yes, you are the problem. You allow this guy in your life. Dump him.
I’m sorry but I don’t see the benefit to having him around
You gotta ask why are you nagging? A person only nags when the person they care about is not seeing things the way the other sees it, for example you might like to have a clean house and partner doesn’t care so leaves it all for you to do, it’s all about respect, negotiation and team work if you don’t have that then its a big problem, I’ve been there and I was wasting my breath and finally left after 7 years of allowing this bulls#it behaviour. In your case it seems like a vicious cycle that keeps playing out the same way, if he has left 10 times and his parents doesn’t respect you its not looking good, you’re not reaching a resolution, so it the cycle continues. counsiling is an option if you want to try to make it work but if not I would be waving bye bye. Counsiling is only worth while if both people involved can recognise there is a problem and wants to resolve it, other wise it might be a waste of time, after a few months the same S#it rears its ugly head and you go back to square one. Easier said than done but I would be walking if it were me, it’s tough to do and you need support, I’ve been there, I’m now happier than ever!! Good luck. X
Don’t take him back !! Not worth your time !!
Really…walk away. Take your kids and walk away.
#therapy works wonders
If I put this story on here what would u tell me to do…
Get the F#$k out before you have to start repairing your children’s brains when you do actually find the courage to leave.
This situation is poisonous and you are being taken advantage of, first get tested for STDs because who knows what this slime bucket does when he leaves. Separate your monies, ownerships from him legally - bank accounts, cars, houses,etc. then take him to court for child support, and find out if you are in a common law state, and if so file for divorce and spousal support. Boot him to the curb, AND NEVER take this PYG back again.
Well ask yourself this…are you willing to continue putting up with this abuse forever?
Did you read your post? Then you know what to do… it’s tie to make that hard decision he is not going to change so you need to do what ids right for you first and the kids secondly I think you know what that is
Get rid of him now!!! He ain’t gonna ever be worth a shot!
Get out of there… once your gone you’ll soon realise you should have gone sooner
I think you already know by your comments. Change the locks. He just wants a place to sleep.
Get out of that relationship
time to go … in fact, long overdue.
Unless his parents are paying your bills who gives a flying &uck what they think. Get away from that freeloading piece of &hit.
send him back to his mum and dad, they created the problem they can deal with it
Have you no pride woman …
LEAVE!! Nothing more needs to be said here… sorry
That’s a narcissist hun! You need to leave that relationship. I know it seems hard especially because you have kids with him but he will never change. That’s not a father or a good boyfriend to you. If he has to come and leave your life multiple times it shows his immaturity. You don’t want your kids thinking that that’s a healthy relationship because it’s not, the longer you stay and put up with that the more sick you’ll get. That’s a man child not an actual life partner! Leave when you can !
He is sucking the life out of you n not only that mentally and emotionally abusing your kid … do you know the trauma your kid is suffering not knowing from one day to the next if he’s going to have a Dad ? I lived in that exact same crap for 16 yrs w/ the last year contemplating suicide about 10 times trying to figuring out the details to do it without it hitting my kids too hard … then one day was the last straw n the Mama Bear finally emerged n kicked his ass!!! I left him slammed the door n never regretted it for one second … he died knowing he was to die of brain cancer (karma) n I’m blessed with seeing 9 grandkids n 2 great grands …. Don’t allow him to take your life or happiness away from you … only God has that right !! Find your damn Mama Bear for God sake !!!
Don’t let him back in the house! Make him pay child support and live your best life. He will either shape up or ship out!
Stop trying to change a situation that your partner isn’t trying to salvage. It takes two. Sounds like you’re the only one trying. STOP TAKING HIM BACK!!! This lifestyle is t fair to you. But especially your children who are innocent in all of this. Take the blinders off and accept this is who he is. Seven years is enough time to see who each one is. Focus on your children and the baby on the way. He is not the man for you. Focus on you and your children. I can’t say that enough as children are innocent in their parents marital issues and shouldn’t have to live with the dysfunction. Be thankful you have your parents who help you. But stop the game playing of him leaving and coming back. You and yours children deserve better than that. Stay strong and respect/value yourself. Good luck!
The thing is… you shouldn’t have to nag. You shouldn’t have to tell any grown person to clean up after themselves and their child.
If you were reading this post from someone else what would you think? Obviously the boyfriend is a manipulative narcissist, right. Do yourself and your kids a favor and break it off. You deserve better, know your worth!
Sounds like you’re basically already doing it on your own, may as well just do it
Sounds like a bad relationship, you need to get out of, if he hasn’t changed in 7 years he’s not going to no matter how much you nag him.
