. If we make them feel like it’s wrong to ask or know, that will only cause issues down the road. Good job momma!


I don’t see anything wrong with him knowing what the word is.

My daughter is 3 and she’s been saying vagina since she was 2 and a half because I teach her it’s what she has. She knows that boys have a penis but she hasn’t seen one for obvious reasons lol.

My daughter did go around the store one day saying “mommy I have a vagina and you have a vagina and I have nipples and so do you and daddy”
I teach her there are some things we just don’t say out loud in a grocery store but it’ll take some time. Absolutely NOTHING wrong or inappropriate about it though

Education is good. Now is the step to teach him when it’s appropriate to use certain words and when it is not.


Everyone has their own ways of teaching their children. We need to stop getting caught up on the societal norms (because sometimes even these aren’t appropriate). Look at it this way when his mates at school start using/learning the words he will probably be asking why they think it’s so funny.


You didn’t do anything wrong. Just maybe explain to him that is a “private word” or an “adult word” so we shouldn’t say it all the time outside of the house. You have to get on his level to explain it. Don’t “little adult” him like he’s capable of having a lengthy discussion about it.


Children are like Parrots. They repeat.
Children are like Monkeys. They copy.

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Yeah no that’s weird… I understand kids breaking into the bathroom and all of that but your period… hell no he should not have seen that at all.


Does he say arm? Leg? Eye? It’s a body part :eyes:


It’s fine🙂 after all that’s what it’s called


Your doing fine it’s good that he knows the proper names for the body knowledge is power after all


My now 3 yr old was the same way. Smart little suckers aren’t they!!! I’m very honest in a 3 yr old way. Good for you momma :heart: my kids will ALWAYS know the correct terms. Oh, and he has a 17 month old sister so of course he asked about everything :woman_shrugging:t3:

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My daughter knew at the age of 2-2.5 that she had a vagina and her brother had a penis. I think we need to teach our kids the correct names for their body parts

I have a boy and a girl that are 15 months apart so right from the beginning they knew there parts looked different so we would just say he has a penis and she has a vagina. Knowing the proper names of body parts is the best way I think. God forbid anything ever happen to them they will use the proper terms and there is no confusion over what actually happened. Police Drs etc… are not allowed to assume what the parts are if the proper terms aren’t being used. It’s sad but in this day and age they need to know… just my opinion

Teach him the names of his own private parts, he doesn’t need to understand female anatomy just yet, keep him innocent in that area.


Kids (girls and boys) should taught the proper names of their body parts.


Its a body part. Nothing wrong w that.

Never too early to teach proper anatomy terms.


You are doing a great job. Teach them as much as they are willing to learn. There is no shame in a child knowing the correct names for body parts. Tell your husband to stop being a prude.


They need to know what they are incase anything happens to them/they see something. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My son is 18 months and when he’s a little older he’ll be taught what parts are called. Idc who likes it/ doesn’t like it


It’s a body part. Kids should now the proper names for body parts and taught nothing wrong with using them (of course in proper context, time/place) I don’t think that is too young. Also important to teach about body being theirs and they have right say no to any body contact (includes hugs, kisses even from family). Kids should not feel need to even hug or kiss grandma, aunts, uncles etc if don’t want to.


Mines 5 and still barges in while I’m showering and going potty I just tell him that’s for this or you have this too only it’s different for you blah blah

Being honest and teaching proper names is never a bad thing!


Don’t be embarrassed. My daughter learned that word when she started talking at 1. It’s good for them to know what it all is but teach them to use the word properly and not just say it randomly

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My 3 year old knows that she has a vagina and her brother has a penis. She asked and I told her :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s a body part, nothing shameful or embarrassing about it.

tell your husband to stop sexualizing normal human anatomy?


Ah stop he’s 3 years old :roll_eyes:


Its anatomy and you’re educating your child


I don’t see it as weird or too young, and I have two boys myself ages 6 and 8. When they barged into the bathroom one day in mid-period wipe, they saw the blood and asked why I was bleeding - I told them the jist of it. As for the body parts, I preferred to teach them the proper name than the watered down names that people come up with for genitals. But, that is just me - whatever you prefer and makes you comfortable.


My 3 yr old grandson told me tonight that mummy would have the baby out of her Vagina…my mother would have had a fit if she was still with us , she had a fit when I taught my daughter to say “fanny” lol…but I was ok n who told him that…my daughter-in-law said she did as your suppose to use correct wording and I’m fine with that…find it a tad amusing hearing him say it but his mum found it a little embarrassing when he told his day care teachers…so now to teach him time n place lol
Just glad I’m a Nana n not a mum in this world we live in

I think it’s best for kids to learn that from their parents rather than the internet or friends at school. Normalize it so it’s not so weird when they’re really old enough to understand everything. That’s what I did with mine and so far it’s worked out. It’s cut curiosity down by a lot.


