NO, YOU ARE WRONG! When she gave you the $500.00 for the first month they were there, your “Previous” bills shouldn’t have been any higher, which shouldn’t have mattered because they weren’t there at the time. So the money she gave you each month covers that month they were staying there… So No, you shouldn’t be trying to charge her an extra month after they left. Sorry, but you are in the wrong…and thats as long as they paid the $500.00 at the first of each month, starting when they moved in…you actually didn’t clarify when they started paying you…the day they moved in or weeks after…etc?
This is the new generation of the entitled. You were too kind and we know who they are.
I fully agree with you
Nope not wrong, had they been renting anywhere else their final bills would be billed to them. As long as the agreement was bills and not a rent. For future I would never do this again especially since your siblings were adults themselves and could have been helping as well. Renting agreement they only pay for the time they stay. It all depends on how your agreement with them was and if it was verbal it’s a he said she said so you’re not going to get anywhere taking it to court.
Ask if you can go live with them for a month!!! I bet I know that answer
That’s definitely so true
Anyone moving in to save up for a new house 100% should still pay overage cost in electric water gas and food. Period!!! Your supposed to be helping not supporting.
We moved in with our daughter for few mths it was our home we came back we paid them $$$ every week snd half of the wood coal and if they needed xtra we helped them out till they moved into there own home
They should have helped pay towards rhe bill until they were not there so if they moved example mid May they should still pay 250 towards May as they still used electric gas water etc for that time x
They used your good nature. You are NTA, but they are definitely!
Why aren’t your 2 older brothers working and paying their own way? Your parents agreed to paying 500.00 a month and shame on them for not doing it. Kick them all out! Your brothers can go stay at a camp ground in their camper!
don’t expect anything from anyone, you will never be disappointed
OK… it’s all good. They’re gone now… they had their one favor, but never again.
you weren’t wrong; now just ignore any pleas for help don’t let them bully you - good luck xx
They would have then been disowned if it was me! No second chances with that!
NO, you are not wrong! It sounds like your mother is self-centered, selfish and ungrateful.
Well yes and no. Yes, because it’s been said that you don’t help someone else until your comfortable enough to loose out what your helping with. Also no, because fairly they should have to pay their end especially if that’s what you all agreed to. Unfortunately I think you’ll just have to take the loss. Maybe not help to such extend anymore but also don’t allow this minor thing in your lives to change how you feel about these people. You only get 1 family.
Wow I guess we all have different philosophies on Family. In my culture we as family take care of each other. We have an inter-generational household. Grandparents, parents are the elders, the children & young adults learn from the elders. We would never put our elders in Nursing Homes. You say your parents & their kids. Those are your brothers &/or sisters not their kids you speak of them as tho they are not your siblings. In our culture if one has something (a house, vehicle, money, food, whatever) we all have it. We would never ask family for money to pay for anything. We are blood. We believe & live as one unit. Our grandparents have so much wisdom to give to all of us. Our parents sacrificed, worked hard to take care of us and give us a good life. We may not have been rich but money isn’t everything. There are stories, traditions, music, Spirituality, we learn the old ways as well as the new, we support each other, love each other & learn from each other. We are family.
No your not because they were still living their when you got that bill
Pay up and move out, no freeloading
They should at least pay the extra power. Because it’s a lot
They moved into your house. Any overages from the time they moved in - electric, gas, water- should’ve been covered by them. They should’ve also provided their own foods. You’re helping them by them not paying rent, just their usage
Just wrong of them. All the extra electricity, water etc is onbills for approx 30 days after a move.
Just let it go now, you’ve made your position clear re future favours… It’s not worth your peace of mind to keep chewing on it.
Their kids? Not your siblings lol THEIR KIDS:rofl: could have said immediate family and woulda came off less rude. That’s the only thing I rly think you’re the ah on here
Selfish people
I don’t blame you , now you know for next time , if they dare to ask !!! NO !!!
