I need some help!! I am pregnant with baby number 2 and morning sickness is really getting to me. I’m only 7 weeks pregnant and with my first one my morning sickness was so bad I lost 10lbs. I don’t want to go through that again. I have tried Ginger ale, peppermints, benedryl, bland diet, crackers, constantly having food in my stomach and it doesn’t help with nausea. Anyone have any old wives tales of what has worked for morning sickness. Help a momma out!!!
I had to have a special shot
These got me thru my 2nd pregnancy. I had morning sickness all 9 months
Honey I had the worst morning sickness through three pregnancy day in and out. I tried Everything you could buy over the counter. The most relief I got was from watermelon throughout the day and frozen vitamin water and Gatorade ice cubes at night or as needed. Pretzels were better to me than crackers. Anything greasy or that takes to long to digest always made me puke. Small portions and also waiting till my food was cold would help. Nothing made it go away but these things gave me a little relief. Good luck I do not miss those days at all lol. Also if you’ve been offered diclectin it’s a myth google the news story lol what a disappointment that was. Sea sickness wristbands were slightly helpful to
See if you can get reglan or zolfran from your doc… thats the only thing that got me through
Talk to your doctor asap
See your GP, Maxolon is safe to take in pregnancy and is better than constantly being nauseous.
Preggy pops, found at Walmart in the baby section. They lessen symptoms for some people. Or a swig of pickle juice.
Preggo pops, they usually have them at a maternity store
Stay away from pharmaceuticals. Try supplementing a good magnesium powder in water.
Perhaps CALM by Natural Vitality.
I ate bananas before I got out bed, my sisters-in-law had the really bad nausea n they gave her a Rx n sniffing alcohol wipes(I know it sounds crazy)
Zofran if youre not allergic.
I had it.I ate a cracker before I got out of bed in mornimg.I had white bread in after noon and dinner.It settled my stomach.
Keeping something dry in your stomach is better than wet. Popcorn, dry cereal, crackers. If you are out and about and feel a bout coming on you can keep a couple of cotton balls in a baggie with a little rubbing alcohol on them. Take a little smell of one. It can shut it down for a short time. You can not walk around smelling alcohol all day, just as a don’t want to puke in the line at the store or driving down the road situation. And clear that idea with your doctor as well as any other ideas. I worked for a OB/GYN and this is some things we told patients. But there is prescription medications that may help you, just talk to your doctor. Good luck and congratulations!
Try a teaspoon of lemon juice. It sounds strange but it works
Get a can of fruit in heavy syrup (I suggest peaches, it’s what I’ve always used). Take a tablespoon of just the syrup every 15 minutes for an hour. If you get sick in between that hour, restart. This is a tip a nurse gave me while I was pregnant the first time. It literally was a life saver for all 3 pregnancies and any time my husband or I have had the stomach flu. My husband thought I was crazy the first time he got sick around me and was throwing up so often he started throwing up stomach acid and blood… He finally tried the peach syrup and literally didn’t get sick anymore. Feel free to pass this on cause a lot of people seem to be sick right now, it could help them a lot!
Ginger snap cookies. I ga then on my night stand gate a couple of then before I got up in the morning
Lemon water was the only thing that helped me at all
I had it so bad. Threw up all day and night. Was at the er once a week for dehydration. Was told only 3% of women get it so severely. I was told to stay out of a certain lighting (now I can’t remember), try to eat something first thing in the morning (never stayed down) and avoid riding in the car if I could lol. It was torture I swear. But my father suggested “coke syrup” like the syrup they use for soda pop. I baught it at the pharmacy. Not sure if they still sell it there but it did offer a little relief. Unfortunately I think morning sickness is just something we have to endure. But it sure can be a horrible experience.
Lemon water helps mine when I sip it slowly. I just have nausea right now but worth a shot
Just the smell of lemons helped me I had them in the house with all my pregnancies… lemon water and just smelling a fresh cut lemon.
Travel sickness wrist bands helped a bit with mine. Something to do with accupressure points in your wrists
I talked to my doctor and lost 20lbs in the first trimester with ALL three of my pregnancies. I talked to my OB and she told me to get some of those Ensure drinks. She also prescribed me anti nausea medication that helped. Good luck!!
unisom and vitamin b6 (or diclegis… same but in 1 pill). zofran. phenergan. reglan.
phenergan helped with my first. zofran with my second. zofran and reglan with my third. i always lose 25ish pounds from being so sick. also hospital IV fluids once a week. talk to the doctor. ive never tried lemon water, never heard of it til i seen these comments. that might be a good alternative to medications. I’ll try that next time if there is one.
