Am I wrong to feel the way I do?

Please post anonymous… My brother passed away from what was found to be a drug over dose. At first we were told it was a heart attack. His wife’s brother acted lik he knew nothing…it’s been 4 months now and now he’s came out that he got high with him that week and scored the sack that day. He came back and lied to my whole family that he knew nothing. I’m so upset. I want nothing to do with him. My sister in law backs her brother because that’s her baby brother… They were married 16 years and have 6 kids. Honestly to me I’m very stubborn and will cut people off… I don’t understand how she’s ok with him. And acts like we need to be ok with him too. My brother hadn’t gotten high in 10 years till the week before he died. He got some fentanyl laced meth. I can’t talk to anyone about this and I’m freaking out inside…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong to feel the way I do?

You are not wrong. Id be livid even if it wasn’t someone i know! It makes it worse that you know him. I would cut him off

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First of all I am very sorry for you and your families loss. He probably said he didn’t know because he felt responsible for his death and then chose to be honest because it’s the right thing to do. At the end of the day your brother chose to get high it wasn’t forced and because of his choice it cost him his life. I think that should only lie on your brother.


In many cases he can be prosecuted- probably why he said he didn’t know anything.

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I prob couldnt accept it/him either. No judgement here. You cant help what you feel and is a very valid reason to feel that way. So sorry for your loss

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I’d start making remarks to where HE DIDNT WANT TO BE AROUND YOU. Last time I was around a druggie I didn’t like I made remarks like “this is what drugs do to you, this is why you don’t do meth, meth heads always do sh!t like this, etc. I’d bring up his drug use every time you see him. Make him the one upset and p!ssed off one.

In many States he could be prosecuted since he’s the one that got the drugs.


For her to forgive him will be easier than you to forgive him. I’m an addict, you can’t blame the brother for your brother getting high. We all know the risks every single time we go out because the truth is we never know what we’re getting high on. I’m so very sorry for your loss and I pray you can find forgiveness so you don’t carry that weight. The brother didn’t get a laced bag on purpose. I’m sure his weight is heavy as well. There is nothing good about addiction but placing blame will not help you heal, forgiveness will. :pray:


I wouldnt be happy, that’s for sure but no one shoved it down your brothers throat, He chose to use again.


Your brother chose to do it no one had a gun to his head


As an addict in recovery, I will say you are not wrong. Sounds like she is enabling her brother. Most people don’t just use once, its habitual. He’s probably still using and he could be the reason your brother picked up the habit again.I could also be completely wrong, trust your gut.

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Sorry for the loss, but if he had 6 kids and was using meth, it would be hard to forgive that in it self. Take care of the kids if you want to honor your brother, because he sure didnt


You should talk to anyone and everyone who will listen about this subject. It may save someone else’s life. I don’t mean this to be rude and I am sorry for your loss, but your brother was a grown man, with children to think of. No one forced him.

As far as your sister in law and her brother. :clap:t2::clap:t2: cut off! Your SIL had to have known that her brother uses and she had to have known that her husband was in recovery. If she cared, she would have made sure that her husband wasn’t exposed to situations or people that would encourage a relapse. You don’t owe them an explanation or anything! Just cut contact. Unless they’re both stupid, they will know why!

Sorry for your loss but tbh unless you can prove he held a gun against his head, ultimately it was your brothers choice to use. If the brother in law had died would you have turned against your brother? You are hurting but drugs is a choice and although his bro in law may have been irresponsible being part of it, its not his fault.


Offcourse id be upset however, it was your brother’s choice to relapse did he relapse knowing it was laced I would disagree to that yes. It’s my understanding in a court of law the drug dealer can be charged when these types of deaths occur.


Because shes using also and hiding it more than likely


Id be disgusted too. Your brother chose to use,but your bil offered the temptation.

I hope the cops know where he got those drugs from because he should be liable

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I’m sorry for your lost​:pray::heart: don’t let people make you feel bad because of a decision (I myself would of done to) you made. It’s not for a petty reason why you want to cut him off. It sounds like he needs to go get some help. Did he ever say why he gave someone whose 10 years sober meth?!

