Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

Using correct terms like vagina and penis are important. Now you have the challenge of teaching him when to say them

It’s never too young to know the proper term for body parts.


I. Uncomfortable with a 3 year old knowing about a period! But that doesn’t make it wrong .

My 2 year old says Gina only because she can’t say vagina :laughing: they’re smart. Don’t feel bad…

My kids knew from a young age the correct names for their anatomy. It’s never been funny to them, it’s just normal. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Way to young . Why the hell does he know what a period is? Like why not shit the door and do your business without him watching, that’s fucked up

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My kids are 3 (girl) and 6.5 (boy) and they both know that boys have penises and girls have vaginas :woman_shrugging:

Proper words for human anatomy is not a bad word or a reason to feel embarrassed! Good job to you momma for teaching him the right words!

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You should ask if anyone under 45 feels this is to much… :rofl:
But for real. Jokes aside.
Times have changed. I KNOW I’m way more open with my kids than my parents were with me. Things I always woundered… but was to scared to ask cuz I was " to young" are some of the big ones…( some of yhoes can fuck you up for life is you don’t ask. How else do you learn?) I want my kids comfortable with me because they are nothing more than tiny humans with emotions and questions just like us… that we are in charge of, taking care of, and givin the opportunity to watch them grow into their own person. While we grow into our selfs too.
I want them to ALWAYS be able to come to me amd know I will give it to them straight… not just about our bodies, but everything.
So, no to me it’s what’s healthy for you both. My son knew about my period at that age too. He followed me everywhere. He learned not to come into the bathroom though. When he asked was I suppouse to say he’s to young? ( that seems like telling someone they arnt important enough to know the answer to a very valid question.) Or should I have just told him what he thought was going on? Say I was bleeding everywhere and felt like I was dieing?
Or just tell him it’s nothing?
I examined when girls don’t have a baby their belly, evert moth they bleed out of their vagaina… that it’s normal and healthy and nothing to be scared about.
So sorry if the word " vagina" got brought up into it… lol
Either way. Long story short I applaud you beging open with your kids. The world’s mental health needs more of it. :heart:

If he could say any of the cutesy names for it he is old enough to say it by it’s proper name. No shame in educating your children.


Now he knows these things, it is time to teach him that going to the toilet is private especially when you are changing your pad/tampon…do you do that in front of everyone?


Ashley Jane omg the comments are doing my head in :woman_facepalming:

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My kid’s doctor always told be to teach them from the start what those areas are. So no your doing it right.

I don’t think you are it’s better for them to know the correct names. I teach my son the same way he’s 2. Never feel ashamed or embarrassed for teaching the right way. Little kids have no filter yet they say anything and they don’t care where there at or who’s there. Your doing a good job

he need to be tasught right from wrong. they pick up the bad words to fast. my opionion no he should not be saying it

It’s better to teach him proper terminology. At 3, they don’t really need to have a lot of details but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him knowing the proper names for body parts. If he’s that curious maybe it’s time he stops coming to the bathroom with you.


Some parents aren’t comfortable with their kids saying “adult words.” Personally I think educating kids is the better route but to each their own. :+1:

My son isn’t old enough yet to understand any of it (1.5), but my daughter is 5 and I’m very open with her about body parts, and natural bodily functions. She doesn’t quite ask about it yet, but she knows sometimes mommy bleeds and needs an “adult diaper”. I think you’re doing a great job, there’s nothing wrong with teaching them, especially when they ask questions.

My 4 year old told my WHOLE GYM i had a sweaty vagina… :woman_facepalming: never to young for proper body anatomy… as long as u ain using urself as the model pointing it out… Now its time to start modeling whats private time such as bathroom time.

Would it be weird for him to repeat the word “bird” after learning what a bird is?


He’s using appropriate words for body parts. The only time I censor my kids use of words for body parts is when they’re using them out of context or excessively to get a rise out of someone. If he says “girls have a vagina” that is a true and appropriate statement. If he points between a woman’s legs at the grocery store and yells “vagina” that’s inappropriate. I feel like teaching kids real worlds and having them understand bodies makes them not only intelligent but also helps to keep them safe

No it’s good to educate them young on these types of things but if it really makes you uncomfortable give it a cutesy name, which I understand why you would be embarrassed because we were taught to be ashamed of those words growing up.

my son is 2.5 and knows a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina. He says the word vagina a lot too. There is nothing wrong with it. He also knows that mommy and grandma bleed once a month and so do all girls and that it’s normal.

