did anyone become pregnant after their husbands vaesectomy and husbands sperm check said he was sterile ?!
I’ve known two couples that happen to.
As a man I would be extremely suspicious… even with a perfectly loyal partner …. please tell him you will get a dna test to prove it, even if he seems like he doesn’t care just do it for his peace of mind becuse it will always be in the back of his mind
Whelp I have a feeling your hubby might be requesting a dna test cause it’s rare especially after doing the test and it saying he’s sterile. I guarantee he’s calling his doctor to do another test to see if he’s still sterile. If he is still sterile than you might be wanting to figure out if it’s an actual pregnancy or a false positive. Not saying you’ve been with other men but I guarantee he’s thinking what a lot of us are thinking which is HOW could he impregnate you with a test saying he’s sterile. Unless your husband did a reversal on it without your knowledge.
My cousin was born 8 years after my uncle got a vasectomy
Yep I k ow of a couple of people too
Yes you can if they do a year check up
Husband needs to get tested every 8 - 10 years. It happens. If you are pregnant get DNA test done if anybody is questioning your pregnancy.
I knew a woman who got her tubes tied & husband got a vasectomy. 7 years later she got pregnant. It was proven to be their child.
My aunt got pregnant after her tubes were tied, it was many years after . 15 year age gap between her kids. So anything is possible