Am I wrong to feel the way I do?

It’s a horrible tragedy when you lose someone you loved like that. Especially when it could have been prevented. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you. And I totally get how angry that would make you toward a person who may have given him the drugs that took his life. It’s definitely your choice to cut someone off. You do need to realize too, that nobody can force anyone to do drugs. It’s completely by choice! He decided to do the drugs and it ultimately cost him his life. Nobody really knows what goes on behind closed doors. People can hide things sometimes. He may have been using and found a way to keep it hidden. Either way I’m sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can find peace.


I get that your mad at the brother.
Just like you would be pissed at the actual dealer that sold it to them.
I think your mad because the brother didn’t stop him from doing it.
Your also very mad at your brother for making a stupid decision that ultimately cost him his life. Your mad that he left you when he should have been sticking around a heck of alot longer. Your mad for your nieces and nephews because they are never going to be the same.
All because of 1 stupid decision he made.
It’s ok to be mad. Because it’s not far.
The sister doesnt know what you are going through it wasnt her brother.
Yes she is his wife or girlfriend but thats not the same thing as a sibling. Don’t expect anyone to understand how you feel.
We all grieve differently and that’s okay.
He may not show it but he has to live with what he did for the rest of his life. No matter how wsll he may hide it.
I promise you it will eat at him everyday.
Not a day will pass that he won’t wish
That he could go back & do it over.
(I lost my mom 4/13/13. Just 6 days shy
of her 53rd birthday all because of her prescribed fentanyl patches).
Im so sorrry for your loss.
If you ever wanna talk you can message me day or night. I havent lost a sibling but Im 34 years old and Ive buried my mom, my dad, and my son all within 2 years of each other. I’m here for you and I will be praying for you.

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I have a very similar experience. Without getting into it - your brother chose to get high. Do outside forces contribute to whether or not someone relapses? Definitely… But ultimately, it was his choice. He made his choice. You all are suffering the consequences. If this little brother has no remorse, yea I’d write him off. I’d wish thick, uncomfortable seams in his socks for eternity. But, if he’s wanting true forgiveness, I’d consider that as well. It’s very draining to hold onto hate when you’re mourning. Even when the mourning is less, and the better memories are more plentiful… It can be hard. I understand it may feel better that you have someone to blame, but it’s not. :heart:

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Death of a loved one is a horrible thing to go through.
Sadly your brother made the choice to get high it was not a one way street :frowning:

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My condolences

you have every right to be upset

She will stand by his side looks like no matter what

My sympathies to you and your family. I have to agree with many of those commenting. You posted this because you wanted feedback. You may not like it but you obviously needed someone else’s opinion. Your brother may or may not have relapsed prior to this. You will never really know. You want to believe he had been sober up until that time and he may well have been. But as we all know because it’s on the news and in newspapers, word of mouth, etc. that the drugs today are all laced with fentanyl and that the chances of overdosing are higher than ever. As an adult your brother chose to ignore those facts because addiction is always lurking there in the background whether someone is sober for 10 days, 10 months or 10 years. We don’t know why people relapse after such a long time but we do know that drugs today are even more deadly than ever. My nephew relapsed and passed away the same way…fentanyl laced. The urge to have that wonderful feeling they say they get is stronger than their will to stay sober. It’s the reason they say once an addict, always an addict. That being said, I probably would want nothing to do with the guy who got the bag but your brother made the choice to use. It is sad and my heart goes out to you and his family.

Try to forgive it will eat you up .your brother took it no one forced him too you cant blame the other person he was stupid not too tell you truth maybe he was just trying protect the family from getting hurt finding out the truth how he really died from drugs .he was stupid .if you do forgive him doesn’t mean to say you have to be friends with is too short to keep hating xits choice and only u can decide

Fighting addiction is a everyday struggle no matter how long you are clean. Every one has their own personal struggles. I really empathize with you and how you feel. The truth is your brother chose to smoke that stupid day and paid the ultimate price. My sincerest condolences on your loss, MHDSRIP… What I am trying to say is loss and grief is difficult and every day, please do not burden your soul with hatred and resentment. I doubt your brother would want that for you and you should not do that to your soul. Please forgive and move on with your life. Honor your brother by being the best you can be, not this that you are doing now… Choose you and your life and honor your brother

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15548 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

So sorry to hear about ur brother ! N only once in my life have I done this W / out being told W / was in it ! N Very seldom do I smoke weed any more ’ as it helps W / pain im in 24 / 7 N feel Dumb as A box A Rock’s for about 4 Hrs. !

