Am I wrong to ask for help with the bills?

Long story short, my parents and their 4 kids moved into our home so they could save up to buy a house, we welcomed them in to do just that. They would help pay their part while living with us, they would give us $500 for bills, that was completely fair to us and each dollar helped with how high the bills got while living with us, My two older brothers who are 18, and 21 of which had a camper hooked up to our garage and water spicket during their stay. (They preferred to stay in the camper for their own comfort, and I only have a 3 bedroom/2 bath home) so it would have been crowded. We get our month prior bills and they were still living here with us at that time they moved out in the beginning of May because they bought their selves a new house once I asked out to my mother if they would help pay their part of the bills, she said no. She claims I don’t understand how much it was for them to set up their new home, said the bill is wrong lol. Just excuses to not have to pay. I wasn’t arguing with her, so I simply replied with that’s okay, we will take care of it, but don’t ask us for another favor. Really pissed me off, bc I also have a baby at home and my husbands works his ass off to give us nice things. I only work part time at the moment so my check doesn’t hardly put a dent in our bills.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong to ask for help with the bills?

You were right to ask and they were wrong to not pay, however I’m sure you didn’t have a legal agreement and it probably wouldn’t be worth it to try to have them pay it anyway. Just hold on gifts for her if you normally buy them for any holidays or birthdays and don’t do her any more favors. Lesson learned


Should she pay? Yes.
Will she pay? No
Can you make her? No
So, you can dwell on it and let it completely take over your peace, or you can let it go and just be mindful to not help like that again. You choose.


Should’ve gotten a deposit or something. However, don’t ruin a relationship over $500. It’s messed up on her part but you know better now.


Wow ! That’s so wrong of her ! Id be incredibly upset !

Every right to ask for help. Every right to be pissed


You did a lotta good & the right thing :heart:

It’s the thought that counts :heart:

Your best revenge is none :mending_heart:

Forgive & move on, it’s always tricky with friends & family :mending_heart:

Focus on your little family & let her make it right in time :heavy_heart_exclamation:

God bless your heart for being kind & generous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Saddly you are a giver and they are takers and users…you have done your part…now don’t bother to help out again…if they ask for so much as a cup of sugar…say no we cannot afford it. Time for your parents to grow up and support themselves.


That would make me angry, as well, and yes, yr right, asking for help!

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So, each person was contributing $500 per month? And when 2 moved on you want the remain8ng 2 to pick up their payment? Do i understand that correctly??

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Parents I wouldn’t ask to pay for rent.

Siblings- yes they should cover their fair share.


She told you know because she knew you’re response would be that you’d take care of it.

Do you realize who your mother is now? Remember this when she comes for help again.


I’d mention they need to pay the increase of live elsewhere. You’re already saving them a dramatic amount you shouldn’t be at a negative for the help of others.


That’s a risk everyone takes when helping out family. Anytime I stayed with family I got stuck paying out of my ass barely making enough to move out, but when family stays with me it’s a vacation for them. Learn your lesson and move on. Easier said than done but at least you know better for next time. If they come to you for help don’t be so quick to jump up for them, set boundaries and let them know it wasn’t okay for them to treat you the way they did

Your parents are not responsible for there adult children’s bills. If your mom paid her portion then you can’t ask her to pay for the othere portion.


Yes they should pay. No they aren’t going too. No point ruining the relationship for everyone, including your spouse and children over the money… bc one day, you will regret it, and there will be no going back.
Cut your losses and move on.


You’re not wrong at all. Anyone who has ever paid bills understands that the bill you receive today is for the last month, not the current. Utilities aren’t pre-paid. I believe you did the right thing… ask for the money, got denied, let it go and made it clear that there wouldn’t be any help from you moving forward. Stick to that.


It’s your mom. The brothers should help. The mom should too, but…she’s still your mom.


She told you know because she knew you’re response would be that you’d take care of it.

Do you realize who your mother is now? Remember this when she comes for help again.


That’s family for ya!!! You brothers are old enough to have made money to help and $500 wasn’t enough for 6ppl…they would have gave up money to move in…talk to your dad

Eh. I’d have done it for free. They took care of you, and would again I’m sure.

Both of my parents have died. Money ain’t ish. Love them while you can.


Tell them to pay or move on

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God don’t sleep. They will get what’s coming to them. When people help you, you shouldn’t step on them because you got what you wanted. You should remain humble. Karma is a b🤬tch. They will need need you again. Remember this time


This is your home… your rules. If any of them don’t want to follow the rules, they can go try to find somewhere else to live for free!

