I fully understand he is only 6 and I do help as best as I can, but when it comes to his things and his bedroom… how do I get him to be more thoughtful in regards to taking care of his toys, taking pride in a “tidy bedroom” - it doesn’t have to be spotless… just not the explosion that it currently is!
I spent at least 2 hours the other day putting all his things back in “their places” and I went in this morning and honestly you wouldn’t have thought it was spotless the other day!
Clothes thrown everywhere (even had a sock in his light shade on the ceiling!) toy boxes were empty cos everything was on the floor.
Books, pens, paper… literally you couldn’t see the floor and you could hardly open the door to get in!
I’ve tried and tried explaining to him that I don’t mind him getting things out, but he has to take better care of his things and I’ve even helped him do it. But it gets to the point where he just sits there and watches me.
I’ve even tried bagging it all up and hiding it in the garage and telling him I was binning it unless he started helping more (he promised he would and did for a while but slowly slipped back into this chaos)
I get he’s only little, but he’s old enough to know that if he gets something out, he’s capable of putting it back properly.
I’ve just been in his room after he claimed he’s tidied it, and found he’d literally shoved everything anywhere he could. Including clothes -clean and dirty, into his toy boxes etc! Even though he has a dirt clothes basket which he picked out cos he said it would help him!
I’m not asking or expecting it to be a deep clean, dusted, hoovered and immaculate… just for him to put his stuff away nicely and to understand that if he keeps breaking his toys from leaving them lying everywhere and getting stood on… that I cannot and will not replace them… it’s getting to the point that he doesn’t even have that many toys that aren’t broken! And it’s just been Christmas!!