Am I wrong to call my boyfriend selfish?

Im with our 1 1/2 year old daughter every day while he’s working a 9-5 job Monday - Fridays and then I work 5-10 Monday , Wednesday Thursday and then 4-10 Saturday and Sundays. I have to work my hours around my 6 year old who is in school and around his mom and or my babysitter to watch the girls till he gets home from work. I work 27 hours a week and bring only $330 home a week. I have to work my schedule around everyone and he’s getting mad that I can’t really save money with all the bills i have. I was making $600 a week when we didn’t have our little one and my 6 year old is in school. All he keeps saying this is the life he has to live because I can’t give him money to save for us. Like I want to and I’ve been trying to find ways to make money while my older one is in school and I could bring my little one with me but it’s hard and he’s just not getting it. His mom isn’t available during the day since she’s always out and about with her mother and doesn’t get home till 3:30 and my sitter has a job is available only after 3:30


Start your own business. Daycare is huge money. Lots of other options too. Market research will tell you where the holes are. Its tough when you have one so young. I totally get it!


Ok so we all know about your schedule but nothing about him so really can’t answer this question


I don’t think you’re in the wrong. You can only do what you can do and it sounds like he’s not being very understanding or reasonable. If there’s no other solution that’s actually beneficial/reasonable then I don’t know what he expects honestly.


Why do you have to give HIM money to save, anyway? He sounds controlling. I would tell him, you will save your money, and he can save his. Sounds toxic.


He’s selfish you’re not wrong.


When u become a family money should really be put together or if ur working round kids he can’t complain, I do same, my husband earns 3x more than me a week, I work 7 days but take shifts on so I’m there for kids to put to school/collect etc as we don’t have help in that department, all his wages go into a joint n I pay bills with it his wages cover most and mine covers food shopping, kids clubs, take away at weekend n other small things, if he’s so set in u making more tell him he can work his schedule round kids n u will work the 9-5 bet he won’t like that x


He doesn’t have to live this life🤷‍♀️ hes choosing too.


Could look into donating plasma for extra money if you have a place near by… I do that when money is tight sometimes… He sounds like a piece of work …

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Tell him if he pays for childcare, you’d gladly work 9-5 as well.


He sounds very selfish,why is it all your responsibility wow he works 8 hours a day maybe if he got a job and worked 12 hours a day you could stay home and look after the children and maybe work on the weekends while he watches the children problem solved


How is he going to be angry with you over something you can’t control? :woozy_face: tell him you guys can swap schedules then or he can get a better job. There’s literally nothing you can do. If you got a sitter/daycare and worked more hours, you would be spending so much on that, that you would end up bringing home the same amount—if not less. If he can’t use logic or handle the life that he chose, that’s his own fault and he needs to stop trying to find someone else to blame.


If point out it’s going to be much much harder for him when he has to pay child support, spousal support and half of all babysitters and kids related costs when you leave him. Sounds like a toxic relationship all around. I wouldn’t put up with it. I’d also start charging him for the time I look after his child.


Is he helping figure out the child care situation being the children aren’t only your responsibility?
Sounds like you’re already “helping him save” by taking care of the children, which saves him child care money AND you work during hours that you can when your sitters are available.


I don’t know what to tell you…( I would be in fb ja**)… I’m so sorry…i hope you get good advice from other folks…:pensive::eyes::thinking::eyes::pensive:

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You are not wrong at all, you are doing what you can.
The next time he complains turn the conversation the other way and tell him how disappointed about the life you have to live because he doesn’t make enough money .

PS : If your sister is not available for the time you need you can always find a new one


Some daycares offer free childcare or discounted if you work there too, that could be something worth looking into :woman_shrugging:t3:


He sounds like🗑 tell him he can get 2 jobs then so you can stay home (if you want to)


No, your not getting it…is the 6 yo his…if not are you getting child support for her, you should be, does he pay bills, is he contributing at all, groceries, utilities rent, you need to dump him, which you won’t do, do you have legal custody of the 6 y o, dump him, quit being desperate, file for custody of both girls and child support. Who has been claiming them on taxes, if he is claiming both that is tax fraud and he could go to jail if the older girl ain’t his…GROW UP AND DO THINGS THE RIGHT AND LEGAL WAY!!!