I’m so sorry for your loss. If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t hesitate to cut him off and never speak to him again. What he did is horrifying and to think he acted like he didn’t do anything. Had it been a gun he’d be arrested and convicted.

Firstly I am truly so sorry tou are going through this.
My husband is a recovered meth adict. If I were in the same situation as you. I would put sole responsibility on the person who overdosed. Addicts stick together and I believe it is a disease . Do you have to forgive the other guy? No. But should you continually bring it up or start a rift? Also no. Your brother was an adict and human and made a mistake . Hopefully it wasn’t in vain and the more any of us speak about addiction and not make it taboo or hide it the more people can get help.


Time can help heal but you are not obligated to feel how they feel. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my sister when I was 7. Give yourself time, and don’t be afraid to express how you really feel. You can always talk to us! Coming from a clinical psychologist.

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Call the cops. If he supplied it, he’s responsible…family or not…remove the toxins from your life for your mental and physical health…


I have buried 3 nephews this year to drugs, I will likely bury a brother and 2 niece’s to it this year. I wait for the call daily…but what I CAN’T do is blame anyone other than themselves. I don’t care who bought it, who got it, or how it was obtained. Nobody forces them to use. It is a choice that each one of them makes to use.


Cut and toss scissors away

An adult made a choice that led to his death. Don’t blame others.


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17320 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Prayers for you… sorry for your loss :pensive: :cry:

I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling is such a tremendous loss. It’s natural to want to place blame elsewhere but honestly your brother was a full grown adult that made a choice. My brother did the same thing and it was so hard for me to let go of the idea that his wife LET him OD.


You are wrong . No ones to blame except your brother . I deal with a daughter who has same issues , when she choices to use i blame no one except her . So ya i do know feelings much to well .

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You are definitely NOT wrong.

He made the choice. not some one else.

I don’t blame you for feeling like you do. I’m the same way myself, and. Given that bil is a druggie, I’d cut him off for that fact alone ~ ain’t dealing with that in my life, period.

Lots of others have said what is true ~ your bro was a user, and when you use, especially these days, you’re accepting/inviting this possible risk, and unfortunately he got ahold of the worst case scenario and paid for it with his life. I’m so sorry it happened to you, and you have every right to not want anything to do with BIL, but ~ don’t let it cause a rift, either. You said your bro had 6 kids ~ don’t let it come between you and them (through wifey, who some have pointed out may also be using too, and her brother) ~ because those kiddos need you now more than ever.


Either one of them consenting adults could have overdosed and died. You are upset because it’s your brother. That doesn’t make it the other guys fault. Grieve how you need to, but don’t blame others.

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14310 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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1st I want to say I’m so sorry for your loss
My step brother over dosed and grieving we all like to point fingers

But to be perfectly honest
Your brother was a grown man and knew
The risk before he did what he did

I’m so sorry for your loss but he was an adult. He made the choice. You can hand some one a gun but that doesn’t make them shoot someone. It’s a conscious decision, disease or no disease. And if he hid his drug use from everyone for a week, who’s to say that he hasn’t been hiding it for alot longer.


Everyone needs someone to blame its a natural way of coping but I’m a recovering addict and your brother make the decision to get high… he would haven’t gotten high with or with out her brother… im so sorry you are going thru this.


I understand you’re upset… Both my parents are addicts and have died due to their addiction… You can be mad at everyone under the sun but at the end of the day just because someone offers you something doesn’t mean you have to take it. Her brother is very clearly an addict also so his thought process is screwed up too… The other person has to be able to say no. Noone forced him to get high. He chose to… I know it freaking sucks but it’s the truth. I understand why your anger lies where it does but from my heart and experience it’s not worth holding onto that grudge. I’m not saying be friends with him or accept it but you have to decide if your brothers memory or relationship with your nieces/nephews is worth being tarnished by that one thing… He’s gone. It’s done. There’s nothing that can change it. Hugs🥺


Your brother was a grown adult who could make his own decisions and chose to get high. It’s unfortunate what happened, but he had to reap the consequences of his actions.

