Am I wrong for feeling this way?

Fan question! (Anonymous pls) Hi, I have a question. So one of my child’s family members has a new partner. I have only met this person a handful of times, but to be honest, I’m not sure I like them too much; one or two things have given me a reason to feel this way. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I won’t want my child being babysat if that person is around because I don’t know them well enough, and I’m not sure I’ll ever know them well enough to trust them around my child, even if my child’s relative is present!! Am I extreme??


Trust your parenting gut!

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Nooo! If your not comfortable, go with your gut… You cant trust anyone anymore.


Trust your instinct always! When it comes to looking out for our kiddos, I always feel it’s better to be safe than sorry.



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Can’t be too careful now a days . Listen to your gut

Uhhh no thats your child

Nope, always better to trust your gut when it comes to things like this

Absolutely not extreme! It only takes seconds for a child to be traumatized for life and it’s our responsibility as parents to try to ensure our child’s safety to the best of our abilities.


I think it depends on who this relative is. If the relative is your child’s mom/dad and they trust them around the child during their allotted time with their child I don’t know if you have much say. If it’s not that, you can find a new sitter.


Nope. You’re allowed to not want strangers around your child.

Always trust your momma instincts

Trust your gut feelings. They normally never lie.

Listen to your little voice. It’s there for a reason and is usually not wrong. Praying your child stays safe.

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You’re feeling this way for a reason. Your gut is trying to tell you something. Always listen to that feeling.

Nope, go with your gut. My children can’t be watched by a certain relative because I don’t know their new partner well enough and don’t think I ever will🤷‍♀️

Always trust instincts! And the way your child reacts around that person or if wants to be around the person

Always trust your gut.

Listen to your intuition , it is God given! You can never be too careful about who is around your child!

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Go with your gut feelings! There must be a reason your feeling that way!

Trust yourself! You know what is right!! Regrets when it comes to our kids are devastating.

I need more info before I can offer advice. Who is the family member? How is the new partner involved?

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Trust you gut! Not extreme at all. You just can’t take a chance with your kids doesn’t matter who the person is …if I feel something is off then it’s off and you’re not going to be around my kids.

Better to be safe than sorry 100%

I got 100$ on it being her exes new girlfriend​:joy::rofl::joy: Jesus take the wheel.


Not one bit at all, it’s ur choice who can & can’t be around ur child w/ out u being around :woman_shrugging:t3: :speaking_head:

Always trust your gut… and when it comes to your child’s safety, better to be too cautious than not cautious enough!


Never totally trust anyone! Listen to your gut ignore others assuring words… most of all listen and believe in your child…


You choose who takes care of your child. If you don’t want that family member to care for your child when that other person is around then don’t let them.


God gives “Oh -Oh” feelings for a reason - your role is to protect your child.
Period. Meaning- act on your instinct and NO body else’s opinion matters

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Not at all! My mil dated a man last year that I just did not feel comfortable around. There was just something about him. They broke up but just recently got back together. He is not allowed around my daughter unless I’m present. My husband thinks it’s nothing but he just irks me the wrong way.


Trust. Your. Gut.
You are sensing red flags for a reason.
It’s okay; it’s your child first and foremost. You make the rules regarding your child.


Listen to your gut because it’s telling you something!
That happened to me!
Although that family member was never in a position to babysit my child, their spouse rubbed me the wrong way.
A few years later and they were caught cheating with a system full of drugs.
Our guts are never wrong.


I assuming the family member is not the childs father? In that case you do not need to explain yourself just dont ask that member of the family to babysit.

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Why would that be extreme? Your child’s safety comes before making ANY relative’s partner feel accepted OR comfortable. Use your gut. If the relative gets upset, oh well. :woman_shrugging:
Kids come first.


Nope if your gut tells you that it is for a reason if you don’t feel comfortable the family member should respect your decision


Not extreme at all I won’t leave my girls with 98% of Their family members or any of mine or their father’s friends period. When it comes to your babies you can never be too careful and never ignore any feelings you have about someone!


I would trust my feeling where my children are concerned. Just do not ask them to babyset your children.if i couldn’t take mine with me we didn’t go. My mama didn’t watch our kids so we could go out and have a good time only watched my kids for me to go to the doctor and to go christmas shopping for them when she called for them i took them but i didn’t ask her to keep them very many times. My kids my place not hers. She had done her share with 5 kids and no help. She was a good christian woman and from her i learnt how to be a good mama. She is dearly missed.


Nope your far from extreme your childs wellbeing and saftey is paramount and the fact your asking this proves your a good mother


Trust yourself. You’ll never have regrets if you do. You might if you don’t.


