Anyone thinking about getting themselves something for Christmas? I never have, but I think I’m going to this year. I’m pretty distant with family and don’t have close friends like that, and my SO doesn’t really do anything, so I think just to make myself happy and give myself some a mental health boost, I’m gonna put myself on the list and try to spoil my own ass lol… thinking foot massager maybe? Anyone else?
I do. Birthday also.
I always get myself a gift, since there is no one to get me one.
Do whatever makes you happy!!
Of course I buy myself gifts
Always treat yourself!
why not? My husband and I stopped getting each other anything, instead we usually decide on something special to do together–might have to wait this year because of the pandemic.
I do! Go right ahead and treat yourself. At least you know you will be getting something you want
We work hard for our money!! I say enjoy it!!! Treat yo self girl!!
I buy myself gifts every year, otherwise I get golf balls… I don’t golf.
Do it girl! We deserve to spoil ourselves sometimes!
I buy myself stuff every year and wrap it and put it under the tree haha if I had to rely on my husband I would be getting a new kitchen appliance every year and which I do enjoy a kitchen appliance once in awhile I prefer my method haha
I always do, no one knows what you want better than yourself lol I don’t get anything super lavish, maybe a new outfit from TJ Maxxx or Target (instead of thrift stores) and I ALWAYS get myself a magazine subscription for my Kindle Fire, they’re cheaper at the holidays and it’s like a new gift every month!
I go shopping with my sister … lol she puts stuff in my cart for herself and i put stuff in her cart for me. had always worked for us ahha
Hell yea treat yourself without a doubt, self love/care is 100% well worth it plus u are also getting something u really wanted/ needed… enjoy ur foot massager xxx life. Defintley gift yourself. you deserve it.
Omf. Yes. I usually grab a couple things when I’m out shopping
I buy myself presents all the time. Or I pick tven out and my husband goes and gets them
Everyone deserves a " me " day. I always have to buy presents for myself since my " adopted " family have their own family stuff to do & as for my MiniMe don’t get me started lol
I do! I always have because I can’t help myself when I see a good deal around the holidays! So usually I wrap it, put it under the tree, and address it to me from either my cats or my son LOL!
When I do the shopping I’ll pick out a few things for myself and for husband so theirs items under the tree to unwrap for the entire family from ’ santa’
I’ve know a few people who get themselves Christmas gifts. It’s all good
Kind of but not really? My husband and I buy something the house needs, instead of getting each other gifts, and then we just do stocking stuffers. Like last year we really wanted a Roomba to help me keep the floors clean since I was due in Feb (and then he came two weeks early XD). This year we’re thinking of getting a standing mixer 'cause I’ve been dying for one and he thinks it’d help a lot XD So they’re kinda gifts for myself?
But I mean, you do you! If that’s what works for you guys and it makes you happy, I say go for it! It’s important to spoil ourselves sometimes ^^
Yes! I bought myself a present
I have done bc I am single mom
So glad to stumble upon this one. It’s just me and my son and I haven’t had Christmas gifts in years! What a fabulous idea!
i pick them out & husband buys them so i get what i want he does the same for himself. it works for us lol
I gift myself every year!! And my husband and I buy something fun for the house every year too!
I think I should this year too. I dont usually get anything from hubby or the kids.
Well my kids get me but this year bought my self complete bedroom set
I buy myself spa gift cards. The service already been paid for so the cards will get used.
Spa day voucher placed under the tree from Sante
My husband and I buy year round for what we want no tree or anything we go to my daughters she has a tree my cats would destroy a tree
I just bought myself a homemade quilt yes…go out and treat yourself !
I mean I tell my SO exactly what I want and he gets it so same thing I guess lmao. But I do love surprises and wish he would get better at them!
I do. If it’s something I need… like one yr TVs were cheap on Black Friday… so I got one… My house was a birthday gift to myself… and when I’m 70 I’ll own it… I’m single and a girl’s gotta do what a girl gotta do… But I don’t really spend a crazy amount unless the bills are paid first and I really don’t spend alot on myself … others come first… grandkids, siblings Etc…
Girl yes I buy myself christmas presents every year. Either that or give implicit instructions to my husband…and end up wrapping my own presents
I go simple, because my husband always gets me something I would never have thought to get. But I get things I need for stocking suffers. My husband ain’t gonna buy me hair products or coffee goods!
I think that’s a great idea:bangbang:sometimes we just need to do that you go girl
I make an Amazon wish list and tell my husband to buy me something off it. Its so awesome. He gets me exactly what I want every time!
I’ve been married for 9 years now. My husband has never given me a single Christmas gift. He also does not give me birthday, anniversary, valentine’s, or anything else presents, or even cards or flowers. He’s just absolutely not a gift guy. I usually at least buy and wrap myself up some socks or a candy bar and I’ll put from his name on it.
Spoil yourself! I work hard for my money and my favorite person to spend it on is ME! Don’t get me wrong, I love buying for my kid but he has more than he needs and mom likes presents too. If you can afford it, treat yourself as often as you can.