You can do or say whatever you want, but in the end your brother could have said no. You think he didn’t get high. Do you know for certain? One doesn’t go 10 years then just collapse at a whim.


It is absolutely nobody’s fault but your brothers. God rest his soul. As a recovering addict, everything I did, I did it to myself. Just like your brother. He chose to relapse. He chose to have her brother get it for him. If her brother didn’t get it, your brother most definitely would have gotten it from somewhere else. If you want to blame someone. Blame the dealer who purposely put fentanyl into the meth. Nowadays, addicts in and out of recovery know it’s not safe to use any drug anymore. Everything is cut with fentanyl. Your brother made his own decision. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss♥️


You can’t help your feelings. I can see both your point of view and your sister-in-laws. I personally think I would feel like you do. But then again, you’re talking about her cutting her brother out. Would you feel any differently if the brother had told y’all up front? Even if he’s the one who bought it, it was your brothers choice to do it. The fact that the wife is ok with it makes me wonder if she does drugs too. I would probably cut my brother out of my life if he provided the bad drugs to my husband of 16 yrs & left me with 6 kids to finish raising on my own.


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17680 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I’m sorry but as a recovering addict it is nobody fault when I use other than myself!!! It doesn’t matter who gets it for me. I make the choice to do it… I know it’s tough & you want someone to blame. But you are blaming the wrong person…


Your brother chose to use. Your brother is responsible for his death. Placing blame helps no one.


This is all part of the grieving process it’s totally natural to put blame on someone and to be so angry it is truly no one’s fault but your brothers he was an addict 10 yrs is awsome and definitely something to brag about that took a lot of hard work but sometime there is a trigger that hits and so does the relapse I am so sorry you are dealing with this many people will tell you time will help but the truth is its the was you learn to live with this void I am going to pray for you and your family and also him family bc this tragedy affected his other side as well


You are not wrong wanting to be mad at someone else and to blame anyone and anything. But that is not going to bring him back and it is only going to give you more anxiety. It breaks my heart to say it like this to you but it was your brothers own choice to put that in his body. Grown man makes decisions for himself.


I’m so sorry for your loss :broken_heart: honestly, I wouldn’t blame you for distancing yourself from him until you’re ready to forgive. You can’t force it, and you shouldn’t feel forced to interact with him right now. Your brother made a choice, but your BIL made a choice too.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

So this is a gray area for me in the moral aspect. Yes your brother in law got the drugs, and wasn’t upfront about it, However, your brother used it willingly (at lest from the wording of your post). He was a fully grown adult, who made that choice for himself. And we both know that if it wasn’t your in-law that got them, it would have been someone else or he would have gotten it himself.

Dose it suck? Absolutely.

I get what you’re saying and you have a right to feel every emotion. It’s the fact that he lied instead of just telling the truth with something so serious.


So your brother a grown adult who made choice passed away and you expect everyone else to be upset with the person who got the drugs? Your brother could have said no and walked away.


I’d be upset too and you don’t have to associate with someone who does drugs. I lost a classmate to an overdose (there’s a lot of people in my rural area who have died of OD, so I casually know a LOT of people who did drugs - you just never know sometimes!) and the girl who sold it to him was charged. So there’s possibly criminal elements here too. I don’t blame you for feeling that way.


l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16980 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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As a recovering addict myself the one thing people have to know is we make the choice to get high and relapse. It isn’t anyone else’s fault. Yes I know it’s a disease yes I know it’s classified in the DSM5 but the first use is our choice. I suggest looking into AlAnon just to work through some of the emotions you’re going through. There is anger and resentment on your end and guilt and shame on the brother in laws end. It’s tragic and devastating absolutely, just know that no amount of anger will change what happened. We are all aware that fent is in every single thing now so it’s the risk of Russian roulette when we go back out. Take some time and process what happened and when the time comes express your feelings to him in a controlled environment and with grace.