Using the proper words will help if he needs to tell someone outside of the house something…imagine someone saying he touched my monkey…would that be taken as seriously as he touched my vagina. My boys are 7 and 10 they use the proper words for all body parts and have since they were able to speak

Nope. It’s good for kids to know the proper terms of body parts early. My daughter (5yo) know she had a vagina and boobs and boys have a penis and balls. She’s known about that and periods since 2yo

Husband and grandparents gotta get a grip. Nothing is wrong about the proper name for our body parts ever. Since when is A&P scientific terminology frowned upon? Just good ol science.


My youngest is 4, he’s around for everything too. Lol! But he’s known what a tampon is & the word vagina & penis since he was 3. Teach them/him. They need to know the correct terms of body parts. I think you’re doing great!

I just saw a video the other day & a mom said “stop telling your kids that a tampon goes up your butt to keep the poop in. Tell them the truth about everything.” I laughed bc I didn’t know people say that’s what a tampon is for but I also couldn’t agree with her more. :clap:t3:

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I think what you’re doing is just fine. Perfectly normal for him to learn the correct names for someone’s private parts. Since he learned I’m sure he wants to tell everyone but maybe express that we don’t say that world all the time every where. We use that word when it’s necessary to discuss the body.

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He is not too young to know proper terminology based on the body. Not only will it help teach him what parts of the body are called, but it can also help if there were to be a negative situation he or a friend may be encountering. Some people may find this uncomfortable or enraging because they are sexualizing the term. It’s all taught, so it’s our job as parent to correct what should have been taught. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re doing a beautiful job.


It’s just different hearing it from such a young mouth I think. Penis and vagina are not bad words.

I think you are doing just fine. Kids repeat anything they learn, it is how they remember it. I find it amazing you are teaching him basic human anatomy this young. You are setting him up for success by answering his questions and helping him learn.

Good. Just make sure it’s the PROPER or CORRECT words.

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My 2yr old doesn’t know what a period is but she knows what her parts are called…


Keep talking to him…he is your son. Better for him to learn from his momma. Awesome momma​:facepunch::purple_heart:at least its family, right!


Is it wrong you’ve taught your child the correct name for a body part? No…:joy:


Teach your kids the proper names for private parts, ALWAYS!

Perfect time to start talking to him about what’s appropriate and what isn’t. At least on a level he can understand.


My twin boys are also 3, almost 4. I also teach them about everything. They know what a period is and call my pads “band-aids” :rofl: never too young to learn but make sure u also explain whats appropriate to say in front of others. :purple_heart:


Never to young . It is good he will know what parts are. If anyone ever tries to mess with him in any way he is educated to know what to tell you. * The only reason I said that is my granddaughter was sexually messed with *

My boys are 4 and 7 and they knew what penis and vagina were very early as well. No shame in telling them the proper names. I have been talking to them about the proper time to use them though bc when we are at home they think it’s funny to just say vagina or penis to play around and make jokes.

Hes not too young. When hes in preschool they have you sign a paper stating its ok they talk about these things so they know it’s wrong to touch or get touched in the “bikini” areas. Being a victim of molestation, they should know those areas are not to be messed with…by anyone. That way if something does happen, they may feel more comfortable to tell someone because they are taught that its wrong. My daughter knows what a period is and shes 4. She too barged in on me mid period wipe and wanted to know why mommy was bleeding!! Lol. At that point you have to tell them or they’ll go telling the world mommy bleeds out of her butt😂

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I mean…. Vagina is not a bad word?

If he knows what a hand is, what an tummy is, what a penis is, if he was breastfed, then what’s the big hoopla?

He knows about a period and he’s 3!?!


I think it’s good, my 5 years old says anything she wants. As long as he’s not saying that around sensitive people. I say it’s good.

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I think it’s fine. He shouldn’t be held back from knowing the proper words of the male and female body because that’s when they might get confused. My boy hasn’t asked what it’s called yet or anything but he’s obsessed with saying boobies​:roll_eyes::joy: he thinks it’s hilarious. Anyways your doing great.


Never to young! Teach the proper words it’s not “a flower” or your " Willy" don’t be embarrassed it all part of life…


It’s a body part. There’s nothing wrong with him learning correct terminology.

Go mama teach him young


He should be able to properly identify body parts

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Teaching your child proper words for body parts is never wrong, but maybe just redirect his attention to other things instead of answering those questions for just a little longer to avoid him saying things in inappropriate places.


I just told my kids what a period was 8&9 years old. I told them not to tell any others Bc some moms don’t teacher these things this young. I only told them Bc they came in and saw a dirty tampon in the toilet. Sooooo it was either mommy’s bleeding out or a discussion about having a period.

Also they started calling tampons mommy butt sticks. Soooooooooooo I couldn’t have that in public

I don’t personally see an issue my girls know about it my niece now 6 and my daughter now 5 know about it it’s fine to know body parts even if he doesn’t have them my girls know guys have a different organ they the names they are fine so it’s your choice but in my opinion important.

It’s never to young to teach and to be taught.

My 5, 3 (boys) know and use the word vagina correctly…as does my 2 year old daughter. They also know the name of their dads parts. Not weird.

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Well lil’ ones do say things at the worse times- let alone repeat everything you say. As far as teaching him things - you might just offer answers not elaborate to much to soon. Enjoy the this time because it’ll be gone in a blink of an eye - young one good thoughts for you and yours.

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