I was told that it is actually better for your child to know the proper names of their parts in case someone is hurting them or touching them they say it’s better NOT to use a nickname


It’s not wrong. Since he was able to learn the word and what body part that is. It is the correct term for a body part which is not bad…I mean he is not saying the “P” word.I would now teach him the appropriate time to use that word.

I think it is so important to teach them right words when it comes to private parts.

Nicknames drives me insane.

You are doing it right!


educating our kids on body parts and using the right words is important. now we need to learn about privacy and necessity. typically those words are as private as the bits they represent. we only need to say them if something is hurting or itching bc then we’ll need to take care of them

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If he can say nose he can say vagina. It’s just another body part. Men are the ones sexualizing it, please don’t teach that to your son. There is nothing sexual about breasts, vaginas, butts or anything. They’re just body parts and it’s important he know the actual terminology without embarrassment.

He needs to know proper terminology yes but also when it’s appropriate to talk about it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If he can say it let him say it. If he can learn anything let him learn it. Best thing to teach kids is that there is a time and place for certain words and conversations and behaviors.

How the hell does he know about periods. Yeah na thats just weird


Idiot all the words in the English dictionary and he wants to walk around saying vagina well might as well teach him the word arsehole that’s it neighbour next door

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He is way too young :zipper_mouth_face:


I started teaching my daughter at 2 what body part a male and female have and that we do not touch and no one touches ours. I wanted her to know and understand the difference so if God for bid something happen she would be able to tell an adult and not use “code” words


I did the same with my daughter. She’s 4 and she knows girls have vaginas and boys and a penis. She’s more curious about me due to like periods, tampons, stuff like that. Like she knows mommy bleeds but it’s not a booboo and stuff. But I have never hid any of that stuff from my daughter. I felt it’s better to find out from me then someone at her school or someone else.

Another fucky post no doubt posted by a baldhead


Go follow her on tick tock she teaches her kids from a very young age about the proper names for the human body

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BODY PARTS ARE NOT DIRTY WORDS. END OF STORY!!! My teens knew all the correct terms for their bodies. I never called a body part anything other than what it is.


Absolutely not your child as soon as I start getting curious they should know

Never too young to learn the proper names for body parts. I feel it’s very important to NOT call private parts other names.


Why is he angry?

When is the right time to learn?

You’re doing good mumma!!
Keep being a queen!


Reminds me of the movie Kindergarten Cop. Girls have a vagina and boys have a penis. If a movie can have a 5 year old know the difference then adults need to grow up and know that kids knowing this can protect them when they have to tell someone where the got kicked, fell on a pole, or someone else is messing with or making them mess with.

I would rather teach a child the real words then use fluffy words. It’s body anatomy and shouldn’t be shamed in knowing the correct terms


We taught our kids the proper words from day 1.

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My 4 year old knows about periods and the proper words for things. If he asks me a question I won’t lie


Always teach the proper words for body parts. My 3 yo daughter knows penis, vagina, boobs/breasts, butt/bum/bottom, etc. That way there is no confusion.

It’s perfectly normal. It’s a body part and he should know that boys and girls have different anatomies. Nothing wrong with that.


Teaching children correct terminology in my opinion is not wrong and very important. I’ve always been big on it with my daughter incase something were to happen to her and she discloses it to someone. No one will see red flags if she goes ‘someone touched my bonbon’ (the names some parents use are ridiculous) and something serious was going on (yes of course I’d know myself but also it’s our body and they have proper names)

What you do need to do though is teach them when and how to use it in the correct context.


Nope I taught my daughter the right words.


If he’s old enough to speak then he’s old enough to learn proper words for body parts.


Sheesh, my kids are way too educated then. Mine recently saw a medical emergency play out and had to stay close in case I lost consciousness. All proper body parts from day dot, consent taught from day dot (age appropriate of course) and now my pre-teen and teen know about the importance of protection, and they will be sensitive to the needs of a woman with gynaecological issues :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

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It is never too young to know the proper term for all our body parts

It’s better they learn the technical term and usually when they are potty training cause it also teaches them that boys and girls are different. Screw what everyone else thinks, your doing just fine momma!!

