Any Other Moms Have to Deal With This Nonsense?

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"I need to vent and ask other moms something. So my son has been “dating” a girl of another race from him ( for a year). They’re 13 and I’m getting a lot of what are people going to say about that? My answer is it doesn’t matter what other people say about it. 1. He’s my son and I don’t have a problem with it. 2. Who am I to tell my kids who they can like or love? 3. What would I be teaching him? To be racist? I don’t think so!! Others have said this could cause repercussion for him later in life. I’m like mmmmmmk they’re 13 will they be dating all the way to adulthood? Maybe? Maybe not? It don’t matter. If they break up and he ends up with another girl of the same race as the one he’s dating now SO WHAT!! What I’m getting at is I cannot believe people thinks it’s ok to tell their children who they’re supposed to like or love. And long as it’s in within their race it’s that’s the only way it can be. This irritates me so much! We are supposed to teach our kids to love not hate someone bc of their skin color bc we all BLEED RED! Do any of you mommas have to deal with such nonsense as this?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Tell them to mind their damn business"

"I’d be responding to “what are people going to say about that?” with “well right now you’re the only one saying anything about it”"

"As a mother of biracial children… you’re doing the right thing. To me, idc if one of my children date a purple person with pink polka dots, and they make them happy, they’re welcome with open arms. Just tell your son to not worry what anyone says, and to follow his heart… at the end of the day, we cant change peoples minds, but we can change how we react to their bullshit."

"Don’t listen to others. There is so much hatred for people of color and different ethnicities. You are teaching your son to love the person for who they are: smart, talented, caring, fun loving, accepting, understanding, knowledgeable, etc"

"I have always told my kids and grandkids no one can tell you or choose who you love."

"My kids don’t know any different. My father in law is a black man and my kids and nephews are the whitest (Hispanic) kids you’ll ever see. Sure when we are all out in public and people hear them calling a black man grandpa we always get the weird looks from people that don’t understand (who cares? We don’t) people are raised to hate on things they don’t understand. You’re doing a good job"

"I would question whether they need to be part of you & your sons life. If they are vocalizing how they feel about him dating someone of another race chances are they are racist themselves. Are those the people that you really want you and your son to be associated with? They will also begin to make sly comments to your son about this, passive aggressive type things."

"Don’t care about what others say. But I would definitely sit him down and go m have a serious talk with him so he knows how to protect himself, his heart, and her when people act up. I had a few interracial relationships when I was a teen/younger and nobody prepared us for the amount of nastiness we got. And I often felt like it was more directed at me, which makes sense in this world bc I’m not white, but even though my BFs were angered by it, they didn’t know what to do or say. And that hurt, too."

"If its ok with you and ok with her parents then who cares what other people think they the ones being racist"

"I would start telling them to quit being a racist pos."

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