Am I Wrong to Be Upset Over the Costume My Kid's Dad Picked Out?

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"My daughter's father said he'd get her a costume. He was supposed to get it Friday, but he said he had to work all weekend. I wasn't tripping because she's a baby and Halloween isn't until Sunday. Well, today he dropped off a costume but it was a T Rex one. And it made me so disappointed. I feel like he just grabbed something. He's telling me to just go exchange it and I am. But it still makes me sad that he couldn't take the time to actually get her something appropriate."

RELATED: 10-Year-Old Gets Bullied For His Tony Stark Costume, Mom Encourages Him To Go To Halloween Party Anyway


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Why is a T-Rex not appropriate? If you wanted something specific either tell him what you want or buy it yourself. Don’t get upset that he can’t read your mind."

"Why is a T-Rex unacceptable? Because she’s a girl? My daughter loves dinosaurs"

"There’s bigger fish to fry. This is not an issue"

"What’s wrong with a t-Rex costume? Sounds like it would be cute."

"I get where you’re coming from, he could’ve put a little more thought into it. Next time a situation like this happens, be very specific with what you’d like or throw out a few ideas for him."

"I went all out with my baby. Whole pumpkin suit and everything. Threw up immediately and then pooped right before it was go time. I had to throw him in a black and red Onesie and threw a stripe of red lipstick and called him baby Harry Potter. The situation is crappy but don’t let it ruin your fun with your baby!"

"Why didn’t you just get a costume if it was such a big deal"

"Sounds more like lack of communication than him not thinking about her costume. My daughters daughter would have definitely considered a trex costume for her. And come on… a baby trex? How adorable! If you want something specific next time, let him know."

"Bruh get real. My daughter has chosen every year to be Spiderman. Ever think maybe that was all that was left. I mean if you want specifics get it sooner for a better selection"

"Is it her size? Did you talk abt what kind of costume you had in mind? If it fits he did what you asked ."

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