Any other mama's scared to give birth during the pandemic?

Oregon - we’re allowed 1 person only, no kids under 12yrs, Covid test required.

My friend just had a baby and they let hubby in!!

I’m due in early December so I’m worried about this to😖

I had my 4th in April. We were told only 1 person was allowed with me. We already knew it would be my husband, the morning of we were told he was not able to leave at all or else we would not be allowed bk in the hospital (mind u he is a smoker) if he had gotten called into work and left to go he would not be allowes bk (also mind u we have 3 other kids, wouldnt even be able to physically check on them). Couldn’t even go to cafeteria, let me tell u qe were pissed. Went in for my section and he was only able to stay til the next day (needed to leave by noon). I was there 2 days by myself. But one thing atleast he was there for the delivery and that night. Ohio

I am due in November and they’ve told us we can have 1 person w us that can come and go but cannot switch out and must wear a mask. This is #5 for me and I’ll just say… we allowed no visitors at hosp w our 4th and very few w our 3rd. It was blissful. It was flu season w both so we were cautious but this time around we already plan for that and everyone can meet our little one on facetime. Better safe than sorry. But if in the US there is no way they’d make you be alone unless it was a true emergency.

Just gave birth to our second 6 days ago! It was honestly amazing and I had high anxiety about this same thing. I’m in Michigan and we have pretty tight restrictions still compared to other states. My husband was with me the whole time. Good luck mammas, the fact that we are creating life in such dark times is such a beautiful thing :two_hearts:

Due in 11 weeks and I’m terrified.

Call the doula foundation. Maybe you qualify for their scholarships and can at least have someone present. Am currently waiting to find out if I qualify.

I’m getting a C-section July 7. I have to have a Covid test it’s mandatory for hospital stay here in Ohio and I was told that my son’s father will be allowed to be with me when it all happens. But am I still nervous about the pandemic and everything going on with how it’s not regular hospital procedures anymore? Ofcourse I am but I just have to roll with it and do what I need to do to get my baby happy and healthy and safely into this crazy time

Hospitals are the cleanest places :blush:
Good luck, I have 2 daughters.

Things are relaxing more now.

I had a baby on the 10th. Only could have his dad there. I was only in the hospital 34 hours from induction to home. It was the best delivery I’ve had (I’ve had 3 total)

I’m in WNY and my hubby can’t go to any appts but he’ll be there for the birth. I’m also due end of nov. but there’s a company that does gender revel sonos and will let me bring him and our daughter to find out the gender. My doc also won’t see anyone in the office who is positive until they test negative regardless of you are having a high risk pregnancy or not.

I’m in SC and gave birth last week. My husband wasn’t allowed at appointments but he was allowed to come to the hospital. He was allowed to leave and come back, although they encourage you not too. We didn’t have to wear a mask unless we were in the hallway. And they never tested us for Covid. Just random temperature checks. And we were allowed visitors from 9-12 daily, two at a time even though we chose not to invite any one to the hospital. Strangely enough it was kind of nice to just have my husband and our newborn alone for four days. It definitely wasn’t as bad as I expected.

I’m due in September. I’m nervous that I won’t get to see my son while in the hospital. From what I’ve heard they will make me test for COVID before and make me wear a mask during labor. I am severely claustrophobic and already freak out while wearing one at work. I’m in Oregon. I hope a lot will change before then but that’s only 3 months away.

I’m scared as well. With my first two deliveries I had my mom and all of my sisters in the room with me. My current husband has never been in delivery room and I’m nervous for it to just be us two, or even worse to do it alone :sob:

I’m in Texas and only my husband is allowed in the room with me. He can’t leave until me and baby leave too. They encourage him (but not a must) to not go to the hospital cafeteria either, they said they will provide meals for both of us. Due in September

Omg yes!! I’m terrified I’m due sept 6th and while it was al calming down it seems to be having a resurgence and I’m so scared I’ll catch it before I go in and they’ll force me to stay 6ft away from my baby no nursing no skin to skin ugh I cry just thinking about it

My sons girlfriend gave birth a week ago and all went fine. We are in PA. He couldn’t go to appointments but one person is allowed to be in delivery room and during hospital stay. Must be the same person.

I just had my baby may 5th a planed c section they allowed my husband to be there but we were both on lock down in the hospital unable to leave we also had to get tested before we went in

My niece gave birth during all this. She had a natural birth tho and her wife was there. Not sure how a c section would be I’d ask your Dr just to be able to plan ahead.