I think he is being unreasonable.


Tell him to such schedules with you so you can work more hours. If he says no, then tell him to shut up. You’re working your 27 hours PLUS his 40, since you’re with the kids ever day. Why can’t he be with the kids while you work??

Honestly, throw the whole man away. That’s some bullshit. He’s just putting you down when he’s not willing to do more. He’s intentionally blaming you for something that isn’t your fault. That’s hateful. And whatever you do, DON’T have anymore babies with him. Close up shop. And start doing what you have to do to take care of you and your children. He is not dependable. What he’s doing is emotional abuse.

Prayers bring peace try online school that way u can put em in room and do ya lesson women make it too ez for these men to NOT HELP hell if he isn’t helping isn’t uplifting and is weight NEXT!!! I rather you do it solo and grow then have another mf in the way that’s literally in the way!!! Just me as a mom I’m 38 3 kids one high school grad one on the way and a 6 year old I made the way instead of excuses :woman_shrugging:t5:

You know what’s relevant to the situation. And enough to make an intelligent informed decision.

You should sit him down, go through all the bills and expenses, and have him find a better way to do things. If he refuses simply tell him to stop complaining if he’s not willing to help work towards his goals.


Sounds like a little boy you need to ditch asap.


If he wants more money, he shouldn’t rely on you… He needs to find a second job or you need a new bf. One that understands. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Sounds like a him problem. Make him be the one to provide sitters or care so you can work during the day.

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LEAVE AND FILE CHILD SUPPORT! He will see how good he had it!

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No not wrong at all. My husband was fully willing to do what he had to so I didn’t have to work for at least the first year after our daughter was born. I wanted to work not only to help contribute some financially but also just for me. We don’t have any family around so it’s just the 3 of us. He works 5 days a week 6am-4pm, we couldn’t find any openings in a daycare anywhere near home nor work so I got a job as a banquet server that worked with his schedule since he would have to be home with her. During the week I work 5pm-close and on Saturday and Sunday hrs vary depending on the event since he’s home and doesn’t usually work weekends. It’s not always ideal especially during busy season but we make it work and daddy gets that special bonding time with his daughter. If he wants you to get a better job and/or more hrs then he needs to be willing to step up more and help figure something out that works with the entire family.

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Sounds like it’s a competition and your not working on things together. Imo

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I’d tell him yeah this is the life he picked since he decided to have children with you. You need to make sacrifices. And if they aren’t his kids he still decided to be with you and the kids. He can get a better job or a second job or can pay for more childcare which wouldn’t help save. But there are kids so you have to work around that.

I’d point out to him if you work more hours you’d have to pay for childcare.


Tell him his fun went out the window once kids entered the picture he needs to A- get a better paying job so he can help you out more with finances or B- hit the road so you can collect help from the state for babysitters


Adulting is hard. We all have these issues. That’s life in America .


Your doing the best you can so he needs to step it up and quit whining


Find a better job, or a better boyfriend. Parenthood isn’t easy and has many challenges.


I feel like this is your Breaking Point. I’m willing to bet it’s a lot more than just the money. Tell him you’re doing the best you can and if your best isn’t good enough for him, then he can go find the best. You’re done. You take care of the kids and work, is he freaking nuts. If he isn’t happy, tell him he’s choosing not to be, he’s free to go cuz you’re sick of this s***


Well, to me it sounds like he’s exercising more of the “Boy” than the “Friend.” Boyfriends like that tend to be nothing but a headache. So try and see the Bigger future picture of his nonsense sooner rather than later.


Umm if he needs/wants more money then he needs to get another job…. You have one full time 24/7 job with the children that you don’t get paid for plus a 27 hour job that you earn money doing. He has one 40 hour a week job… you are doing your share plus some.