A) her brother didn’t force your brother to do anything
B) you can’t claim your brother was clean until that day when you didn’t even know he died from drugs, he could’ve been tweaking for years without you knowing


Seek counseling ALL addicts slip at one time or another unfortunately even a small amount can be fatal. It was your brothers choice to use. This person has to live knowing someone died. Support him in getting clean.


Therapy. Al-anon meetings (for families of alcohol and other addicts). There are so many virtual Al-anon meetings these days that you can probably find one that starts within 2 hours.

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As an addict myself, please stop blaming people for his choices. Be mad at the sil brother for putting that crap into his body sure, but to blame him for another addicts choices is insane. Your brother made the choices himself. Its really sad and im very sorry for your loss. But avoiding accountability helps no one.


My brother died of an overdose. When the paramedics got there they asked his wife what he took so they could try to counteract it…her and my cousin told them he had not taken anything…he died from heroin overdose. 2 weeks after we buried him his wife left his 4 kids with my sister and moved 800 miles away with my brothers childhood friend. It’s been 10 years and I still can’t make any sense of it. All of his kids are grown now and it’s hard watching them have a relationship with their mother but I support them not her.

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I would probably have an issue with the brother because he sounds kind of untrustworthy. He has 6 kids and he’s doing meth. And he’s trying to do meth with family members. I mean that’s really not cool.

I’m so sorry for your loss. And in that way. Somehow an overdose death hurts families even more than a death by natural causes. As much as it sucks, you can’t blame anyone but the deceased. His brother in law did not kill him, he did it himself.

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I think you need to get into therapy with a counselor specializing in addiction so you can work through your feelings. And also realize that this was your brothers choice. He had a weak moment in his addiction and unfortunately it led to his loss. I’m sorry for that deep hurt you are feeling. Your sil is grieving too. She lost her partner, her kids father and all over a choice he made. I’d give her some grace as she struggles to right her family ship, she’s gotta support her children who all want daddy and maybe don’t fully understand he can’t come back, and they all have to learn a new life without him. You don’t actually know what’s happening between her and her brother right now bc it isnt your business. She may be so angry at him but also scared to lose him to the same drugs that killed her husband. Her kids may find comfort in the uncles presence.

No one can force you to be buddy buddy with this dude. Your world is also a mess but in a different way. You will both grieve and have different feelings about this loss. Your paths are different.


Seems like everything is laced or jus was made with fetenayl now days. If you have been sober for awhile, or havent ever done drugs…this is an awful time to pick it back up or start. This is how so many ppl are over dosing nowadays. Its awful :pensive: the fetenayl is so bad, they have little blue pills that are purposely pressed/made with it…and ppl are knowingly buying them. And are addicted to fetenayl…smh. Im so so sorry for your loss :pensive: but i will have to say…it is nobody elses fault but his own, unfortunately. He may have been encouraged etc BUT nobody forced or made him do the drugs. It was still his own choice :confused: i kno its hard not to place the blame on somebody else…but like i mentioned, he was the one who wanted to do the drugs that he ODed on… I would proly be feeling the same way you are tho…esp after he lied about not knowing or having anything to do with what happened. He Should have been honest from the start…and maybe things would be different with you guys. I hope you find closure/peace. I believe everything happens for a reason :heartpulse: keep your head up and stay strong :heartpulse:

Sorry about your loss. You have a right to be upset about the situation as a whole, but the hard truth is that no one forced your brother to make the choice he did.


I understand your anger and frustration and it’s easier to point fingers when your hurting but truly it’s not the brothers fault. It doesn’t mean he was right for doing drugs but that’s his own choice. He probably freaked out and didn’t want to be accused or get crap for it so he didn’t speak up at the time. Maybe he already felt some sort of guilt or anger himself. Therapy May be helpful in this situation. So sorry about your brother.


They said he died from a heart attack. Did they do an autopsy on him then? For confirmation?

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I couldn’t forgive the lying. When people do that they are protecting themselves and hurting others. He should have come forward right away. It’s just not caring. I am so sorry for your loss.

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The brother admitted to buying the bag. He admitted to using with him. He didn’t have too I guess.

You say he was clean but the reality is he probably wasn’t so it’s not really fair to blame the whole thing on the brother in law when it probably wasn’t all his fault your brother could have said no but didn’t sorry for your loss


If her brother got the drugs and can be proven they can go after him for murder so talk to a cop on that. Other than that cut ties with them unless u want to keep it civil so you can see the kids. However he was q big boy and choose to do drugs. How do u really know he wasn’t doing it behind everyone’s back. The blame is on both parties. Unfortunately your brother didn’t make a wise decision himself.