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Between them all they should be more than willing to pay $500! That’s absolutely fair and the right thing to do

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Wow that’s bad but family will be the first to do you wrong. Don’t help them again


Yeah, they should pay. Take them to small claims court or just stick with not giving them anymore favors.

Throw them out as SOON AS YOU CAN!!


Just goes to show they don’t appreciate what you had to go through in order to help them as in having your home full of people when you didn’t have to. They obviously just used you for somewhere to get them by until they got a place which is unfair on you your husband and your kids. You will never see the money but take it as a lesson to not be so giving next time they try lean on your family and take advantage again. Tell them, fuck no, look I love you but it’s not going to happen. And leave it at that.

You should not let your parents and 2 grown siblings leach off of you. You have every right to be mad and kick them out if they don’t pull their weight.

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Not wrong at all but cut your losses. You will never see any more money. However stick to your word and don’t do anything else for them.

Your mother should be paying her fair share. Nothing comes for free.

Yes I agree your mother should help you out. But I also agree that your brothers are old enough to help out with the bill too. Especially since it’s really their fault that the bill is as high as it is anyway. But, being realistic, you’ll probably never get that money back. I would give my mom a pass on this simply because that’s my mom, but not my brothers. Let THEM know that if they can’t help you out with the bill then don’t come looking to you for any other favors in the future


Your older brothers are 18 and 21 how old are you???


If them paying $500 was the prior agreement then that should of been honoured, it’s poor form on their behalf… however If they only lived there for 1-3 months I wouldn’t bother starting an argument over it and I would personally just pay it. Stay humble knowing you did the right thing by helping out of the kindness of your heart.


You’re not wrong if they agreed to it well then they need to pay or everyone can go else where


Honestly I think you are right in wanting them to help pay. After all that tho I’d have a big family meeting and stand your ground. Your house your rules


No. The. Least. They. Can. Do. Is. Help


They wouldn’t have been able to live anywhere else for free. They took advantage of your kindness and went back on what they said they’d do.


That’s how it works family use you till they don’t need you any more then move out and tell everyone you were the monster as well


Family helping family it’s only money don’t let it put a strain on your family relationship

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They already left. She wants their back pay for the utilities the month before and they are denying to pay it so it’s to late to tell them to leave.

I don’t see a problem with asking for help with with bills. We all are struggling to pay bills these days with skyrocketing fuel and food prices. I already spent about 1100$ just this year alone on propane.

They need to understand that you can’t afford to support the added cost of 3 or 4 people using your recourses. $500 is more than fair to pay.

EDIT: If they have an RV, there’s long term TV parks. Tell them to go there. Then they’re looking at about 1000$ a month (if they’re lucky) for rent.


I am sorry but family or not. They should have to pay 1/2 of the bills without even asking. Tell them to get a motel room until their house gets built. That is not free neither. Get a RV that is not free. That is wrong in so many degrees for them to be living off of yall scott free. I am sorry but they are using you guys knowing you will not make them leave. I will be surprised if your husband does not get tired of it and yall start having marital problems because of the stress. I learned along time ago No 2 families can live under the same roof and not start having problems.


Sad how family can be


Your parents,are wrong. They used you to get on their feet but don’t want to help you. I am sorry for that. I would let it go though. Hopefully your parents will get a conscious about it and come around on their own and help you.


there’s a reason for the 3 day rule … stand up for yourself … the camper is still using your resources … they also should be paying for those … what have you learned here?

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I dont think you are wrong , w two grown ass siblings it should be paid … that’s not right… maybe if it was just the parents it’s not too bad but between all of them they really should help w the bill . Dont letbit ruin the relationship though but do express what u feel because it’s hard times right now and yall opened up for them

Well I can understand getting a new house is so expensive, they may not have it at the moment and not having it be embarrassed and frustrated but she really should be more open with you about that. She could have asked to pay you back later or even just told you there’s no money left and apologized, not give you the runaround.

I’ve just had to move out of a “friends” house I was renting because she got mad at me, that set me back $2500 and she’s only gotten half of last months rent so far. I’ve been open and honest, I’m pregnant and in and out of the hospital for issues regarding that. I wasn’t supposed to be moving and her reasoning for kicking me out is honestly BS. But at least I’ve been honest.

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Time to grow up, put your big girl panties on and take care of your own family. If they don’t pay their share they have to move. People treat you the way you allow them too. Good luck.

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They absolutely should pay for their last month with you. That’s just a crappy thing to do after your generosity. No, you’re not unreasonable. Don’t let them live with you again. They burned that bridge!