Yikes. Sounds like he didn’t ever learn that having kids costs money and that the baller lifestyle goes away.

If you aren’t saving for a common goal (buying a house, a car, marriage) why does he think you need to give him your money?

You aren’t married yet. You don’t have to give him any of the money you make. Obviously couples usually split bills and that’s fine. But once the bills are paid, that money is yours to do as you want for yourself or your kids.

He sounds like he needs to grow up and realize his life is now about his kids, not just him.


Life is harder if you’re married or dating An A hole . :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Why are you giving HIM money to save? You make sure YOU have access to money, at the very least the money you earn!


Why should you give him money to save ? Tell him to take it out of his pocket and save. If you guys brake up then he will have a stash of money and you have nothing. Sounds like you need to reevaluate your relationship

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I worked nightshifts and my bf worked days. He got home and id leave. It’s stressful and even with both of us work basically full time and not paying for childcare we still didn’t make enough to save anything. Your bfs definitely being selfish and ungrateful esp if he’s not doing his part to help with the kids. You shouldn’t need a babysitter if he’s at home.

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He helped make the baby, why can’t he get a second job

Why do some men think it’s our jobs to raise them and their babies?! caring for our children and not being able to work as much as you could should be considered payment for child care from his end than


Leave. Get child support. Save it lol


This is why a lot of parents do one on 3rd shift. Get the extra money for night shift and only missing the time kids are sleeping

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Sounds like he needs a case of “grow up and figure it out”.


Sounds like you need to leave. The state will help you & he can pay child support. Get you & your kids on Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, and daycare assistance-the state will charge him for those too. Then get a full time job & pull yourself up. You might have to live in a small apartment for awhile with the kids but it’s better than living in a toxic environment & feeling like crap all the time!


It’s difficult working around kids. I really do envy all the moms who have parents who watch their kids. My kids school schedule is Mon to Thu 7:15 to 2:35 not to mention all the breaks :upside_down_face: Idk how working mom’s do it. I’m going to have to pay someone to help me which is expensive! Babysitters here charge $15 an hour.

You’re not selfish at all. He should be helping with childcare expenses at the least.


Sounds like you’re doing the best you can while making sure the kids are taken care of. He doesn’t have that burden. Ask him to help you create a better schedule while making sure the girls are cared for.

Meanwhile save your money. You’ll need it when you’ve had too much of him & decide to move out.


Has he never heard that a man is supposed to take care of his family .He needs to get a second job and you stay home and take care of the kids and house.


Maybe you should start charging him for doing his laundry, cleaning his messes, food shopping, cooking , ext…. All while you still hold down another job outside the homestead!


He should Not be making you feel guilty over this situation…
Even if you both took Every Single Precaution to prevent a 2nd pregnancy, or this was a planned pregnancy…
He, or both of you, Did Not Plan on how it would affect you financially, career wise or child care solutions.
For the next however many years, this is how it’s going to be and
he needs to suck it up & get off your back, your doing the very best you can . Until both of you can come up with a better solution , him complaining , badgering & demeaning you will be the start of breaking down the relationship.
Consider things like financial planning, counseling, career strategies. There are many programs that churches and government programs that can assist both of you at no cost to help build a better relationship and future for your entire family

Why is he not paying the sitter or half? Same with bills…he should be paying half

Can you get a job at the school?

I’d tell him since he is home HE should watch the kids then instead of a sitter OR he can get a better paying job

remind him just how much m9ney your saving you both by not paying for child care. it is NOT cheap!


team work makes the dream work :unamused:

You’re watching the kids practically all while he’s working; then you work your second job outside the home. You are saving money- not having to pay for full time childcare. If you guys need more money, go through your bills and figure out how you can eliminate or cut down, so you will have more money. You’re already working two jobs. What more does he expect you to do?! Because you can’t!!