BABY the DEVIL is at work I mean overtime non-stop work 4 Souls I am so sorry but you were going through this but please do not blame yourself for what has happened someday you will know someday you will find the truth but no matter what anybody does only God hold the truth don’t judge forgive as hard as it can be forgiveness is for yourself not for others do not let anyone tell you otherwise forgiveness as for yourself so you can move on and one day maybe not you may find out why but that’s one question we never dare to ask why we can’t do that our minds don’t comprehend that just pray and ask God for peace over how you’re feeling and I pray that God hold you and your family what’s comfort peace and healing

Addiction is powerful in many ways! Most that cant understand it never been there. And it doesn’t have to be drugs! It can be so many other things! Shopping! Cell phones! Eating! Sexual! Feeling need of belonging! People pleasing! Portray one life and lives opposite! So many aspects! Casting opinions and judging is ultimately a back slide to it all.

Those are normal feelings to have! You need time to process it and yes you can cut him/her off but what abt the kids??

But also keep in mind your brother made the choice to take the drug no one forced him!

We want to blame others when someone dies, but your brother is the only one that made that choice

You can’t blame it all on the brother. The recovery addict. Has a choice. It’s a life long battle.

Upset over the lie yes.

Like he meant to kill your brother… Honestly, have a little compassion for the guy, sure he feels responsible enough as it is without you on his case too…


Whatever you decide, just know that forgiveness isn’t for them, it’s for you.

Chances are the brother has more hard feelings toward himself than you or anyone else could ever have toward him for this . Lying was wrong, and you have every right to be upset because of it. But his initial reaction is most likely something else he’s not very proud of. I say that mostly because he DID come forward and tell the truth & I can imagine that would be HARD! We always want someone to blame when something hurts that bad. He’s guilty of getting high with him, but his death is not his fault. It was ultimately your brothers choice and like so many others that have lost their lives that way recently, the addiction won :pensive: I’m so, so sorry for your loss!! Sending up prayers for you and all of his loved ones!


It is not that dudes fault that he did drugs and it’s not his fault he passed away. I think he was trusting you with something that was probably eating away at him thinking he could trust you and you went and now you’re blaming him for the death of your brother.

You are valid in your hurt and your feelings but the truth is, you don’t know if your brother was using before or not. The wife’s brother came forward and you can dislike him but you cannot blame him. Your brother unfortunately made that choice and he paid the ultimate price. What’s done cannot be taken back. You can cut ties but know that if your brother has kids, they are the ones that will suffer. Now, not only will they have lost their father, but their fathers family too. I’m so sorry for your great loss.


For lieing about it
To me it’s the 1st sign of Guilt
Sorry about your Bro
But an Addict will never tell the truth.

Fentanyl is Deadly taken so many lives.

Your brother was old enough to make his own choices. He made a poor choice, and paid with his life.

You’re angry, and I don’t blame you for being angry. You’ve lost your brother, and feel you’re sister in law’s brother played a part in helping your brother to make this bad decision … and I’m sure what infuriates you the most is that he withheld that information.

The only thing I can share with you in your time of sorrow is this: forgiveness is not for the one who has wronged you, but for your own peace of heart and mind.

You can’t change what has happened. All you can do is continue to love your brother, and honor his memory.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you & your family.


I’m sorry for your loss. Just keep in mind your brother chose to do it.


Sorry for your loss hun . :pensive: I would have to cut :scissors: them off lie is big thing . That some think you should not lie about I am so sorry hun :pensive:

I doubt your brother was sober as long as you claim his wife probably knew everything unfortunately

My mom died from meth overdose, and if I found out anyone close to us had something to do with it I would cut them out too. As it is I don’t talk to her fiance or best friend for using her. I think you’re 100% within your bounds. Fuck brother in law to the moon.

First of all, I want to say sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine. Most likely, the brother in law you’re speaking of is probably beating himself up over what happened. Addicts (for the most part) are very emotional and may use even more to combat the pain he is feeling over what happened. He didn’t mean for your brother to die, trust me on that. The pain you feel is not going to go away if he admits he used with him or if he “pays” for your brother’s death. If you love your sister in law and brother in law, offer to find him help so it doesn’t happen to him too because he’s living in that pain and guilt more than anyone right now. Offer your support and love like you would have if you’d had a chance to help with your brother. Act like your brother is watching. :heart::heart::heart:

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14496 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I feel your pain. Happened to my Grandson
He was young !! Something you never get over :weary::weary:

Your anger is misdirected. Your brother was an adult responsible for himself. Blaming others won’t change who was responsible

I’m so so sorry for your brothers passing but a drug addiction is a very hard battle to over come so maybe try and encourage him to stop before its to late like it was for your brother

That fentanyl now a days is deadly and is mean to kick they are putting it in everything to get people addicted to all kinds of drugs even pharmaceuticals

Sorry but you’re blaming the WRONG person!! Your grief has you blind