Girl. Spend 30$ on a Tuesday just for you. Don’t wait for Christmas. Why do we neglect ourselves and wait for something society made up to do nice things for ourselves
I buy my own gift, wrap it and make it from my husband every year. It’s been new sneakers, boots, clothes, really whatever I want that year. I buy myself stocking stuffers too. I think he’s buying me a SUP this year
It’s ok to take care of yourself. Mabe you and your partner can also work on some non material traditions to do together. I think it’s important for couples to do that.
I usually just get my own gift too lol. My birthday is on the 16th so I decided to get a puppy as my present. He paid for it but I told him what to do
Yes! I always buy my own xmas gift! then I’m getting exactly what I want.
Girl go for it!!! There is NOTHING wrong with giving yourself a little attention. Just the fact that you ask like this means you hardly ever do for yourself.
yup, if I want baking stuff like a new mixer, pjs, whole family gets movies, board games, socks, undies
Nothing wrong with spoiling yourself every now and then, especially with the way this year has been. Go for it
Yes. Go out splurge. Feel good. You have only one life and dont wait for later
My birthday & Xmas are about a month apart so I usually buy myself something. This year it’s gonna be a treadmill…or maybe a tattoo. It’s been a BAD year for me, so I deserve something for myself.
I usually give my mom money to take my kids shopping so they can feel happy getting something for mom… but i am with you I feel bad getting anything for myself
Ha! I’ve been divorced for 12 yrs - 100% focus on my kids. I always bought myself Christmas presents to put under the tree so the kids wouldn’t think I was naughty. The only difference was mine were from “ A Chippendale “ A woman can dream and the kids thought they were from Alvin and The Chipmunks.
Naughty Mama
Always buy my own, hubby so bad at gifting I got a go-pro for my birthday after getting a camera for Christmas. I asked for an instant pot last year and he got me a coffe machine. He insisted he could handle my gift last year and not me lol.
I do! I get all my other shopping done and then reward myself by getting something I’ve wanted!
I’d be that ass that wrapped it up and when I open it loudly pronounce…oh who got me this! Wait …ME!!! Lol
I have started to do this as well as my husband never gets me what I want! I have three boys and need a few wee presents x
You needed an electric heated throw blanket. I love mine.
I always buy myself Christmas and birthday gifts.
Yup! I recently started buying myself random jewelry too and it’s the best feeling ever!
I get myself gifts all year round
No reason not to. You deserve gifts.
It’s 2020. Do whatever makes you happy.
All year, when I need or want I get
I bought new sneakers and wrapped them and put under the tree
Go for it!! You deserve it!
We do normally spend a limit of £60 on each other but this year my finance wants the new ps5 which ya know if fine so I get to pick a few extra bits too xx
I already bought me a TV and a new Apple iPhone 12
Santa is bringing me an air fryer (;
My boyfriend declared that he doesn’t know what to get me because if I want something i just buy it myself.
Just bought myself a new laptop last night. The most I’ve spent on myself in a long time.
Absolutely im getting myself new slippers & clothes, stuff I need but stuff id rarely ever treat myself to x
My fiancé got me a sink drying rack one year. that was it… so I’ve been buying for myself, kids and him. For probably 4 years now. he’s always as surprised as the kids
If there are some places around your city that wraps and delivers, call and order gifts. Tell them to wrap them, and deliver to your address. It would be fun Christmas morning. Lol
I would treat myself once in awhile if could but me and my kids dad worry about kids. We don’t get for each other but would be nice once in awhile.
I have always taken my grandkids to shop for Christmas, because I want them to learn how fun it is to give, this is truly my favorite part of Christmas. As part of this, I always allow them to get one gift from themselves and give it to themselves, because they are just as important as everyone else on their list!! So this grandma say go for it, make yourself happy!!!
u can start by shopping at our outlet!!
our grand opening was yesterday n we have great products at great prices!
My ex NEVER got me Christmas presents. Ever. My dad was visiting from out of state once and we always watch “a Christmas story” on Christmas… But we couldn’t find it on dvd anywhere, so I bought it on bluray and bought a blu-ray player. I unboxed everything, hooked it up, and wrapped the box “to Amber, love Amber”
He wasn’t too amused, but I was.
I do stuff my own stocking, my husband and kids get me gifts now. When I was a single mom with 2 little ones, I did. If you are good, you get stuff. I didn’t want my kids feeling sad because mommy got nothing. I choose truffles.
My grandma does this!!! Buys all her own gifts for her birthday, anniversary and Christmas. She always tells my grandpa “want to see what you got me for so and so”
Every year. I’m the mom I buy all the gifts. Santa usually skimps on me but NOT this yr. New love for running and im getting myself all the things
I’m a single mother raising a young gentleman and I’ve always reached him to give, but also receive. Since he was little I’ve teach him to give me a present, no matter if is a leaf or something made by himself. Now he’s 17 and he’s not only concerned about him, but about others.
And me, I don’t have a partner and my family is not around, so I always spoil myself. This Christmas I gonna get a neck liposuction and new cheeks!!!.
Santa always brings me a bottle of Bailey’s!