You aren’t wrong, but that’s how it usually ends up. If you want to keep the relationship you’re going to have to do without for awhile
You were right to ask nobody is suppose to get a free ride family or not but some think they are entitled. Its all bs
l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17412 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
I’d be livid. Family or not. Actually more importantly BECAUSE it’s family it’s more wrong!
Talk with them and tell them how it affecting your family
No good deed goes unpunished… I’m sorry
If they don’t live there you shouldn’t expect them to still pay rent!
Family will always be the first to screw you over. Good thing you learned the lesson behind that.
Yes your parents should have pitched in. Did you discuss things before they stayed with you?
If they were there during that time they should of helped, they are grown ass men and mommy shouldn’t be making excuses for them. My mom is the same way, she will make excuses for the youngest son. That shit irritates me. Now when they come running for help again you know what your answer should be. F*** off
You’re not wrong at all
No you’re not
wrong. I’m the
mother and going
thru about the
same as you.
id manually shut the water off and tell them its because i couldn’t pay the bill alone.
You are not wrong. They should be paying the difference in the bills now coming in from what they were before they moved in. If it were me I would ask them to move out as you cant pay the bills coming in with them there.
You were not wrong. They used you. Don’t let them have the opportunity to do it again.
I don’t see how hard it would be for them to pay the difference between your normal monthly utility bills
Water, electric so forth. .
You’ve been used hun. , I’m sorry
That’s terrible,
You shouldn’t have to ask for money they should have had the decency to just help in anyway.
You’re not wrong they are!!
If your parents had to move in with you to save money for a house, they will most likely need you again at some point. Say no next time. Obviously they are not grateful for what you did for them…you were used.
They should have offered w/o you even asking!!!
You need to get them out of your home. The second they didn’t follow through on their end is the time to say goodbye. I understand wanting to help family, but how much respect are they actually showing for your generosity?
no you weren’t wrong
They used you. You aren’t wrong at all. Why should you put up YOUR money for them? Doesn’t matter if they are broke from buying a house or not they need to at least acknowledge the fact that they owe you. I wouldn’t talk to them or help them until they pay you back. Don’t give them the chance to use you again.
They used you. You aren’t wrong at all. Why should you put up YOUR money for them? Doesn’t matter if they are broke from buying a house or not they need to at least acknowledge the fact that they owe you. I wouldn’t talk to them or help them until they pay you back. Don’t give them the chance to use you again.
No you was in the right to ask for them to help pay for the bill for the prior month when they were still there. Since your mom doesn’t want to cooperate and feels that they don’t owe anything and wants to give you a sob story you’re also right to tell her to not ask you for any more favors. Just don’t have anything to do with them for a little while and focus on you and your husband and your kids and let them deal with what they have to deal with. If they come calling to you asking for help or asking for anything say no can’t afford it don’t have it have a nice day
Let it go it’s not worth breaking your family apart but next time consider a favor carefully
When you agreed to the amount for bills, did that include both the 18 and 21 yr old? If not, the agreed upon amount should have been increased when they wanted to move in. If it did include the young men, it’s the deal you made and should live with.
I mean you aren’t in the wrong. But turn tables and if you needed help and were struggling and needed family support, barely on your feet again, still trying to catch up from being in the hole you were in…. Wouldn’t you expect your family to let the bill slide or give you more time to pay it back?
Sometimes people in our lives can’t pay back but they can do other things for you to show gratitude. I say just give it time and value the family as the most important thing, doing the right thing is more important than money?
They should have paid you before they moved out
Unfortunately, it can be an expectation that family helps. It’s also called sponging and I know after the numerous of times I’ve helped. Base it on your needs and their ability and it’s ok to be angry.
You are not in the wrong regardless of them buying a house or not they still owe their part of the bills if it wasn’t for you and your husband they wouldn’t have been able to even save up to buy a new house in the first place they would have been renting their own place paying full utilities and full rent when you only asked for $500 a month they ought to be blessed you did that and offer the help with the bills period