I’m sorry about your brother. But you also need to realize that he was a big boy & made his own choices. Unfortunately that’s the chance you take when you’re dealing with hard drugs. Blaming someone else isn’t going to take your pain away, but it’s also going to be part of your grieving process so do what you need to do. I’m so sorry for your loss


You cant blame him… your brother was a grown adult who made his own choices

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Yes… I’m sorry for your loss.
Your brother was the one who made a decision to use again.
He could have said no or what not but didn’t. He made the choice to use again.
Don’t you think that his wife’s brother is feeling bad enough without you telling him that he is the reason your brother is dead.
No cooll!


Sigh… Fentanyl… They are literally cutting every drug with Fentanyl these days… Clean for 10 years… I have seen sooooo many of these… Buried too many… But, he made a choice knowing he was still an addict - recovering but - still an addict. Your sil has a brother who is an addict. What is your rage or cutting him off gonna accomplish? He is still gonna be in active addiction - and her husband - your brother - is still a recovering addict - who passed.
It is always easy to blame the surviving addict - not fair - but easiest…


Understand you are hurt and angry but Ultimately it was your brother’s decision to use. No one else is at fault.


To place the blame on your brothers wives brother is not right and you can stay away from him that is your choice but the blame is to be placed on China who is sending fentanyl here.


You are you you hang with……


They have 6 kids but do drugs? get cps involved

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ummm you need to contact the polkce and have him charged!
he “scored the sack that day” which means he had 100% apart of the death
come on


As someone who recently lost their oldest daughter, the need to blame someone is often part of the anger of grief… I’ve been there… with time you will realize that it was not anyone’s fault… it was truly a tragic moment that takes away a life.


Girl, he chose to get high. That was his choice. After being clean for 10 years, he knew what he was doing. You can not blame the brother for him making the choice to do it.
You can however be upset that he kept it a secret from everyone. But, he’s a junkie too. They don’t make rational decisions. Your best bet, come to terms with the fact that he made the choice to get high. Cut out the brother bc he’s not someone you want in your life. And if the wife if defending the brother for keeping the secret that led to his death, cut her out too.
I’m the same way. I have no problems cutting people out. But make sure you know the real reason first…
I’m sorry for your loss. Drugs are a hell of a thing :black_heart:


I’ve read the post a few times, and it doesn’t appear she is blaming the brother-in-law for the drugs. But more so the fact he wasn’t honest about it and hid the information for 4 months instead of just coming clean with the information. With his response being, "he scored a bag. " I’d be upset too. Yes her brother had a choice and unfortunately that choice caused him to OD… but the BIL could have said the cause instead of keeping it to himself for 4 months.


Cut him off. He knew he was guilty and he lied to save his own rear. It’s not 100% his fault, but he definitely is a big part of the reason those children list their daddy.

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l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16980 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Your feelings are a normal reaction to all that but so are your brother’s wifes and his brothers. No one meant anything bad and your brothers wife and his brother must feel like shit too… Things happen and it wasn’t meant to go the way it did but no one can change it anymore…
I’m so sorry for your loss. Time will help you get better and heal a bit. Much love and strength. :broken_heart::heart:

My baby daddy died almost a year ago from a fentanyl laced meth overdose. I’ve known he’s played around with meth here and there over the years and it had never been a problem, but with undiagnosed cardiovascular disease and the combination of the drugs, it was too much for his heart to handle. I feel for you. I am both sad for my son and pissed the f*ck off at my ex for leaving him like he did. He walked out on our baby years ago and left me to raise him on my own. All I can say is that I completely understand how you feel and that I don’t blame you for having lost all respect for the in laws….I lost all respect for my ex when I got the medical examiner’s report and had to tell my son what happened. Sending hugs your way.

Serious fuck fentanyl! I lost my daughters dad to it a year ago! I live in Texas and now fentanyl is considered poison so if someone overdoses on it the dealer who they got it from can be charged with homicide! I hope your SIL brother told the police where he got the sack so the dealer can rot in jail and not contribute to killing anyone else!