Black rooibos tee with a slice of lemon in
My friend at work ended up having a pump put in her stomach that gave her meds for it.
I could sniff some vicks vapor rub would help me a little. Prayer that is rough.
I had ginger candy. Worked for me. I would suggest that you talk to your Doctor.
I had to be prescribed anti sickness tabs from doc x
Nutmeg under the tongue…some people needs pharmaceuticals though. Hush
Sometimes flat coke with no sprizzle left in it at all can help. They used to have a Coke syrup that you could buy at the pharmacy that people used for nausea all of the time but I have no idea where to get it anymore except maybe a nature store. Also try chamomile tea with honey and lemon. Not too hot, and just drink it slowly one little sip at a time. Feeling sick all the time is not fun. It look what you get at the end. A precious little one. Then you can blame it all on them hahaha
suck a slice of lemon
Go see your doc you might have hyperemesis gravrdeium
With my 1st the only thing I could keep down were plain grits, with my 2nd I couldn’t keep anything down, with my 3rd I didn’t get sick. Maybe rosemary tea in small amounts, but plug your nose when you drink it.
Tums with calcium helps my daughter she’s pregnant 1 time n Omgosh smells of some foods just nauseated I got sick twice guess I was fortunate ?
Try young green coconut water that was mi saviour with my first pregnant at
I am 28 weeks right now and I have been sick through the entire pregnancy. to the point it was putting me in danger of losing my job so I had to start taking a prescription for Zofran. It has helped tremendously and I don’t feel sick once I have taken it everyday. Yes there are small risks of cleft lip and heart defects but my baby is very healthy with no issues.
I had to get anti barf meds from the dr. I took them before I got out of bed because it was so bad.
The good news is that it doesn’t last forever, pray it’s short lived.
I would suggest.you go and see.your.doctor my morning.sickness I.had but I slept to get rid of it but.u already.have a little one to.keep u occupied my suggestion is go to your doctor
Mine has lasted this whole pregnancy but I have other stomach issues as well. I got a real nice nausea med from doc along with meds to help stomach issue. Tell your doctor
Gravol or dimenhydrinate it worked for me.
Every Preg is different🤰See wat the Dr says or you & baby gotta figure it out🙏🏾
Nettle tea worked for me. I tried everything before I found this. It’s a loose leaf tea.
The foam off a freshly poured sprite or gingerale is what we give women in labor and delivery and during pregnancy. The carbonation settles the stomach. You must drink the foam.
Diclectin I believe is the name of the meds I took and they worked, my doc prescribed them in month 2 and I took them for around 2 months until the grossness passed
I used ginger chews and drank a lot of ginger ale. However, my morning sickness wasn’t that bad. I suggest speaking to your OB about it and seeing if there are any prescriptions you can try.
Boiled lemonade works a treat
My daughter had to take medication as did two of my friends they all had healthy baby boys
Ondanceatron wafers
Get a script from your GP…
These were the only thing that helped me.
Google nausea ginger chews they worked great for my daughter
I was told to take Dry Cereal to bed with me in a little baggie and night and he’s some before I got out of bed it seemed to do the trick
My daughter’s ob told her to suck on a lemon, she has a sickness when she was pregnant that was 10 times worse than regular morning sickness, lemons worked for her🤷🏻♀️
Sea bands. They apply pressure to your wrist to alleviate nausea. I used them they work. They r on Amazon, at CVS other stores
Sea bands.
Take your prenatal vitamins right before you go to sleep.
try the anti nausea wrist bands. can purchase from Amazon. i boought them for someone who was going thru chemo and they helped. Bananas are also helpful. hope u feel better!!
Try dill pickle juice
My go to was lemon water.
I wish. I went a full 9 months of pure sickness. I threw up water alone. Get some medicine.
Try sucking barley sugars, they’re old fashioned boiled sweets, worked for me
Unisom and b12 at bedtime.
I ate ginger chews. They are real ginger so they are a bit strong tasting, but I found that ginger ale isn’t always made with actual ginger so I tried the chews. They helped me so much!
A fountain Coke was my fix… couldn’t be bottle. Had to be fountain syrup.
A glass of milk with a tablespoon of sugar in it
Try a bit of diluted pickle juice, or even diluted apple cider vinegar. Even just dip ur finger in and lick it
Mine was so bad with my last pregnancy I ended up needing meds prescribed from my dr, it was the only thing that helped and I tried everything.
Vitamin B6 tablets saved my life in first trimester!!!