The truth is YES. We enable them- and beg them to stay. When they start complaining it’s not because they are with YOU, they complain because they want to be with their NEW woman. It’s harsh but you are better off dumping than trash on her step. Be you. First. Always.
Anytime I see “always” I become uneasy. RUN! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND DON’T LOOK BACK!
LEAVE HIM! You deserve SO much more.
Oh honey cut your losses. Next time he leaves change the locks. He’s toxic. Do you really want your children to grow up with that?
He is a narcissistic person. See an attorney to start the paperwork for court awarded child and spousal support. Getting treated like an emotional yoyo is no way to spend your life or raise your children. Make a life for yourself and your children. He will only get worse as time goes on.
I read the first 2 sentences and I can see that he is a total jerk. By the overall sense of your narrative, it appears you are pandering to him and he is runnng all over you. I say stop being a doormat to this irresponsible and immature woman hater. You are better off without him. It’s not you, he’s making you insecure…move on and stop trying. Find someone else who treats you the way you deserve to be treated.
Get rid of his useless ass!! Sounds like you will be better off with out him. A man should love and cherish his partner and kids and help provide for his family. Sounds like he’s a big looser!!
He sounds like a dead beat, and if his parents see it as you being the issue when he does literally nothing to support his family, then he was probably raised a spoiled brat. Leave the loser
Nothing is going to change, things will continue to be this way because you give in to him. Get him out and focus on your mental health
Move the kid in your room and him in theirs. Tell him that you are good sharing space until he can save up enough to leave. Start don’t your makeup and feeling good about yourself. Clean house with good music blaring. Tell him your tired of him just as much as he is you. The glow you have within will fix his mood or yours. You’ll see you can do better without him and he will see you can do it without him too
Sounds like you’re already a single parent. You’re a badass babe, you can do it by yourself because you already are. Kick that loser to the curb and keep taking care of you and those babies. Give yourself a chance to heal and move on.
Either take your kids and leave or kick him out.
Get a lawyer, secure parenting plan, walk away…or send him away. It will be harder with 2 kids…
You really need advice when you already know the answer? Ugh!! If you stay then you allow it to happen and are part of the problem. Your number priority is your kids. Get a lawyer for custody of your kids and sign up for child support.
Yes you are the problem honey. You are allowing him to walk all over you. Your allowing all of this to happen to you and your kids. Get some self respect and kick his butt out for good.
Why don’t you believe him when he says he wants you to go away. He is a ass, but has told you exactly how he feels and you will not believe him to the extent your on kid #2 even though he has made his dislike clear. You need to find your way without this man. Not good for your kids to see you abused and left to the side. Pull yourself together and move on and up. Get back at him by moving on and making your life awsome!
Get away from him. He’s toxic. Any man that won’t work or take care of his family, etc, is no man at all.
Not enough context. But either way you sound resentful of him. Just end it before it gets worse.
What do I do, you ask. Well, I need a free maid too, can you come help here…
Whoo chile…read what you.wrote as if you arent the main character…you already know.this is an issue and YOU are not the “problem”…but staying in this disfunction is
Kick him to the curb. It’s only going to get worse. Get a good lawyer, and make sure you get child support.
2 sides to a story, and u have put up with it for 7 years, plus you rely on your parents when things go south.
Get far away from that narcissistic crap…he has maturity of a teaspoon instead of an adult & he’s a emotionally abusive bully.
Get some self-respect & a backbone for herself…kick him to the curb & take care of herself & her children. Concentrate on herself & her children & care for herself & her children.
Look, if he doesn’t love you the way you are “nagging” and all - leave his ass. He’s left you multiple times WITH A KID and keeps coming back. Sounds like he keeps coming back because he doesn’t have a better option.
You’re both the problem, he shouldn’t treat you that way and you shouldn’t be allowing him to.
If you aren’t going to leave and it sounds like you won’t, you need to grow a set and stand up for yourself. All this is doing is teaching your kids that it’s ok for a man to walk all over them. Imagine how furious you would be if that was how your kids were being treated when they were older.
This is some women shit right here!! Told us everything wrong he does, and everything right you do. You dont actually wanna know, you just want people to agree with u.
Kick him to the curb
Aren’t you tired of being a doormat?
Where is your self respect? Vampire! 7 years is too long…free yourself!
Leave and problems that you are having will be different. You will feel whole again and proud of you and your self worth ! He is a loser !
Get OUT!! YOU IN DANGER GIRL! Quit bemoaning your situation on FB and RUN!!! Your children deserve better!! You deserve better!!
Maybe you are
Maybe he’s reflecting the devil in you
You manifest who you truly are through others
If not, at least this is your belief system dragging you to what you think you deserve
Try fixing the things you hate about him (in you)
Those who drain you are only reflecting what you keep forgetting
At the end, you’ll get yourself back because you matter
No one else
Think about your kids
Is he your perception of a good father?
