i would have said something at the time and even after i would have told my dad how hurtful that was i think you are saying mildly about being annoyed because i would have been full blown angry i dont understand how family can exclude a child what was the purpose to get back at you by hurting your child
Speak to your father and discuss this with him
She should not have said anything in front of your child. 3 small children is a lot to handle, especially if they ride rides most seats only fit one adult and one child. I had 3 little kids so I know how difficult it is.
Next time dont be afraid to include yourself in the conversation. Stick up for your son.
Every right to be upset that she invited the other two in front of him, but no right to be upset that they have plans with them without your kid. They probably dont get to see them as often, and since they havent gotten to go before it makes more sense that they’d want to take them and be able to focus on them getting to enjoy it for the first time. Your son has been, and can go any other time. Have a talk with them about not making plans in front of him when he isnt included, but you dont get to dictate who they spend time with. Your son doesn’t have to be in everything all the time just because other kids got to.
In my opinion, you have every right to be annoyed!
You father should have definitely included him.
I would be very upset if someone invited two other children to do something fun with them right infront of my child and did not include my child. If adults can not afford or simply don’t want the other child to be a part of the function whatever it may be they should not discuss it in front of the children. You should encourage your dad to spend time with his gfs neice/nephew aside from yours but that if such functions are going to be discussed and the children are asked in front of each other that the invite should be extended to all children. Its called the adult thing to do.
I don’t think your being silly for feeling bad for your son but sometimes people just don’t think and don’t offer, and as for saying it in front of your son, same again… Probably just thoughtless? he’s your dad just say hey dad do you mind if… Can tag along as I know he love it, if it doesn’t suit no stress. Or even can we meet you there? Just communicate and if he didn’t want to spend that time with your son and it does upset your son validate his feelings and let them know how your son feels.
I think you are right
I would be annoyed and I would feel sad for my child for being left out
Be his voice! I would of piped up right then and said what about ____ he might want to go, if money was an issue then i would pay for my son to go.
My father in-law invited 2 or our then 3 kids to a teddy bears picnic. The ones he took were 12 and 9 and the one he didn’t take was 4. I was really cut up about it and told him so. He said he didn’t feel capable of managing the 4 year old. Maybe your dad feels that his girlfriend will manage her relatives and he won’t be able to manage your son in addition? I would ask him about it in a non confrontational way. Just say hey I think … felt left out about not being invited. Give him a chance to explain. Maybe it was the money?
You have every right to be upset but not at your father but rather at his girlfriend for asking in front of your child. I would have said something to her right there and then. If your father was there when she said it he should’ve said something to. But teach your son not to be envious of what other people are doing or receiving. I would have taken him out for the day. But don’t hold on to it because it’s not worth.