Has anyone ever ordered and did the peekaboo early gender tests? Looking into but not sure if it’s worth $100.
My cousin did sneak peak and it was accurate! I think they’re worth it if done correctly. They simply test for the male DNA marker. If none is present then it’s a girl. If it is, it’s a boy because you already have female DNA as the mother.
Why would you want to do it? It’s not like you’re going to be able to change the outcome.
I did sneakpeek twice both were right. Once I did at home and once I went to a place for the blood draw
I did for my second one and it was accurate. Worth it since I didn’t know the gender for my first
If that’d been an option when I was pregnant, I’d definitely have done it. This is weird but we had a lady in town that was 95% accurate based on heartbeat. Not how fast it beats like the old wives tale, but she could tell by how the beat actually sounded. I went to her long before my sonogram and she was right.
I did with this one I’m pregnant with and it was accurate but I didn’t have to pay $100 I guess my insurance paid for it
I know someone who did. But it wasn’t that much. But it was accurate
I done one and it was easy to do and quick response. Within a week. Was accurate as well….