Many men ain’t
Many can’t fatherhood themselves
So they keep haunting their mothers through other women
And the journey never ends
So don’t put yourself in that role
Your role to love yourself and never wait for anyone to love you more than that
My only real question would be, what exactly is keeping you around? It sounds like you’re miserable with him, and that he’s displayed that he won’t change.
Kids are not a good reason to stay in an unhealthy relationship.
Get the fuck out he’s poison
Leave he is the problem
Let him go, and good riddance. He sounds like a lazy, useless pos. Life is too short.
Just because someone is not physically hurting you, does not mean they’re not abusing you… Please run!!!
There is no relating going on here. And you are being battered. Call the national domestic violence action center (Google for #) and seek local help
RUN… don’t look back!
Hell no. Kick him to the curb. One less child to deal with.
Right off the bat reading the introductory sentence, I can tell you a break up has been long overdue… LONG overdue. Why people choose to be miserable within a relationship is beyond me. It’s like people are addicted to the toxicity.
Run you only live once
See a therapist. Find out what you need and why you act the way you do.
Run for your life. He is a fool. Don’t take his crap.
Time to give him his walking paper.b
PUNCH HIM AND KICK HIM OUT…sounds like a punk in my humble opinion
Not much of a back story; you gave only info that would make him seem like the bad guy & you the good guy. He does nothing? (Work, bond with his child, provide, protect, clean) … nothing sounds like a stretch. & if that is the truth you’re the dumbass for dealing with that 7 years. You have a toddler so you’ve dealt with it at least 3/4 years before you got pregnant
Get out while you can
Leave, never look back…
Leave while you can !!!
Leave my daughter just left after 15 years becaise he wasmt doingvanytjing ecept sucking the life out of her leave ypu will be happy
Life is too short to wake up with regrets . Love And to be with someone who doesn’t love you be with someone who treat you right , Forget about the ones who don’t . Believe everything happens for a reason . If you get a second chance , grab it with both hands . If it changes your life , let it . Nobody said life would be easy . They just promised it would be worth it . " Get a love spell into your relationship / into your marriage and fix your broken heart forever make your man / woman love you forever till death.
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Short answer: leave the man
you aren’t the problem. he is. dump the fool
Why haven’t you married? That would save some problems.
Don’t walk RUN !!!
Throw the whole man away
Does he work? If not then yeah get out. But I will say some people are addicted to nagging without just cause. Not saying that’s you but from my own experience sometimes thats the case.
You have to ask ???
Run, do not walk away. You’ve been more than patient. Just think of the stress that would be relieved if you guys were not together. You are already doing it all by yourself.
And what do you like about this guy? Dump him!
Option 2: he’s a narcissist
Is his name Ray? Jk, but for real, don’t take him back, he will use you for his own needs, once he doesn’t need you, he will discard you.
Put this guy out to the curb for trash pickup day!!
Leave while you can!
Run don’t walk you will be surprised at how strong you really are
Sounds to me like you would be better off without him , after all , its better to be single and happy than in a relationship and feel unwanted and unloved ,
Please walk away… !!you can do it… you already do it all alone without him…I left the state where we use to live 3 years ago with my son. He was 1 … now he is about to be 5 …and yes is hard but I love our life now …it has peace and most importantly…my child will never see his mom being abused anymore … children come first… just remember that… no kid should grow up around that . Best of lucks.
You are LETTING him treat you like this and get away with it. You will be so much better off without him. What’s worse is that you are also teaching you child(ren) that it’s ok to be treated like this and there’s nothing wrong with it. And what’s worse if you have a boy he will grow up knowing that this behavior is ok.
Break the cycle now before it gets bad.
And the fact that you have to ask means deep down you know that this treatment isn’t ok…
You run and find healthy happiness for you and your kids.
Think better of yourself I always thought I couldn’t live without my ex and after we split it was like I paid all the bills I did all the work I took care of all the children why can’t I live without him? I could live without him and it took a few months to adjust my brain to the mindset that I was better off alone but trust me I had many years of serenity 25 years later I found the man of my dreams that treats me like a queen don’t settle you’re worth more than that
through out my married life I lived with a narcissist being an Asian woman I could not get out of his trap when ever I tried my family and my friends stopped me he destroyed my self esteem my confidence as a woman, and and made sure I would get no chance to be happy
Your relationship is not going anywhere get out of it as soon as possible
If he was already pulling his weight you wouldn’t need to nag. It’s supposed to be a partnership & if you feel like crap, time to give him the flick for good. It’s only a matter of time before the physical abuse starts so get out while you can.