I’m sorry but i am OLD and OLD school. What does Dh mean?
No offense but you sound like you need to be center of attention. There was a whole lots of I and me’s in that post. And all the blame fell on his kids and you say you treat them as your own, but you made very clear in your post it’s his kid vs your kid. They are both adults stay out of his relationship with them. Don’t ask questions on what they said or if they asked about their sister etc. They’ll have to be accountable for that to your daughter someday when shes 18. If you keep fighting this battle your husband will resent you because you are adding flame to the fire. If you don’t feed the flame it will go out.
May GOD Bless you for all your going thru I know how it feels.
What’s wrong with being a bitch? If that’s it than who cares? I own being a bitch. I know I’m more strict with the kids than some others but so what? Don’t let that word hold power over you. If things are viewed as you being a bitch than oh well! It is the way it is and if the rules are your way in the house than keep them that way. You can’t force those girls to be a part of, or care for, your daughter. It’s probably beyond their capabilities right now. Remember they are teenagers and what it was like being a teenager. Don’t make your husband pick between you and his girls. (I know you said that’s not what your doing, but it really is) I would never allow someone to ever think they could even remotely suggest I pick them over my kids. Your daughter seems anxious. She will feed off of you. Own your own power and you will also teach your daughter to as well.
Dude chill tf out she is 18 I left home didn’t come back but honestly I really hadnt been home since I was 16 she is a teen who is figuring out adult hood let her do her she will eventually wanna meet up with tye sister but you are the foreigner not her
I may catch some hate for this … but oh well …
It may not be her place whether or not her husband has a relationship with his kids or not … However … they may be his kids BUT he is her WIFE , he needs to grow to damn balls and put his two older kids in their place and not allow them to treat her badly , he either needs to defend his wife … or he needs to leave and go be with his disrespectful kids … she deserves much better … no child ( adult or not ) should be allowed to treat another human being badly
You sound like a night mare.
Shouldn’t you of thought about marrying someone with kids before all this? Welcome to being a stepmother. Sounds like your the one who needs to let go and grow up. Stop holding grudges and move on.