I don’t think so…your child is your most precious blessing, and you cannot be too careful where they are concerned!!!

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Look into having backround checks done on said person if u are worried, but at the very least it sounds like you need to raise your concerns if they are regular relatives in ur childs life, something may seem off but it could turn out to be opposite of whatever you are thinking.


Definitely not extreme, mom-sense is a real thing and you have every right to not want your child around that person

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Follow your feelings! Don’t worry about what other people think!!You are the mother! End of story!

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Trust Your Gut
Something in your instincts is telling you not to trust them for a reason.

If you have a gut feeling stick to it! Follow your intuition mama.


If you’ve got a gut feeling about someone or something, listen to your gut feeling always. Mine hasn’t ever once failed me.


Your child,your decision!

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Yes…u r extreme and paranoid. If they have done nothing to make u feel this way.

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Trust your spidey sense.

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No your not wrong!! My girls are almost 3 and 1 and I havnt left them with anyone cuz I dont feel right about it. Better safe than sorry!!!


I have been there and the answer is find someone else! Red flags all over the place!

No but dont judge a book by it’s cover

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Definitely not extremely, always trust your gut :heart:

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Nope. Not extreme at all. Always follow your gut instinct

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Go with your gut feeling always

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Trust your gut!! It doesn’t lie!

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Nope definitely not listen to yourself. Xx

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Your child=your rules! Follow your instincts/gut! Wish you the best!

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Always trust your gut feeling, its usually right :white_check_mark: :wink:

You have intuition for a reason

No, that’s reasonable. Now if it’s the child’s father’s partner, you’ll probably need to get to know them because of co-parenting reasons!

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Follow your gut its usually right

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Nope , just your gut reaction.

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No. Ur gut is telling u something


No not extreme! Always go with your gut. When in doubt do not have your children around them

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Go with what you feel. You are feeling it for a reason

Nope always tryst your gut.

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Why would you ever leave your kid around someone you dont like or trust?

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Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Everyone has a life story, I am so happy to have my lover back again after 8 good months of separation. I never thought we will live a happy life together again, but today, I am so glad for what (dr osagiede ) spell caster did for me as he cast a reconciliation love spell for me to bring back my Ex to live together with me again. My testimony to everyone who is in the same situation as i was,should contact him on or add him on Whats-app: +2349055874177​:rose::rose::hibiscus::rose:

Im with Breanna Patterson trust your gut. Better safe than sorry.

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Trust your instinct.

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Trust your instincts!!!

Trust your instincts always

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Nah. Always trust your gut.

Trust your gut feelings

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Trust your gut mama.

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No. Just don’t do it.

trust your instincts. google him. check police records. check his name on social media. and tell your family about your concerns. It might not be a pleasant conversation, but it could prevent them from having a bad experience.

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Parental instincts are usually right.

Do your homework, do all the proper internet searches that have already been suggested. And have that difficult talk. It’s not about you or your former partners feelings, it’s about the child.

Good luck.

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No. More people need to start trusting their gut and going with their instincts and quit letting everybody come and go out their kids life.

Not extreme at all. You can’t trust many people with your children anymore (Whether the relative is present of not). Trust your gut instinct.

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Go with the gut hun. Its rarely wrong. Dont worry about what other people think or say in the negative either. Including friends and family

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The main thing is, so you trust said relative??? Would said relative have a bar person around your son?? If the answer is you don’t trust your relative then you’re correct, but if the answer is you do then there should be no issue.

No. Mommas instincts are always right. If something about that person makes you feel uncomfortable then you have every right to not want them around your children.

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No!! If lm not comfortable with someone there’s no way lm letting them be around my kids when lm not present!
Follow your instincts

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I would talk to your family member. Maybe find out why you have the gut feeling
As a mama you should ALWAYS follow your gut!!!

Nope. Trust your instincts

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Find a new sitter if that’s how you feel.

Definitely not being extreme, your being a mother… Your protective instincts are in full swing, can’t trust anyone anymore…

Your child your choice don’t do anything your not 100% okay with

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Not extreme at all if you got red flags already look into other options

Go with your gut and let it be known

Imagine how you will feel if you were right and you didn’t do anything at this point

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Who else will look out for your children if you don’t??

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Listen to bnb your gut, once something bad happens you cant go back or undo it! Prevention is always better than trying to repair a bad situation. And that family member may not be able to see the forest for the trees, in a manner of speaking. Gut instinct is there for a reason, listen to it!!

You are not wrong at all! Trust ur gut!

Always go with your instinct