He got what he deserved and before anybody says it’s a disease or an illness it’s not it’s the choice you made same with gambling drinking or solvent abuse YOU CHOSE TO DO IT NOBODY ELSE


I would be mad about the lying part but it was your brother who chose to do what he did. You have a right to be angry over what happened and since you can’t be angry at the person who deserves it most you are going to try and lash out against anyone who could be the least bit responsible. Take a break from them both if you need to, recognize that you are very vulnerable and volatile right now and act accordingly. You could let police know where the drugs came from and that bit if it makes you feel better because SIL’s brother definitely broke the law there but without proof they most likely won’t pursue it. Whatever you choose try and be there and be unbiased for your nieces/nephews. They need all the extra support they can get right now.


Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of my brother dying from an overdose. He was sober for 7 years. I spent a lot of time angry at the friend who help him score. Ironically that same friend died less than two days later from the same batch. But ultimately I had to realize that my brother made his own choices. And he paid for them unfortunately. And we pay for them unfortunately.


He was a grown man and chose to get high. No one ever forced me to do drugs. I did them on my own. I also got and stayed clean on my own. This is an awful loss but there’s kids involved so if you are willing to walk away from them too then that’s sad :disappointed: BIL lied so that’s the part that isn’t cool.


You do you, feel the feelings you want. I would feel the sameway. You’re feelings are valid. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel about the whole situation.

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Never had anyone personally pass this way but someone I used to date years ago has a huge ISSUE with doing drugs. I went to “his friends house” and begged him not to sell him anything anymore and to not give it to him. He had a response I couldn’t say anything back to… he said “Jennifer, it doesn’t matter if I get it for him or if someone else gets it for him. He’s going to get it however he sees fit and he’s going to do it regardless of how you feel and aside from this conversation.” & you know what he was right. Then I left him shortly after. Bc he was risking his life everyday! He was putting us at risk too for being involved with the people he was involved with. I decided it wasn’t up to me. It was up to him and guess what? He is still an addict. This happened in 2015. I’m sorry your BIL lied to you but he did eventually come clean. He could’ve kept it to himself all this time. Sure he definitely should’ve said something sooner but that’s not what happened.
I’m so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.

Drugs are demonic. It makes people the opposite of who they are.


Blame isn’t going to fix anything though. Her brother is obviously affected by Substance Use Disorder as well and cutting him off and punishing him for something I’m certain he already feels terrible about would only further isolate him and push him down the rabbit hole. Addiction is a very complicated and messy disease. But you cannot help anyone who is no longer here! For myself, I turned all my pain and loss from Addiction, both my own and all the loved ones I’ve lost to this disease, into my motivation to get involved and help who I can💕 And I can tell you rn that it has brought a lot more positive to my life than being angry and not processing my stuff had ever done for me, and in fact it was HURTING AND HINDERING MY LIFE. I’m so sorry for your loss. Try to make sure your brothers death was not in vain though. Find a way to make what is always going to be a tragedy to you a positive to as many others as you can💗


It’s her brother she doesn’t HAVE to cut him off (Just like I’m sure you wouldn’t yours). But he is NOT related to you & if you don’t want him in your life, then don’t allow him.


I’m sorry for your loss but there is a good chance he was doing drugs before this last time … I can see why your angry but he wasn’t forced was he ?


Unless you have ever done drugs or know what it’s like it’s hard to judge.
He has to lay his head down at night and think about that. He has to live with that guilt.
I know your hurting you lost your brother.
You can feel anyway you want to feel. What you can’t do is expect anyone else to feel just like you do. We all have our own ways of dealing with things.
(Cut him off do whatever you need to do to feel better. ) don’t lay those expectations on anyone else.

Sadly fentanyl/meth/coke/pills are largely laced out there right now. Its all over the news and in the streets. I havent done meth in 9 years and I know if I go back out there right now. It could be my last time. Would I blame my friend for getting me high? My brother in law for that matter. No absolutely not. Yes it’s a shitty situation. I feel terrible for you and everyone involved. The children especially. BUT

Every addict knows if the use again it could be their last. Especially in times like these.

I’ve loves 5 friends this year to the same thing. I haven’t blamed anyone. Not them not the dealer. It’s gods plan. Not ours.
I am so sorry for your loss.