Sea bands helped me. They’re with the motion sickness medicine at the pharmacy.
Ginger pure ginger.
Also ginger candies. Amazon search for pregnant candy. I cant remember the name. Also certain teas can help.
I had HG this go around and it’s awful. I tried it all before my dr made me give in to meds.
Coffee can also sometimes help settle stomach. But black coffee
Unisom & B6 or Amazon sells Healthy Mama nip the nausea its B6 and ginger capsules
Try Green apples worked for three out of my four pregnancies my last one I had no morning sickness apart from water lol
Someone told me to put peppermint oil in my belly button
Club crackers (not saltines) before even sitting up in the morning helped. Unisom and b12 before bed. Popsicles were all I could keep down sometimes, and I stuck with colder foods a lot
If your drinking cold water, cold water makes you puke when your nauseous, drink room temperature water
My grandma told me to put water and crackers beside my bed and as soon as I were to wake up I should eat them and drink the water. My morning sickness was wretched with my first. I couldn’t keep anything down but when I tried what she told me it helped a lot. I wish you luck and hope it gets easier soon
Lemonheads candys!(or any kinda lemon candys) when i was pregnant with my last i had heard about lemon helping nausea. Ive also been diagnosed with colitis and get nauseous and throw up often…lemonheads! I swear by them!
Hypnosis helped a gal I know…she couldn’t drink anything without it coming up…after hypnosis…she could drink red kool aid with no problem
Ginger pills helped me
Syrup from canned peaches
If by chance you are taking the prenatal vitamin pills, then switch to the gummies. The pill form always made me more nauseous. Once I switched to gummies my last pregnancy, it really helped w subsiding the morning sickness. Also, your pcp can prescribe vitamin B6 to help w that or can get that over the counter. Once I switched from pills to gummies, I didn’t need the B6 anymore. Hope it subsides and congrats btw
Peppermint essential oil rubbed on tummy
Girl i feel ya… Only that helped me was meds from the dr and even then it was iffy… I lost almost 20lbs when i was pregnant i couldnt keep anything down even ice water and crackers… I was constantly in the er for iv fluids
All I could eat was saltines by the bed before sitting up, still sick but not as bad and eventually was able to graduate to peanut butter with them. But I was sick eight out of nine months. Good luck.
CBD drops or I had a low dose edible. They both worked great and my morning sickness was awful. I couldn’t even brush my teeth without setting off the dry heaves.
I’m 32 weeks and still throwing up and sick. The ONLY thing that helps is zofran. But they wouldn’t prescribe it until I was in my second trimester. I still only eat once a day and I’ve lost 32 lbs this pregnancy so far. To give me slight relief the preggie pops helped a little. Nit much but some relief is still relief.
Did u try sprite or 7up, it worked for me when I had it bad
Ginger drops helped me a ton. But after 9weeks I was down 12lbs & couldn’t keep anything down so my doctor gave me Zofran in a dissolvable pill form to take and after 2-3 weeks I didn’t need it anymore! Does WONDERS!
Pickles. The vinegar in them settles your stomach. Just don’t eat too many. I’d eat 1 of the large ones and be good all day.
I’m currently 9 wks had sickness so bad lost about 17lbs went to hospital twice in one week got put on zofran and metoclopram and now I only throw up every few days
Probably gonna get shit for it but oh well. Smoke a little bud. That helped with my nausea. My doctors knew. And okayed it. I didn’t smoke all the time. And I quit smoking 2 months before baby came.
Syrup from canned peaches
Pickle juice
Talk to youe dr they can perscribe meds
Crackers 4 -5 before even getting up with a little water
Get an Rx from your Dr. I hope you find someting to help. I had hyperemim.( I was sick for 9 months .) Good luck .
Daily regiment. 1 vitamin b12 tab and a half tablet of the blue unisom sleep tabs it didn’t make me sleepy at all and much less harmful than zofran. And mint and sour things are supposedly good for nausea
Same situation with my second. Lemons were my saving grace with baby number 2. (Ironically lemons made me sick with baby number one). That being said, just because something did not work the first pregnancy it might work the second.
Lemonade helps some.
Sour candies saved me
Sour flavored hard candies, saltine crackers, cheeze-its, lemonade flavored gingerale if you can find it, sea-bands (find them on Amazon), dill/kosher pickles.
Make an obgyn appointment and tell them, there are dissolvable tablets called zofran you can take that stop the morning sickness. I was diagnosed with hyperemesis and they gave me a running prescription for them cause I lost close to 40 lbs and was hospitalized multiple times to stop the puking.