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I say as long as he knows what the word means, it’s ok. Its good for children to understand the human body.

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To young to even KNOW those words!!


A vagina is a body part. Just like a head, nose or foot. It’s no big deal :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It’s good he knows the proper terms! Never too early and there is no such thing as teaching them too much. You’re doimg great, momma!

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I always taught my kids the correct words🤷🏼‍♀️

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My son is 3 & knows what a penis & vagina are. & same for my period bc I also get no privacy lol. It’s not a bad thing, they’re not bad words. They’re just body parts.

Its very important for little ones to know the proper names for their body parts my granddaughter does she is 2.5

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My son is 2, my daughter is 4, my son hasn’t caught on yet even though we talk about it all together sometimes. But my daughter knows she has a vagina and brother has a penis. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

We called it a cookie!


My daughter is not even 2, and she already says that word when she is pointing her body parts.

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Body parts are body parts, vagina, penis, elbow…all body parts :slightly_smiling_face:

Better then the street words . And plus I feel he will more respect for females… just my opinion… and at least he knows the proper words . Sounds like a winner to me

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No it’s not to early to teach them. I have always been open and honest and I have always used the correct words for body parts. Why try to sugar coat what anything is. It’s not dirty or perverted for a child to called their body parts by their names. I wouldn’t make up names to call it either. Call it what it is.

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At least he’s saying the right words.


I don’t see anything wrong with teaching them young. They seem to be more comfortable when taught from the beginning all the proper terms. It’s when people say “ oh don’t say “vagina” or “penis” that they get self conscious about it. I mean, it’s a normal body part :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve always heard they SHOULD know the proper terms that way if anything ever happened to them they could use the proper terms when telling someone.

My kids have always known the proper names for body parts.


Not at all.
My boys knew it all at 6 and 7. If they ask I question I answer it and I don’t lie or beat around the bush.


Being self aware of body parts, their names and the fact that they are private and should be taken as such is very important no matter the age! Vagina is a word every grown adult should be okay with hearing and as long as he’s not sexualizing the word then I don’t understand why it’s a deal at all.:woman_shrugging:t3:

No,too young ,let him b a innocent child :two_hearts:


Ide rather a kid say the correct name of body parts rather than the stupid ones people use," coochie," ectectect​:joy::joy:


Age 3 is fine and BETTER to know the real terms that way they understand the concept of private areas .


My son is 4 and he knows they’re called vagina and penis/wiener. He knows where a baby comes from (not how they’re made). He knows NO ONE is to touch his penis besides when mommy and daddy are washing him in the shower. He knows the proper terminology for every body part.
This world is a cruel place. It is not the same as we grew up, or our parents. If a child were to go to school and say so and so touched my “cookie” or “hey someone touched so and so’s cookie, a lot of people are going to think a food or something. And that’s something we dread to ever hear or for a adult to not know when a child needs help. So no, you’re not teaching him “too young”. The more natural and normal you make the correct terminology, the more a child will be comfortable saying it. And more likely a child will be able to be helped if need be.

Saying vagina or penis should be no different to saying arm or leg. It’s literally just the name of the body part, but it’s also so important for children to know these correct names. I cringe when people call them thing like a ‘cookie’. Imagine one day the child discloses to a teacher ‘my uncle touched my cookie’ and the teacher laughs and says ‘well sometimes it’s nice to share’ … :woman_shrugging:t3:

I recommend checking out the book ‘My Body Your Body’ by Mellita Rose.


My 3 yo always said “f***”. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: I would have much rather preferred vagina. But really, it’s totally natural and it’s fine. Sometimes they find a word and just stick with it it awhile. A great opportunity to begin teaching appropriate etiquette for what’s okay to say around others and what’s not for when he goes to school. All in all, just laugh it off. I’ve taught my current 3 yo the word because she calls it a “front butt” (no idea how she even came up with that lmao). They’re just learning in their own way.

As a mum of 7 i have always used correct wording not just for body parts but for every thing as its better that a child uses the right words for everything especially body parts as some have mentioned, it helps there little brains understand the difference between items, objects, boys & girls & makes it much easierfor anyone to understandwhat your child is talking about which should never be embarrassing just educating, if your husband is getting angry he needs to go & seek help for his issue’s, cause if something was to happen to your son he would at least be able to explain the body parts correctly & what happened to them


You’re doing fine and don’t be embarrassed. All my children knew their body parts the correct words for them young.