Unfortunately, as easy as it is to be mad at the person providing it, your brother made the choice to use. He put himself in the situation for this kind of thing to happen. I’ve gone through something very similar. You’re grieving, feel all those emotions. But no one could have prevented this except your brother. It is unfair to have the expectation of your sis in law to just drop her brother, although I can understand why you feel that way. Maybe try Al-Anon when you’re ready. It will help you understand in so many depths and get through this hard time.


First off im very sorry for your loss. I understand its hard to accept that someone wlse scored the bag and got high with him, but you have to know that your brother was a grown man and made the choice for himself to relapse. Even if someone else was getting high around him, he had the choice. Unfortunately drugs are so dangerous these days with being laced, im sure he didnt expect it to be his last time. My mom overdosed on herion the size of a grain of rice after getting high for yearrsss. You have no obligation to keep a relationship with that man. Youre feelings are valid. He should not have lied to your family i agree, but ultimately your brother was the only one responsible for his action


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15810 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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You have every right to be upset that he lied about getting high with your brother; but he didn’t kill your brother, the drugs your brother decided to take are what killed him. When people are high they do things that no one else but them in the moment understand, whether its theft, lies, deceit, it’s endless. You need to time to grieve and process your brother’s choices. I am sorry you lost your brother to drugs. It’s a rough road. I’ve lost a lot of friends to the same thing and you want so badly to be angry at the people that they chose to get high with, but in the end, you realize that they ultimately made the choice to chase that high and it was no one else’s fault but his. It’s going to be a rough ride tater tot. Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to that’s been through it more times than you can count.


You can’t put the blame on someone else it was your brothers choise as harsh as that may sound and your just looking for someone to blame and that’s what your doing but all your doing is making your self angry and upset so it’s goimg to effect you if you don’t drop it mayve he lied as he knew you would get like this mayve he thiuggt he was doimg the right thing we all make wrong chooses sometimes we’re all human mayve sit and talk to him else this will just eat you up find out why he didn’t tell you ect that way you can try and move forward after


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family will heal. Hugs :hugs: :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

As a recovering addict unfortunately those were his choices and can NOT be blamed on someone else. I know grief is very hard and blaming someone is easy! Sending love at such a difficult time!

Your brother, unfortunately, made the decision to use again. Chances are, he relapsed before this incident that ultimately took his life. Don’t try to place the blame on anyone else. You absolutely do not have to have anything to do with her brother. I don’t blame you one bit for being upset. If the tables were turned, would you turn your back on your brother? Its also highly possible that the wife knows when he truly relapsed. And tried to keep it to herself so as not to hurt his family. I’ve lost a brother (brain bleed, nothing to do with overdose) and completely understand where you are coming from. Hang in there, and make sure to take care of yourself.


You can’t blame someone else for your brother doing drugs. They didn’t force the drugs on him. You might think he hasn’t done drugs in 10 yrs but I can almost guarantee he was using and none of you knew. If someone wants to use drugs they will and there’s nothing you or anyone can do to stop them. You don’t understand addiction.


I think you’re right to be upset. You can forgive for your peace and that doesn’t mean having a relationship with those involved. You can create your boundaries and cut them off for this.

I wouldn’t be associated with him either. But I’d be just as pissed that my brother decided to use it. I’m different though, I don’t have much sympathy for people who use.

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If you want to cut that man out of your life that’s your choice to do so. You dont have to explain anything. You cannot push your beliefs on to others and force them to follow you. Dont expect others to cut him off as you do. Grief is hard and you never get over it. You just learn to function with the pain. Your brother made his own choices that night. I respect that you need you need to distance yourself from people to heal because your so raw emotionally.

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I don’t think your brother was clean for ten years !


Yes you can be mad he lied but he didn’t force him to take the drugs. Your brother unfortunately made that choice, can’t blame other people for it.


My heart hurts for you.
The truth (or some of it) does usually come out.
I understand how you feel….
I wouldn’t be able took them in the eye.

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14825 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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You do not know how long he has been using and rt now she is dealing with a double edge sword her husband and brother trust me there is anger with both if them . it will come out put with 6 kids they are first

Wouldn’t he be an accomplice to murder if he got the drugs? Do the cops know?