I’m 38 weeks today with baby #2 and I haven’t lost my mucus plug yet but I’m feeling very dizzy and nauseous like I did just before I lost it with my first. Baby is still moving a lot though and I was curious if any other mamas experienced feeling like this shortly before going into labor as well?? I’m so miserable and I’m ready to be done being pregnant
Yes! I felt that way right when I lost it as well. I was walking around target when I lost mine and I felt hot, dizzy, and nauseous…and I felt discharge but it was more than normal.
Call your OB and get your blood pressure checked asap!
Yes im also 38 weeks and feel the same blood pressure is fine
Yes, my Dr said he’d meet me at the ER.
I had LOW blood pressure and low sugar.
I have dizzy spells throughout my whole pregnancy so far.
Im feeling the same, every night, also at 38 weeks. It could be high blood pressure or low sugars.
Sounds like blood pressure, get it checked out
Yep I was admitted for dehydration and exhaustion at that time
I was like that throughout all three of my pregnancies. I was diagnosed sub orthostatic hypotension which is basically just a fancy term for your blood pressure randomly dropping
I got like this when my sugar would drop it,not enough water.
I was light headed through both of my other pregnancy’s. Your blood can’t circulate the way it used to often causing dizziness.
Go and get checked out and only worry if the doc is worried dont listen to other peoples stories they could be worrying g you for nothing and shouldnt be frightening you with what happend to them,just go to doc ime sure all will be well
I got morning and afternoon sickness again In my 8th month.
Yes. I was low on salt. Once i started adding more to my diet it helped
Dehydration! Was just in the hospital for this
Blood pressure and/or dehydration. Or could be low blood sugar.
I did and found out it was my BP, you might want to call your doctor just to be on the safe side.
Blood.pressure, dehydration, blood sugar, so many things can cause your symptoms. Go get it checked out.
It might be your blood pressure is too high
Have you had a blood test recently? I’d been having lots of dizzy spells and it turned out that I’m anemic. Anemia can cause bleeding issues during delivery so definitely worth requesting a blood test.
Sound like blood pressure I would get look at
I was dizzy and nauseated the morning of the day I lost my son. I then passed out and vomited. Rest, drink some water, and if it doesn’t resolve or gets worse, I’d get checked out
Please go get checked out
I work in public health education. Those two signs are warning signs for preeclampsia. I would call your doctor asap, especially if you develop swelling in hands, feet, and face, or a headache. Your blood pressure is nothing to play with when you’re pregnant.
Hun if its worrying you enough to ask, see your doctor. You’ll most certainly get a mixed bunch of answers online.
Get your bp checked asap! Severe headache & dizziness were my 2 main symptoms & i had pre-eclampsia with both my pregnancies.
You need to call your OB, as a few stated here, it could mean you are having a B/P problem or maybe something serious is going on, but either way…CALL YOUIR OB…NOW
Check your blood pressure at the Gyno. It could be preeclampsia
Get checked for preclampsia
Time for a doctor’s visit. Just to make sure. Could be your diet.
I’d call my doctor . Pre-existing heart conditions such as heart murmurs or problems with heart rate can worsen a woman’s experience of dizziness.
It’s normal to randomly feel dizzy. I felt dizzy towards the end of my pregnancy and my doctor told me because I am bigger now, my body requires more water. So it was due to dehydration
Don’t hesitate… check your blood pressure. Call your dr.
Because this happened to you before though with your first, I would definitely call my doctor!
Your body is telling you something. Please see your OB!