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Too young to know the anatomy? No. He is not too young.
Yes, children are curious about others . The differences and the similarities. He is learning male and female gender, he is learning anatomy.
You’re doing great mom!


Not too young. It’s normal I’d say, I also try and teach my son when it’s appropriate to talk about private parts. Because we all know it’s awkward to explain what they’re saying sometimes :rofl:

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You are raising an intelligent, articulate young boy and he will possibly be articulate all of his life, I have three articulate grown adults.

Nope teach them the proper words. My daughter is 4 and knows her proper anatomy and what good touch is and that her female parts are also private parts and shouldn’t be touched or looked at by anyone as she shouldn’t be touching or looking at anyone else’s privates. I constantly hear her educate other young ones when playing, like if they play smacking butts etc, and she will say a butt is a private part that’s not a game and I am always so proud. Keep it up and don’t be embarrassed. That’s your baby. Protect him

That’s the name for it, we say penis and Vagina

My husband was mad that my 2yr old knew the word penis. It was a proper term for his body part. He knew what a penis and vagina were by the age of 3. He thought I was bleeding to death and said we needed to call 911 when he was 5. He was taking pictures of my pad packs at 5 so he knew which ones to buy at the store when he and my husband went after we talked about me not bleeding to death. Penis and vagina are not dirty words. Your son will move on to the next new word and this one will fade into his vocabulary. This is just the cool new word he knows.

Children learn what they live. And children live what they learn.
And he is learning the correct name for a body part. And when he is a little older he will learn others will judge him for correct naming.
It is nothing to do with being a NEARLY 3 year old boy.

Yep, perfectly fine.
It’s not just humans (I know some terms are), it’s reproduction/and sex organs in general. It’s pretty tricky explaining to kids AI or why those cows are Steers not bulls without using proper terms

I don’t think a three year old child should know about periods.


As a sexual assault survivor I have taught my almost three year old the correct terms for her body parts. She asks me why my “butt has a booboo” when she sees im on my cycle and I explained it to her the best way I could while keeping it age appropriate. I will forever advocate for her knowing her body and it’s functions as well as making sure she knows that nobody should be touching her anywhere without her consent.

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No it’s not a bad thing. It’s great to told him is called a vagina and not something else. My reason why… if something were to happen… street words for peins and vagina do not hold up in COURT!!! ( yes I know this from Experience unfortunately) Yes it’s a new word they have learned so they will use it. Most of the time they think it’s funny and it is. My 3 year old son called me a vagina. Yes I laughed and then said your right mommy have a vagina. It’s not a bad word

all children should know the proper terminology for body parts… its a good thing…


My son knows about periods and body parts and I’m not at all embarrassed by it because they need to know anatomy and normal bodily functions


Use appropriate terminology. If you call the vulva a “button” or a penis a “mister” then the kid goes to the teacher and says my uncle/ cousin/aunt/neighbor touched my button the teacher will be like “cool?” And not realize they’re being abused.

If they can name their ears or elbow or knee they can name their vulva and penis.

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Okay to teach correct anatomy to a child from day one. The correct word for a woman’s collective parts is vulva. Vagina is the birth canal and unseen, unless you’re having serious anatomy lesson.

Always be honest about body parts and proper names . Doing a good job!


Not to young but you need to teach him that we don’t talk about them unless it’s to mommy or daddy or the doctor until we get older


Not too young. Children need to learn proper anatomy. I cannot stand when I hear grown adults calling their vulva and vagina their ‘coochie’ or some other stupid name. Always be honest.

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Body’s parts yes!! Periods absolutely not!! Just my opinion.


Taught my son the same way he knows those words are “Bathroom talk” as some get uncomfortable

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Much better for children to use the correct words for body parts, regardless of where-a leg is a leg, an ear is an ear and girls or women have vaginas. You will not have to worry that someone is trying to touch your child inappropriately and having them make up a word for that body part. As a forensic nurse for over 10 years dealing with sexual assault and physical abuse or domestic violence I have heard too many offenders try to teach children made up words for body parts like pocket book or kitty for vagina. Keep on doing exactly what you are doing, you will never regret it!

If they came out of it what’s so scary about it? :woman_shrugging: