Any other ladies had sore joints after having a baby?

I had my second son 5weeks ago and the pains are there now when I bend them or if I'm putting any pressure on them, even opening the poppers on the babygrow hurt! I have an older son (almost 6) and after I had him the same thing happened but put it down to injuring them during labour with gripping my legs when pushing but I didn't do that this time and the pain is the same. Has anyone else had this and how long did it last

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Any other ladies had sore joints after having a baby?

I did with all of mine but my story may be different than yours. My pain went unexplained for some years after and then got diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases. The births of my children were causing trauma to my body so in return it was causing me to go into flare ups but ofc I didn’t know what was going on.

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Pregnancy can make autoimmune diseases appear and flare.
I have several, that all came up after my 3rd.

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I did. I’m now eight months PP and it’s gone away. Getting active but taking it slow actually helped a lot with my joints returning to normal for the most part.

I did with my youngest son. Every joint in my body, even in my fingers. They started hurting while I was pregnant but after birth the pain got worse. He’s almost 15 months and it never has went away.

If it’s in your hands, there is such thing as pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome. Mine fully went away a few months after I weaned when he was almost 3 yo. If it’s your hips and knees, it could be related to the elastin that’s still in your system. Sleep with a pillow between your knees, it makes a very big difference.

After delivery even your hair hurts hun

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Yeah I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a year and a half after my second daughter was born

It’s common. The oxytocin released for labor loosens every tendon and joint in your whole body to get ready to push the baby out. It takes a long time to for things to tighten back up and get back to normal. Especially if you are playing an action role in your recovery (not saying you aren’t).

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Any other ladies had sore joints after having a baby?

Get your vitamin D levels checked

Hormonal change . All your ligaments are returning to normal.

I’m having these issues now and my baby is 9mths