Some things are out of your control. Sit with him. Go over every expense. Even if it’s $10 save a little each week in the bank or makeshift bottle that can’t be opened. It’s a start
Thrift shops and sales for kids clothes and when possible any other needs. I boxed clothes that were useable for the second child . Not selfish, just overwhelmed. Where are his earnings going. Married or not, it’s a team effort.

Is he able to save money?
Tell him watch the kids so you can work

It sounds as if he has the ability to find a better paying job.
You are left to deal with the children which is much more difficult
Does he want to trade that duty?
When you have kids…nobody is going to be completely happy. It’s a compromise.

My husband was whining about him paying all the bills, mind you, I paid for our daughter’s school, food and electricity. And I work only 36/week. He makes ten times more than I do. I told him we can switch roles. Which is taking care of the house and everything. Taking care of our daughter, and take her to classes after school. So I can put in more hrs to pay the bills. He didn’t like it. And that was the last time I heard him whining. See men those see what we do to make sure our home will go smoothly. The cook and clean, laundry, taking care of the kids. All their focus on was money. And that’s selfish on their part. There are some good men who were raised well. And they appreciate their wife’s sacrifice for their family

Delivery drivers make okay money and you can bring your little one with you

He sounds like a douchebag :woman_shrugging:

Why the hell isn’t HE saving any money?? Tf?

Leave him and take him for child support, be a stay at home mom and you out yourself and those babies first! Men suck. They will always play the victim and woe is me bc they’re the man and carry alllllll the hard stuff :roll_eyes: as if. Seriously leave him, he don’t benefiting you he’s just dragging you down. You are the actual homemaker and you’re working and he can’t appreciate what you’re giving. Boy BYEEEE :v:t2:

Side note: work opposite shifts as him…save your money and dip.

So he’s a bad provider… That’s what I’m hearing

Don’t work at all then. No sitter. Let him work 3 jobs

Punk ass who has PERMINATELY lost the title of man…MEN don’t do this.

He’s a little b*tch. He wants a sugar mama and to be a kept man, apparently. Divest yourself of this dead weight. Being single and raising kids is actually easier than putting up with this soul sucking situation. He’s going to suck you dry. This isn’t a man. It’s a vampire, feeding on your energy and money and labor. He knows what he’s doing and he doesn’t care. He’ll discard you when you have nothing left to give.

We live in a world where it’s impossible for parents to have 2 full time incomes especially with multiple/different aged children;but at the same time in a world that requires it to financially survive! I told my husband this recently after losing a steady full time income, being moved to part time due to school times and cost of childcare, then to lose it all together due to having to call out too many times to care for my sick 3 month old and my 8year old who was in a car accident. I found a job right away that made more hourly but less than half the hours i was getting even part time at my previous job. My husband gets pissy about it constantly because no matter what we do at this point, we can barely keep our heads above water. I tell him damn near daily we can switch places. I’ll be happy to go to work full time while he handles all 4 kids full time, deals with appointments, and then works crappy hours at a fast food place with teenagers. But for some reason he always turns me down… I definitely don’t find you to be selfish by any means and fully 100% understand what you’re going through/dealing with daily!! But always remember, no matter what he says or the negativity you may feel, all the time you’re able to spend with them babies is what they’ll remember the most!!! I’m also more than willing to be someone you can befriend and message if you ever want/need to vent to!!

Ask him how much of daycare he wants to pay to an actual facility so you can go back to working full time. Cause Im sure he will shut up real quick once he realizes how expensive it is and how it’s better for you to continue what You’re doing.

Or look up a child support calculator and show him how much the base pay of it is. That’s not even including any added extras.

He is just a boyfriend though so I don’t see why you need to give him any money. If anything take your own money and put it into your own savings. I’m married and my husband and I don’t even share a savings account and ATM he works and I don’t (daycare expenses and my pregnancy) he never asks me to give him money even when I did work and I paid 1300 a month In daycare fees. I only had to pay for any bills I acquired that were mine, and mine alone.

Well he’s not asking much is he ? What a jerk

Is this shit real?? Are women really this fucking stupid??