No your not wrong … you were helping them and now they want to shit on you and forgot what you did for them. Obviously your gonna have to pay then I’ll but I wouldn’t help no more

They are taking advantage. I’d send them a copy of the last bills and ask for their share. If they don’t pay you know where you stand in the list of priorities. I’d do nothing more for them or your parents. Civil but aware from now on.


Family or not it is not your responsibility to take them on the race, I’m sorry your family has put you in this position


How long did they live with you? How many times did they pay $500?

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They do owe you the money. But unless you sue, they will likely never pay. Just never help them do anything ever again.


I don’t think anyone has read the post properly its says her parents have already bought a house and moved into but have left her with the last lot of bills that are responsible in paying towards, I doubt you will get this off them now which is sad because you have helped them get to where they are now and don’t care they have left you paying their bill. I honestly would not help them out again they have just used you to get what they want in the end, hopefully they realise they are in the wrong at some point :pensive:


l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17412 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

I WOULD 100 % never help them again.! ANd make it clear to her. I understand family is family but sounds to me like they used to.


Sadly you most likely won’t be getting that money back. From here on out I would let them know that your house is no longer open for shelter. And before anyone loses their mind there’s a reason. When she got married her husband & her baby take precedence over anyone else! Just b/c they are blood does mot mean your obligated to put yourself & your own family lesson learned, they’re users & don’t let them do that to you & your family again.


Your right- that was inconsiderate- and they used you. All you can do is learn from it. Family and money owed never turn out good.

Shame on your parents and your siblings…make sure they understand you will never ever help them again. The boys in the camper should be paying for what they used as well. They should be working. If they had to stay in a hotel it would have cost them thousands.


You weren’t wrong to ask. And obviously you know what it costs to move into a house since you have one. You might just have to cut your losses and be more clear next time now that you know how they have shown how inconsiderate they are and unappreciative.

They moved in to save for a house, you knew this going in

They should deff pay the last month. The current bill always pays for the previous so they should be paying 1 after they left. They probably won’t. :unamused:

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why do you sacrifice your family for one that obviously would take advantage of you in a heart beat

I learned and you will to ( hopefully) that letting family live with you rarely works out . I have a motto I will do whatever I can to help but no you cant live with me . I also came on hard times recently and I chose to buy a 5th wheel and live in it on a private space my rent went from 2000 a mth to 550 it was a no brainer compared to moving in with people.

It doesn’t matter who it is if you’re allowing someone to stay in your home they should 200% help contribute to something. If they can’t pay the bills then she better have that house spotless every day or baby sit your baby whenever you need it. Something. That’s not cool at all and as a mother idk how she isn’t seeing that. She must feel pretty low to have had even stayed with you her daughter in the first place I’m surprised she refuses to pay


Personally I feel you shouldn’t help anyone even family unless your prepared to eat cost like this. Sounds like you were probably not financially comfortable before they moved in. I feel like “help” should come with/limited expectations.


Kimberly Gallimore She clearly mentioned she wasn’t able to. She said they were having a hard time already

How old are you? You have a child and a husband and an older brother who’s 18. So much about this is unsettling to me.


How old are you? If your two older brothers are 18 & 21 then you’re 17? Are the other kids not your siblings? The way it’s written makes it seem like you’re don’t consider the other kids family. Which if you have a job at 17 or younger and can afford a house, way to go! I’d definitely be expecting help from people who decide to move in so they can build their home.


I feel like because your parents probably have helped you before. Just let it go. You said their 4 kids like they aren’t your family. I would definitely be annoyed. But there’s no use holding onto it. I think if they could help they would at least.


You’re not wrong to ask, but you told her it’s ok and you’ll take care of it so it is what it is now.


Consider it a lesson learned at this point…

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They not be able to pay anything right now but they could at least agree to paying something when they can! I think it’s very selfish and entitled. Even if they are struggling there is 6 of them! That would have made incredibly expensive bills for you and they could all scrape a little something together between them. Honestly, as someone else said this bill is from when they were still there so they should contribute.
Even if they are struggling they would be far worse off if you hadn’t helped them in the first place. They were able to buy a house for godsakes, you’ve done a lot for them. Be grateful for the lesson and never do shit for any of them again.

Wow. I swear saw r it sounds like you are living opposite’s day. Where you are the parent to your own parents.

How ridiculous and sad to ask your adult child for help and then take complete advantage.

I have a feeling that this isn’t the first time that your parents have treated you like your feelings don’t matter and that as long as you are easy to get along with that you are ok. But as soon as you stand up for yourself you are mental???

Sounds like my parents.

They should pay. And you should feel used if they don’t.


Wow. I swear saw r it sounds like you are living opposite’s day. Where you are the parent to your own parents.