I’m in Wisconsin. I’m not due until September 24th. I was told my fiance is not allowed at any appts. I wasn’t even allowed to take pictures or videos of gender ultrasound so he could experience it that way. I was warned when I deliver I’m allowed only 1 person with me and if they leave for any reason they aren’t allowed back. Between the 2 of us we have 3 other kids. 12, 4, 2 I’m scared that something will happen then I will be alone…

Im in New Mexico and i just had my daughter on the 18th a scheduled c section and my significant other was not allowed in the operaring room

I’m due on Christmas and he hasn’t been allowed at any appointments yet and so far only he can be there for the birth :frowning:

I’m due in 2 weeks and my hospital told me know how bad it got they will allow your significant other.

I’m due in December. Very scared to have a baby during this. Sad my hubby is the only one allowed to meet the baby in the hospital

I’m due in November my dr already told me one person only and they can not leave and come back they have to stay

I had one in April with my twins. My SO was allowed to be there and he was our only visitor allowed to see us while we was there.

I’m due in August. Husband wasn’t allowed to go to any Dr appointments with me.
They say at the hospital I am only allowed one support person, meaning my husband. He is allowed to stay the entire time (C-section as well) but if he even leaves ONE time, he can NOT come back in!
I have a almost 2 year old son as well. So this is BULLSHIT! Either I have to find someone to watch my son for 4 says straight OR I have to be alone in the hospital the entire time! My 2 year old won’t get to meet his brother until I get home with him, which is NOT a good thing. He needs to be given a chance to meet him to get used to the idea before I bring him home to stay.
Nevermind, I have never been without my son for more than a workshift. I shouldn’t have to go 4 days without seeing my son. Because then the entire time in the hospital which should be a peaceful time with me bonding with my new son, is going to be me stressed and paranoid instead worrying about my son at home!
I do understand the hospitals reasons, BUT it should be up to the parents! It should be at our own risk and so on. I know if I didn’t have to have a c-section, I would be having an at home birth because of all of this!
Because of everything that is going on, I am not ONE bit excited about having this baby. Instead, I am only stressed and on edge!

I’m due in November as well amd live in Kansas city and I was told by my doctor I can have 2 people with me as of now but if numbers go up as I’m sure they will by the time I’m due my husband will be the only one with me we plan on doing the 2 week quarantine before my due date with the kids and not have anyone over to see baby for awhile after we come home

Had my daughter april 13th via schedule c section. Was normal as any others except only husband aloud in there and no visitors. Plus nursery closed so they did everything in my room. She never left. They did all tests and bath right there with me. Plus husband actually with me more. Last one 3 years ago they took him and baby out while they stitched me up. This time hubs and baby in room whole time except for spinal. I gave birth in Louisville ky at Baptist east. I got to leave next day because I did so well and I kept asking. Left about 30 hours after surgery and even had my tubes removed. Car ride home sucked though lol…ouch

Ps. When I got to hospital had to have temp check and sanitize hands and get mask before could enter. Only had to wear masks when they took me from room to room in the hall.

Im in NYC & I’m allowed one birth partner. Im due any day now

I’m in Oklahoma and I could only have 1 person with me

Its not that bad! The baby father is allowed back with u! But no visitors. Thats how it was in MARYLAND anyway. I had csec March 2020.
It was sad not being able to show off baby when baby was born. HOWEVER, it was a great bonding experience just parents and baby…

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I live in Ohio and I just recently gave birth in May. My boyfriend wasn’t allowed to go to any dr appointments but he was the only one allowed in the delivery room and with me during the hospital stay after delivery.

Im worried about the same thing! I’m due in December and also have to have a c-section. My husband has not been able to go to any of the appointments even with a mask. I’m having the gender ultrasound in a few weeks and im worried he wont even be able to go back with me… I hope things get back to normal soon. Mama’s shouldn’t have to stress this much having a baby.

I gave birth in May. I was only allowed my husband with me. He could leave and go get us food and come back without a problem. But I couldn’t have any other visitors. We didnt have to wear mask the whole time, just when we were coming in, when we left and when he would go get us food.

Other than that it was pretty normal for me.

Call your hospital and ask them what their policy is.

We should follow Canada.They keep babies with mom and allow support to be in room.

In jersey my c section is scheduled in 2 weeks and only hubby can be there. Completely nervous but I trust the hospital team :pray: