Any other kids late talkers?

Any mama’s of late talkers? My son will be 2 in September and he says a few words. Ms. Rachel has helped a lot, when do they start to really talk more?


My son has a speech delay he’s 3 in september and the last 6 months hes really really come in leaps and bounds and although still a bit behind a lot of his peers he’s catchinf up finally.

I would not stress yet, they find their words in their own time

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If they have less then 50 words contact your local early intervention and get an evaluation that is the best thing you can do with a speech delay. I am a mom who had two speech delayed children.

His teacher said just talk about everything explain everything you are doing. When I see my son playing with his cars I say oh maverick I see you are playing with your car, that’s a car maverick, the car goes vroom vroom. Then when I change his diaper I tell him this is your diaper, I am wiping you with a wipe. We encourage him to show signs or try and say all done when he is done eating. Before I give him a cookie I make him try to say cookie. We made cards for the fridge with photos of his favorite foods so he can point and then later learn to use that word. We have been working with his teacher about a month and he has picked up car, yeah, all done, Dino and he is also chatting more and trying to ask for things by pointing.

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I would address any speech related concerns with your childs pediatrician.


My youngest didn’t talk much til she was 3 then omg she never shut up :rofl: she is 23 now and still going

Talk to your child,not a you tube video

My daughter was 2 1/2….when she just started talking up a storm! I contributed her delay (comparing her to her sister) to her pacifier after she ditched it shortly after she (without intervention) surprised us all with words.

Consider an evaluation for early intervention- even if they catch up early intervention can help.

Check out birth to three in your area (it may be called something similar/different. It’s completely free and its a wonderful program of providers aimed to help delayed children from birth to the age of 3. Both of my boys have been in the program and while one has aged out, one currently still receives services.

My daughter only said “mama”, “dada” and cup until she was 2 1/2. All of a sudden, she wouldn’t stop and hasn’t for 5 1/2 years lol.