How ridiculous and sad to ask your adult child for help and then take complete advantage.

I have a feeling that this isn’t the first time that your parents have treated you like your feelings don’t matter and that as long as you are easy to get along with that you are ok. But as soon as you stand up for yourself you are mental???

Sounds like my parents.

They should pay. And you should feel used if they don’t.

They should have given you $ for the last month living there. Doesn’t matter how much their house was. They still owe the $.

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Would never help them again. Period


I mean. they SHOULD have helped yes… Add it to karma. If you need help in the future I’d sure hope they remember, And pay it forward. and if not. Karma will handle it. In no way should you be a push over! But do good and good will be done in return…

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You are not wrong at all. Just because they are family, people like to abuse in the name of family. We are not in the 80’s anymore. The cost of living is getting hard and people got the nerves to abuse the generosity of others. Those grown siblings needs to follow your rule and mom should help to. Everyone called themselves family, but when zhit get real, no one wants to play their role. That’s your home with your husband and they should at least help without complaining.

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Yea that was wrong I would not speak to her

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Honestly, here’s what I would do. Bills don’t really change when more people move in, if they’re taking care of their part. As in, feeding themselves, clothing themselves, all of the essentials in living, except for the water bill. With more people, means more showers. That’s understandable, to help with the water bill. Other than that, nothing really changes. I would absolutely help my parents in a heartbeat if they needed to move in to save up money so they can buy a home to live in. Why would I make them pay me rent/bills when it’s already hard enough trying to save and also pay for a home? That’s just simply not who I am as a person. Those parents raised me, they paid for my medical, my bills, my food, my clothes, everything. I would hope that in return, if I ever needed that help, they would do the same for me. :person_tipping_hand: What I’m saying is, in my opinion, that’s selfish. If it was an all the time thing and they’re addicts then maybe not but still.


A lot of people don’t seem to understand that utilities are billed in the rears, so your bills won’t go back to normal until about 2 billing cycles after they leave. They absolutely should help with those & I don’t blame you for telling them not to ask you for any more favors!


Did we learn something you think!

Culturally different view here. We pay our parents bills for them weather they live with us or not. But we don’t pay our siblings bills and I forbid it as a parent myself to pay sibling bills for that is a direct disrespect to them. Meaning, a grown ass person has the capability of taking care of their own shit and should do so without help. So yes your in the right to ask for their share. But not from mom and dad. They raise us and put every ounce into us so we can be who we are today, thats why no money from mom and dad. Again this is a Cultural difference.

Just never help them again. Should have gotten the $500 before they moved in as a deposit. We have friends that did same thing. Will not hang out with them until the $500 is paid. Been about 7 years since saw them. Lol. It is true what they say…never do business with friends or family. Ruins relationships


Moochers. Freeloaders

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Well what about the groceries? They would have gone up a lot with a man and 2 grown young men living there with them and then there was the mom and at least 2 more children. That would have made their grocery bill more than double. Your parents really took advantage of you and the situation. I don’t blame you for being upset either.


I would have told them to leave. Just because they are your parents, doesn’t mean they have the right to disrespect you in your home.


Family will screw you the fastest and the hardest while trying to me you feel bad about it


You’re not wrong. Living with anyone costs money, family or not. Theirs no where in the world that they could have stayed for the duration they were with you for free. I understand they were trying to buy a house ect which is great but you altered your own life to make room for 6 people, that’s a lot for anyone to do. I’m sorry it sounds like you’ve been taken advantage of. I’d let it go too but I wouldn’t be as helpful if I was needed again.


Just remember this the next time they ask for a favor. Get your money up front. Families are the worst for expecting you to just forget loans or help.


You are not in the wrong !!! Me and my mom moved my little sister ( me with my daughter and my mom with my other sister two kids) so five people moved to her house, we helped her the whole year we lived together, I gave her 150 for the bills and my mom did all the groceries for the house and she also cooked most days and helped her with the cleaning and other stuff, the fact that your family is not a free pass to take advantage of the them


If people are renting a room, apartment, etc… they only pay while they are there. You agreed to $500/month right? So they should pay $500 for each month they were there with you. After they moved, they shouldn’t pay. Think about it this way - If they paid you $500 the first month they were there, that went for your months prior bills when they weren’t there. They should only pay the agreed upon amount for the time they stayed.


Helping family is worse than helping friends. They take advantage because they are family.


You might explain to them that the current bills are for the services from the last 30 days which they attributed to. You might also consider not even bothering with it and probably start distancing yourselves from them because they sound like ungrateful, toxic, selfish bastards

I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13675 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.