I was so sick with my girls, had to take zofran
Get balance or sea sickness bands from Walmart they saved my life I didn’t take them off till I had our son.
Apple juice, I use to water it down. Doesn’t help everyone but it moved mountains for me
You are probably hoing tp get alot of suggestions and maybe one will work for you… but if your like me your just going to be sick no matter what you try. I had 4 so i have tried a lot of things. I was wicket sick all 4 times. Just how it goes for some of us
My OB did not want to give me anything my 4th pregnancy. Told them I am so much sicker this time. Went back a month later having lost 20 pounds. They asked how many times I am getting sick. Told them 8 to 10 times at least. Wake up in the middle of the night to be sick. They put me on zofran. Loved those little magic pills!!!
Diclegis was a lifesaver for me with my daughter I had it really bad, not even Sprite or crackers or anything else helped. You have to go through your dr for it tho
Ashley Riches has had it bad for 6 months!! Hospitalized 3 times.
Junior mints helped me with mine
My doctor recommended edibles if I could get them, saved my life, I lost 80 lbs while pregnant
I had morning sickness so bad a tear in my stomach occurred because of how much I was throwing up. The only thing I found that helped was taking my prenatal at night before bed instead of any other time in the day.
I had morning sickness for 9 months straight…the only thing that helped me was grill cheese and crushed ice!
if you’re that sick you probably have hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) It happens to some women in pregnancy. Speak with your healthcare provider. There is medication you can take - it’s unlikely that much else will work.
The Only Thing That Helped Me With My Morning Sickness Was Promethazine Prescribed By My OB… Zofran Worked Instantly As Well
I read where eating watermelon would help.
Citrus flavor/smell helps some people. Otherwise I would recommend asking your OB about Zofran it has been a lifesaver for me!
My doctor told me to take Dramamine!!i lost 30 pounds from morning sickness and couldn’t even keep water down until i started taking Dramamine
Spicy food helped me a lot.
Zofran was a lifesaver! I lost like 30 lbs my first 2 trimesters. After zofran I was able to eat at least something every day!
If you’re looking for something besides foods to eat, I’ve been plagued with morning sickness my entire 9 months! My doctor had me take Unisom sleep aid liquid gels at night, 1 pill. 1 20mg pill of magnesium at night also! Plus B6 vitamins throughout the day. I havent been sick since I started! And also helped me get my needed rest. My prenatal vitamins also were making me sick, so i started taking those at night before i went to bed as well!
This might sound weird…flat Sprite always got rid of my nausea
I was in the same boat, they threatened me with a continous Zofran pump if I kept losing weight. The disintegrating Zofran helped and also try Dicelgis, your OB will have to write a script for it. I survived the first 14 weeks on peeled apple slices, PB sandwiches and pedialyte. I used the preggo pops as well. Ginger ale made me more nauseous. I kept peppermint oil on me at all times.
5 biological babes. I had the same problem. Even if I THOUGHT about puking I barfed. Anti nausea meds like Zofran just made me constipated, so I puked my guts up while trying to poop. What helped me… chewing on crunchy ice. It’s bad for your teeth but so is vomiting. Chewing celery but not swallowing. Tiny meals many times a day. Literally two or three bites of food at a time. Sipping tiny amounts of water all day, not trying to take big amounts at once. Something to sniff when you start feeling barfy…maybe mint, or lemon, or parsley… I was diagnosed with my first with hyperemesis. Basically everything makes you puke and then you get stuck in cyclical vomiting. You barf because you just barfed. You need a partner to help you with that. Husband, Mom, Friend. Someone to wipe your face and help you through it. Talk to your OB about options to supplement your nutrition. Beyond prenatal oral supplements there are injections and infusions. Morning sickness is such a crap misnomer. With my last babe I was sick all day everyday.
Peppermint tea was the only thing that helped me… well anything peppermint really.
I had ginger snap biscuits and a cup of sweet tea
Water small amounts, ice, bread, and zofran is all I could keep down the first 15 weeks. I literally just laid in bed 24/7 dying. I tried everything. Even b6 vitamins and the sleep aid my dr recommended mixing.
Have you tried peppermint water? Crush a peppermint and add a little to a bottle of water. Shake well.
Green apple i had it really bad lost 60lbs and green apple are theonly thing that helped and i told 2 friends helped them also. So green apples!