Am I the problem like my boyfriend says, or I am manipulated and treated like crap by a narcissist

Back story. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 7 year. We have a toddler together and another on the way. And he is constantly complaining that I nag on him and he can’t stand me, and has left probably 10 times over the years but I always let him come back. I try and talk things out with him and he always tells me to get away and I always do, but I feel hurt and betrayed he won’t talk to me and actually try and fix things. He yells and isn’t physically aggressive but is mentally and emotionally draining. I feel like he is sucking the life out of me and my kids. I work, and am the only caring for our child, and the house and our daily lives, and he DOES NOTHING. And I am always the bad guy. I just feel like I am at a loss. Do I keep trying? Am I the problem? Am I nagging him to much to help me? It doesn’t help that my parents are always having to save the day when he vanishes, and his parents think im the devil. What do I do?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I the problem like my boyfriend says, or I am manipulated and treated like crap by a narcissist

Leave. Dont take him back. And see how your life changes. If it gets better, you and your kids feel better, you’re not drained… then you know the answer. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

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I’m in somewhat of a similar situation. I believe it’s over , he’s miserable and just wants your company to keep on blaming you for the way HE actually feels. He comes back because you let him , and he probably doesn’t have anywhere else to go. If you do it all alone , that tells me that you can do it without him , he’s just dragging you down. Don’t waste any more years on him

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Leave girl, you deserve better

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Leave. Just leave. You will be happier without the chaos trust me

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