Just relax! Don’t stress. It’s to early.
It was normal for me both times. First time I was cramping so bad and I was only 4 weeks and they warned me of possible miscarriage and I had him at 40 weeks very healthy. 2nd kid I was having a gallbladder attack and they came in to tell me I was pregnant! They were demanding I get an ultrasound but I declined after how hard they pushed possible miscarriage first time around. Good luck!
Too soon, the first time we saw a GS for me was 5 weeks .
Usually can’t see till 6 weeks
Your first scan is usually at 8 weeks.
They can do a vaginal ultrasound and see if the baby is in the uterus, I found out really early and it wouldn’t show up with a regular ultrasound but it did with a vaginal one
You might see a gestational sack but there more than likely won’t be anything in it yet. Should see something about 5weeks maybe 6
It’s normal that’s why they don’t typically bring you in until 8 weeks. Don’t fret mama I’m sure at the first appointment everything will be fine!
You won’t be able to see much of anything until about 6 weeks. Even then you might only see the sack. Sometimes you can see the fetal pole.
My first ultrasound all they saw was thickning of the uterus so I was super early then 2 wks later baby with a heart beat
Only thing you see around 4 weeks is a thickening lining. Around 5 weeks is when you see a sac. Somewhere in week 6 is heart beat. A transvaginal ultrasound is more accurate this early.
Don’t stress out cause when I was pregnant with my third baby she didn’t show up till I was 12 weeks. And when she finally did plant she planted in front of the placenta she is now 13 years old and smart as a whip.good luck in your journey
That happened to me also with the cramps and I had spotting. Went in to get checked and they couldn’t find the baby or anything and checked my HCG. Continued to do blood draws and it was increasing so the baby was fine, just too soon
I was told they can’t see baby until 6 weeks. I’m curious to know how you know you’re pregnant at 2 weeks?
Yes that is normal in some pregnancys
You ovulate about 2 weeks after your last period. So if you’re 2 weeks pregnant you literally just conceived. They said “unknown location” because the fertilized egg is still traveling. It’s way too small to see.
I went into the er with stomach cramping at 2 weeks not knowing I was pregnant. Negative urine etc…also a week later still negative on urine preg test-then found out a month later I was pregnant
Way too early. Don’t panic.
Too early. I was only 2 weeks pregnant and went in to urgent care to confirm. I was having cramps myself and they decided to do an ultrasound. They didn’t see anything. But later on it was confirmed at 9 weeks.
It is to early… And every sonogram machine is different
I agree with Marjorie Caballero , it’s to early yet
When I was pregnant with my baby I was able to hear a heartbeat and see my baby on the ultrasound at 2-4 weeks all pregnancies are different from each other but you still shouldn’t worry about it’s
I went thru what ur going thru ur ok it will show when u are a few week more along im 16 wks now
Yep too early. I found out at 5 weeks 3 days and it basically looked like a 1/8 of an inch. They may be able to confirm though because they may catch the sac. That’s how mine was confirmed. I was still asked to come back in 3 weeks to make double sure but if you have positive tests you are pregnant. But no, you won’t see much of anything.
Way too early to consider a viable pregnancy, speaking from experience I had an ovarian ectopic and I had several non viable pregnancies - where my hormone levels were suggestive of a pregnancy but it never progressed to a viable pregnancy (baby) unfortunately none of those pregnancies led to a baby.
All of that being said I am 37 weeks now with my third, I found out at 4 weeks, my doctor did not send me for an ultrasound until 6 weeks because 4 weeks is too early.
Could be ectopic in your tube or elsewhere in your abdominal cavity.
9 to 10 weeks prayers
Questions for your OB GYN
You can’t see a baby on the ultrasound till about 8 to 10 weeks
It’s just really early still.
You’ll be able to see it around 8 weeks.
I’m 9 weeks today, it looks like a gummy bear
Around 4 weeks you should be able to see a “yolk sac.” Generally you won’t be able to see the baby (embryo) until around 6 weeks
Im currently pregnant and had the same issue. I went in at 4 weeks because of bleeding but couldn’t find a pregnancy. I went back at 6 weeks and saw a tiny little baby and a tiny heartbeat. Good luck!
Yes momma with my first I got into a altercation in Houston while we were out partying I ended up getting stabbed I went to ER over there, doctor came in saying I was pregnant only 3 weeks. Did ultrasound no sign of baby they said it was common. Went to a pregnancy place in my town 4 weeks later and embryo and sac were visible.
Yes this happens this early. I found out I was pregnant before my period was due. I went in and the test was positive with urine and blood but nothing was seen on the ultrasound. Then at 6 weeks I went again and all they saw was a sac, nothing in it. A few weeks later they found her. Now she’ll be here in a few weeks.
I don’t know what your situation is but If your at the first part and seeking an abortion. Even the abortion pill. They will not give it to you unless they see something on the ultrasound. The trip to the clinic is hard enough. Going again is hard. So Don’t make it harder by going in to early if this is the case for you.